A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 468 Chaos Knight Dark Dungeon

"What? What is this!"

As the opponent's skeleton soldiers launched an attack, a covered card instantly appeared on the field and was directly opened, blocking the way of the Knight of Kaiyuan and the Knight of Darkness!

As the trap card was opened, a huge hemispherical protective shield was instantly formed with a dazzling light, effortlessly blocking all the attacks of the skeleton soldiers.

However, this is not over yet.

Holy Shield - Reflector Power The effect of this trap card is very powerful. When the enemy launches an attack and uses the trap card at the same time, it can destroy all enemies in the attack position on the opponent's field!

This point has been retained even after the Yu-Gi-Oh Card was realized. Although I hope it is not yet clear how high the upper limit of this reflection damage is, at least it is no problem to destroy the enemies in front of you.

It can be said that this is an excellent clearing trump card!

It's just a pity that many cards in the Yu-Gi-Oh system that I hope can only be used once a day.

Otherwise, even if I only use the Yu-Gi-Oh system, I hope I will feel like I can do all sorts of things.

It was not in vain that he spent so long in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh and gave himself a golden finger.


As the sacred protective shield was attacked, the holy light that originally filled the entire room became even more dazzling, almost making it difficult to open one's eyes.

Accompanied by huge energy fluctuations, after receiving the attack from the skeletal soldiers, the semicircular protective shield suddenly burst out with streams of sacred light, pouring out like a living laser beam!

The violent counterattacks gave the Skeleton Soldiers and Necromancers no time to react. In an instant, they were hit in the chest one by one, and they all exploded into balls of particles that quickly dissipated in the air.

None of these guys were in a defensive state, and unfortunately they were all cleared with a trap card.

Including the skeleton necromancer who could have become little Boos.

As his hope grows bigger and bigger, there are fewer and fewer enemies that can truly face Boos in front of him.

Really no gaming experience.

"My eyes!"

Xie En's eyes were suddenly flashed by the light of the sacred protective shield, and he had already squatted aside to wipe his tears.

The brilliance of pretending to be beep is too dazzling, and hope is helpless, but even this outstanding person has no choice.

Silently taking off the sunglasses on his face, Hope patted Shane's shoulder comfortingly, raised his legs and walked into the study.

All the unqualified skeletons were cleared away, and Hope came to the bench where the Necromancer was sitting before without any hindrance.

After hooking his fingers, the notebook on the ground slowly floated up and fell into Hope's hands.

I casually dusted off the notes, opened the notes, and started reading ten lines at a glance.

This notebook is exactly the destination of their trip.

Under Eagle Vision, the notebook was highlighted, apparently containing the clues they hoped they needed.

It turns out that this is indeed true.

In a very short time, I hope I have finished reading this notebook.

He threw the notebook back casually. Xie En, who had just recovered from behind and was still rubbing his eyes, saw this and quickly stepped forward and raised his hand to catch it.

He raised his head and was about to complain about Hope, but saw that Hope's eyes were glowing with blue light, and he walked towards a desk in the corner of the study alone.

In addition to identifying enemies and targets, Hawkeye also has many extraordinary abilities.

This includes being able to watch what happened on the past timeline of a location.

This ability to watch time was once used by Ezio in the game.

Now Hope has condensed his three-thousand-meter eagle vision onto the desk in front of him, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed rapidly as if rewinding.

As Hope's eyes stung slightly and her head became dizzy, time was finally pushed back to 1,500 years ago, and a figure formed by blue light appeared in Hope's sight.

It was a middle-aged man dressed in ancient noble clothing. He was sitting at the desk writing something with a quill.

It looks like notes or diary.

Hope just stood there and watched. Maybe it was because it was too long ago. The accuracy of the eagle eye observation was not very precise and could not see everything. But based on the previous diary of the necromancer, Hope still had a rough understanding. What happened in this castle.

However, these things gave him a sense of familiarity, as if he had been exposed to similar plots before.

After thinking about it carefully, Hope finally remembered that there seemed to be a Cthulhu-style game called "Dark Dungeon", and some of the settings were very similar to what Hope saw.

However, Cardcaptor World is a multi-fusion world after all. Although it is somewhat similar to Dark Dungeon, it can only be used as a reference, but this is enough.

"Okay, let's go. The purpose of this trip has been achieved."

After closing the eagle eye, the life force flowed around the eyes, slightly moisturizing the eye pain caused by watching time, and turned around to greet Shane to leave.

"Eh? Do you already know what happened here? So soon?"

Shane had obviously just been blinded and was still rubbing his eyes.

"Well, I'm telling you on the way, but before that..."

Hope said, and pulled out a ritual magic card from the card box on his left wrist, the ritual of chaos.

The magic card was swiped, and at the same time the card disappeared, a very ritual altar appeared in the open space of the study in front of him, and two flames were burning next to the crossed swords.

"Start the ritual of chaos! Use the Knight of Creation and the Knight of Darkness as sacrifices! Summon! Chaos Warriors!"

As Hope spoke, the two knights of light and darkness suddenly turned into two streams of light and plunged into the two flames on the left and right of the altar.

In an instant, strong magic fluctuations began to emerge on the altar, and a slender figure also emerged from it.

Not long after, the altar and the two knights of light and darkness disappeared, replaced by a slender red-haired single-tailed warrior wearing a blue-purple armor and holding a sword and shield [picture].

His helmet was relatively large, and like the armor on his body, it contained many elements of flying dragons.

Under this armor, there was a guy with extremely white skin and a delicate appearance.

Hope was not even sure of his gender.

But it must be said that the Chaos Warrior summoned by ritual summoning and sacrificing two top-grade summons did have quite impressive strength.

Chaos Warrior, eight-star earth attribute warrior.

Attack power: 3000, defense power: 2500.

This level of monster already has the strength level of the general gym owner of each system. Although it is not as good as the top official gym owner, it is also very good.

"You can actually summon this level of existence? The strength looks almost the same as mine."

Xie En is quite sensitive to strength and made a judgment in an instant.

In this regard, Hope looked at Xie En with a little surprise. It seems that he overestimated Xie En. He thought that the other party had the strength of a quasi-king level before. Now it seems that it should be the other party's two pistols that made him misjudge.

Sure enough, when he just came to this world, he still needs a certain amount of accumulation in this aspect.

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