There is no doubt that Ezio still needs to practice.

So after solving the problem by the lake, Hope, who came to the battlefield, did not rush to help Ezio.

The final result was gratifying. After this battle, Ezio's practical experience will also be greatly improved.

Not only Ezio, but Hope, a mentor who is not worthy of his name, also needs a lot of practical combat and practice to improve his strength.

For example, in the battle with the Flesh Apostle just now, Hope has also gained some experience in controlling his giant power. In the future, he must practice more to master his power as soon as possible.

Blindly using those powers without thinking is ultimately a reckless and wasteful withdrawal. The best choice is to continue to develop and master those abilities.

For example, the ability of the steam giant, because it needs to continuously provide a five-meter-high giant bust to fight, although it can guarantee strong combat power, it also consumes a lot of hope.

Therefore, if Hope can master the skill of summoning only one arm of the giant, then there is no doubt that Hope's continuous combat capability will be greatly enhanced, and the controllability will also increase linearly.

But to achieve these ideas, diligent training is absolutely essential.

Therefore, in the future, in addition to urging Ezio to exercise, one's control of ability cannot be underestimated.

The matter of Bra Village has been resolved, but Vieri escaped from them, which made Ezio a little unhappy.

But there is no way. The previous situation was really busy, and no one had time to chase Vieri who was running away on horseback.

But this is not a big deal. The other party has not been away for a long time. Hope and Ezio both have Eagle Vision and can track his footprints and find his location, so Hope is not in a hurry at all, and is not afraid that the other party will run away.

Instead of chasing the stray dog, it is better to have a good rest, then clean up the battlefield, and wait until tomorrow morning to set off.

Hope's white horse that was chopped by Vieri has been given a healing potion and is now recovered.

Except for Ezio, most of the others were only slightly injured, and they were not in big trouble.

At least when Hope saw them rummaging through the villagers' houses while cleaning up the battlefield, just like ordinary bandits, he knew that they probably had no problems.

Neither Hope nor Ezio cared much about money. What they needed was all the information about the Lord of Terror.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. As an assassin, the first thing to do before the war is to collect intelligence.

In this way, you will have a bottom line in your heart when the war really starts.

After working all night, the entire Bra Village was searched, and a lot of property and food were collected. Because there were too many, Hope put them into the space backpack, leaving only the ones that were easy to carry for Wen and others to share. When they want, they can come to him at any time to take their spoils.

As for the most important information about the Lord of Terror, Hope also sorted it out with the help of Nemo and bound it into a booklet.

According to the currently known information, the Lord of Fear is an evil god from outside the earth, and it is not clear where it came from.

Its appearance and abilities are also unknown.

The only important piece of information is that it has seven apostles under its command, and as a leader, it controls a clan.

The flesh-and-blood apostle who was previously hoped to be crushed to death by the lake had such an origin.

However, due to the different conditions of the summoning ceremony, the states of the summoned apostles are also different.

Like this summoning, it is obviously a very typical example of failure. It can't even keep its own consciousness for a long time, and its combat power is not enhanced.

But from the notes of the old village chief, the strength of the flesh-and-blood apostle is far more than that.

The consciousness of the flesh-and-blood apostle that can be summoned by them through the ritual is just a branch of its body. Whether it disappears or returns, it will not have much impact on the body, just like a small desertion.

In other words, if there are one hundred people in the world performing the summoning ceremony, there will be one hundred consciousnesses descending at the same time.

From this, we can roughly judge how strong this flesh and blood apostle is.

As their master, the Lord of Fear has become more and more profound and mysterious.

In addition to some research materials on the flesh and blood apostles, detailed summoning ritual materials have also been sorted out.

But this work was done by Hope himself.

It seems that everything related to the Lord of Fear has a magical power.

He can make people who come into contact with him become mentally sensitive and fragile, and finally go crazy or collapse because of the strong and uncontrollable fear.

This happened when Nemo was reading the summoning ritual carefully. Worried about his mental problems, Hope could only let him rest and took over the work himself.

The more various materials were sorted out, the more Hope felt that the Lord of Fear was an enemy that must be faced.

They did not appear in this world in the past few years. On the contrary, they had been eyeing this planet hundreds or thousands of years ago.

Then there was a long period of lurking work, because they were foreign gods and evil gods. If they were made public, they would soon touch the sore spots of the ancient gods and related religions on this planet.

That is not a wise thing for them who have not yet established a firm foothold.

It was not until the last few years that the Lord of Fear gradually began to make some big moves, and this gave Giovanni and the others a false impression of "suddenness".

This is not good.

Compared with the powerful enemy who can use his brain, the Lord of Fear, Hope prefers the kind of reckless man who can only fight and kill, which will be easier.

But no matter what, Hope is not afraid anyway.

After all, he has countless dimensional worlds behind him, so there is no reason to be afraid of him.

The next day, after breakfast, Hope and his group of five followed the mark left by Vieri and set off.

The good news is that Vieri is also thinking about escaping from Rome.

This is good, everyone is on the way, and it also saves them from having to take a detour for him, which still feels a bit uncomfortable.

There were no other special situations along the way, and finally one day later, everyone came to the outskirts of Rome, which is more prosperous and magnificent than Florence.

Before entering the city, the wide avenues, the pedestrians and carriages coming and going on the road have already shown the vitality of the city.

"Rome! We are here!"

Ezio rode on his horse and laughed happily.

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