A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1064: Gobi Forbidden Land


Varman saw Cook continue to break through the space. He was getting farther and farther away. Varman couldn't take care of that much. The whole body glowed with a dazzling silver light. Then Varman's body accelerated. Then the whole body flew out like a big bird.

Varman is sliding. On a plane like the Demon Plane, only the monarch level can fly.

The Demon Plane does not have the distinction of ordinary planes, sanctuary, and gods. Therefore, the demons born here are naturally able to adapt to this environment. And the environment here is even worse than that of the sanctuary. This is also a normal demon that is powerful. One of the reasons.

Varman is not yet a demigod. Even at a demigod, he can’t fly. So Varuman is taxiing. When taxiing, he has to run up.

"Boom." Cook brought Hadoshi and kept flashing.

And Hadoshi couldn't help twitching all over, shouting loudly: "Master. Master. I can't stand it. My body can't bear the frequent travel through space."

Cook yelled angrily: "You can't die. Shut me up."

There is also a reason for Cook's anger. Cook's mental power found that there are some terrifying existences under this peaceful Gobi. Waves of mental power are constantly sweeping. What kind of existence are the masters of these mental powers. Cook doesn't know. But with such a strong mental power, Cook also knows that these guys are mostly difficult to deal with.

"Master. Master. All are the **** of Varman. That **** guy. I don't know how many terrifying creatures are sleeping in this ancient Gobi. He actually made such a big movement..." Haduosi resisted the violent movement. Pain. You must know that every time you travel through space, your body must be under tremendous pressure. This kind of pressure Hadosi can bear once or twice. But after more, Hadosi can't bear it. The whole body seems to be crushed again and again.

"Shut up." Cook heard Hadoshi's chirping crookedly. He shouted coldly again.

Hadoshi saw Cook's anger. He closed his mouth tightly. He didn't speak anymore. But the shaking of his whole body can be seen. This Hadoshi suffered intense pain. Cook looked back when he flashed A moment. I found Varuman gliding again and again. It did not fall behind. And behind Varuman, a large swath of Gobi creatures followed. You must know that Varuman produced dramatic magic waves while sliding. These magic waves In the perception of these creatures, that means food.

"Idiot." Cook cursed with gritted teeth, and then increased the frequency of flashes again.

Cook held Hadoshi in this way and flashed for half an hour. He had left for thousands of kilometers. But there was still a desolate Gobi around him. The silver light on Varuman who followed him began to dim.

"Finally, none of those guys can follow." Cook looked at Varman's back. There are no living creatures. Cook also breathed a sigh of relief. You must know that this is a cumbersome teleportation. It consumes a lot of mental power. of.

Puff. Cook threw Hadoshi directly on top of the sand. Varman saw Cook stop. It also staggered and landed not far from Cook. Then he picked up the stamina recovery potion. Fill it down.

"Master. You ran too fast." Varman looked at Cook and said limply on the sand. It can be said that just half an hour of sliding has caused Varuman's consumption to an extreme.

Cook also poured a bottle of mental potion. Then he watched distressedly at the space magic crystal flashing on the ring. It was only half an hour. A mung bean-sized piece of the best space magic crystal was almost consumed. Then Cook watched again. Dorsey, found that the servant had passed out.

Cook also poured a bottle of healing potion on Hadosi. Cook knew that Hadosi was directly fainted by the huge pressure he was exposed to when the space was broken. The body suffered a lot of damage. At this time, the use of healing potions is the best suitable.

Cook lost some food to Varuman. He also started to eat. Although there are stamina recovery potions for restoring stamina, it is best to use it in combination with food. Because just taking stamina potions, it will cause certain damage to the body.

About ten minutes later, Hadosi said, and opened his eyes. Cook also threw some food to Hadosi.

Half an hour later. Hadosi was alive and kicking again. He snarled at Varman: "You are a fool. A real idiot. What is this place. I don’t know how much horror is hidden under the sand. Biology. You dare to do that."

"I was very excited at the time. I didn't stop my hands for a while." Varuman also knew he was wrong. He defended quietly.

"Bah. You're still a guy close to a demigod level. Is there **** in your mind?" Hadoxi pucked.

"Okay. Let's leave first. In case those guys catch up again. Hadoshi. Lead the way." Cook stood up and ordered loudly.

"Fortunately there is a master this time. Otherwise, we all have to die there." Hadosi finally said to Varuman angrily.

Varuman stood up. He muttered softly, "You die if you die. I followed it myself."

"What?" Hardosi heard Varman's muttering, staring as if he was about to eat Varman.

"Go." Cook saw the appearance of these two guys and shouted angrily.

Hadoshi looked at Varman with a menacing look. Then he walked to Cook. Ready to lead the way. But when Hadoshi looked around for a while, his face changed a lot and said, "Master. How far have we walked."

"About a few thousand kilometers," Cook replied after an estimate.

"Master. It's broken. We have entered the most dangerous area in the Gobi." Haduosi spoke a little trembling. He looked around vigilantly. His voice was much lower.

"What's the matter?" Cook could not help but ask in a low voice when he saw what Hadosi was like.

"Master. It is said that there is a sacred beast in the depths of the Gobi. And there is more than one." Hadoshi said to Cook as if he was about to run away at any time.

When Cook heard Hadosi say this, he was shocked: "It's broken. No wonder the guys who chased us disappeared. Could it be that there are really beasts here."

Just below Cook's three sand dunes not far away. The sand dunes in one place moved. Then, a black eye with a diameter of one meter was exposed. This eye looked around. Then I saw Cook III Human. Immediately this eye moved on the sand dune. The direction was exactly where Cook was.

"Master. Let's go quickly." Hardosi heard Cook say so. He was shocked. He was about to leave.

Cook just prepared to speak. Then his face changed a lot. Then a meteor cannon appeared in his hand.

"Boom. Boom." Cook aimed at a sand dune hundreds of meters away. Then he blasted out suddenly. The first crackling sound was a huge explosion caused by meteorite shells hitting the dunes. The second sound was a dune bursting suddenly. Coming, a monster tens of meters high emerged from the sand dune.

"Golden Sandworm." Seeing this monster, Hardosi said.

This sand worm is like a maggot. But the maggot body is a circle of metallic carapace. On the head, there are two eyes erected high. It is like two tentacles. And huge. The mouth is like a huge hole, but there are circles of fangs around the hole.

Sand worm. It is one of the lowest level creatures in the desert environment. The food of sand worms is very complicated. Other creatures. Rotten things. And bones. And sand are the food of this sand worm. The mouth of sand worms can hold the most Hard biological bones are ground. The corrosive liquid in the sand worm's body can melt all the metal. But I have never heard of the existence of golden sand worms.

You know that the golden sandworm is almost the peak of the sanctuary. Cook looked at the golden sandworm and roared loudly: "This is a mutant sandworm. Look at the tail of this guy."

"Damn bastard." Varman saw the golden sand worm. Angrily rushed towards the sand worm. You must know that Varman was annoyed by those creatures just now.

"Come back." Cook saw Varman like this. He roared. But it was too late.

"Boom." Varuman was suddenly twitched by the sandworm's tail. It flew directly to the horizon. At least it was several kilometers away. A huge dust was raised where Varuman landed.

Cook is speechless. Sandworms are the lowest level creatures. It's like ants. But if the ants grow up to be like elephants, will the lowest level creatures die? It must be the topmost existence in the entire biological chain.

Therefore, sandworms are not low-level creatures, but once they grow up, they are more ferocious than other creatures of the same level.

"Roar." After the sandworm was attacked by Varman, it opened its huge mouth and let out a roar.

Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff h Very clever. A roll fell behind the sand dune. Then the sand dune was collapsed by a huge sound wave. It was almost buried.

"Boom." The meteor cannon in Cook's hand fired again. But the powerful power of the meteor cannon only left some dark marks on the sandworm's carapace.

"Oh" Although there is no harm on the surface, the sandworm is still traumatized inside. It roars with pain.

Puff puff puff. The sand worm rolled on the ground. Then a jet of black was ejected from the huge mouthparts, and it rushed directly to Cook.

Cook flashed again. Cook secretly thanked the flash ring for a space magic crystal just now. Cook smelled a fishy smell from afar. Cook was looking at the dark liquid falling on the ground and actually turned the sand They all corroded and evaporated. Cook took a breath of cold air.

Rumble. Cook just finished flashing. I saw the sandworm's kilometer-long body suddenly curled up. Then it straightened again. Then it rolled. It was kilometers long. The huge body tens of meters high seemed to be like one. The huge wall of flesh generally smashed towards Cook. It raised countless dust. Cook quickly flashed again but Cook just flashed out. He was directly drawn by a huge black shadow. Then Cook flew out. It fell heavily on the sand dunes.

"Damn it. How can I fight this?" Cook stood up. He saw the sandworm's huge body constantly tumbling. The head and tail were still curling up from side to side. It was like a maggot. You must know that this thing itself is thousands of meters long. Cook also finally knows how huge this guy's range attack is. The area where the body is located is range attack. There is no other means at all. It keeps crushing. It just rolls.

"Master. Look at me." Varman heard Cook say so. He patted his chest and said. Then Varman started to slide again. Cook saw Varuman sliding in the air. His eyes lit up. The air dealt with ground targets. The best is not.

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