A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 508 Dagu's Battle

"Well, it seems that the first monster that came to the monster world is not you. If I am to blame, it is because you are too ugly."

Hope said, holding her hands in front of her chest, and an energy ball like the sun slowly appeared.

Cloverfield on the opposite side was obviously irritated by Hope. As soon as he extinguished the flames on his body, he roared loudly and rushed towards Hope!

"Light power! Energy ball!"

He slammed the energy ball to the ground with both hands. Starting from the light user's feet, the earth suddenly cracked forward, and countless rays of light shot out from the cracks in the ground.

At a very fast speed, the crack quickly spread forward and came into contact with Clover, who was sprinting over.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The crack in the ground quickly extended to Cloverfield's feet. Three arrow-headed rays of light suddenly rushed out of the ground, surrounded Cloverfield and sprang out. They turned in the air and pierced into Cloverfield's body. middle!


Clover was obviously in great pain when he was suddenly attacked like this.

But this attack was far from a simple stab.

After the three rays of light penetrated Clover's body, a large amount of energy began to violently riot in the opponent's body. In just three seconds, the 60-meter-tall Clover suddenly exploded into pieces!


An explosion made entirely of light illuminated half of the sky over Manhattan Island.

The people fleeing for refuge found that night had turned into day, and they all unconsciously turned their heads to look south.

But because of the obstruction of tall buildings, they could not see anything except the light from the sky.

However, they could also feel that the huge noise caused by the monster over there seemed to have calmed down.

However, there were still constant sounds of gunfire.

This made them not stop and continue to escape quickly.

Although hopefully the monster Cloverfield has been dealt with.

But during the previous period, a lot of the Bude parasites on Clover's body also fell away.

These parasites are the size of an adult, although their defense is very fragile.

But the numbers in groups are still quite dangerous.

A single mistake can lead to the death of a large number of people.

The Bude parasite contains a toxin called "X5N2" in its body. Humans attacked will quickly explode and die due to septicemia. In addition, this kind of monster itself has the habit of devouring humans. If it is not eliminated as soon as possible, it is still very dangerous.

In the subway tunnel, more than a dozen people were fleeing in panic.

Because of the fighting on the ground, most of Manhattan has been completely without power.

Fortunately, today's mobile phones come with built-in flashlights, so a group of people can still see things while moving in a tunnel.

Among the crowd, Da Gu Yu Lina escorted them before and after.

Previously, they had separated from the main force due to Zongzong reasons. In the end, they had to hide on the subway platform to avoid the monster's attack.

After confirming the direction, everyone did not stay on the platform for a long time, but chose a northern road to evacuate.

They had been moving in the tunnel for some time. Gradually, Dagu and others could no longer hear the huge noise above their heads due to the battle between Cloverfield and Clover.

Through the personal computer, Lina can know the situation outside.

After learning that the monsters destroying everywhere had been eliminated by an unknown mecha, Lina breathed a sigh of relief.

But before they could really relax, there was a sparse sound of movement behind them.

Turning the phone back, he immediately saw a dozen big dog-like bugs flying over the walls and rushing toward them!


Dagu shouted, raised the X pistol that he hoped to give him, aimed at the Bude parasites rushing over from a distance, and opened it!

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

The blue light from the muzzle of the X-pistol flashed continuously, but the parasite sprinting over from the opposite side seemed not to be affected in any way.

This made Dagu nervous with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Fortunately, Hope did not deceive Dagu. The X pistol in his hand was not a toy gun, but a real killer weapon.

After a short delay, several large craters suddenly appeared on the ground dozens of meters away.

One of the parasites running at the front also exploded into a puddle of minced meat.

"It's amazing!"

Dagu glanced at the X pistol in his hand, quickly re-aimed at the insect swarm in front, and kept pulling the trigger.

Shooting is not Dagu's strong point, and those bugs move too fast, so Dagu's hit rate is not very high.

After running a few steps backward, I suddenly heard an "oops" sound coming from behind me as a girl fell down.

Dagu quickly turned around and found that because people were running in such a hurry, the little girl who celebrated her birthday fell to the ground.

Her parents wanted to come back and pick up their daughter, but they were pushed down by others and fell to the other side.

Those parasites may have discovered that Dagu was not easy to mess with. Many bugs had already climbed up the nearby wall, bypassed Dagu from both sides, and rushed towards the group of people protected by Dagu.

One of the Bude parasites had already jumped and pounced on the little girl who fell to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Dagu took out his nano-battle knife. The blade quickly extended a distance of five or six meters and directly pierced the parasite that rushed towards the little girl in the air.

Gaspsing heavily, Dagu rushed forward, picked up the little girl, waved his sword in his right hand, and cut the quantum parasite that rushed over to him into two pieces.

In just a few seconds, his heart was beating violently like a drum, and the accelerated blood made Dagu's mind dazed.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Lina, the strongest team member, also turned around and used the Victory Hepa gun to shoot at the parasites.

As a member of the Victory Team, Lina's shooting ability is obviously stronger than Dagu. Several lasers were shot out, killing all the parasites that wanted to surround Dagu in the air.

And Yuan Dagu, who usually looks stupid, did not retreat at all in the face of such a dangerous situation. He held the little girl in one hand and waved the sword in the other hand. He kept roaring and bravely killed all the parasites that wanted to hurt them!

Looking at the figure of Dagu in front of him, Lina seemed to understand why Director Sawai asked her to examine him.

This person is indeed qualified to join the Victory Team.

"Run, run, don't stop, I'll cover your back!"

After retreating to the side of the little girl's parents, Dagu sent the little girl to her father's arms, holding the sword tightly in both hands, looking at the increasing number of parasites in front of him with an expression of fearlessness.

He had to stay to stop these insects, otherwise, the people behind him would be dead.

At this time, Dagu didn't consider whether he would die if he stayed, he just wanted to protect the people he could protect.

That's all!

Lina also noticed the bad situation now, but looking at Dagu's figure in front of her, she didn't hesitate at all, and ran to Dagu's side firmly, raised the Victory Hepa gun, and prepared to build a life-and-death defense line with Dagu.

However, at this time, Dagu and his friends found that there was a sudden commotion behind the insect swarm.

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