A Unique Hunter

Chapter 955: Title strong

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Connie looked at Cook and asked in surprise: "Isn't it a good thing to increase the population? We must know that the area of ​​our free kingdom has increased a lot, and the mines, workshops and other departments need too much manpower."

"No, people outside said I was the devil. I thought someone would run away, but I didn't expect someone to come." Cook shook his head quickly.

Connie chuckled and laughed: "Cook, those who say you are the devil are those who are afraid of you, but don't dare to treat you, and you are called this way. In this world where the strong are respected, More people will gather to seek your protection. I think your territory will continue to expand in a short period of time.",

"This is true, but I don't want the extra people in my free kingdom to be thieves, homeless people, etc. I hope they are ordinary civilians or craftsmen." Cook said.

"As you wish, my majesty." Connie also replied with a smile.

Cook looked at Connie. Connie and Cook could be said to be the earliest one to intersect. Cook looked at Connie and asked: "Connie, when we meet, do you think we will become a husband and wife."

Connie also looked at Cook. Connie recalled the first meeting with Cook. It was at a grand reception, but the difference was that Cook was just a magic attendant at the time, and she was a An admiral of an empire.

Connie looked at Cook and replied: "At that time, no one thought that the entire high-level of our empire and the third prince would die in such an inexplicable way, and I would become your captive. As for us becoming a husband and wife, I didn't even think of it. "

Cook put Connie in his arms and whispered: "I didn't expect, you know, Connie, I was thinking about how much land an admiral could exchange for, and what kind of title I could have. And how many rewards we will get, we never thought that we would become husband and wife in the end."

"Huh, Cai fan." Connie pinched Cook. In fact, Connie knew that the turning point in her life began when she met Cook.

Connie then hugged Cook tightly and said: "Cook, I am actually very grateful to you, because before meeting you, I have been poisoned by poison. In my heart, I have no future at all, and so is war. My last stage, so after being captured by you, I didn’t resist at all."

"Hey, don't you want to leave me." Cook joked with a smile.

"You..." Connie was kissed by Cook just as she was about to say something.

After a while, Cook looked at Connie affectionately: "Connie, I will make you happy forever."

Connie kissed Cook again, and then Connie said shyly: "Cook, I want to have a baby too."

Cook said with a smile: "One can't do it, at least ten or eight, and three or five boys can inherit your family name."

Connie was stunned by what Cook said, and asked half-a-half excitedly: "Cook, what you said is true."

"Of course it's true, and they won't lose one point in my property." In Cook's mind, men and women are equal, but in this world, women are actually treated as vassals, and their status is only better than being treated as vassals. The slave of property calculation is higher. This is also the reason why no one pursues strong women like Connie, Lina, and Sia, because once a strong woman like Connie gets married, she will be bound by secular rules. As for Speaking of surnames, no man in this world would take the initiative to make his children the surnames of others.

Connie got the affirmative answer from Cooke, tears flowed down. You must know that although girls have inheritance rights in this world, they will only have inheritance rights after the men have died. If Connie’s property does not come out Unexpectedly, it will fall into the hands of some relatives of Connie’s father’s family. As a daughter, Connie may be able to distribute part of it, but if Connie’s child is her family’s surname, then the property will be inherited by the child, complete inheritance. .

Of course, for Connie’s children, the Connie family’s property is nothing, but the Connie family has inheritance, which is the most important thing, and it will not let Connie’s line disappear in his own generation.

Cook wiped away Connie's tears and said: "It's not just you, I will do the same if others are willing. Of course, it is limited to a family with only one woman."

Connie hugged Cook tightly and said, "Okay, I will give you a litter."

"Have a nest, so are we going to work overtime tonight?" Cook put out his tongue and licked Connie's earlobe, then said.

Connie fell softly into Cook's arms, because the earlobe is the most sensitive area on Connie's body. Cook didn't take the next step, so she told Connie his heartfelt words.

When Cook came out of Connie's office, the surrounding staff all looked at Cook, because although these workers were officials of the Free Kingdom, it was the first time they saw Cook.

"Thanks for your hard work, everyone. I will hold a grand celebration party on the Harvest Festival. I hope you all will attend." Cook looked at the staff with a smile, and then smiled at the invitation.

"Thank you for your majesty's invitation." The surrounding staff all put aside the things in their hands, bowed and thanked.

"Okay, everyone keep working." Cook waved his hand and left.

Just after Cook left, one of Connie’s assistants looked at Cook’s back and said obsessively: "This is our King, so good-natured."

"Your Majesty is not as scary as others said." Another male staff member also said with a sigh.

"Hehe, your Majesty treats himself as warm as a spring breeze, but treats enemies like a blizzard in winter. Let's work. Your Majesty will reward you on the Harvest Festival." Connie walked out and said with a smile. Just waved to let everyone continue working.

After Cook walked out of Connie, he decided to go home and have a look. Old Hill is like a young man now, full of energy. Old Hill is also actively participating in some of Cook’s business activities. Fei's father, Gerry, became a good friend, and of course Mickey's father had friendship for decades.

When Cook returned home, Gerry, Old Hill, and Old Poon were drinking together. When Cook saw the three old people, he scratched his head because they were all his fathers, but how do you call them? The three of them, but before Cook had spoken, Gerry rushed to give Cook a hug.

"Cook, that's great, I didn't miss you, Gerry, I was able to kill the peak of the sanctuary." Gerry gave Cook a hug, and said in praise.

"Father, thank you for your compliment." Cook also hugged Gerry and said.

"Very good, but it would be best if Murphy had another child. Come on." Gerry then whispered to Cook.

Old Puen quit, and immediately stood up: "Gerry, get out of the way, this is not only your child, but also my child."

Old Poon also gave Cook a hug, but didn't say anything. As for Old Hill, he looked at Cook with a smile. After Cook took his seat, he took out a few bottles of good wine.

Seeing the good wine Cook brought out, the three old men were even more happy, but before Cook could say anything, Cook’s sister Lily rushed over. Although Lily is now fourteen years old, Lily still threw himself into Cook's arms. Of course, where Lily was, Xiao Lei would be there too, but Xiao Lei was still a child now.

Cook put one arm around one hand, of course Xiao Lei was hugged in Cook's arms, and Lily threw a bombshell: "Brother, mom is pregnant."

"..." Cook's mouth immediately became O-shaped, and then Cook looked at Old Hill.

"It's true." Old Hill said blushing slightly.

"Congratulations, father." Cook said to Old Hill excitedly.

Old Hill blushed, Gerry and Poon continued to congratulate Old Hill, Cook stood up to see his mother, Mrs. Hill was embarrassed to see Cook, Cook did not say anything to his mother, but Pass the news to Lina and others, but after a while, Lina and others went home.

The whole family was full of excitement. Men were drinking, talking and laughing, and women were talking about children.

The whole celebration party lasted until late at night, but the next day, more people came to celebrate. You must know that Cook's current reputation is the highest in the entire sanctuary. This incident, indirectly, directly died in Cook's hands. The sanctuary powerhouse of Sanctuary exceeds double digits, and the peak of Sanctuary is more than twenty.

The entire Sanctuary has only a thousand peaks. You must know that the Sanctuary can live for tens of thousands of years, and a Sanctuary peak needs thousands of years of growth. Cook killed 20 of them all at once.

Soon, the entire Sanctuary gave Cook a title~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In Sanctuary, the title powerhouse appeared in an elementary sanctuary, which had never appeared before.

"Tyrant, what title is this?" Cook asked in astonishment when he heard his title.

"Who told you to kill so many people?" Trust said with a shrug.

"Couldn't it be possible to have a nice title, such as Hailan." Cook asked depressedly.

"Haha, haha." Tolas laughed loudly, obviously there is a bad side to the Hailan title.

"Cook, actually my title is not that good." Hailan glared at Trust, then said to Cook.

"Cook, in Sanctuary, the title of the title powerhouse is not random, and it's like your title level is much higher than Hailan's." Trust explained afterwards.

Cook became interested, and then asked: "Let's talk about it, what's the difference in titles."

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