A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 78 Let’s begin the journey to find the holy relic!

Hope and Ezio talked about the Lord of Terror for a long time in the small house they bought. When it got dark outside, they cleaned up the traces they left in the house and left directly.

Ezio wanted to leave directly, but Hope stopped him and went to Leonardo's studio before leaving.

Hope had also read the Jade Record rubbing board bought from Jacobo several times, but he didn't recognize all the words on it, even with the translation function of the bracelet.

This probably means that this mysterious Jade Record rubbing board from Egypt is probably also compiled in cipher text, and ordinary people can't understand it at all without deciphering it.

Alchemy is also something that Hope has never come into contact with.

Hope is very curious about anything he has never come into contact with.

So, in order to satisfy his curiosity, Hope decided to give the Jade Record rubbing board to Leonardo before leaving, and let him help translate it.

Hope was prepared to owe Leonardo a favor.

But who would have thought that in Leonardo's studio, after Hope had just handed over the rubbing of the Jade Record to him, and after learning the origin of this thing from Hope, Leonardo, who was already very enthusiastic, suddenly became even more enthusiastic and excited!

Seeing the other party holding the parchment, jumping and jumping in the studio, and turning around and muttering, Hope also roughly understood how attractive alchemy is to people in such a world.

The original crowd did not owe him, but Leonardo directly raised his favorability to [Best Friend] because he received Hope's Jade Record. It must be said that giving the right gift can really improve the favorability.

After saying goodbye to Leonardo, who was still excited, Hope and Ezio left Florence overnight and started to rush back to Monteriggioni.

The matter of the Lord of Terror was very important, and they had to pass the news back as soon as possible.

The two rode the Chimaira together and headed for the Monteriggioni Manor at a very fast speed. It didn't take a night, and they arrived in just one or two hours.

Although they were out for a while, the long-awaited siege battle was still not coming.

Now even Mario was a little confused about Francesco's intentions, and could only send people to keep an eye on their movements.

After waiting for them to come back, Mario and his party once again started a meeting about this action in the study.

After listening to Ezio's detailed account of the action, Mario and others were also very surprised.

Obviously, they didn't expect that the drastic changes in the old rivals of the Knights Templar for many years were all because of such a sudden appearance of the Outer God.

Unlike the relatively immature Ezio, Mario and Giovanni are old assassins with firm beliefs.

After learning about the Lord of Terror, they decisively classified this evil god into the enemy camp.

In other words, from this time on, the enemies of the Assassin Brotherhood are not only the Knights Templar.

Rather, all believers and speculators on the Internet who are related to the Lord of Terror will be enemies of the Assassin Knights.

After all, the existence of this evil god is too evil. In order to worship it, its cultists will definitely do all kinds of inhumane things, even provoke meaningless wars, and even more meaningless massacres.

All this is what these assassins don't want to see.

In this case, it is inevitable that the two sides become enemies.

However, in this case, the pressure on the Assassin Brotherhood will be much greater.

Originally, it was already exhausting to deal with the Knights Templar, whose power spread all over the world.

Now there is suddenly such an evil god, and even who knows how many cultists there are. Just relying on the current strength of the Assassin Brotherhood, it is indeed a bit difficult to deal with them.

However, it is absolutely impossible to let them know about this matter and still treat it as if it does not exist.

So, no matter what, we can only grit our teeth and do it.

Under the urgent pressure, everyone sat together and discussed all night long.

Finally, we finally figured out a rough direction for future actions.

First and foremost, the most important thing is to increase the strength of the Assassin Brotherhood.

To solve this problem, we can start from two aspects.

One is the number of people, and the other is external things.

The number of people is easy to understand. In this era, there are many people who are dissatisfied with the government and the nobles and have suffered oppression. They are all good candidates for novice assassins.

If the recruitment is open, the Brotherhood can also absorb a large number of fresh blood.

But they are assassins after all, not soldiers who fight by numbers.

We also have to consider issues such as elite training and loyalty. No matter what, it is absolutely impossible for the Brotherhood to win simply by numbers.

Therefore, the recruitment of novices is secondary.

The most important thing is to improve external things.

There are also two aspects of external things here.

One is the equipment that can be popularized to every assassin, such as more advanced hidden blades and gunpowder weapons that have recently begun to show their edge.

This kind of equipment upgrade requires the most advanced technology as a foundation.

But this is also difficult for assassins with relatively scarce resources.

Fortunately, their ancestor, the great assassin master Altaïr who was active in the Crusades, studied the Golden Apple and left many secret manuscripts with ciphertext.

However, because of the long time, most of these manuscripts have been lost everywhere.

At present, there are only 4 copies in their hands, including the one in Ezio's hand.

And these four manuscripts record a lot of hidden blade technology and assassin assassination training skills.

It is for this reason that the value of these manuscripts is absolutely very important to assassins.

Finally, in addition to those manuscripts, another thing that can maximize the strength of the assassin organization is the ancient, mysterious and powerful relics distributed all over the world.

Some people say that these relics were left by the ancient gods.

Some people also say that there was an ancient and powerful race before humans, and those holy objects were invented by them.

But no matter what, these holy objects have very powerful and magical powers, which is unquestionable.

If not, before the Lord of Terror came out, the Templars would not have searched the world for those holy objects.

Now that they have the Lord of Terror, the assassins can only choose to find those holy objects to fight against them.

As for the candidates to find the holy objects, it is no surprise that Giovanni and his team chose Hope and Ezio.

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