A Unique Hunter

Chapter 102: College Mandatory Task "1"

Thanks again to my old friend Yerkes for his PK vote!

"Mr. Cook! Miss Lori asks you to go back to the college as soon as possible." Besu said to Cook in a very formulaic tone.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Cook is basically at the station of the mercenary group now, because there are also basic training venues, although there is no advanced academy, but it is not bad, and from time to time there is Murphy this school. My sister pointed out that Cook basically wouldn't go back to the college. Apart from going to the pharmacy laboratory, of course, in his heart, Cook also didn't know how to handle the relationship between himself, Mickey and Lori.

"It seems to be some mission issued by the academy." Besu's entire face was wearing a cyan mask, and his voice was as cold as ever.

When Cook returned to the college, he learned that the college has issued mandatory tasks. The reason why the college did this is to improve the skills of students. Otherwise, no matter how high the level is, it may be a waste after graduation. Just like some students study very well in school, but cannot adapt to the life in society, and finally embarked on a path of no return.

Except for graduate students, all formal students and auditors must participate in the mandatory tasks. No matter what their status, the mandatory tasks are divided into grades. There are three grades in total, elementary, intermediate, and advanced. Some people say it is one. In the second and third years, Cook and Mickey are first-level professionals are the junior class, Lori is the fourth-level class, even if it is an intermediate class, the first, second, third-level professionals are the junior class, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth-level professionals are the intermediate class. Level 7 professionals are considered advanced classes, because they can graduate as long as they have completed the credits.

The mandatory task of the college is a group task, usually led and guided by a tutor, of course, the tutor will not participate in it. This time the college made a one-month notice for this mandatory task, so Cook saw it this day Thousands of people are densely packed on a playground behind the college.

"Damn, didn't you say there were only more than two thousand people?" Cook still remembers that Duncos said that the college had only about two thousand people.

"Man, who said that? Two thousand people are only formal students, and there are more students than that. There are other forces entrusted by the academy to train a full 10,000 people." A man wearing a blue magician robe next to Cook The boy said very talkatively.

"Forget, forget." Cook took Xiao Lei's hand, and the little guy is used to walking.

"Okay, okay, students, you can form your own team freely now. Here is the basic configuration of the team. A team has at least three teams, and each team has at least one thief, one attack magician, and one An archer, a healing magician, you can choose the rest freely, but I personally suggest that the rest are knights or warriors, and your secondary profession can also play a key role. This time The mission may last for a long time. The magic materials obtained during your mission can be made into corresponding magic props, and you can use blacksmiths, runes, magic circlers, scrollers, alchemists, pharmacists, etc. This has an unexpected effect. Now you can start to form a team. The maximum number of teams in the team is not allowed to exceed five, and the minimum is three. The number of each team is ten people. Personally, I recommend a team of the same level. , Because the upcoming team tasks will determine different tasks based on the number of people in the team, the level of occupation, and the overall combat power." The senior of the academy said with amplifying magic in the middle of the square.

"Warrior! The team still lacks a shield warrior!"

"Archer, archer, need an intermediate archer!"

"Mage, the healer is coming soon, this team is all mid-level professionals."

"Rogue, want a powerful thief!"

"Pharmacist, need an intermediate pharmacist!"

"Magic Array Master, you need a Array Master! Alchemists can do too!"

The square was suddenly noisy, and people who knew each other invited each other to form a team. Some team members shouted loudly because the mandatory task rewards were very generous, while Cook was sadly reminded of no one. I have to ask. First, the badge of Cook's first-level hunter let everyone know that this is a towing oil bottle. Of course, Xiao Lei is a big towing oil bottle. Although Cook is a pharmacist, it is a pity that , Cook did not go to the Pharmacy Department to study at all, so there is no pharmacist badge at all, because everyone now wears their professional badges on their chests. After all, it is so easy to form a team.

"Cook, do you want to come to our team?" Dunks looked at Cook's loneliness and said kindly, but Dunks was also for Cook's personal sake, although Dunks knew that Cook was a wood Magician, but what is the use of a first-level wood magician? Even a junior apothecary can't do much. Because Duncos's team is a mid-level professional, the effect of the first-level potion is really not good, of course. Refers to the primary medicine of qualified quality.

"Forget it!" Cook heard Duncos's question, but he didn't have any sincerity, so he politely refused.

"Hey! Hey~! Little brother Cook, do you want to come to our team?" Behind Lori are all women, female warriors, female wizards, female archers, and Murphy school sisters are all inside, Lori Of course I want to invite Cook, but the team is full of women, and Lori is not easy to speak up, but I can do it when I make fun of Cook and Lori.

"Ahem!" Cook paid attention to this girl at all. Looking at dozens of girls, Cook didn't even dare to agree.

"Cook, Cook, we are one person short of here." Mickey shouted, waving her hands far away.

"Mickey!" Cook quickly pulled Xiao Lei to Mickey's.

"Mickey, who is this?" At this moment, several people behind Mickey looked over. One of them was a young man, about twenty years old, with a very gorgeous armor, shining with misty light, obviously It is a magic armor, but Cook knows that this armor is not good at first glance, because the mercenary group has to order dozens of sets of heavy armor. Cook has not been in the Wildhammer store once, so it is also good or bad for the armor. Can tell the difference between the two, the better the armor, the more focus on actual combat, such a set of armor in the wild, it is not far to tell Warcraft, is there anyone here? And the connection parts of the armor are also very rough, although it looks bright, and the magic armor is not that the brighter the magic light, the better, the greater the magic circle’s light, the worse the magic is, just like a transformer, the hotter it is. The quality of this transformer is worse.

"This is Cook, my fiance!" Mickey said with a pink face. This is the first time Mickey has said so uprightly. What Cook didn't know was that it had something to do with Connie.

"Mickey, who is this?" Cook asked, holding Mickey's hand, and asked Mickey with a smile.

"Hehe, Cook, right? I'm the eldest son of the Grand Duke of Kansas in the Monch Empire, Nicky!" Nicky narrowed his eyes and introduced himself.

"Monkey Empire?" Cook looked at Mickey in confusion.

"One of the five largest empires in the south of the mainland." Mickey whispered.

"Hehe, it's nice to meet you." Cook didn't have too much enthusiasm, because seeing this Nickey's eyes constantly turning on Mickey, the pig knows that this guy is not at ease, Mickey's talent is not needed said.

Niqi looked at Cook, and turned his back to Mickey and Cook's hands. The eyes of the people behind immediately changed when they saw Cook. One of the young men wearing the Intermediate Thieves professional badge asked the library with a smile. Krishnamurti: "Cook, you want to join our team, so can you tell us, besides a first-level hunter job, do you have other auxiliary jobs?"

"Sorry, this needs to be kept secret!" Cook replied with a smile. Although Cook knew that this guy must have no good intentions, Cook didn't care at all.

"Yo! Confidentiality, Captain Nicky, look at this first-level hunter who needs to be kept secret. I'm so ridiculous. No, this guy only has hunter talent. Let's see what pets our first-level hunter has? What is this?" The other person said sarcastically, and then pointed to the small bad on Cook's shoulder and asked loudly.

"Squirrel!" the other person replied.

"My God, you can only accept squirrels as a pet hunter. It's too powerful!" said the stranger who asked the question earlier.

"Wrong, there is a crow!" The person who answered just now pointed to the big mouth and said, the big mouth now looks like a crow except that it has a bigger mouth.

"Are you a crow? Your whole family is a crow!" What Cook didn't expect was that the big mouth was glaring at the person who was talking, and he immediately spouted.

"Eh? Is it a mutant crow? Hahahaha!" The questioner was taken aback for a moment, then shouted loudly, and then burst into laughter.

"The mutant crow is still a crow!" The person who answered just now came out again.

"Dead! Death! Death!" The big mouth glared at the answering man, and three words of death appeared in his mouth. After that, the big mouth seemed to consume a lot of energy, and his spirit was a little weak.

"Shoo!" The words of Big Mouth had just settled, and the scream of crossbow arrows interrupted the voice of the surrounding students.

The person who answered just now looked at a crossbow bolt that suddenly protruded from his chest, and turned around with difficulty, and saw a thief behind Niqi looking at the * in his hand in astonishment, and the direction of * was facing the answer. People, and the thief panicked and explained: "No, no, it's not me, I just, just, just want to get the arrow stuck?"

Then the guards came over and asked carefully. The result was that the thief was a new student. It was the first time he used a crossbow arrow. I knew that the wrong operation caused the arrow to accidentally shoot out. It is worth mentioning that, There was a poisonous potion on the crossbow, and the person who answered just now could not even be rescued by the instructor of the Healing Department in the college.

Cook did not know the final handling, but the freshman in the academy, Cook, saw that he was still in the team, while Nicky was nowhere to be seen. It was only after many years that Cook knew from the thief that he was on that day. I don’t know why, but he shoots a crossbow arrow with his hand. This thief is a descendant of a gangster in the thieves’ guild. He was commissioned to train him. Compared with the grandson of the grand duke of the empire, he has a higher status than the one who answered. It's just an auditor.

"Damn! It's so accurate!" Cook looked at the sluggish Big Mouth and was shocked. Although Cook knew that Big Mouth was a rare prophecy system in the mental system, there was actually another prophecy system. The name refers to the mutant curse system, the curse magic is black magic, and the prophecy is the spirit system. Although the two are different, the result is the same. The prophecy is basically what has been said can happen, just like the big mouth said. This guy died, the curse system is the same, but the curse is through curse magic, not prophecy, so privately, the prophecy system is secretly called the mutant curse system.

"Quaqua!" The big mouth held his neck high, but it was funny with the now wilting look.

"Mickey, what are we doing now..." Kukla held Mickey's hand. Although Cook felt a mental force locked on him, he knew that it must be Lori without thinking, but Cook had to pretend not to know.

"Hey! Isn't this Cook? Why? There is no team yet, it is better to join our team, there is a hunter in our team." At this time, a person next to him kindly invited.

"Zagot? How are you..., are you still a magician?" Cook looked at the badge on Zagot's chest and asked with some confusion, because such badges are rare.

"I am a warlock, junior warlock!" Zagot smiled and pointed to the badge.

"Warlock?" Cook had never heard of a warlock.

"Ahem. It's actually a branch of the Dark System. It is proficient in curses, weakened, and can summon a demon to fight." Zagot whispered.

"Junior, okay, but I still have a Mickey here." Cook heard Zagot say that he is a junior, thinking that he is also a junior, and agreed.

"Let's go, I'll show you the leader!" Zagot excitedly led Cook to a group of students, but when Cook looked at all the intermediate students with advanced equipment, he smiled bitterly with Mickey. Endless.

Zagot took Cook and Mickey straight to a tall and handsome young man, shouting from a distance: "Head, head, I have two friends here...!"

Looking at the badges on Cook and Mitch’s chests, the head immediately became unhappy. He beckoned to Zagot and motioned to Zagot to pass. Zagot left a sentence: "Cook, you Wait a minute! I'll come as soon as I go, this regiment leader has the best relationship with me."

"Let's go, Cook, what's the matter, let's not join this team." When Zagot came back again, he said angrily, and then took Cook to leave.

"Zagot, our team is willing to accept you because you are the assistant of Lyle's mentor, don't you know what's wrong?" The voice of the group leader came from behind.

"Huh!" Zagot didn't pay any attention at all, and walked straight away. Cook and Mickey glanced at each other, and then left.

"Cook, how about we build a team by ourselves, do you see that there are so many freshmen who don't want anyone?" The three of them searched for a long time, and no team was willing to add two low-level mages and a low-level hunter. Zagot thought more and more angry, so he said angrily.

"Do you have experience in managing a team of thirty people?" Cook asked grimly.

"Haha, this is not a problem, but what I am worried about is whether a team like ours can complete the task?" Zagot laughed, and then said worriedly.

"Okay, okay, now that the team has been formed, then look at the little guys we have left, okay, you can form a team, if it really doesn’t work, the remaining little guys, you just I can only do single-player missions. This time the missions are divided into single-player missions, squad missions, and team missions." Then the college senior uttered a cheating statement.

"Grass! I knew I was doing a single-player mission!"

"Halo, our team has a tacit understanding with the other two rookie teams. I don't know if we can complete the task this time?"

"Palsy! Are you the rookie team?"

"If you do a single-player mission, you are just like a turtle-speed shield warrior, I, the wind magician, tortured you to death."

"Damn, your wind magician is awesome, I have a vegetarian bow and arrow, man, don't be afraid!"

"Go away, are you an intermediate archer? Laozi shield warrior still needs you?"

As soon as the senior management of the academy settled down, the team that had been formed immediately screamed. Cook and the three could not help being frightened by the insidious actions of the senior management of the academy. If they had known that this mission was divided into single missions and team missions, Cook I can guarantee that there is definitely not a team, because although the team is large and powerful, but there are restrictions, cooperation, tacit understanding, etc. that need to be cultivated, how can you be refreshed by yourself.

"Quiet, if you have formed a team and leave the group, you will be dealt with according to the failure of the mission. The remaining little guys, you are free to form a team or perform a single mission. Please go to the administrator to register and then receive the mission. The team receives the mission here. Side." The senior of the college roared, and immediately fell silent.

"Haha, Cook, let's team up with three people." Zagot laughed loudly when he heard this.

"Do you want to add more?" Cook asked with some guilty conscience.

"Hey, Cook, as long as you have enough potions, the three of us will be able to complete the task." Zagot said with a smile, and then pushed Cook to a task management office.

The administrator leveled the information of three people, and then pointed to a magic circle and said: "Stand on it and take it. We will evaluate you comprehensively based on the magic items on you, the magic fluctuations of your pets, and your own identity information. The combat effectiveness of the company, and then the assignment of tasks."

When Cook, Mickey, Xiao Huihui, Xiao Lei, Zagot, Big Mouth, Xiao Bad, and KaKa went up together, the magic circle was activated for a while, and Cook felt as if his body was scanned by something. same.

"Comprehensive evaluation is A-level, task level is A-level, alas! Young people, magic items are always magic items, powerful magic items are not your own strength, this is your task scroll, you can only open it when you reach the destination." A moment, and then said with a sigh.

"A-level mission, it's impossible!" Zagot asked with a guilty conscience, because Zagot had two powerful magic items on his body.

"Well, the magic circle will not lie. I will give you another piece of advice. If you want to become a strong player, don't rely on magic items." The administrator waved his hand.

When everyone received the quest scroll ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the team, individuals, and squads were all standing separately. There are some teams around the three of Cooke. These teams saw that Cook's three people are a team, because three Everyone has a B5 badge. The word A on the badge represents the team, and the number is one group, two group, three group, etc. B represents the team, the numbers represent the first team, the second team, the third team, etc. As for the C represents the individual, it is very clear.

"Look at these three guys, they are all freshmen, probably the lowest E-level missions at most!"

"The E-level missions are simple, but the rewards are very few. The D-level missions of our team are very rewarding."

"Yes, fortunately, our team's combat effectiveness is good, otherwise it would be a tragedy like these three freshmen.

There was a lot of discussion among the people around, and Cook felt that this task was definitely not as simple as a general task, and the next step was to assign a mentor, but this time there was an accident.

"Ahem!" The senior cough of the college.

"There is no good thing!" Zagot murmured.

"Assignment of tutors only needs to arrive at the destination, and due to the limited number of tutors, tasks with a comprehensive evaluation of grade A or above will not be assigned tutors. Please keep quiet below. We are going to the task location and Not on this plane, but on another plane, so the next plane teleportation hopes everyone will have a good time." Zagot is right, this is actually an interplanetary mission.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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