A Unique Hunter

Chapter 958: Ocean trade

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The dwarf king sneered and approached the center of the square. The dwarf king was very angry, because this situation has not happened in the entire history of the dwarf clan. The town of the dwarf clan actually requested to join other forces. For the current dwarf king, this is simply the greatest shame in the history of the dwarf clan.

In the square, the gnomes who were voting saw the dwarf king coming, and they were all trembling. For these dwarves, the dwarf king is a superior existence, and the dwarves in the border towns are all ordinary dwarves, because in each race On the border of the city, there are people who can't get along in the big city. These people can only get a new source of life by migrating to a new city, so the dwarf ranks in this small border city are not very high.

"You have to think about it clearly." The dwarf king exuded an aura and whispered in a cold voice.

"Oh, oh, that is, you must think clearly, some people will spend tens of millions of fortunes to buy equipment for themselves, but they don't care about your life and death." But just after the dwarf king finished speaking, Cook's voice It rang.

When the dwarf king heard Cook's words, he turned his head angrily and asked Cook: "What do you mean."

"What do you mean, King Gnome, you are ashamed to ask me, how much money did your magicweave equipment cost? Let's look at the lives of these people." Cook said with a sneer.

The dwarf king was completely erupted by Cooke's words. The dwarf king shouted loudly: "You stupid pigs, idiots, don't you know that you are all caused by this human being because of him. It was the Machinery Chamber of Commerce that he set up to buy Magic Weave equipment that took our orders and robbed us of our wealth. You still want to seek refuge in this bastard, do you have a pile of **** in your mind."

When Cook heard the dwarf king say this, he laughed: "Haha, haha, I finally realized what shamelessness is, tusk tusk."

"Cook, you, you, you are shameless." The dwarf king was so angry with Cook that he shouted at Cook.

"Haha, I'm shameless, I shamelessly snatched the money that originally belonged to the people, and then purchased the equipment myself, so that the people could not even eat bread, let alone barbecue." Cook laughed and admitted that he was shameless, but The following words changed the face of the dwarf king several times.

"You, you." The dwarf king was out of anger, and the dwarf king had no reason to refute it. Originally, he bought a full set of magicweave equipment through the elders, but he proposed it. It seemed extremely cheap at the time, but he did not expect Cook The subsequent launch was actually as low as one-third of the purchase price. Just when the Gnomish King was looking for trouble with the Mageweave Union, the Mageweave Union and the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth were directly destroyed by Cook. Make the dwarf king angry, and this is the biggest handle for the dwarf king to be attacked by the kingdom.

"Haha, there is nothing to say." Cook laughed again.

The dwarf king has nothing to do with Cook, but the dwarf king can do anything to these dwarfs. The dwarf king said angrily: "Listen well, whoever wants to leave the dwarf kingdom, then I will expel this person from the dwarf clan forever. And forever..."

"Dear friends of the dwarf clan, see if this is your king, his heart is not much bigger than the **** of a sewing needle, do you still want to follow such a king, and then let your wives and daughters hungry every day? You do the things that coolies do, and then take a salary that is not enough to buy brown bread." Cook said loudly to the gnomes.

"Don't listen to this cunning human, it's all because of him, because of this shameless and cunning bastard." The Dwarf King yelled at one side.

"Listen, listen. Some people buy equipment for themselves with huge sums of money, and say others. I don’t think everyone is stupid. Everyone can see your current life and the lives of your people in the free kingdom. , This explains everything, and every leader has the obligation to let the people under his leadership lead a prosperous life, otherwise such a leader is not a qualified leader, is not qualified to sit in the leadership position, I Cook I promise here that if the people I lead are hungry one day, then I Cook will automatically give up the leadership position." Cook said loudly.

"Okay, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." After hearing Cook's words, the dwarves applauded loudly and slapped their hands. The dwarfs all over the square cheered for Cook's speech.

"Asshole, asshole, don't believe this sly guy, I..." Seeing this, the Dwarf King shouted immediately.

When Cook saw the dwarf king like this, he immediately said again: "Everyone, believe what you see and hear, instead of believing in some bragging guy, the dwarf king, I found that you should be given a title."

"Mouth Cannon King." Cook said three words when he saw everyone looking at him.

"Chuck." It was Susan who laughed first, because the title that Cook gave to the dwarf king is really weird.

"Mouth Cannon King, Mouth Cannon King." The gnomes are fed up with the Gnome King, and the life of the Freedom Kingdom is visible to all the gnomes on the border. The huge difference in life makes these ordinary gnomes care about race and territory. Inside, ordinary dwarfs just know that their wives at home, young children, elderly parents need to be full, they need to be warm, their wives need new kitchen utensils, there are fresh barbecue, fragrant flour, young children need Toys need snacks, and I also need to drink with my friends occasionally in the tavern. As for race, this is second.

The dwarf king saw the dwarf below calling himself this, and roared: "Go away, you all get out of the dwarf kingdom for me."

When Cook heard the dwarf king say this, he smiled in his heart. Cook slapped his hand and said: "Everyone, this city was built by you with one hand, but some people actually want to occupy the fruits of your labor. You said, How to do."

"King of the Mouth Cannon, get out of our city, we don't welcome you here." a dwarf roared loudly.

"Get out."

"Get out." The gnomes screamed loudly in the entire square, and the waves of sound were higher than the waves.

The dwarf king’s face was blue, because what Cook said was true. The cities on the border were built by the residents of these cities, but the kingdom’s army gave them protection. Isn’t the dwarf king looking at Cook with a green face, now the dwarf Wang did not have the courage to confront Cook head-on.

"King of the Mouth Cannon, do you still want to stay here, the master doesn't welcome you anymore." Cook said, looking at the dwarf king with a smile.

"You, let's wait and see." The dwarf king was so angry that he left a word and turned and left. The army of the dwarf kingdom also turned and left, but a part of the local garrison remained.

"This is the dwarf king." Susan was shocked to see the dwarf king who turned his head and left. You must know that the dwarf king's departure is not a part of the land for no reason. You must know that the land belongs to the dwarf kingdom. No one can change it, because when the city was established, these dwarves belonged to the dwarf kingdom. Now that these dwarves give up their status as the dwarf kingdom, they should definitely leave the dwarf kingdom.

But Susan later understood that the dwarf king was mad at Cook. Seeing Cook's smile, Susan felt a little sinister.

The dwarf king also reacted after he left for a while. Doesn't his own departure mean that he has given up the territory of these dozens of towns? The dwarf king regrets it. It was the dwarf who was provoked by Cook and Cook. We were angrily confused, but the dwarf king now had no face and turned to ask Cook for trouble.

"Damn, sly, shameless bastard." The dwarf king cursed loudly, but what the dwarf king did not expect was that the mouth gun king would become the dwarf king in the future.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that these dwarves would actually join the Freedom Kingdom." Shaman of the Elven clan is a peak power in the sanctuary of the elves. When Shaman accepted Cook's invitation to come as a witness, The original purpose was just to get to know what this human being called a tyrant looks like. Shaman always thought that Cook forced these dwarves to join the free kingdom, but after getting to know it, Shaman was shocked to find that the dwarfs were actually true. Wants to join the Freedom Kingdom, how can this not let Sha Man be shocked.

A mountain giant was with Shaman. The mountain giant shook his head and said, "Saman, I don’t believe it, but I know one thing, that is, when you don’t have enough food and don’t wear warm clothes, any race is righteous. It's bullshit, especially the elderly and children. The first thing a man has to do is to support his wife and children, parents, and then think about other things."

"Let's go, let's see how this tyrant will arrange these joining dwarves." After hearing this, Shaman spoke to the mountain dwarf in silence.

The mountain giant followed Shaman into a stream of light and moved towards Cook's direction. Cook saw that the dwarf king had left and voting was proceeding very quickly. Cook nodded to Connie.

Connie walked to the high platform in the square and saw Connie walking up. All the gnomes stopped their movements. Connie looked at the tens of thousands of gnomes and said, "Everyone, I am the ruler of the Freedom Kingdom. Officer, Connie, I have something to announce here."

"I announce that the sixteen towns that voluntarily joined the Liberty League this time, the original dwarf territory will join the Liberty League as a single city-state. The name of the joined city-state will be named by the city-state council elected by each town, and the city-state council The free kingdom will not participate in the election, and this city-state will also elect a city lord to participate in the new council formed by the Liberty Alliance. The term of each city lord is ten years. Every city lord is elected by the city-state council, and the Liberty Alliance will not interfere. "Connie said there was a pause here.

"Okay." The gnomes below all applauded.

"In addition, I announced that the Freedom Kingdom will build roads from Liberty City to the new city-state and various towns, and will establish a machinery manufacturing plant in this newly established city-state to produce various newly developed machinery by the Pan-Continent United Machinery Chamber of Commerce. This production plant covers an area of ​​50 square kilometers and needs to recruit 30,000 workers proficient in engineering. The minimum wage for workers is the same as that of the Liberty Alliance. The Liberty Alliance will establish an academy..." Connie announced one. Another measure.

The gnomes below were very excited when they heard about this measure, because these measures represent a large number of job opportunities, and also represent a large number of business opportunities. Think about a 30,000 engineering workers, which requires daily consumption. Supplies are a huge number, let alone related industries, because machinery is not just a simple part, but consists of many parts, which requires more supporting facilities, which is why heavy industry is the strongest industry that drives production , Because a heavy industry plant may need dozens of mid- and downstream manufacturers to provide products.

Just like a car, there are rubber tires, glass headlights, windows, bamboo, wood cushions, interiors, wires for circuits, batteries, and a series of things. This requires more Many midstream and downstream manufacturers provide products.

So the midgets know that a factory with a population of 30,000 will increase employment opportunities by at least 100,000. First, the mid- and downstream products need workers, and the daily life of these tens of thousands of people will drive many pubs and other industries.

This is like real estate. It has increased the employment opportunities for workers, increased the amount of steel, cement, and decorative items. A house also needs water pipes, wires, and decorative floors. Those who buy a house need to buy more. New furniture, this is how many industries have been driven, and these things need to be transported, which has increased the amount of transportation, the amount of transportation has increased, and the sales of cars have increased. This is not a simple house, but a driving force. The matter of the entire national industry, and in the process, how many indirect employment opportunities are needed.

"Boom boom boom." After Connie finished speaking, the gnomes were all excited, and the slaps shook the sky.

"Hey, it seems that the power of the tyrant will expand again." Seeing this scene, Sha Man sighed, then looked at the mountain giant next to him.

The mountain giant looked at Cook, thinking in his heart. You must know that the life of mountain giants is also very difficult. Mountain giants live in the mountains. It can be said that life is extremely difficult. However, the mountain giants did not rush to find Cook because of the mountains. The giant still needs to be observed.

Soon, the newly joined dwarf city-state had a name, Eagle City, because Cook built a large airplane here, the kind of big airplane that can take a hundred people at a time, and the council of Eagle City quickly took out the Eagle City. The city’s constitution is submitted to the Liberty League Council for review. Once approved and approved by the Liberty League’s consul, the constitution will come into effect. This is what Cook came up with. After all, different races have different customs and laws. different.

After Eagle City joined, Stormwind was the second to join. The addition of Stormwind made the entire Sanctuary stare. It doesn’t matter if Eagle City joins others. After all, there are only a dozen small towns. Stormwind City is different. It is one of the trading hubs on the mainland. The entire land is connected to the Stormwind Sea. Whenever Stormwind City wants to conduct maritime trade, the number of ships in the fleet can reach as many as thousands. These ships The team trades in Stormwind twice a year, but the profits earned from the two are enough to make any caravan owner laugh so much. The addition of Stormwind City has to say something shocking.

Then after Stormwind City announced that the number of transactions per year had increased to five, many chambers of commerce in the entire Sanctuary flocked to the Freedom Kingdom, the headquarters of the Freedom League, because Stormwind City had already joined the Freedom League.

"It's only five times at most. Do I have to have my own time." Cook said unceremoniously when he faced Trust's request.

"But, but this one more time is a lot of money." Trust saw that Cook was like this, and knew that his request was wrong, but when he thought of building more than 10,000 ships, each with a cargo capacity of more than 10,000 tons. At the time, Trust only made a rough estimate, knowing how much wealth he earned from this voyage.

"Why don't you lead the team yourself." Cook replied irritably.

"Well, five times is five times, but I want to build a bigger ship." Trust retreated and demanded.

"Rely on me, do you know how much wood is needed to build a 10,000-ton boat, how much white iron is needed, and how many manpower is needed? And it is 10,000 10,000-ton boats. I don’t know where to find so many skilled Workers, and have you found a place to build the shipyard." Cook scolded and turned and left.

"Hey, there are no people who have learned math well." Hailan sighed and patted Trust on the shoulder.

"Go away." Trust roared irritably.

Afterwards, Trust shook his fingers and calculated with a headache: "A ship with a size of 10,000 tons, the dock needs..."

"Oh, my God, please forgive me. How can I manage such a huge shipyard by trust?" Trust was dizzy. In the end, Trust only knew a little bit. Such a large shipyard must not be able to manage it by itself.

Connie approached Cook and made a formal request to Cook: "Cook, as the Archon of the Freedom League, I disagree with your proposal to build a shipyard."

"Why." Cook asked, looking at Connie.

"The opinions are written on it." Connie looked like you saw it.

Cook opened the document Connie handed over. After reading it, Cook said, "But this is a lucrative business, so why don't we just give it up."

"Cook, now we have a deep conflict with the dwarf kingdom, and your shipyard establishment plan ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is about to take away half of the dwarf kingdom, then the dwarf king will definitely find you Desperately, there is also the amount of funds needed to build the shipyard, and Stormwind City does not have enough logistical resources to provide this shipyard. If it is established, the cost of living will be very high. In addition, the white iron needs to be transported from the inland. , This adds to the cost, so I disagree with the proposal to establish a shipyard." Connie pushed a series of questions to Cook.

Cook smacked his lips and said, "Then I can't do it myself."

"No, you are harming the interests of the kingdom." Connie refused without knowing that.

Cook's eyes widened and asked incredulously: "But this free kingdom belongs to me."

"But you are not alone now." Connie turned and left after finishing speaking, Cook was still in a daze.

"I request a meeting of congressmen to discuss ocean trade proposals." Cook shouted loudly behind Connie.

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