A Unique Hunter

Chapter 104: College Mandatory Task "3"

"How do you say?" Cook asked.

Zagot opened the mouth and replied: "The ruins we are going to are left over from a city. According to the information I heard from the mercenaries, there are three ruins found around this fortress, and only one of them has been explored. Moreover, the cost of investigating and understanding is that eleven high-level professional mercenaries and 92 intermediate-level professional mercenaries were paid. These ruins not only hide various beasts, but also hide various things that have never been seen before. The mechanism, and what’s even more strange is that the monsters in this ruin have changed more severely. The outside is only several times, but in the ruins it is basically more than ten times. Take a monster like the magic pig, ours The plane is basically five meters long and three meters high, but here is basically five meters high, seven or eight meters long, and in the ruins it is seven or eight meters high, more than ten meters long, and it is very fierce.

This is a Warcraft, and there are various hidden organs, which many thieves have not seen before, and there are a large number of unknown items inside, which are also full of danger. "

"So are there such unknown items for sale here?" Cook thought for a while and asked.

"No, but I can get some from some mercenaries. These unknown items are not allowed to be brought back to our plane. Some mercenaries feel that some memorable ones are left." Zagot replied with a smile. .

Cook looked at Zagot and said, "Then take it out. I don't believe you Zagot will not bring it back."

"Haha, take a look, this is from a mercenary I newly met." Zagot took out a small metal card.

Cook picked up the metal card and examined it carefully. The card was rectangular, with silver on one side and black on the other, with a small hole on it, a slight depression on the front, and a series of strange words on the back. Cook has never seen this kind of text.

"This was found in the remains of a dead person. Even the bones of the human being were powdered, and the clothes were rotten. The only thing left was that the mercenary said." Zagot explained.

"I've never seen this metal. It seems that there must have been advanced civilizations here before." Cook said, touching the metal card in his hand.

"Yes, this thing is not melted in the dwarven melting pot," Zagot added.

When Cook heard Zagot's words, he immediately moved in his heart. For the furnace of dwarves, Cook was also very contemptuous. There are so many alloys on the earth that the furnaces of these dwarves can’t melt, but Cook is not an expert in this area, so alloy The formula is not known at all, but since this metal card cannot be corroded and cannot be melted by high temperature, then these cards must have unknown effects.

"Zagot, can you think of a way to collect these metal cards as much as possible?" Cook thought about whether this could be the identity of the people in these ruins, just like magnetic cards on the earth, Cook tried to test Asked.

"According to the mercenary, although these metal cards are useless, the places where these metal cards appear are in the central area of ​​the ruins. As early as hundreds of years ago, some people thought that these metal cards had a great unknown effect. But no one has solved this secret for hundreds of years. You don't have the same idea, right." Zagot is not a fool. Hearing Cook's question, he immediately explained.

"Hehe, I have this idea, maybe we need such a card for this mission," Cook said with a smile.

"Okay, but this thing definitely needs to be purchased. I also forgot. He actually needs crystal coins to pay for his consumption here. Fortunately, I prepare everything, but I need to buy a large number of such cards. The number of crystal coins must be a lot." Zagot said in a foul language at this time.

"Hehe, don't worry about this. We are here not only to do tasks, but to earn coins. Look at these magical medicines. The magical medicines that last a hundred years are only a coin, and only one million gold coins. The potions refined from magic medicinal materials have reached the top in terms of quality and effect. I also want to buy all the magic medicinal herbs that are more than 100 years old here. This is not something that money may be able to buy." Cook pointed to the magic herb.

"Damn, a hundred-year-old magic herb is only one hundred thousand gold coins on our plane. Don't you not know how to pretend to understand?" Zagot said angrily.

"You know what a fart, look at this black velvet orchid, it is several times the size of our plane, and the age of this herb is nearly two hundred years, such a good thing is only 100,000 gold coins? You have I want as much as I want." Cook took out a black velvet orchid with a magic seal from the space bag.

"Rely, you are a rare-level herb, okay!" Zagot said angrily when he saw it. Black velvet orchid is a rare-level magic herb, because after refining restoration potions plus velvet orchid, the potion The effect is at least doubled, and it can reduce the side effects of the medicine.

Cook rolled his eyes at Zagot, then took out a few bottles of potions to Zagot, and then said: "These potions will be handed over to you. These are all top-quality potions. The sales are up to you, priority. In exchange for such a metal card, then there will be coins and magic herbs."

"Huh, what's my benefit?" Zagot stared at the bottles of potions with bright eyes, but Zagot thought that Cook should still have such potions in his hands, and couldn't help but hum. .

"Have magic herbs and no potions?" Cook asked irritably, then Zagot changed into a normal mercenary costume and left with potions.

In the next few days, none of the students in the academy completed the task. Even the lowest-level collection task was extremely difficult, because the species here is simply too powerful. Some single-player students even suffered severe damage and had to temporarily Fortunately, it’s not like on Earth, even if it’s a broken arm or a leg, as long as the advanced healing magic is used, it will be fine for a few months.

"I'm so angry, I'm so angry!" Within a few days, Lori ran to find Cook angrily, and shouted as soon as she walked in.

"What's the matter?" Cook looked helplessly at the discarded medicine in his hand. To keep it secret, Cook was refining the medicine where he lived. How could she know that Lori was outside the door and yelled, Cook's heart moved. The potion is basically scrapped, Cook put down the tool in his hand and asked.

"It's not the people in the regiment. We just came to do a mission. Our mission is to destroy a group of monsters gathered in this fortress more than 850 kilometers away, because there is an outpost of the fortress. We were attacked by powerful monsters before we arrived. Our team was temporary. If the mentor hadn’t acted in a timely manner, I’m afraid that few of us would be able to come back this time. After we came back, the high-levels of the team would interact with each other The quarrel, now the team is facing dissolution, you said that you don’t want to run into the team first, just rush into it. Is this the attitude of doing tasks? And our team leader has a cousin who comes all day long The group harassed me, I was so angry." Lori grabbed a fruit and bit it fiercely, and then a series of words came out.

"Harassing you, would you still be harassed like this?" Cook asked incredulously.

"You are mad at me, dead Cook, bad Cook, no, you have to help me out, or I will say you bully me when I go back." Lori said in a threatening blow to Cook.

"Cut, how big is the matter, do I still need to take action?" Cook sorted out the clothes messed up by Loli, and then said disdainfully.


"He is a mid-level professional. It is said that he is a level six shield warrior. Even hunters of your level want to beat them?" Lori asked with a very suspicious look.

Cook looked at Lori with an idiot look, and then sighed and said: "Only people with low IQ will do it directly. We are high IQ people, can we do it ourselves?"

"Hey! You guy dare to say that I have a low IQ, and I will never finish with you." Lori heard Cook say that, and immediately jumped up, but Lori, a magician, is as fast as Cook Hunter. The two of them just wandered around the living room.

"You stand, stop if it's a man!" Lori shouted angrily.

"Hey! I'm a boy, not a man!" Cook replied with a smile, without any reduction in speed.

"Fireball... Whoops!" Lori pretended to chant the spell. She didn't know that Cook thought it was true. She rushed to interrupt Lori's magic spell. The two rolled on the sofa together, and Lori was caught by the library. Ke pressed hard, and yelled.

"Look at you, what the trouble is, I know it hurts." Cook stood up suddenly, helped Lori to her feet, and said angrily.

"It's you, it's you, when people are wronged, you still laugh at them." Lori hammered Cook several times with her powder fist and said complainingly.

"Where did you just meet? Is it still painful?" Cook looked at Lori getting angry, so he had to change the subject and asked.

"It's here, I was stunned by this armrest just now." Lori pointed her finger at the back waist.

"Let's take a look!" Cook stretched out his hand without even thinking about it, but only halfway through it was he realized that this approach was inappropriate, but when Cook saw Lori's neck and the skin turned pink, Cook's heart moved. , He stretched out his hand.

Cook approached Lori, only to realize that Lori did not wear a magician's robe today, but a purple dress and tight-fitting clothes, making the whole person noble and slender, and there was a fresh fragrance on her body. Obviously it is a high-end perfume, and it is rare to have two gemstone earrings on the ears. A silver-white necklace looks dazzling on the pink skin.

"So soft! So slippery!" Cook's first contact with the waist of the opposite **** gave Cook the first feeling that it was so soft and slippery.

"Ouch!" Cook's hand touched Lori's sore spot, Lori cried out in pain.

"It's okay, Healing!" Cook didn't even look at it, and the hand that touched Luoli's waist showed a green light, and then Cook sang in a low voice.

"Hmm!" Lori felt a refreshing sensation permeating her entire body from her skin. This comfortable feeling made Lori a cry involuntarily.

"Um!" Cook heard Lori's voice coming out, Cook was startled, his hand stretched out to Lori's entire back involuntarily, and the other hand hugged Lori tightly. Then Cook deeply kissed Loli's pink lips.

"Open the door, open the door!" I don't know how long, a knock on the door awakened Cook. At this time Cook realized that his two hands were actually holding Lori's chest tightly. Cook did not know when the underwear was stripped off, and Lori was flushed all over her face. Cook felt the soft elasticity in Dao's hand, and cursed Zagot in his heart.

"What to do?" Lori also woke up at this time. Seeing the situation in front of her, she grabbed her underwear. Fortunately, the clothes in the other parts of the two of them were fine. How could Lori look like everyone at this time? Fawn looked frightened.

"Why don't you go to the room inside to hide?" Cook wanted to say that it was okay, but he didn't know why he said such a thing in a wicked manner.

"Then I'm going in, don't let other people in!" Lori hurried into the room inside.

Cook looked at Lori's back, with the Chinese feeling left in his mind. Cook couldn't help reaching under his nose and sniffing it lightly, then opened the door. After opening the door, Cook said in an angry tone: "I said Zagot, you don't know how to keep your voice down, look, the potions are all scrapped by you."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Cook, this time I found another kind of metal card." Zagot took out a kind of card. The lower half of this metal card, that is, the part without small holes, is still black. , But the upper part with small holes is dazzling red. So far, a total of four colors of cards have been found, all of which are different in the upper part, silver, blue, and yellow. Now it is red. Among them, the silver one has collected seven lengths, the blue one is three, the yellow one is also three, and the red one is only the card found today.

"I guess the color of these cards should represent the level or authority possessed by the owner." Cook looked at the card.

"Yeah! I guess so!" Zagot agreed and nodded, but when Zagot saw half of the fruit on the table, he saw the closed bedroom door, and Zagot was at the door. Seeing a pair of ladies' boots, it was obvious that this was a lady who came in and changed her shoes. Zagot didn't need to think to know who it was, because Zagot had just seen Mickey in the store buying magic herbs and little gray.

"This is what happened today, then I'll go first, you continue to refine the medicine." Zagot turned around and left after understanding the matter.

"Wait, this is the potion refined today. Among them is a perfect-quality potion. It is an intermediate agility potion. See if there are any special metal cards." Cook took out a few more potions, of which Cook is even more. Take out a potion of perfect quality.

"Cook, forget it with this perfect quality, let's use it ourselves!" Zagot's eyebrows jumped, and his trembling hand almost dropped the potion in his hand.

"Hey, isn't it just one potion? As long as one can be refined, can't the second one be refined." In fact, Cook has the most perfect quality potions. There is no way, sometimes it is the refining fascination. I forgot. When the potion comes out, it will be a perfect quality potion. Cook uses the magic eye to refine the potion. The magic fluctuations can be seen clearly. On the contrary, it is the best potion. The timing is not right. The quality is reduced, so Cook prefers to refine the perfect quality medicine, he is unwilling to refine the top quality, because the top quality is deliberately wrong, but this error must be mastered. Once the medicine is not mastered, the quality of the medicine is easy to decline. .

"Hehe, Cook, your talent for refining pharmaceutical agents is too high, you can refine intermediate-level drugs at only one level." Zagot tightly grasped the perfect-level drug and said flatly. .

"Okay, okay, look at you like this, I can give you a perfect quality magic power recovery potion." Cook looked at Zagot like this and couldn't help but handed a potion funny. Otherwise, Cook can guarantee that Zagot will swallow this potion.

"This ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is another potion of perfect quality? And it is still a potion with an S grade difficulty in refining?" Zagot was stunned, and he did not dare to take this potion for a while.

Cook said helplessly: "No way, I made a few by accident!" Cook said this as a foreshadowing, because three people formed a small team, it is inevitable to take out the potion when doing the task, according to Zago Special identification ability, you can see the quality of the medicine at a glance.

"A few! My goodness!" Zagot was petrified in an instant, and screamed in surprise after a while, and then he became depressed. He accidentally refined several of the perfect quality potion. Is this too abnormal? .

"Haha!" Cook only laughed.

"Hehe, then I'm leaving. With this perfect quality potion, I promise to escape all those mercenary oldies. Ouch, I'm sorry, I'm so excited." Zagot chuckled and decided to hug him. Ok, this thigh of Cook, even though Cook has only one level, Cook has been able to refine intermediate potions, and it is of perfect quality. This is considered a thigh. Zagot deliberately stepped on Lolly’s when he left. Shoes, and then apologized for leaving in a hurry.

"Damn it, it was not discovered by this guy!" Cook looked at the shoes on the ground, quickly picked them up and was ready to put them in the bedroom, and then his eyes scanned half of the fruit on the table, Cook secretly Muttered, and then looked to the bedroom, his heart was hot.

PS: Everyone, give me an opinion, see if Lori is overthrown? If you do not comment, it means tacitly!

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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