A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 85 Surveillance

"Are you saying that you all heard strange noises last night and smelled the strong smell of blood?"

Nemo was sitting in front of the wooden table, with the breakfast he hoped to prepare in front of him. He was holding a knife and fork in his hand, but he looked confused: "Why didn't I hear anything?"

"It seems that you are not only blind and deaf, but your nose doesn't work very well." Winner ate his breakfast and couldn't help but laugh when he heard the words.

Hope also laughed, and then said: "Eat quickly, I will send you on your way after eating."

Looking at the smiling expression on Hope's little face, Ezio was speechless: "I know you want to send them out of Bura Village, but you don't know, you thought this was their decapitation meal."

"Hey, is that so?" Hope raised her hand and scratched her head, and finally said with a serious expression: "But to be honest, the problems in this village are probably really big, so for your safety, I'd better move as soon as possible It’s better to send you out of the village.”

"What's that?" Wenner raised his hand and saw everyone looking at him. He said hesitantly this time: "Actually, I don't want to leave now. I am a bard and I want to travel. Various places, witnessed various things. Since this village has a special place, I can't leave so simply, otherwise I will regret it to death in the future. "

"Is that so?"

Hope also looked at Winner.

"Although I don't know what happened yesterday, I am not ready to leave. I am a detective, so don't underestimate the detective's desire for discovery." Nemo also expressed his thoughts.

"Don't you still have a commission?" Bowser asked Nemo curiously.

"That commission is not urgent." Nemo waved his hand and happily took a mouthful of toast. Then while chewing, he continued: "The Crawford family in London commissioned me to find their eldest daughter. That's because In addition to my good abilities, I am also a good friend of the young lady. I know her abilities very well. She probably won’t be able to hang out for a while this time, so I think you guys may need my help more. "

"Then if that's the case, I won't leave. You are all my new friends, and friends should help each other." Bowser saw Winner and Nemo expressing their opinions one after another, and he immediately expressed his manner.

In addition to being lame, Bowser's face was burned by fire when he was trying to save others when he was a boy, so his appearance is very scary and ugly. It is precisely because of this that after suffering all the cold looks and ridicule, he had to wear a mask to cover his face.

When eating dinner yesterday, I hope I found that he didn't eat while wearing a mask. Instead, he waited until everyone had finished eating, then returned to the room alone with his portion before eating.

He was originally prepared to do this for breakfast this morning, but was stopped by Hope. After using a very sunny smile and some words of persuasion, Bowser took off his own mask with some anxiety.

Originally, he thought that these new friends would be scared away by his ugly face, but that was not the case.

Apart from slight differences, everyone did not show any emotions similar to disgust, fear, or nausea.

On the contrary, after everyone learned the reason for his disfigurement, everyone praised him extremely. There was no falsehood. Everyone was sincere. Bowser could feel this.

Wenner kept clamoring to compose his story into a song and spread it around.

Although we have only known each other for a short time, we all have different personalities.

But everyone was very real and sincere, which moved Kuba very much.

It is precisely because of this that he cherishes this hard-won friendship that is like a surprise more than anyone else.

Therefore, after confirming everyone's thoughts, Bowser chose to stay and help this group of friends without hesitation.

"Then, since you all want to stay, I won't force you. However, this operation may be dangerous. So we must make proper arrangements for the next operation." Hope said, looking around at everyone present, and then said: "Nemo, Bowser and Ezio will act as a team, Winner and I will work together. In this case, we can probably ensure efficiency and at the same time, our strength will not be compromised. Spread out.”

Everyone nodded and had no objections.

"Then, let's go out and look for clues now and investigate the truth about this village?" Nemo seemed a little eager to give it a try. After all, this was his strength.

"Okay, your eyes are not very good. Ezio's eagle eye is very good at finding clues. You can be responsible for the analysis."

Hope, such a natural word, immediately made the corner of Nemo's mouth twitch.

What does it mean that my eyesight is not very good, but my shooting skills are very accurate, okay?

But the fact is before us, sometimes his eyes and ears are indeed not very good, this cannot be refuted.

After everyone discussed for a while, they were ready to act according to the plan.

It's definitely impossible to run straight out and search the whole village for clues, and the villagers are not stupid.

So this must require a justifiable reason.

I remember that Wen Na and the others said yesterday that when they wanted to leave, they were stopped by the villagers and refused to let them go.

So, they were going to pretend that they wanted to leave today and see how the villagers in this village would react.

Everyone packed up their luggage, and Hope and Ezio got on their horses, and the group was ready to leave.

Seeing this, the villagers who had been paying attention to Hope and his friends ran to report to the village chief.

After receiving instructions from the village chief, the group trotted to stop Hope and his friends. They said that there would be a memorial service in their village tomorrow night, and they welcomed the guests to stay.

On the surface, they were smiling and polite, but from the way they blocked the road, it can be seen that this was indeed house arrest.

Such a move, in addition to further confirming that there was a ghost in the village, Hope and his friends' plan was also going smoothly.

So, they came up with the idea of ​​​​wandering around the village.

This request seemed to make these villagers embarrassed, and they wanted to trap Hope and his friends in that small house.

But in this case, their intention of house arrest was a bit too deliberate.

In order to avoid any complications, the strong man named Jason who had met Ezio last night agreed to their request.

Although they were allowed to move freely, except for the little deaf and blind Nemo, even Winner noticed that the villagers around them would occasionally focus their eyes on them, obviously monitoring them.

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