A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 81: We can only enjoy the fun if there are problems

I hope the destination of their trip is Rome, which is very close to the west coast of Italy.

After leaving Monteriggioni Manor, Hope and I rode all the way south. They had been traveling for three days.

If nothing else happens, it will probably be achieved in just over a day.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, the unrestrained Hope sat on the horse and stretched out. He casually raised his hand and rubbed the head of the white horse in front of him. Then he looked at Ezio in front of him and said with a smile: "Oh my God. It’s getting dark, let’s find a place to rest and have something to eat, and we’ll be on our way tomorrow.”

"Okay, according to the map Uncle Mario gave us, there is a large lake called Lake Bulla on the edge of this forest, and there is a small fishing village built on the lake next to it. We can stay there. I don't want to Spending the night in the wild again.”

Ezio held the reins with one hand and a map with the other. After looking at it carefully for a while, he nodded and said so.

"Of course that's good. Let's hurry up before it gets completely dark."

After hearing Hope's words, Ezio nodded slightly, put the map away, and waved the reins suddenly!


With a crisp sound, the brown horse under Ezio snorted, shook his head, stepped forward, and began to trot along the path in the forest.

Hope was behind the horse with his legs clamped under the horse's belly. The white horse didn't need to pull the reins from Hope, and it smartly kept up with the brown horse trotting in front.

After about ten minutes, it finally became completely dark.

And I hope they will see the small fishing village marked on the map as they wish.

Just after looking at the village built next to the lake, Hope tilted her head and said, "This doesn't look like a small fishing village."

I hope I also emphasized the word "small".

"It really doesn't look like a small fishing village. It's a little richer than I imagined..."

Ezio looked at the clean and tidy town below the hillside. Except for the lack of city walls, the architecture was very close to the big city of Florence.

This is nothing like what a small fishing village should look like.

"Anyway, the location marked on the map is correct. Uncle Mario's map has been in production for some time. Maybe it was built in the past few years. After all, these buildings look new."

Ezio said, already riding his horse, walking down the hillside towards the town below.

At the entrance of the town, there is a wooden sign that reads: Bula Village welcomes you.

"They still call it their village, but it seems like the people here are quite hospitable."

Hope was talking with a smile, but suddenly she heard a long horn sound from the village of Bura, which spread far away in this silent night.

Hope turned around in confusion and saw that it was coming from a watchtower built not far from the entrance of the village.

With Hope's eyesight, he could still see a young man with rough skin holding a horn.

It seems that he was the one blowing just now.


As the horn was blown, the doors of the residential houses in the village were opened one by one.

Immediately afterwards, the firelight flickered, and accompanied by the sound of a large number of footsteps, the villagers of this Bura village held torches and gathered around Hope and the others.

In a short time, dozens of men armed with knives, axes and harpoons had surrounded the two of them.

In the sudden solemn atmosphere, Ezio's body became a little stiff while riding, but he still did not forget to awkwardly tease Hope: "It seems that they are really hospitable, and they are a little too enthusiastic."

"Who are you!"

The crowd separated, and an old man walked out from among the villagers.

His face was serious, and he looked at the two of them with great vigilance and vigilance.

Not only this old man, but also most of the other villagers around him were very wary of Hope and Ezio's magic. A few of them were even more hostile, and seemed to want to come up to them immediately. As well as wishing them desperately.

This made Hope look baffled.

But now that someone on the other side has stood up and spoken, it means that the other side is also willing to communicate.

I hope I don’t want to get into fights with other people for no reason, so I rely on my [personality charm] to directly introduce myself to them: "We are travelers, coming from Florence, going to Rome. There is on the map It’s getting dark right now in your village, so I’m going to come over and stay the night.”

As he spoke, Hope still felt that it was a bit impolite to talk to them on horseback, so he turned over and dismounted.

As a result, his action seemed to stimulate the villagers.

Several of them immediately shouted and took a few steps forward, raising their weapons high: "Don't move!"

I didn't expect that the other party would have such a big reaction. I hope he smiled awkwardly, raised his hands towards them, and said: "I don't mean any harm, don't be nervous, I'm just dismounting. If you don't welcome me, I My companions and I can leave now."

I don’t know whether it was because of Hope’s charisma or because his words were effective. The old man who seemed to be the village chief exchanged a few words in a low voice with a few other people around him, and then finally moved towards him. The excited villagers waved their hands and said, "Come back and put down your weapons. They don't look like bad people."

Then the old village chief looked at Hope and the other two. At this time, Ezio had also dismounted and was standing next to Hope. His expression was a little strange, but he was not nervous.

Although they were few in number, it was hard to say who would suffer in a real fight, so there was no reason to be nervous.

"I'm sorry that our attitude may be a little unfriendly, but please forgive us, two guests. Some things have happened in our village recently, and everyone's spirits are a little too tense. When they meet you, outsiders, it is inevitable that they will be a little radical." The old village chief hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Well, you are guests. Since you are already here, it is really rude to drive you away. You can stay in our village today, and we will arrange a house for you."

"It's just that after all, you are outsiders, and now our village is on alert, so we may supervise your house to a certain extent. This is very rude, but we are also cautious, and I hope you will understand."

Looking at the old village chief's sincere attitude, there was still some grief and fatigue in his words. Ezio moved closer to Hope and whispered, "There's obviously something wrong with this village. Why don't we leave?"

Hearing this, Hope shook her head and said, "No! We have to stay here because there's something wrong with this village. Otherwise, we'll miss out on the fun. We're not in a hurry anyway."

After hearing Hope's strong reason for making trouble, Ezio stared at Hope for a long time with an inexplicable look.

After spending so much time together, he finally realized where Hope was unreliable.

When it comes to non-essential matters, she's too casual...

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