A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 489: Hopeful Magic Teaching

Gradually, Hope stopped blowing, and the wind and sand in front finally stopped slowly.

After waiting for a while, when the dust settled, Sakura and others found that the ground and the scattered rocks in front were already covered with scratches of varying depths.

Those were cut by the strong wind before.

If Hope used all his strength, this piece of rocks would probably have been broken into pieces.

The big breakthrough is more like a ninjutsu than magic.

But it’s not a big problem. The magic system in this world is extremely multifaceted.

Although most of them are the kind of magic that needs to be chanted to activate.

But there are also unique magicians like Clow Reed.

It can be seen that the magic rules of the magic card world are quite loose.

With Hope’s ability, those ninjutsu can be completely transformed into magic to teach Sakura to use.

Even with Sakura’s talent and the assistance of the Clow Cards, many ninjutsu connection seals are not needed.

But in Sakura’s case, the magic circle must be constructed.

There are many ways to cast magic.

It can be spells, hand seals, or various magic items.

This is a means of mobilizing the magic power inside or outside the body to manifest various effects.

As a Clow magician, Sakura does not need the coordination of spells and hand seals. After merging with the Clow Cards, she does not even need a wand as an aid.

But when casting a spell, it is necessary to build a magic circle.

At least now, as a newcomer, Sakura needs the assistance of the magic circle.

The magic circle is like a circuit board on the technology side.

What kind of role the magic power needs to play and how much power it outputs are all determined by the magic circle.

In this way, the magic that Sakura casts can be more stable and the power of the magic she casts can be increased.

It's like every time Sakura uses the Sealing Wand, the magic circle that appears under her feet is the same.

That is the magic circle that Clow Reed left for the Sealing Wand. If there is no assistance from this magic circle, if Sakura wants to seal those Clow Cards, Sakura will definitely be completely clueless and don't know what to do.

If I have to say, Clow Reed is definitely a genius in the magic world.

This can be seen from the magic circle he created.

It contains the energy of the sun, moon, and constellations, as well as the power of darkness. It even incorporates the oriental Taoism. The Chinese characters of the east, south, west, and north are engraved on the magic circle, which truly combines the East and the West.

As for the problem of the magic circle, I hope that as Sakura's master now, he must have engraved it for her in advance.

With the two learning accelerators [Skill Learning] and [Quick Learning], I hope that learning any knowledge can't be called learning, it's even more rogue than copying.

After being in the Fuman world for so long, I hope and Master Ancient One have a very good relationship, and I have learned a lot of knowledge about magic from her.

During this period of time in the Magic Card World, I hope was not idle. Not only did I get three Clow Cards for free, but I also almost touched the magic circle of the Clow Cards.

There is no problem at all to tailor a magic circle for Sakura.

Next, Sakura only needs to follow Hope to depict the magic circle of the relevant magic step by step, and become proficient in it. Soon, she will be able to instantly form a magic circle and then launch the relevant magic.

The outer part of the magic circle is mostly a circle, because the circle represents the infinite cycle of energy and can ensure that the magic power will not be lost.

The magic circle inside the circle is the circuit of magic and the wire that ensures the transmission of magic power and energy. The more circuits there are, the more magic power is consumed, but in general, the power of magic will be greater.

The different circuits in the circle have different magic power, and the magic cast is also different.

"This is the magic circle I just cast, you write it down."

Hope explained the basic knowledge of the magic circle to Sakura, and at the same time constructed a very simple magic circle in the palm of his hand.

This is a magic circle composed of Kurolido magic circle, ninja handprint and some Vishanti magic.

It can be seen that this magic circle is emitting a light green light of wind attribute in Hope's hand. Although it is relatively simple, it is also very beautiful.

I don't know if it's because this is a magic circle created by Hope, but the edges of the magic circle have rotating gears that mesh with each other, and the whole magic circle is still emitting a luster like emerald.

"So beautiful."

After all, the little girl is not immune to things like gems.

While listening carefully to Hope's teachings, Sakura also likes Hope's magic circle.

Along the way, Sakura, who has already had some basics under Hope's teachings, quickly memorized the magic circle of the big breakthrough, and under Hope's guidance, began to use the magic power of the wind card in her body to try to build her own magic circle.

"Hold steady, don't worry about speed at first. After the first successful construction of the magic circle, it will form a memory, and it will be very easy to construct it again."

Watching the magic circle slowly taking shape in Xiaoying's palm, Xiwang also reminded her: "The outer circle is the basis of the entire magic circle. Your magic output must be stable so that a cycle can be formed. If this step is not done well, no matter how perfect the internal circuit is, your magic circle will fail."

Xiaoying nodded slightly, looking extremely solemn and serious. The light of the magic circle in her hand shone on her face, and the sweat on her forehead was crystal clear and conspicuous.

It can be seen that Sakura is still a little nervous. This makes Tomoyo and Xiaoke, who have been watching this place not far away, a little nervous.


Three minutes later, the magic circle in Sakura's hand suddenly exploded, and a large amount of strong wind gushed out, blowing Sakura, who had not reacted, directly away!

Hope hesitated for a moment, but still did not catch Sakura.

Since Sakura has already wanted to work hard to become stronger, then as her master, I should not spoil her too much in terms of learning.

It is easier to grow up with more failures and setbacks.

Sakura is not the kind of delicate little girl. Hope believes that this failure will make Sakura have a clearer memory.

"Sakura, are you okay?"

Tomoyo watched Sakura fall to the ground and ran forward with some worry.

"The magic circuit was connected incorrectly just now, I'm fine."

Sakura got up from the ground a little embarrassedly, not caring about the dirty clothes on her body, and looked at Hope and continued to practice.

Seeing this situation, Tomoyo hesitated for a while.

After looking at Hope who was a strict teacher and Sakura who was practicing seriously, she returned to Xiaoke's side.

Tomoyo understood Sakura, so she would not say anything, nor would she persuade Sakura.

All she had to do was to stay by Sakura's side silently as before, and support her firmly no matter what happened.

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