A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 58 Steam Giant VS Shield Counter

After confirming that both of them would show their true strength in the fight, the atmosphere in the arena finally became tense.


Just as Hope's eyes became serious, a violent wave of air suddenly gushed out of him. In the eyes of the audience in the stands around the arena, a not-so-obvious white wave of air, with Hope as the center, attacked the outside world like a tsunami.

The first person to be hit was naturally Link, who was also in the arena.

Subconsciously raised the shield to block in front of him, but the huge impact still pushed Link back a few steps.

And this is steam, and it is different from ordinary steam. The temperature of the steam released by Hope has long exceeded 100 degrees and reached a high temperature of 300 to 400 degrees.

This is an overheated steam temperature. After all, it is just a law protection that Hope has mastered, which is an existence that directly acts on the law level. Physical rules apply to it, but not completely.

As long as Hope continues to develop, it is only a matter of time before the temperature of steam power reaches 800 degrees like the temperature of a thermal power plant when generating electricity.

Even in the future, the temperature can be even higher and more impactful!

In addition to its own impact, the greatest lethality of the air wave released by the steam power is naturally the high temperature burns brought by the steam.

Under standard atmospheric pressure, the burns caused by boiling water and steam at the same temperature are always worse by steam.

This is also applicable to the steam power of hope.

So although Link is not an ordinary person, he has not fully grown up after all. Although the 300-degree steam burn will not cause serious burns to Link, after being impacted, the exposed skin will also begin to burn and turn red.

What's more, he is wearing a full set of metal Hyrule soldier armor today. Under the continuous high-temperature steam bombardment, the temperature of the armor is gradually rising, making Link feel that his body is getting hotter and hotter.


On the stands, there was an uproar because of the steam wave suddenly released by Hope. Until this time, the people of Hyrule Continent felt the difference between the heroes from the other world and them most intuitively.


A strong wind suddenly rose!

It was Link who charged the Royal Sword again, and with a sudden rotation, he swung out an arc of sword energy, instantly dispelling all the hot steam around it.

After the steam was dispelled, Link took a step and rushed towards Hope.

Although he was wearing heavy armor, Link's figure was still swift and agile.

After a few sword strikes with Hope, a wave of steam suddenly surged out of Hope's body. He tried to take this opportunity to interfere with Link's movements and then take the opportunity to subdue the opponent.

But what Link did next completely overturned Hope's view of the shield as a protective gear.

At first, Hope thought that the shield was a kind of protective gear, which was only used to protect the user and resist the enemy's attack.

Later, when he came to the Marvel World of Talisman, he saw Captain America using the shield like playing a boomerang, and he refreshed his understanding of the shield-it was also a weapon.

Until now, when he saw the steam wave bounced back from the front with a "ding" sound when Link swung his shield, Hope realized that the shield could be used in this way!

While his mind was still in shock, Hope was pushed back several steps by the rebounded air wave, and his body lost some balance.

Such a good opportunity, Link would not miss it.

Holding the sword in his right hand, he stepped hard and rushed to Hope.

He swung the sword down, after all, it was just a duel, so Link was ready to stop the sword at Hope's neck.

Then, he would show a little flaw to Hope to defeat him, and then his duel would be considered completed.

Yes, Link also knew the reason for this duel from King Rom. Since he wanted to cheer for Zelda, Hope, as Princess Zelda's man, must not lose.

So, this was actually a duel that had already been decided, and it was not very fair to Link.

But he was a knight loyal to the royal family after all, and obeying orders was what he had to do.

But at this moment, Link's sword was suddenly blocked.

I saw that Hope was still leaning back, but the steam from his body quickly spun and condensed into a five-meter-tall giant.

This giant was very strong, but his lower body had no legs, just a ghost-like smoke. Its appearance was eight points similar to Hope, and its body seemed to be made of steam condensation, so it didn't look so real and was a little translucent. Even Hope was still standing in its "body", and it didn't seem to be affected at all.

But it was this guy who looked like he had no entity, but used his translucent skin to directly block Link's sword.

Although Link didn't use any force at first, it also showed that this steam giant was indeed substantial.

Upon seeing this, Link's right hand holding the Royal Sword also slashed to the side with force!

He wanted to see how strong the defense of this big guy that Hope had made was.

As it turned out, it was really strong.

At least with this hasty sword, Link did not leave any marks on the giant's skin, let alone hurt the hope inside the giant's body.

After Link chopped the sword, Hope finally stabilized his body.

Without thinking, he controlled the Steam Giant to raise his fist and smashed it towards Link in front of him!


The fist wind whistled, and before the Steam Giant's punch came down, Link took the lead in dodging the blow with a diagonal backflip.

The Steam Giant's fist that missed the target hit the ground of the arena without any hindrance!


A loud noise like an explosion of dynamite!

The ground that was hit by the Steam Giant exploded instantly!

Mud and bricks and stones flew everywhere, and a large pit with a diameter of more than one meter looked shocking!

Looking at the large pit on the ground that was smashed by the Steam Giant, Link's eyes twitched.

Now, he finally understood Hope's feelings when he saw the sword marks made by his sword energy.

Before Link could continue to sigh, the fist wind whistled, and the Steam Giant punched him again!

Almost as a subconscious reaction, Link raised his shield, and then swung it violently!

There was a crisp sound of "ding".

Just at the moment when the punch came down, it was blocked by Link's swung shield.

This was another perfect shield counter!

The result of the shield counter was that the five-meter-tall steam giant was thrown back by the rebound of his arm, and his huge body was a little crooked.

Such a powerful punch could not break the defense. It must be said that Link's title of the first genius is really not in vain.

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