A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 505 Big Explosion and Hope of Giving Equipment

"This is urgent news!"

On the TV, a female anchor took over the obviously newly printed manuscript, lowered her head and read with a serious expression.

"Just now, there was an earthquake at the southern end of Manhattan... After the news came out, we received new news from the New York Port. Near the Statue of Liberty, an oil tanker capsized and caused an explosion. Now Ren is not sure. , whether the explosion is directly related to the earthquake. Experts said that this is more likely to be an oil tanker explosion caused by a natural earthquake. The police also reminded the public not to be nervous and panic, and please stay at home and wait for follow-up reports..."

The female anchor read the script, and the situation of some offshore oil tankers was also broadcast on the TV.

No matter what, it finally made the people on the rooftop calm down a little.

"It's really crazy."

The diners sighed.

The mother of the birthday girl knelt down and hugged her daughter, put her head on her shoulder, patted the little girl's back, and comforted her softly.

"Nanase-senpai, what should we do now?"

Dagu always felt that something was very wrong this time. He looked at the 30 to 20 percent of the diners over there and looked at Lina.

In his opinion, Lina should have more experience in handling this than him since she became a member of the victory team.

After all, he is just a member of the TPC transportation unit.

"Lina, Dagu, show your identity as TPC and evacuate with this group of people. Leave Manhattan Island. Soon there will be no room for people here."

Lina hadn't spoken yet, but Hope on the side spoke first.

He is no ordinary person.

Others couldn't see it, but Hope could feel it. A big guy was already coming towards the shore.

Judging from the breath and size, it is probably a monster.

There are spatial fluctuations on the body that are incompatible with this world. Nine out of ten are not local monsters, but come from other universes due to some kind of accident.

The monster hasn't shown up yet, and I hope I can't confirm the other party's identity.

But there will definitely be no problem if people are evacuated earlier.

"Are you armed?"

Hope retracted her gaze towards the coast and looked at Dagu and Lina.

"I brought a victory sea gun." Lina patted her waist.

Although this was not a combat mission, and the current Victory Team had almost never participated in combat missions, she was wearing casual clothes and still brought her personal computer and Hypa gun with her when traveling. This was the team's rule.

"I...I don't have a weapon."

Dagu was a bit poor.

"Here you go, the X pistol. It has an The trigger below is for shooting. After shooting, even if it hits the opponent, it still needs two seconds before the power explodes. This is very important, but the power is not bad, you can rest assured. "

Hope threw an X-GUN taken from the demihuman world to Dagu. While the other party hurriedly took it, he explained to him how to use the X-gun.

Dagu swallowed as he watched the purely black piece of technology in his hand put away.

He knew how to use a gun, which he learned during the TPC's unified training that year, and he also learned how to drive various vehicles.

But in this situation, Hope suddenly threw a gun to him, which made Dagu's bad feeling even heavier.

"Can you two use a knife?"

Seeing Dagu put away the pistol, Hope thought about it and mentioned this again.

"Well, I learned some swordsmanship."

Dagu scratched his head. He didn't know what he wanted to do. He couldn't give him a knife, could he?

But Hope's hands were empty, and it didn't look like he had a knife hidden on his body.

As for Lina, she nodded and said she would use some.

Although Lina is the ace pilot of the Victory Team, as a member of the Victory Team and an elite among the elites, even if she does not like violence, mastering these abilities is still basic.


Hope took out two knife handles out of thin air and threw them to Lina and Dagu, which made Dagu's eyes widen and he almost became stupid.

"The nano-sword has achieved an elongation effect by instantly changing the arrangement of the nanoparticles. After the extension, the arrangement of the nanoparticles is changed again to restore the strength and toughness of the local part to its pre-deformation state. This sword can easily cut through any conventional metal. It is your melee weapon. By adjusting the knob under the handle, the length of the blade can be controlled to a maximum of ten meters and a minimum of fully retracted."

Listening to Hope's introduction, Dagu and Lina also adjusted the handles of their swords, and found a sword made of blue particles emerging from the handle. They immediately believed Hope's statement.

Fortunately, there are also many black technologies in TPC. Although Dagu and Lina were also surprised, they were not so shocked that they couldn't be more shocked.

Looking at the direction of the coastline again, Hope sighed: "Time is running out. It seems that I don't have time to change you into enhanced suits. Now go and take them to evacuate. It's almost time for the United States to take action. If I speak If so, they will definitely not listen to me.”

As the most authoritative organization in the world, TPC has great influence among the people.

This is also the reason why they hope to let Lina and the others transfer the people.


Looking at Hope's appearance and recalling the mission Sawai had given her, Lina chose to follow Hope's command.

"Follow me."

Lina called Dagu, and the two walked towards the group of diners together and showed their TPC certificates.

As expected, after showing their certificates, there were still a group of people in this group who did not trust Lina and her friends.

Especially Lina and Dagu still looked like Asians.

Some people were blindly arrogant and still maintained a kind of ignorant arrogance until now.

Maybe they believed it, but facing their skin color, a certain mentality made them forcefully refuse.

Fortunately, there were some smart people among them.

The family who celebrated their daughter's birthday just thought about it for a while, and chose to believe Lina, holding their daughter and preparing to leave with Lina and her friends.

But because there were other guests who did not believe Lina and her friends, Dagu was still trying to persuade them.

At this moment, an extremely huge explosion suddenly occurred again on the distant coastline.

The scale of this explosion was obviously larger than the previous one at sea!

A huge fireball exploded in the high-rise buildings on the coastline. In the flames, several high-rise buildings tilted and collapsed.

One after another, huge fireballs, carrying broken boulders from the buildings, smashed towards Chengnei like shotguns!

"Whoosh!" With a whistling sound, the people on the rooftop watched the boulders flying closer and closer, and immediately no longer hesitated, and ran towards the stairs screaming in panic.

Da Gu and Lina were trying their best to maintain order among the people.

At the same time, Lina also began to contact the North American branch of TPC to report the situation here.

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