A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 61 Zelda's Voice

Although I still didn't make the sandwich I wanted in the end, the food I had made couldn't be wasted.

He took out all the food in the iron pot and put it on a plate, hoping to give it to the two Hyrule soldiers who had been watching from the side first. They were immediately flattered and quickly took it with both hands, and then thanked him profusely.

Hope waved her hands indifferently and said with a smile: "If you don't have enough food, just say so. Anyway, cooking is fun. I'll make some for you later. I'm going to deliver food to the princess first."

"Okay, okay, I hope you are busy, sir."

The two soldiers nodded repeatedly and looked at Hope carrying two plates of butter apples towards the hillside. One of them with a beard sighed: "Master Hope is really kind. Unlike Master Link, I feel that Master Hope smiles." When I was there, the sun was shining all over me.”

"Yes, Master Link seems a little too deep. It is rare to see him with other expressions. He seems to be very serious all the time. He is simply a model of knights, powerful and solemn. Although he is also my idol, he is not the same as Lin Ke. It’s really hard to relax when we’re together, it’s so stressful.”

The bald soldier next to him nodded deeply, with a sigh in his tone.

"Having said that, Master Link is under a lot of pressure, so he always maintains that appearance. After all, the aura around Master Link is so dazzling, ever since he was a child. From the moment he defeated the adult knight, Master Link was already under everyone's gaze. In this case, even the slightest mistake would be magnified, right?"

"After all, he is so good and so enviable. Perhaps it is because of this that Lord Link has gradually become the 'familiar' knight Link in our impressions."

As the bearded man spoke, he picked up a piece of butter apple with a fork and put it in his mouth to chew. He had just chewed two mouthfuls, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He ordered the food on the plate crazily at his companion and said vaguely: "It's delicious. Eat! Eat quickly, the butter is still hot, it’s the best time to eat.”

The original topic was instantly diverted by the delicious food in his hand. Hearing this, the bald soldier also began to taste the plate of butter apples in his hand.

While eating, the bald soldier also looked satisfied: "It seems that Mr. Hope is really talented in this area. The same food tastes different when given to different people."

Two Hyrule soldiers just sat on the ground, each with a plate, eating and chatting.

At this time, Hope has already reached the hillside. It can be seen that on an artificial rock platform, a gray, dark stone temple full of simple atmosphere is standing there. .

The door of the temple was blocked by staggered stone bars, tightly fitting together, and it looked like it had been closed for a long time.

Outside the stone temple, there is a sloping circular platform.

When Hope came up, she happened to see Princess Zelda holding her Shikar slate and touching the round platform engraved with the Shikar clan emblem.

The Shikar Slate touched the circular stone platform twice, but the temple did not react at all.

Zelda held the Sika Slate and took a few steps back in confusion. She looked up at the ancient temple in front of her with confusion and confusion, and whispered to herself: "Sure enough, there was no response..."

"This type of antiquity should be a facility specially built for users of the Exorcist Sword. I'm sure of this. But...how exactly does it get in?"

Thinking of this, Zelda couldn't help but frown, and her mood gradually began to become a little anxious.

Since the excavation of antiquities began a few years ago, various models of guardians have gradually been able to be controlled and used. Even the four major mythical beasts have made breakthrough progress, and they only need the corresponding heroes as their controllers.

But unfortunately, only these ancient temples that were discovered the earliest and are still scattered all over Hyrule have not made any progress.

Many people in the castle have proposed giving up studying the temple.

But Zelda didn't want to give up such a hope.

If you can successfully enter the temple, it may be of great help in defeating Ganon.

Zelda thought exactly this, and she was a little troubled by this.

"Since you said this is a facility specially built for users of the Exorcist Sword, have you asked Link to try it?"

Hope's voice came from behind. Zelda turned around after hearing the words and saw Hope walking towards her with two plates of butter apples.

"Now, let's eat first. There's no rush for research."

Hope said, already passing Zelda's plate of butter apples.


Zelda put away the Sika Slate in her hand, and then took the food handed over by Hope.

But maybe because Hope just mentioned Link, Zelda suddenly became a little silent, just walked to the side and sat down, eating the butter apple one bite at a time.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Hope also walked over with a plate, sat down next to Zelda, and said with a smile: "You two don't have any grudges, right? Why do I always feel that you don't like Link very much?"

Hearing this, Zelda was silent for a while, shook her head, sighed slightly, and said: "I don't dislike him, it's just...it's hard to describe. Maybe I'm a little jealous, jealous of his talent. "

Hope listened quietly and said nothing.

After opening her mouth, Zelda seemed much more relaxed when she continued to narrate.

"In order to inherit his father's legacy, Link chose to become a knight and continued to hone his martial arts. As time went by, he finally grew into a knight recognized by the Exorcist Sword. Originally, I should have congratulated him with a smile on my face. But I found that I couldn't do it..."

"If, I mean if. If he didn't have any talent in swordsmanship, but the people around him asked him, "You are from a guard family, but you can't become a knight", what would he do? When everyone around him looks at him like that, how would he feel?"

As she spoke, Zelda held the plate tightly with both hands, but her head hung down.

Hope looked at Zelda beside her silently, knowing that although she was talking about Link, she was actually thinking about herself.

As a princess born in a royal family, she should have awakened the power of the seal and shouldered the mission of fighting Ganon like other princesses of previous generations.

But just like the analogy she made, she didn't have any talent. No matter how hard she tried or how much she prayed, the power of the seal had no intention of descending on her.

It was because of this that, as Princess Zelda and the descendant of the goddess Hylia, she had too many high hopes placed on her.

Seeing that Link had achieved her dream step by step, she still had no progress.

Perhaps it was because of this that the excellent Link, in her eyes, was her knot.

The more excellent Link was, the more he could reflect Zelda's incompetence.

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