A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1027: Mutated skeleton

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"The cursed land continues to release the curse. As long as you step on this black ground, you will be affected by the curse. It seems that this cursed land is similar to the curse brought by the blood of the strong, but it is actually these strong The effect of the assimilation of the essence and blood of the person.” Dina Bufei is an ancient magician. After waking up from the shock, he gave a few words to guess the reason for the formation of the cursed land.

When Cook heard Dina’s guess, he nodded. Obviously Cook also agreed with this kind of thing. While listening to Dina’s words, Cook released a halo of dispersal to the seven little guys who had been cursed just now, and the seven little guys came to their senses. Afterwards, languishing, obviously the souls of these seven little guys were hurt.

"Unless this kind of assimilation is stronger than these deadly powerhouses, as long as you step into this area, you will be assimilated, and according to legend, there are cursed creatures in the cursed land." Dina's face was a bit solemn.

When Cook saw that the seven little guys had no problems, he said, "I don't know how many years have passed since this place. There is a great possibility that creatures will be born."

"Then what shall we do?" X asked with wide eyes in Cook's shoulder.

"You have to find a way to leave, this place is no good." Cook looked up at the peak formed by the bones. It is unrealistic to go up to this place. As long as there is movement, the bone fragments on it will definitely fall down continuously, which may cause More serious consequences.

Cook looked up at the sky in this space. They were huge bones, just like the frame of a house being built. Dina whispered: "We are not affected by the bones. Maybe this is a way. ."

Cook has noticed this a long time ago, but Cook is not sure. After all, these bones are fragments, but they are extremely hard and harder than metal. After all, these are the bones of countless strong people, which are constantly tempered by energy. Although the energy support has been lost, the hardness is definitely still very high.

"Why am I not affected?" Cook had this question in his mind, but Cook didn't figure it out, and Cook had to ask.

"If my guess is correct, you must have a super item on your body." Dina watched Cook's gaze change. Dina really can't figure out why Cook is immune to this assimilation. Cook's strength Dina I can also see that it is seven or eight, at most it is a demigod level, and the golden thorns are affected. Obviously it is not a question of strength. Then there is only the super item that you have, and the level of this item is higher than that of the deadly strong. , So it is impossible to assimilate Cook at all.

Cook understands that there are not many super items on Cook, so there are only two. The first is a natural ring. The power of this space and nature artifact is temporarily unclear, but the function it possesses is impossible. In my estimation, the second piece is Thunder Tooth. Thunder Tooth can be said to be a super attack weapon. Its level is definitely higher than that of the natural ring. Cook can only drive this weapon in the simplest way.

Seeing Cook’s silence, Dina was horrified. You must know that Dina’s mission is extremely difficult this time, so some of the items carried on her body are already very high, but Dina is affected. It was said that the human body in front of him possessed higher-level items than his own, and the two words appeared in Dina's mind, an artifact, and the level was not low, at least a high-level artifact.

Cook stepped onto the dark ground again, and Cook felt it carefully, but Cook was shocked by this feeling.

Cook could clearly feel the breath of death on the ground, cold and tyrannical, but after the breath of death approached his body, he actually felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Barry, what's the matter with me?" Cook asked loudly in his heart.

"What's going on, don’t forget that what you have is the realm of life and death. The power of death in this area can also protect you. As for high-level items, please, these items really have to work. Absorb energy." Barry's voice rang.

I have to say that Barry can see clearly in Cook's body, and Cook suddenly realized that since this item can resist the power of death in this place, then both the natural ring and the thunder tooth must absorb its own energy. It's not.

In the realm of life and death, Cook did not expect that this realm that he had just understood for a long time would actually have such an effect. Cook was planning to open the realm, but then Cook suddenly realized that opening the realm would consume his own energy, so here In this environment, opening the domain is no less than looking for death.

Cook returned to the Skeleton Mountain again, saying that it was a mountain. In fact, it was piled up by a pile of bone fragments hundreds of meters high. Cook picked up a bone fragment that was more than one meter long, which was relatively large, and found out the thunder. tooth.

Puff, the extremely hard bones were directly pierced by Thunder Tooth, and Cook was overjoyed.

Cook picked up a few relatively large bone fragments, chiseled a few pairs of boots, and then handed them to Dina and Golden Spikes.

"Try it." Cook said to Golden Spike and Dina. Just after Cook finished speaking, Golden Spike stepped onto the dark ground.

"No problem." Golden Spike almost closed his eyes and stepped onto the dark ground, but Golden Spike did not feel the extremely uncomfortable scene, opened his eyes and said excitedly.

"That's good." Seeing that this method worked, Cook also knew that this bone fragment was not simple, but Cook didn't collect it at all, but there was a guy beside Cook.

Cook took the small arrow directly out of the natural ring. Seeing the fluffy look of the small arrow, Dina suspected that this pet was really useful, but the subsequent situation made Dina and the golden thorn, hello. Stu's eyes widened.

"Kacha, Kacha." After Xiaojian saw the bone fragments, before Cook told him, he rushed forward and started chewing. A small bone was almost eaten by Xiaojian twice.

"What kind of creature is this?" Kees exclaimed.

"Bone." Cook spit out two words lightly.

"Oh my god, if this guy goes to the plane of the undead, it must be a perverted existence. There are so many bones in that place." X exclaimed.

It was the first time even Dina heard of such a strange creature, and her gaze at Xiaojian was brilliant.

When two hours passed, a mount made up of a bone frame appeared in front of Dina. Cook was already sitting on it, Dina and the Golden Spike also climbed up cautiously.

"Little Arrow, go." Cook said in his heart.

Clang, clang, the silent space reminds of the sound of clang, Xiaojian uses its own ability to control bone fragments to directly form a weird skeleton. This was originally a protective shield for Xiaojian to defend, but it became another one. It's just a shape, this skeleton looks like a union of violence.

Taste the fangs, there are bone spurs on the thick legs, the huge tail is like a mace, and the bone mount made of small arrows starts to walk on the dark ground.

The dark ground is invisible. Of course, the vision of Cook and others is also affected in it. Cook holds the devil bow in his hand. In front of Cook, there are bone arrows. Dina looks at Ku Ke looks like this, can't help being envious, this bone creature has turned into a machine that automatically makes arrows.

Huhuhu, Cook suddenly drew out a few bone arrows, then drew a bow and shot them out.

"Ah!!!" Dina was taken aback by a sharp howl.

Immediately afterwards, what appeared in Dina's eyes was a group of creatures composed of bones. There were many kinds of these creatures, but the only thing in common was the gray mist exuding from the bones.

"Undead creature." Dina said.

"Yes, it seems that the strong in this area are creatures of the undead system." After seeing these undead creatures, Cook breathed a sigh of relief. Cook has always guessed that since this is the essence of the strong after death Influence, then this area should be formed after the death of the undead strong, and in this area, the so-called cursed creatures born should also be of the undead system.

"However, these undead creatures have a strong breath of death, and obviously an abnormal change has occurred." Dina said immediately.

"Kacha." Cook didn't say anything. He directly drew out the bone arrow, and then shot it out. The bone arrow directly inserted into the skull of an undead skeleton, but the undead skeleton didn't seem to feel it.

"It seems that these undead creatures have indeed undergone mutations. The general undead creatures have soul fire. I don't know how these undead creatures are made up." The result of Cook's trial made himself a little depressed, but Cook still got some information. .

Then in Dina's stunned eyes, Cook jumped directly off the bone mount made of small arrows, and rushed towards an undead skeleton.

Bang bang bang, the movement of the undead skeletons was not slow, but after being hit by Cook with Thunder teeth several times, it became a pile of bone fragments, and even the head was shattered by Cook's direct bombardment.

"No?" After the undead skeletons were crushed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook did not see any signs of souls.

Cook rushed to another undead skeleton again. Under the power of Thunder Fang and Cook's metamorphosis, the undead skeleton turned into a pile of bone fragments in just two seconds, but there was still no sign of soul fire.

When Cook was puzzled, Dina shouted: "These skeletons are not undead creatures, but unconscious puppets condensed by the power of death."

Just after Dina shouted, Cook saw that a pile of bone fragments he had just crushed into was actually enveloped in gray mist, and then these bone fragments actually slowly healed.

"Damn it." Cook didn't expect that he would be resurrected, and Cook hurried back.

"Little Arrow, give me a shock." Since there is no benefit, if Dina knows that Cook rushed out just now, she just wants to see what is good. I don’t know if he thinks Cook is a lunatic, and Cook treats Xiaojian. Commanded. Novel. Novel

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