A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 481: Fusion Pokémon

I bought some things that I was interested in, and I looked through the story collection casually. I found that there were indeed not many meaningful things, so I threw them directly into the space backpack.

Compared to this collection of stories to kill time, for him, the few Pokémon fossils he bought specially were hopefully more interesting.

The world now has machines that can resurrect ancient Pokémon reliably.

But this requires having a complete and active Pokémon fossil, and this kind of fossil itself is very rare and can be said to be priceless.

Fossil fragments like the ones I hope to buy are even less likely to be resurrected, unless Cardcaptor World also has the technology in the game that can forcibly splice two different Pokémon back to life.

But judging from the news I hope to know, at least this technology has not been born yet.

Artificial Pokémon are still taboo, and spliced ​​and resurrected Pokémon are, in a sense, similar to artificial Pokémon and are not well accepted by the public.

I hope that the main reason why I purchased these fossils was to do an experiment myself.

See if you can use fusion magic and combine it with resurrection of the dead to achieve the same effect in the game yourself.

This is also to lay the foundation for the future transformation of Chimera Pokémon.

Sakura, Tomoyo and the others were still wandering around in Suchuan Town, so they hoped to leave Suchuan Town on their own first, and found an uninhabited open space outside to experiment.

The location of Suchuan Town is relatively remote, in a mountainous area full of loess and gravel. I hope it will be very simple to find a place where no one will disturb me.

Just to the southwest of Suchuan Town, there is a truncated cliff. From there, there is a platform. Walking along the platform, there is a natural cave of medium size.

Although there are no traces of human activities in this place, as a natural cave, there are many wild Pokémon here.

Seeing Hope coming in, they all looked at Hope, seeming curious about what Hope was doing.

He smiled and said hello to these Pokémon. He hoped to take out a few fossil fragments he bought from the vendor, randomly matched them two by two, and then slowly backed away a few steps.

Two magic cards appear in my hand, and I hope to swipe them one by one.



The light of magic shines, and a total of four fossil fragments are divided into two groups and fused together.

These are a yellow-green piece and a yellow-purple new fossil fragment.

Generally speaking, fossil Pokémon that have been artificially resurrected have rock attributes.

But Hope estimates that the thing he made himself has nothing to do with the rock system.

"Then the next step is to resurrect these two things."

Hope raised her hand and two more dead people came to life. As the light of the cross shone, the two Pokémon fossils on the ground suddenly burst out with a dazzling light.

The light was dazzling, causing the other Pokémon who were watching curiously to shrink their heads.

As the light gradually dissipated, two Pokémon with a height of over 1.82 meters suddenly appeared in front of Hope.

"It is indeed you."

Hope scratched his head, and what appeared in front of him were the new Pokémon in the eighth generation of the Pokémon game, Thunderbird and Thunderbird.

Both of these Pokémon clearly showed signs of being forcibly spliced ​​together.

This can be seen from their names.

The Thunderbirds in the two fused Pokémon look a bit like Lightning Birds, but no matter what, the Thunderbird's thin arms and small head are forcibly fused with the bodies of the dragon and the sea beast, which has a strong sense of dissonance and comedy. feel.

It's like a little boy wearing the pants of a fat adult. You can tell something is wrong at a glance.

Having said that, whether it is Thunderbird or Thunderbird, their excellent individual values ​​still show that the combat capabilities of these two funny Pokémon are not ambiguous at all.


The two fused and resurrected Pokémon looked at Hope with their small eyes, obviously not knowing what was happening now.

Among them, the Thunderbird Sea Beast's upper body was swaying constantly, which was frozen by its own sea beast body.

While it was trembling, tiny arcs of electricity kept flashing on it, giving people an inexplicable feeling of pity.

This thunderbird sea beast obviously still has to adapt to its new body.

However, now that the experiment is successful, what should we do with these two Pokémon next?

I hope I don't want to be a trainer. In this regard, just training Chimera is already a bit troublesome.

But these two Pokémon now are no different from newborn babies. It would not be good if they were just left here.

Without experience in surviving in the wild, it would not be easy for these two Pokémon to survive.

Not to mention how strange their appearance is, and they can easily be captured by others for research.

Now that they are created, taking responsibility for them is basic.

I felt a little headache, but I hope I still said: "You just follow me for the time being, and I will add two friends to you later. Whether you leave or stay in the future, no matter what your plans are, I will listen to you."


The Thunderbird Sea Beast and Thunderbird Dragon tilted their heads and looked at Hope with a cute expression.

Seeing the two big guys in front of him behave like this, Hope also smiled, took out two elf balls, threw them out, and collected them into the balls.

The Poke Ball on Hope's body was created by Hope himself based on the Poke Cards of this world.

Sure enough, if you want to carry Pokémon with you at all times, it feels better to use a Poké Ball.

Putting the Poké Ball away, Hope waved to the Pokémon who poked their heads out again: "Sorry to disturb you, I'm done and I'll leave first."

Returning to Suchuan Town, I hope to find the three Sakuras who are looking at the murals with a group of tourists on the mountainside.

As soon as they joined them, Sakura ran to Nozomi excitedly and said, "Master, we just heard that someone discovered a new electric Pokémon nearby."

"A new Pokémon?"

Hope was stunned, and subconsciously thought of the two big fools she had just fused.

Then Hope immediately rejected his idea. The Pokémon they were talking about obviously had nothing to do with him.

"Yes." Sakura nodded seriously and said, "Tomoyo and I heard that there were murals preserved from ancient times, so we came over to take a look. We found that a large piece of the mural was scorched black. I heard people say, It was struck by a Pokémon that was not recorded in the illustrated book."

"Is that why there are so many people here?" Hope said, taking a look into the crowd, and indeed found that the strokes that looked like children's graffiti were scorched black, and there were a few obvious cracks.

"Yes, but Xiao Ke said that it is very likely that the Clow Card did something bad. It sensed the magical aura left by the Clow Card."

Sakura frowned, clenched her little fists, and said seriously: "I must catch it quickly. These murals are too important to the residents of Suchuan Town, and we can't let it continue to mess around outside! "

"So Xiao Ke, do you know the current location of the Clow card?" Hope turned to look at Xiao Ke next to her.

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