A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 491 It became the shape I wanted

At this time, Yukito and Toya, who had gone to buy ice cream, also came back, both carrying a large bag full of ice cream.

Hopefully there is reason to believe that most of it is for the snowshoe rabbit to eat himself.

Seeing the Snow Rabbit who came back with Toya, Li Xiaolang, who was still frowning, was stunned for a moment, and a feeling of heart palpitations suddenly made him blush with embarrassment.

Looking up at Snow Rabbit's gentle smile, he stood there stiffly, at a loss as to what to do.

Seeing this scene, Xuetu and others didn't notice anything unusual.

Sakura, who was a love rival at first, reacted quickly, puffed up her cheeks, and looked at Li Xiaolang warily.

I hope you can watch it with gusto.

Snow Rabbit's true identity is actually the disguised form of Judge Yue, and Li Xiaolang's magic is based on Yue's magic. It is precisely because of this that under the attraction of the same source of magic, Li Xiaolang feels like he is blushing and heartbeating.

Obviously, Li Xiaolang, who is the same age as Sakura, doesn't know what this feels like.

I guess I still mistakenly thought that this was love at first sight for Big Brother Snow Rabbit.

"Hello, are you Sakura's new friend? I haven't seen you before. I happened to buy a lot of ice cream. You should eat some too."

Snow Rabbit walked up to Li Xiaolang, took out an ice cream cone, and handed it to Li Xiaolang with a smile.

Facing Snow Rabbit's movements and feeling his heartbeat getting faster and faster, Li Xiaolang subconsciously made defensive movements, turned around and wanted to escape.

But when a new Clow card appeared nearby, I endured it forcefully.

"Thank you...thank you."

Li Xiaolang stretched out his slightly trembling hand and took the ice cream.

"Please take good care of our little Sakura next time."

Snow Rabbit smiled slightly and turned around to deliver ice cream to others.

After sending it all around, he still had a bag full of food in his hand that he wanted to eat.

"Then... well, let's talk about the Clow card."

Li Xiaolang forced himself to calm down, quickly brought the topic back to Clow Card, and turned to look at Sakura with a serious face.

But it could still be seen from his red face that Li Xiaolang was already a little uneasy because of the presence of Snow Rabbit.

Now it's Sakura who wants to act more normal.

When it comes to the Clow card, Sakura is still very serious.

"Xiao Ke, please."

Sakura turned her attention to Xiaoke next to her.

"Follow me."

Xiao Ke grabbed an ice cream cone in one hand and flew directly towards the other side of the street.

Seeing this, Sakura and Li Xiaolang quickly followed.

"Eh? What happened?"

Yukito and the others still didn't understand the situation, but after seeing Sakura and the others running away, and Tomoyo running up after them, they could only turn around and look at the unhurried Nozomi next to them.

"It's okay, it's just a small matter, they can solve it."

As he spoke, Hope slowly walked over there.

Each of Sakura's Clow Cards has a different ability. After all are obtained, each one will be transformed into a different law of protection, which can greatly increase Hope's own strength.

In addition, the elf cards of this world are also a rule that I hope to master.

After all, he is also planning to go to another world to capture a group of monsters and bring them back to his own world to serve as the guardian beasts of mankind.

Poké cards created through Poké Balls in the Pokémon world have the same effect as Poké Balls.

Once caught, that's what we hope for.

As long as you cultivate good relationships, there is no possibility of defection.

With such good combat power, even if the main world does not exist in the future, human safety can be well protected.

This can be regarded as one of the reasons for coming to the Magic Card World. At present, it seems that the progress is quite good. Clow cards have been collected, and the elf cards have also become the shape they want with the efforts of Hope.

After working hard for a period of time, you should have mastered the rules about elf cards.

As for the transformation of the Chimera Pokémon into a Pokémon, it was just a matter of course, it was very simple.

With Hawkeye here, I hope it will be very easy to find Sakura and the others.

After Hope arrived slowly with Yukito and the others, Sakura and Li Xiaolang had already started working with the Clow card.

The location here is somewhat special, it is inside a huge semi-artificial cave.

This cave is a rare cool and green place in Suchuan Town. After the renovation by the townspeople, it has become a place where you can escape the summer heat and enjoy the coolness.

The cool breeze blowing from time to time in the cave can make people feel relaxed in the hot environment of Suchuan Town.

Therefore, there are many vendors here.

However, because it is in a huge cave, the sunlight cannot come in, so electric lights can only be installed inside for lighting.

But I don't know if the townspeople of Suchuan Town have seen too much scorching sun on weekdays. The light bulbs here seem to have insufficient power supply and appear dim.

I hope that when they come here, they will see Sakura and Li Xiaolang fighting a group of black tentacle monsters.

Many things in the cave were rolled up by the tentacle monster and smashed towards them, scaring the people who were originally enjoying the cool air in the cave to run away from the cave.

Sakura and Li Xiaolang attacked the black shadow several times, but the other party quickly passed by while sticking to the ground.

This shadow was sometimes big and sometimes small, and from time to time it moved quickly along the ground and the cave wall, which gave Xiaoying and Li Xiaolang a headache.

The most difficult thing was that during an attack, Li Xiaolang accidentally touched his own shadow. His shadow immediately separated from his body and stood up to become a black silhouette of Li Xiaolang.

This shadow Li Xiaolang's physical fitness was almost the same as Li Xiaolang. Fortunately, it did not use magic. Even so, it caused a lot of trouble for Xiaoying and the others.

Li Xiaolang also had a cut on his arm for this, and the blood stained half of his arm red.

However, because of this, Li Xiaolang and Xiao Ke had already recognized that the black shadow in front of them was the shadow card.

"Damn it! Stand there and don't move! Thunder and lightning!"

Li Xiaolang roared, threw out the thunder card he had captured a few days ago, and with a point of the sword in his hand, a huge thunder snake blasted towards the black shadow in front!

The violent lightning directly illuminated half of the cave, but the shadow card moved too fast.

The powerful lightning only blew a huge deep pit on the ground, but the shadow card had already hidden aside.

Sakura, who was standing aside, was slightly stunned when she saw the shadow card's action, and then she immediately reacted and ran towards the shadow card, while shouting to Li Xiaolang: "Xiaolang! Release the lightning! Light up this cave!"

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