A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 477 Giants fighting monsters

"Why did Bangiras become so big?!"

A group of people looked up at the monster in front of them that looked like an Ultraman set, and they were all shocked.

"So that's it, it's Gigantamax..."

The red light column was familiar to him before, and now looking at the giant Bangiras in front of him that was glowing red and more than 40 meters tall, Hope immediately reacted.

As a new setting introduced in the eighth generation of Pokémon, Gigantamax is a feature of the Galar region.

In certain places and under certain conditions, almost most Pokémon have the possibility of Gigantamaxing.

In addition to being larger in size, the strength of Gigantamaxed Pokémon will also be greatly enhanced.

After noticing the merger of the Kanto region and the Galar region in the Cardcaptor world, Hope wondered if Gigantamax would exist.

But no one had heard of it.

Unexpectedly, the first Gigantamax phenomenon in this world suddenly appeared in front of him.

And looking at the current situation, there is no doubt that the restriction that special venues are required for Gigantamaxing in the original setting does not exist in the Cardcaptor world.

And the Bankiras in front of him was obviously released by those black-robed men.

In other words, those guys may have mastered the means to make Pokémon Gigantamax.

"No matter what, we must subdue them as soon as possible! Such a big guy, once it is allowed to run wild, it is likely to cause serious damage to Deep Gray City!"

The Gigantamax Bankiras was undoubtedly shocking, but Gulilo reacted quickly and shouted!

Waving his hand at Bankiras in front, Gulilo ordered: "Onix! Fossil Pterosaur! Use earthquake and destruction death ray!"


Onix suddenly raised its body and hit the ground hard, and its ground-based ability quickly spread out along the ground!

The next moment, the entire square shook violently, and cracks appeared under the feet of the Gigantamax Bankiras in front.

The ground surging up and down, wrapped in ground-based energy, began to squeeze and attack Bankiras' feet frantically.

At the moment when Onix launched its attack, the Pterosaur also spread its wings and flew high into the sky, accumulating normal energy in its mouth. After a short period of accumulation, a purple-red energy ball formed in the air of the Pterosaur. In a second, the energy ball suddenly turned into a fierce ray and attacked the head of Bankiras!

The powerful destructive death ray and earthquake all successfully attacked Bankiras.

The confident expression on Gulilo's face suddenly froze.

It can be seen that although Onix and the Pterosaur both caused damage to Bankiras, this level of attack was obviously nothing to the Gigantamaxed Bankiras.

This Bankiras, who was praised as a demigod, was already very powerful, and it became even stronger after the Gigantamax.


Bankiras roared, and the huge tail swept over, instantly launching the Iron Tail skill!

The steel energy on the tail had a significant impact on Onix and the Pterosaur.


Looking down from the sky, you can see that after the Dynamax Tyranitar's tail swept past, a huge semi-arc-shaped mark of destruction immediately appeared on the ground of the square, extending hundreds of meters away, directly destroying the entire square and even affecting nearby houses.

Hope and others in the square were directly within the attack range of Tyranitar. If Hope and Gulilo hadn't reacted and quickly put up a protective shield, Sakura, a rookie magician, and ordinary people like Touya would have been terrified.

"Onix! Pterosaur!"

In the flying smoke and dust, Gulilo turned his head around to look for his Pokémon.

In the previous wave of attacks, Onix and Pterosaur were the first to be hurt, and Gulilo was very worried about this.

"Activate the field magic card, grassland!"


A circular ripple spread out in all directions, instantly blowing away the smoke and dust floating around.

At the same time, the ground under the feet of the crowd and the surrounding scenes also changed completely.

Looking around, there is an endless grassland.

The original modern square and houses have disappeared.

On this grassland, Gulilo quickly found the struggling Rock Snake and the Pterosaur fossil not far away.

Without caring why the surrounding scene suddenly changed, Gulilo hurriedly ran towards his Pokémon.

"Master, did you do this?! So amazing!"

Sakura looked at the changed scene around her and looked at Hope with admiration.

In response, Hope just smiled and rubbed Sakura's head, waved to summon the Chimera in the wilderness, let it scan the Gigantamax in front of it, and squinted his eyes to look at the direction where the group of black-robed people fled.

Just when the Bangiras launched the attack, the group of black-robed people used instant teleportation to escape, and the timing was just right.

The Bangiras in front of them should be the one they estimated to leave behind as an experiment and test.

It's really a big deal.

"We need to contact the Four Heavenly Kings, especially the Earth King, Water King and Wind King. Their magic mechas can deal with this big guy!"

In the back, a Junsha shouted nervously.

"Although I am also interested in them, I don't need them for the time being. I am enough here. Besides, distant water cannot quench a nearby fire, Miss Junsha."

Hope turned his head and smiled at Junsha, then turned and walked towards Bangiras in front of him.


A ball of golden lightning suddenly exploded on Hope!

The huge energy burst out, and Sakura and others were blown back several steps.

The lightning converged, and a large amount of steam was steaming, and a huge figure appeared on the field in front of them.

Looking at the huge figure that suddenly appeared in the billowing steam, everyone present was shocked.

What's going on?

Is the style of this world changing so fast?

Is it popular to fight giants now?


Looking at the giant who suddenly appeared in front of him, who was about the same height as himself, Bangiras instinctively felt some threat and roared at the steam.

"It feels like I'm really in the Ultraman Theater."

The giantized Hope stood in place, and the steam around him had gradually dissipated, revealing his current appearance.

Elf ears, short black hair, golden hardened armor like the Armored Titan, sharp teeth, and strong muscles.

This is the first time that Hope uses the power of the Titan to transform after obtaining the identity of Ymir.

At this time, the Titan that Hope transforms into can be said to have all the abilities of the nine Titans combined, plus his own strength, and his combat power is very good!

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