A Unique Hunter

Chapter 106: College Mandatory Task "5"

What's wrong, the text I created has reached Chapter 108, I don't know what went wrong! 88 days of self-excitement! Hehe!

Lori also curiously followed the three of Cooke back to the room. After sitting down, Cook couldn't wait to ask: "Zagot? What's the matter?"

"Hey, I used the potion you gave this time not only for two metal cards, one red and one orange, which have never appeared before, and I got a very reliable news about underground ruins. It is that there are a large number of weapons of the previous civilization in the ruins. These weapons are very powerful, but most of these weapons were recovered by the fortress high-level, and the teleportation array also restricted the types and quantities of items carried. But I have seen it, That guy gave a blue ray with a dagger, and the ordinary fine iron weapon was cut off at once." Zagot first took out two metal cards, and then said.

"The ruins, the places where the ruins are located are listed as extremely dangerous areas, what do you inquire about the ruins?" Lori asked while studying the card carefully.

Cook glanced at Lori, then asked: "Extremely dangerous area? How could it be possible!"

"If you don't believe me, go and take a look in the mission hall here. The extremely dangerous area is clearly marked on the map, and all the ruins are in this area." Lori replied angrily.

When Cook heard Lori say this, he immediately opened the task scroll, and he couldn't help but yelled; "Really, the team of three of us will actually give the A-level team a task. Is it a mistake?"

"What? A-level team tasks, our team tasks are only D-level, how did you extract the tasks?" Lori exclaimed in disbelief.

Cook said rather helplessly: "We got A-level evaluation, so the mission is also A-level."

"Level A, did you bring any powerful magic items?" Lori looked at the three in surprise.

"Hehe, nothing, just dozens of magic scrolls." Zagot said with a smile at this moment, embarrassed.

Cook, Lori and Mickey kept looking at Zagot up and down. Zagot said again: "Also, I have a demon pet, and it is a high-level demon, my identity information There must be something inside."

"The other thing is that my robe is a high-level warlock robe. I really don't have it anymore, that's all!" Zagot explained again.

"Aren't your dozens of magic scrolls all intermediate?" Mickey blinked and asked.

"No, there are a few advanced ones." Zagot said, shaking his head, but when the last words came out, the three of them were even more surprised. You must know that the price of advanced magic scrolls is very expensive. First, the cost of materials is originally. High, the skin of the magic scroll is used to make the magic scroll. The skin of the primary magic scroll can only be used to make the primary magic scroll, and it must be the same as that of the monster in his lifetime, and it is best to use the blood of this monster to make the solvent used to make the magic scroll . The intermediate magic scroll needs the skin of the intermediate magic scroll, and the advanced magic scroll needs the fur of the advanced magic scroll. The more advanced the production of the magic scroll, the higher the failure rate. The success rate of the advanced magic scroll is about 20%, so the material of the advanced magic scroll The fee is a sky-high price. Just like making a high-level fire-type magic scroll, it means that at least one high-level fire-type monster must die, and the high-level monsters are all guys with high IQ, so when hunting these high-level monsters, you pay The price is often very high, so the material obtained will definitely be an extremely high price plus a high probability of failure, so the price of a high-level magic scroll can be said to be sky-high.

"Cook, you won't take Xiao Lei with you too!" And Lori asked Cook quietly.

"Grass!" When Cook heard Lori's question, he immediately burst into a swear word. Cook also understood why the three people would take such an A-level team task this time. Not to mention the abnormal thing that Zagot brought, it was himself. The estimated combat power that Xiao Lei occupies here is estimated to be extremely high, not to mention that there are Xiao Huihui, big mouth, and ka ka. Cook regrets that he is dying. I knew that I shouldn’t hold it. Looking at Xiao Lei, Cook looked at Xiao Lei playing by herself on the sofa, and Cook was speechless.

Hearing Cook said this, Zagot was even more embarrassed. Zagot thought Cook said him, and Lori heard Cook said that, but she didn’t understand that Xiao Lei was also counted in, and Lori was speechless. , Then persuaded: "Why don't you do such a dangerous task?"

"Do or not, the higher the difficulty, the more generous the reward for the final task." Cook considered it carefully, then gritted his teeth and said, because the task is only to explore the ruins, just draw the area map inside the ruins. Yes, the mission did not require Cook to eliminate the creatures in it. For the three of them, especially Cook has a large number of high-quality potions, as well as the magic props on Zagot’s body and his demon pets, of course there is another Little perverted Xiaolei, of course, a ghost place like Ruins still needs the help of Ka Ka and Big Mouth.

"Then I wish you good luck, I heard that the three of you are taking A-level team tasks, I feel more balanced, but fortunately, we are also thirty people, and we still can't complete the D-level tasks?" Lori left after speaking. Up.

The remaining three looked at each other, and after a while, Cook said, "Let’s prepare again, and then we will start the mission. By the way, Zagot, you have to collect as much information about the ruins as possible, and Mitch is responsible for sorting it out. Don’t be afraid to spend money on these materials, as long as you can get useful information, it’s worth the big price."

"Well, I also look forward to the rewards of this mission." Zagot said very much.

In the following week, Cook refined a large number of high-quality potions, generally top-grade and top-quality potions. These potions were either exchanged for coins or for a large amount of magic herbs. Anyway, the last 100 years of magic on the market The herbs are gone, and a lot of news about the relics are constantly gathered, and then Mitch is sorted out, and Zagot has met a lot of people through a lot of medicines. You must know that the mercenaries here are basically all It is intermediate to advanced level, and adventurers are basically advanced.

Mercenaries are not the same as adventurers. Mercenaries not only need to upgrade their professional level before they can upgrade their mercenary level, but also can take on corresponding tasks. For mercenaries, safety is basically guaranteed, while adventurers do not. The same, even if you are a first-level professional, you can also take advanced tasks. Everything in the adventurer is based on points. The corresponding level and the level of the task are restricted without referring to the level. This is the adventurer and the mercenary. The most basic difference.

The three of them sat together, while Mitch took the sorted-out information about the relics and explained: "The people living in the relics are generally earth-type and dark-type monsters, and the bodies of these monsters are several times larger than those outside, and their combat effectiveness is even greater. The amplitude has increased, and most of the creatures in the ruins are sensitive to smell, but can basically see things in the dark, and attacks are basically highly toxic. Therefore, it is necessary to stock a large amount of antidote and drugs that interfere with the sense of smell."

"I have a lot of antidote remnants that interfere with the sense of smell." Cook heard Mickey say this and immediately nodded and said.

"The rest is the mechanism. There is no experience to talk about the mechanism, and the levels described in it are all unpredictable, and they can be activated without a trace, but we have a click, maybe it will be much better. "Mickey continued.

"Yes, a magic spider like Kaka is the best, not only is it fast, it's small, and it's easier to hide." Zagot said with envy.

"In the ruins, the biggest enemy is easy to get lost. According to the ruins that have been explored, this underground part is simply an underground city." Then Mickey put down the information in his hand and said.

"This is easy to handle. There is a big mouth. It is not easy to get lost, but we still have to prepare some magic items, potions, and scrolls. We are not short of them. Then, should we buy some auxiliary magic items, such as some magic? Burst Arrows, Engineering*, and some spell-casting items. This is a hundred crystal coins. You can see if there is anything you need to buy with fifty crystal coins. I also want to buy some things." Cook gave With Mickey and Zagort fifty crystal coins per person, this is 50 million gold coins per person, which is a big deal.

"Haha, thank you Cook, I'm leaving first." Zagot took it unceremoniously. Zagot knew how many coins Cook had earned this week. That is a rich and enemy country. Not to mention the large amount of centuries-old magic herbs purchased.

"Cook, I..." Even though Mickey knew that Cook earned a lot, Mickey was still taken aback by Cook's big hand, fifty million gold coins, what is this concept.

"Hehe, Mickey, you use these first. The quality of the things here is very high. It is difficult to see in our plane, so just buy what you need. When I go back, I will give Uncle Poon a sum Money, let him buy a title, our family is the same." Cook hugged Mickey, feeling the girl's unique breath and elastic body, Cook said with a smile.

"Cook, isn't it okay, Miss Lori and his family?" Mitch was taken aback by Cook's thoughts.

"Hehe, don't worry, we are not leaving the Roland Empire. Besides, the purchased titles are certainly not very high, so we are still attached to Lori and his family, but our family has a title, and nothing will happen in the future. They can do whatever they want. This is considered a talisman." Cook said, looking at Mickey like a frightened little rabbit, he immediately comforted.

"That..." Mickey still hesitated.

"Go, go shopping with me, we have to visit the commander here." Cook can't say that he picked up Mickey and went out, and to do missions and get out of the fortress you must get a fortress commander. With permission, otherwise no one can get out of the fortress.

Cook bought a large number of magic burst arrows. Cook only bought two types, fire type and ice type, and engineering*. Sure enough, the dwarves here also sell these things in private. Although the teleportation array does not allow them to be carried, These dwarves made this by themselves. In the end, Cook bought some thorn seeds. However, the thorn seeds sold in the magic shop are all popular products. If there are good thorn seeds, others are left to cultivate or use by themselves, which is restricted by country M. Some things exported are the same.

"Your Excellency Commander, this is our mission scroll. We hope we can leave the fortress for the mission tomorrow." Cook came to the fortress commander's office alone. Mickey took Xiaolei to play outside, Mickey was still a little afraid to meet These high-ranking officials, Xiao Lei is now more obedient, and can be considered to be able to get in touch with familiar people around her slowly.

"Yeah! Exploring the ruins, this task is not easy, young man, I'll give you a piece of advice, be careful in the ruins, because each ruin is different." The commander said vaguely.

"Commander, can you elaborate?" Cook asked the commander immediately when he heard the commander say so.

"Ahem, this is top secret and cannot be leaked out." The commander coughed twice.

"Hehe, Commander, I think you are a very good magician. I have some small gifts that are very suitable for you." Cook took out two beautiful boxes and handed them to the commander.

"Uh, no, I'm... the superb magic power recovery potion, and it's gold?" The commander refused, but Cook opened it before he finished speaking. The two potions inside moved the commander. When he got up, the superb magic power recovery potion of the intermediate gold system, which moved the commander who was a gold magician.

"Hehe, thank you very much. The difference in the ruins I said refers to the functions of the ruins. According to the many small ruins we have explored, there are three types of ruins. One is a comprehensive type. There is not much danger, it’s just that the ruins are relatively large, and there are attack-type ruins with many organs inside. Such ruins are easy to distinguish. The attack-type ruins are made of a large amount of discarded metal. There is another one. This seems to be a research relic. There are many monsters in it, and the magnitude of the monsters' mutations is very large. We suspect that there is something in it that can cause these monsters to change." The commander pressed his heart down. Doubt, because the commander can guarantee that the hunter in front of him can't sense anything else in his magic system. Not to mention that the hunter is not necessarily a high-level magician. Then only the old guys know it, the commander doesn't know what it is. What's the relationship between the young man and those old guys, but with these two magic potions, the commander doesn't mind explaining.

"Then my lord commander, what are the ruins we are going to?" Cook was startled and asked quickly.

"According to the known data analysis, it should be an offensive relic." After the commander finished speaking, he closed his mouth tightly.

"My lord, I still have a small gift for my grown-ups, and I hope they can give me some help." When Cook saw the old guy's appearance, he gritted his teeth and directly took out a perfect quality gold magic healing potion.

"God! Actually... well, I will send a guard and hire mercenaries to the ruins to establish a forward observation post. If you want, you can follow them on the road together. This forward observation post will exist for at least one month. This is already me. The limit is too high." The commander almost stood up when he saw this perfect-quality potion, but when he saw Cook held it tightly in his hand, the commander said with his eyes rolling.

"Thank you, sir." Cook quickly delivered the potion. Knowing that the ruins are far away, the danger on the road is enough for three people to drink a pot, but there are guards and mercenaries, so three people are safe too much.

"But your lord, you said that a lot of ruins have been explored, but why don't we know?" Cook asked the last question.

"Hehe, some things need to be kept secret." The commander can't understand Cook even more. If he can come up with such a potion, the power behind it is certainly not small, and there are only two that have an absolute advantage in potion. , Which one is it? The commander was puzzled.

"Thank you, sir." Cook took the exit voucher, which was also the voucher to enter the fortress, and then left.

"Kas! Come in, there is an order here, execute it immediately!" After Cook left, the commander shouted loudly, and then a person came in, took the command signed by the commander and left. .

Cook went back and talked about the situation. The three people felt that the chances of completing the task were very high. The three decided to take a good rest and then start the task tomorrow. Just when the three of Cooke were resting, it was a room in an inn. Several people gathered together inside.

"Captain! According to our constant investigations over the past week, we have found out that the magician who trades high-quality potions in the bar privately and the girl who buys magic herbs are unparalleled with this young man who gave the throwing knife potion. It’s from the academy, and it’s still a small team. As for the name, we don’t know very well, because our relationship is just a guard here, and has no contact with Wushuang Academy." The woman who speaks is the big bow in the team. This guy is an archer, with memory. Very powerful, you will never forget it after a glance.

"Flying knife! How is the potion usage?" The captain turned around and asked the flying knife.

"It's great, Captain, it's a perfect-quality potion. Those intermediate and high-level monsters are only 20 meters away from me, and they didn't even find me. That's great!" Flying knife stood up exaggeratedly and said~www.wuxiaspot .com~ This is indeed the case. This invisible potion not only extends to an hour, but also the effect is very obvious. You must know that even a sleeping high-level monster has a warning distance of 100 meters, not to mention the warning when foraging. The distance is just as far as you can see. We would definitely not be able to complete this mission without this medicine. "Buni said afterwards.

"Captain, Captain, good news, good news, the three students have finally started to do the task." At this time, the door was pushed open, and the thin man said excitedly as soon as he came in.

"Okay, okay! As long as we meet by chance during the mission, as long as we can deal with such a pharmacist, the growth of our team is not just around the corner." The captain heard the news and immediately stood up and said excitedly.

"Hey, no, captain, this time we can set off with these three people in a fair manner, because it is said that the guy bribed the commander, so the commander established a forward observation post at the place where the guy was doing the task. The fortress has been released. After finishing the hiring mission, hire three teams to set off with the guard that established the observation post." The thin man continued with a smile.

"What are you waiting for? Our team should hurry up. We must know that our team is not investigating the source of this high-quality potion." The captain stood up immediately, and rushed out immediately after speaking.

"Hey, the captain is still like this. I don't know if I am the deputy captain and I have the right to sign up?" Looking at the captain and the bucktooth, the big bow rushed out, the thin man said helplessly.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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