A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 96 Beast Arena

After the plan was made, Hope strengthened Ezio directly here, with Nemo, Winner, and Kuba looking at him like a god.

This was the third time Hope strengthened someone, and he became more familiar with the strengthening power of the blue light on his left hand.

In the midst of a group of stunned people, Hope raised his left hand emitting blue light, and directly pulled out another man's phantom wearing assassin's clothes, wearing a hood, and exuding a calm temperament from head to toe.

The man was slightly taller than Ezio and a little stronger, but everyone around could see that this man's phantom made of light was Ezio himself.

However, this Ezio looked a little more mature, and his age should be in his prime.

"Is this me?"

Ezio opened his mouth wide, walked in front of the phantom of the middle-aged Ezio, stared at the other's face carefully for a long time, then turned his head and looked at Hope in disbelief.

Hope nodded and said, "Yes, this is you in your prime, about what you will look like in a dozen years. Get ready to receive your future power."

Ezio was at a loss and could only respond subconsciously.

Afterwards, Hope waved his left hand, and the prime Ezio slowly walked towards Ezio, stepped into Ezio's body, and the two merged together without any obstacles.

After receiving the power of the prime Ezio, the seventeen-year-old Ezio began to emit a white light like a data stream, which gradually subsided after a full minute.

This is considered to be the strengthening, but it seems that because of the huge changes in his body, Ezio is still a little uncomfortable. Now he is standing there, in an awkward state, and he doesn't know where to put his hands.

Hope and Nemo are very patient. They just sit there and wait for Ezio's reaction, just like watching a play.

After a long while, Ezio clenched his fists and then let out a long breath.

He looked at Hope with a complicated expression, walked to the side, stretched out his hand and tried, and lifted up a bed in the corner.

After lifting the bed, he lifted the cabinet and the table, as if he was testing his current strength.

Hope was clear about Ezio's strength.

His physical fitness enhancement was not as simple as superimposing his prime years on his current youth.

For example, Ezio's physical fitness in his prime years was 1.5, and Ezio's physical fitness in his youth was 1.

Then after Hope's enhancement, Ezio's current physical fitness is 2.5.

This means that he can exert the strength of two people at once at this time. The increase in strength is really not a little bit. It's no wonder that he has such a strange reaction after receiving the enhancement.

But for Ezio, this has not reached the limit at all.

First of all, since Ezio's strength in his prime years can reach 1.5, then the current Ezio will definitely continue to increase his strength as he grows to his prime years.

Another important point is that Ezio, as Hope's dimensional partner, is the one who can receive the most enhancements among all the dimensional partners Hope has met so far.

There are nine enhancements. If each enhancement can increase his physical fitness, then the physical fitness alone will not be bad.

The most important thing is the growth potential, which means that Ezio will not stop at these enhancement stages so easily.

In addition to the enhancement of physical fitness, Ezio has also gained a lot of abilities.

Those abilities are somewhat related to the laws. They are abilities that Ezio in the game world can use, but now because of Hope's existence, Ezio in the real world can also use them.

It's just that because of the limitations of the world, these abilities cannot be used in other worlds.

[Fast Travel Stall], this is the power of the law that Ezio can use in the assassin world.

As long as he has been to a travel stall, he can use this ability to pay a price ranging from one hundred to three hundred florins, and move from one travel to another stall far away. The moving process is very fast, and it takes only one minute at most. It can be said to be a magical skill for traveling.

Then, Ezio's Eagle Eye and Leap of Faith also evolved to level 2, and their abilities were greatly enhanced.

These abilities can be used without obstacles in other worlds because of Hope's existence.

With new abilities and great power, Ezio needs to go out and adapt well, and go to the Vatican to find out the details, so as not to sneak in and steal things like a headless fly.

Ezio has already left, so Hope and his friends will not continue to sit in the house.

After finding out the location of the arena, Hope, Nemo and others walked there, and their purpose was the same as Ezio, just to find out the situation here.

The name of this arena is the Colosseum of the Triumphal Colosseum. Because it is very close to the Colosseum in Rome, it is called the Little Colosseum by the locals.

Unlike the dilapidated and damaged Colosseum in Rome, this newly built arena in the past hundred years is just a place to provide a venue for bloody massacres.

There are many gladiators here, and they have only one goal, that is, to defeat all their opponents in the arena!

They need to use their own blood, or the blood of their enemies, to please the audience in the stands.

To put it bluntly, this is actually an entertainment project specially prepared for the rich.

It's just that this project is particularly bloody, violent and inhumane.

Anyway, things like the Colosseum in Rome, which was also called the Flavian Amphitheater, where people perform operas from time to time, will never happen in the Colosseum of Triumph.

Under the sun and the cool breeze, it took some time and effort, and once again used money to open the way. Hope and Nemo and others finally got the opportunity to enter the arena to watch the performance.

While following the noble-dressed, pretentious guys into the passage of the arena, led by the servants, they walked towards the audience seats.

Hope was also carefully looking at the situation of the arena, and his eyes stayed on the circular field below for a while.

It can be seen that there are still many bloodstains that have not dried. It seems that a war has been experienced here not long ago.

Looking at the nobles in the audience, they were well-dressed, but their cheeks were red and their breathing was rapid because they were excited to see humans killing each other in the field below. They were really beasts in human form.

"This place is quite big. I didn't expect there would be so many spectators."

Several people sat down next to each other, and Hope stretched and pouted.

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