A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1001: Build the framework

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() "Barry, your dad, your flames release some to go out. Pay attention to the brightest places," Anna said to Barry.

When Barry heard Anna's words, his round body spewed out a few sparks. Even Anna had some fear of these sparks. He couldn't help but stepped back for a few steps. The sparks that Barry sprayed directly fell on the bright spots outside Cook's shield. These bright dots were originally constantly moving, which is the kind of irregular, but after being burnt by the Mars ejected by Barry, these bright dots are almost moving slowly and evenly, and they seem to be spinning on their own.

Seeing this, Anna breathed a sigh of relief in Cook’s soul space. Cook frowned because Cook seemed to be in the real starry sky. Cook kept advancing in the starry sky. Cook was surprised because the star sky seemed to be expanding. Generally, at the beginning, Cook knew that the starry sky was not so huge. After all, it was Cook's own soul space. But just now, the soul space that resembled the starry sky suddenly skyrocketed and there were countless more planets.

"Huh" Cook is about to leave, knowing that this soul space has unexpectedly changed again

Because at the beginning it was just a starry sky. Many planets are still an illusion. Cook can know that, but at the moment just now, these planets suddenly exudes strange fluctuations. Some of the planets actually started to spin on themselves and some of them. Then Cook ran around like crazy and felt a tyrannical breath on these planets.

Just when Cook was strange, these planets were like tamed horses, and they slowly recovered their tyrannical aura and disappeared.

Cook's soul scratched his head and couldn't figure out what was going on, but Cook found that there were more and more planets in this soul space, and these planets appeared out of thin air, which made Cook confused.

As soon as Cook turned around, he was ready to leave the soul space, but at this moment a message came in

Anna breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Barry's release of the flames, and then Anna's eyes turned silvery white, and a ray of silver light shot out from the eyes. This was a substantial spiritual power.

"Puff", but it was this substantive mental power that couldn't penetrate the shield-like place around Cook, and Anna was blown out by backlash.

"What's the matter?" Lina rushed to carry the soul crystal again, but the number is not much.

"It is necessary to convey some information to Cook. This is the most critical time to build God's Domain. I am afraid that Cook doesn't know that he will give up halfway. Although it is only a rough framework, it is God's Domain after all, but my spiritual power cannot penetrate into it," Anna explained and answered

"Your mental power can't penetrate" Lina was shocked

"Haha, have you seen the scene around Cooke's body? That is the projection of the starry sky. That is to say, I am competing with the starry sky projection that appears around Cook. If my ontology is here, I might be able to break through but..." Anna chuckled. Said

Lina heard Anna saying this and asked anxiously: "If the construction of God's Domain fails, what will happen?"

"There will be no consequences, but you have thought that if Cook builds God’s Domain again, nothing else is how long it will take to communicate with the countless stars and form projections. Fifty years and 100 years. Although I don’t know why these starry sky projections appeared this time. But since it shows up, we can’t let it go." Anna’s words surprised Lina.

Lina asked suspiciously: "Then what role do these soul crystals and ghosts do?"

"Hehe, this is related to the length of God's Domain. The projection of the starry sky is simply the existence of lifeless. Adding soul crystals and ghosts to these projections will allow the planets in the starry sky projection to have their own lives. Combine your own realm of life and death, then the God’s realm owned by Cook may grow into a real starry sky." Anna haha ​​smiled

Lina opened her mouth wide. What is the concept of the real starry sky? Anna saw Lina’s appearance and continued: "Maybe you don’t believe it, but you also know that as the energy we possess continues to increase, just like our body can destroy one with a wave of hands. What is the reason for the lower planes"

"Energy means that as long as there is enough energy to do this" Lina woke up

Anna smiled and said: "Yes"

"So why not add some energy to Cook now" Lina asked again afterwards

Anna just replied: "The energy added now is not Cooke's own"

With just this sentence, Lina understood that it was not her own energy and she was not under her control. Lina saw Anna throwing soul crystals at Cook again. These soul crystals were once again swallowed by the starry sky around Cook.

Lina's eyes lit up and said: "Can we add the information passed to Cook in the soul crystal?"

"Soul crystals cannot be added with information...wait" Anna replied with a wry smile, but then when Anna's eyes lit up, a memory crystal ball appeared in Anna's hands. Anna sealed some information in the crystal ball and added some soul fragments. In it, Anna looked a little pale after doing this. It is extremely painful to know that splitting the soul fragments from her own soul

And Cook accepted the information. After Cook accepted the information, he looked at the soul space with a wry smile because Anna said that he would leave a soul mark on these planets.

Although it is not very complicated to do, after all this is Cook’s own soul space, but the soul brand consumes soul power. If all are branded with soul brand, I am afraid that Cook’s soul origin will be harmed.

Cook pondered for a while and decided to take a closer look and then talk about it. After all, it was impossible for Cook to realize the problem.

The starry sky of the soul space is a miniature planet in the corner of the universe. The planets revolve around stars, but there are also stars that revolve around huge planets. Cook thought about it and decided to leave a spiritual mark on these stars first. Cook didn’t know that after he did so. Still have some trouble

After Cook left the imprint of the soul, some information Cook knew naturally. Cook also knew why Bethlin's soul body was hit. It wasn't because those planets were entities. Even now, these planets are just star projections. Beth Lin was hit because the projection of the entire starry sky was used on the planet that was hit by Bethlin

Even the projection of a powerful soul body such as Bethlin on the starry sky is an egg touching a stone, but it can only be a projection of the starry sky. Otherwise, even the energy carried by the smallest planet will cause Cook's soul space to burst instantly.

After this is done, it is not over because the starry sky is still expanding. Those newly-appearing cooks also have to imprint their souls.

"Six hundred thirty-six hundred thirty-five..." Cook perceives the growing starry sky. This is how many planets Cook has in the starry sky projection.

Compared with Cook’s boredom, the entire sanctuary has fallen into madness. In the major chambers of commerce, the major forces, and the tavern town mission halls, a series of missions makes all adventurers excited.

The entire task without exception is to collect ghosts and soul crystals. I don’t care about the quality and the price is thirty times higher. However, there are only two places where ghosts and soul crystals are produced. One is the underground world and the other is the Canyon of the Dead

But neither of these two places can be visited by ordinary people, and the wisdom of the people is immeasurable. There is another way to summon creatures from the Necromancer.

Of course, it was not cost-effective to do this before. After all, a summoning circle requires a lot of financial resources, but now the price of ghosts and soul crystals is more than 30 times, so the happy day of the necromancer is here. It is best to summon the ghost directly. If it is other undead. The creature will be swarmed by Necromancer’s teammates and drop the soul crystal. Necromancer will be summoned again

Countless soul crystals and ghosts have been sent to the Liberty Alliance and then sent to Cook's location through the teleportation array. Lina has set up more than 30 teleportation arrays from the Free Alliance to the location of Cooke to reach Cook's location.

After a few hours, the light beams falling on Cook's head began to dim. Anna also breathed a sigh of relief. Lina was even more pale. You should know that Anna has been teleporting back and forth countless times.

And Cook is also weak in the soul space. You must know the spiritual imprint, but Cook, who needs to consume a lot of soul power, clearly feels that the surrounding starry sky has not continued to expand. Cook has instantly emerged from the soul space.

"Puffing" Cook fell to the ground as soon as he grasped his body

"Cook" Lina quickly helped Cook up

"Soul power was consumed too much and passed out," Lina checked and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, I forgot that Cook is only the first level of Sanctuary..." Anna suddenly woke up and she ignored that Cook is the first level of Sanctuary, where can he withstand such a huge starry sky projection, let alone use it. More spirited

"Uh..." Lina is also sweating coldly. If you know what happens to Cook, Lina doesn't know what to do, and the soul is the most mysterious.

Cook didn't know how long he was asleep. When Cook opened his eyes, he realized that he was sleeping in his own bedroom. Cook wanted to sit up, knowing that his body did not respond at all.

"Is there something wrong with the soul?" Cook immediately shed cold sweat because the body seemed to be out of his control

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