A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 497: Forced Card Game


"Very good, it seems that I really underestimated you."

Lord Roz forced himself to calm down, but Hope's performance made him feel provoked... or threatened.

"Very interesting power, I want to see what your law actually does."

Lord Roz said this and stopped talking. No one knew what he was thinking. He just stared at Hope's every move with his dark eyes.

"I won't let you down. This is the first time I use the power of turn-based combat in this world."

Hope's expression was still relaxed. He reached out to the duel disk on his left wrist: "My turn, draw a card!"

After drawing four cards, Hope glanced at them casually and sighed helplessly: "It's a pity. Although I took the initiative, my luck in this round doesn't seem to be very good."

The turn-based law protection, as the name suggests, is a law that forces both sides of the battle to enter a turn-based battle.

If neither side plays cards, this rule will only make the two sides fight in a turn-based battle like in a normal turn-based game.

But if one side wants to play cards, the Yu-Gi-Oh card battle will be carried out according to the rules of Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links.

Now Hope is in this state.

The coin tossing method has already determined who will go first.

Although Hope went first, it may be because he didn't comb his hair to look like he would play cards. The four cards he drew first were actually a bit awkward.

A quick attack magic card, [Enemy Controller].

Two trap cards [Rainbow Life] and [Rescue Team].

And the last eight-star monster card, White Spirit Dragon.

In this battle, Hope used a set of Blue-Eyes decks that he matched.

If he is lucky, he can at least summon two Blue-Eyes White Dragons in the first round.

But it is a pity that in this situation, he can only cover two trap cards first and then choose to end this round.

"My turn is over."

After two covered cards appeared out of thin air on the field in front of Hope, he said the words that represented the end of the turn.

With the end of Hope's turn, the two meat trees on the opposite side entered the action phase.

It is said to be two meat trees, but in fact, the two trees are connected together. Strictly speaking, it should be one.

Under the guidance of the law, Lord Loz also knew that it was his turn.

Feeling the power of this strange law, Lord Loz drew four elf cards expressionlessly.

Afterwards, he could no longer make the next move.

The opposite Hope couldn't bear it, so he reminded him: "You are the second player, you can draw five cards in the first round. Although our cards are not from the same system, you still have to abide by the rules under my law."

While speaking, Hope also showed a look that it was really troublesome to teach a novice to play cards.

That look made Lord Loz frown.

But under the constraints of the law, there was really no way, so he drew another elf card.

Lord Roz is very smart. Although he doesn't know what Yu-Gi-Oh is, based on the series of actions that Hope just made and the turn-based rules that restrict his actions at this time, he can roughly guess what the current situation is.

While thinking, Roz threw a Pokémon card into the field.

A red light flashed, and an armored warrior appeared on the field.

Obviously, this was originally the Pokémon of the two sword-shield-haired suit men.

However, now that Lord Roz used it, the originally white armored warrior has turned into a red and black appearance, as if it has been transformed into a zombie.

Because Pokémon does not have the same star level as Yu-Gi-Oh monster cards, Lord Roz, who does not have to abide by the direct summoning of four-star and four-star monsters, obviously has some advantages.

It's just that the armored warrior in front of him that was directly summoned is obviously a Pokémon that surpasses the four-star monster card.

But it doesn't matter. As a veteran duelist, Hope will just give way to the newcomer.

Seeing that Lord Roz was about to throw out the second elf card after summoning the Armored Warrior, Hope immediately waved his fingers and said with a smile: "Tsk tsk tsk, you can only perform a normal summon once per turn. Unfortunately, your deck should not be able to perform a special summon. So, now you can only choose to end your turn except for attacking."

"Oh? Can I attack?"

Lord Roz didn't expect this. Before, he saw that Hope didn't show any expression, and thought that he couldn't attack so easily. Now it seems that although this law power is magical, it seems to be fair to both parties.

"In that case, Anti-Kabbalah, activate Life Decay!"

Lord Roz waved his hand and immediately launched an attack on Hope.

Anti-Kabbalah is obviously the two meat trees, because it was summoned by Lord Roz before the duel began. This Anti-Kabbalah was obviously also judged to be one of his monsters, and it did not occupy a normal summon quota.

"Very good, the moment you attack, I will activate my trap card, Rainbow Life!"

"Discard one of my cards, White Spirit Dragon, to activate. During this turn, the damage caused by the battle will restore my health points equal to the damage! In other words, your attack this time not only did not cause any damage to me, but it actually gave me more vitality!"

Hope threw the White Spirit Dragon in his hand to the graveyard and activated the trap card on the field.

As a card was revealed, the opponent's Reverse Kabala attacked immediately.

The attack order had been issued, and even if Lord Loz wanted to go back on his word, he couldn't do it.


A large number of dark roots emerged from the ground and rushed towards Hope fiercely.

But just two meters away from Hope, he was blocked by a wall with rainbow light. Hope immediately felt a strong vitality filling his whole body, becoming more energetic.

Seeing that his attack had helped the opponent, Lord Loz did not let the armored warrior attack again.

He heard it clearly when Hope was explaining just now.

The effect of that damn trap card lasts for one turn.

Instead of one attack.

If I let the armored warrior attack again, I would be stupid.

Looking at the increasingly ugly expression of Lord Loz on the opposite side, Hope smiled and said, "I'm sorry, although you are not going to attack, I am not finished yet."

"Activate another trap card, Rescue Force. You can add a normal monster in your graveyard to your hand. In other words, the White Spirit Dragon that I just threw into the target will now return to my hand."

As Hope said, the last trap card on the field was turned over and sent to the graveyard, and the White Spirit Dragon was added back to Hope's hand from the graveyard.

"Next, you should end your turn, right? You can't win a game of cards just by relying on monster cards."

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