A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1074: ready

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"This is an artificial sun." Cook felt the temperature of the fire on the pillar. It was like sunlight shining on the body. Cook was completely shocked. Cook guessed boldly in his heart.

"Master..." Hadosi saw this scene. He licked his dry lips. Then he looked at Cook.

Cook's face is also very ugly. Judging from the brand of the contract on Varuman, Varuman is in the city below. But this city does not need to be seen. The danger is too great.

"Wait. Let's observe it first." Cook knows what Hadosi meant and stopped. But Cook is not incapable of dealing with the guys below. But first, Cook must decide whether to do this.

Cook took out a single-scope telescope from the natural ring. This thing was refined when Cook just started making equipment. However, because Cook himself is a magician, it is used very rarely. Now the magic power is sealed. . Take it out and just use it.

Another feature of the telescope is that it is not easy to be spotted during investigation, because there will be no magical fluctuations, and it is not easy to be known by the sense of purpose.

Appearing in Cook’s vision is the scene of the huge city below. There are no streets. The streets are the roofs. Below the roofs are caves. It looks like a subway. And those places that seem to be fields. In fact, there are some dwellings below. In other words, the seemingly sparsely built plain is actually a huge gathering place. There may be more than hundreds of thousands of intelligent creatures here.

The fields are planted with some plants. This is the first time Cook has seen so many plants. In addition, there are some irrigation canals in these fields. I don't know where the water is drawn from.

There are many intelligent races that Cook discovered. Kobolds, cavemen, cave spiders. What is even more surprising to Cook is that there are races that resemble dwarves and dwarves. But these dwarves and dwarves and the dwarves and dwarves of the main plane have already There is a big difference.

These dwarves and dwarfs have long hairs, and their colors are red, brown, and in addition to these. There are some other creatures. These creatures are not humanoid creatures. There are saber-toothed pigs. There are also flame feather snakes and so on. biological.

"How could this happen." Cook saw these races living together in harmony. Cook was completely puzzled.

Yes. It's like human beings living with Warcraft. And it's still very harmonious. This completely violates Cook's previous understanding.

Hadoshi was also watching the situation intently. After watching for a while. Hadoshi also took out a quaint book to check it. Cook didn't know what Hadoshi was doing. But the more Cook looked at it. For a long time, the more shocked.

Because Cook discovered that the city below does not seem to be one level. In other words, under this seemingly small plain. In fact, it seems to be a group of buildings that resembles a honeycomb. Most of the buildings are below the ground.

"Master..." Hadoshi put the book away. Then he pulled Lacook.

"En." Cooke said. Then he looked at Hadoshi.

"Master. Maybe we have an incredible discovery." Hadoshi said mysteriously.

Cook looked at Hadosi in confusion. Hadosi explained in a low voice: "Master. Maybe we have found a monarch-level city."

"Sovereign level. Could it be said that there is a powerful monarch in it?" Cook knew that in the demon plane. The so-called monarch level is the **** level. That is to say, there is a **** under it.

"Yes. In the vast world. No one knows how many monarch-level guys there are. No one knows how many monarch-level cities there are. Dark land, twilight land, and so on. And the underground world is even more so. Not known to us. According to what we are seeing now. I am afraid that this is a monarch of a chaotic camp. And I boldly guess that the monarch is in a deep sleep. "Hadosi is a magician. According to some There are still situations in the record. The analysis makes sense.

"Why do you say you are asleep?" Cook asked.

"Because we can get here. If a real monarch-level powerhouse is awake, don't talk about it. If we get close to hundreds of kilometers, we will be discovered." Hadosi's reason is very powerful.

Cook argued: "Could it be a conspiracy."

"Haha. Master. Do you think it is necessary?" Hadoshi chuckled. Then asked back.

Cook thought. Yes. It is not the monarch’s own hands. Just say one thing. Two of you must be hunted down. Hadoshi explained further: "And Varuman was not killed on the spot. I guess it was as a sacrifice. Use. Then the monarch must have been seriously injured and fell asleep. And these sacrifices are to restore power."

"Then what are we going to do?" Cook asked.

"Master. Of course, he would kill in. Then plunder the godhead of this sleeping guy." Hadosi's voice was much louder. Hadosi was actually careful. Now Cook is a servant by his side. And his master certainly doesn't need it. So if you get the godhead, who is more suitable than yourself.

"But so many..." Cook hesitated.

"Master. These sleeping guys must have wealth. That is a monarch-level wealth. And there are so many slaves. And there is a ready-made monarch-level city. If you build such a city, it will cost you money. ……. And there is no danger here. Master, you can develop with confidence." Hadoshi said with a clever tongue.

Cook is also very excited. You must know that the minerals of this demon plane are much richer than the main plane. This is not to say that the main plane is not good. It is because there are too many people mining on the main plane. You must know that Cook's Free Alliance and Dwarves and dwarves all border. The mines under the ground are invisible at all. Perhaps the mines under the Freedom League are being madly excavated by dwarves and dwarves.

"Okay. Let's prepare first." What Cook values ​​most is the monarch-level city. And the surrounding resources. Although Cook does not know the concept of a monarch-level city. But just think about it and know how to build such a city. It must be costly.

And Cook also thought of one thing. That is, cross-plane trade requires a stronghold. This is very suitable. Of course, the environment here is more suitable for humans. An artificial sunlight environment. Plants can also be grown. This is the library. What Ke wants to see.

Cook and Hadosi directly withdrew dozens of kilometers. Cook found a huge gap. It can be said to be a huge hall. It is several square kilometers in size. Then in Hadosi's suspicious gaze, Cook began to get busy. stand up.

Cook wants to set up a teleportation array. It is a teleportation array that spans the plane. However, the magic fluctuations of the teleportation array across the plane are too strong. In order not to attract attention, Cook must first arrange magic patterns around the cave. Magic fluctuations. Of course, in order to protect this teleportation array, the necessary protective measures are also necessary.

First of all, Cook draws a sketch based on the surrounding terrain. Then according to this graphic to design various magic patterns. Protect magic patterns. Hide magic patterns. Detect magic patterns. Control magic patterns. Attack magic patterns. And these magic patterns need to be Well put together.

One day later, there are hundreds of drawings around Cook. Cook is still designing. Because once this kind of teleportation across the plane is established, it is impossible to move. The consumption is too huge.

Hadoshi no longer looked at Cook. Because Hadoshi looked dizzy, he couldn't understand what Cook was doing.

On the second day, Cook directed Hadoshi to rest the cave. The entire cave looked more regular. Then Cook began to arrange the magic lines.

One by one magic patterns were born from Cook’s hands. These magic patterns seemed to be printed in Cook’s mind. The magical metal like a hill in the cave made Hadoshi swallowed his mouth. But the magical metal like a hill is not It disappeared into Cook's hands in half a day.

These metals are directly grasped by an invisible big hand, and then burst into a mass of powder in the air. The various powders are constantly mixed together. Then, after being burned by a mass of flame in Cook's hand, it becomes A mass of solution suspended in the air. Then these solutions are drawn into metal filaments thinner than hair. These metal filaments are directly carved into the entire stone wall under the strong mental power. Hadosi sees Cook beside him A faintly flashing silver light. I swallowed my saliva. This is a manifestation of spiritual power. Cook did not stop at all. There were continuous magical metals being shattered. Then smelted. Finally, it was drawn into silk and painted on Inside the stone wall.

Then it appeared again. And along with this time there were piles of magic potions. After such a hill disappeared five times, Hadoshi was numb. Cook's arrangement of this cave is considered complete.

When Cook’s last magic pattern was over, and then the entire magic pattern was activated, the stone walls around the cave immediately changed. The rock on the entire stone wall suddenly became a crystal clear thing. Then the whole stone wall was surrounded It emits dim fluorescence.

"Huh." Cook saw the successful activation of the magic pattern. Cook breathed a sigh of relief. You must know that the stone wall itself cannot withstand the powerful force of the magic pattern. However, Cook painted several crystallized magic patterns. Crystalized the stone wall. This way, you can withstand the magic lines. But this is also theoretical. If you look carefully, these crystal-clear crystalline stone walls have a line that is smaller than a hair. This is the magic line. And the circuit that connects the magic line. The energy to be transported by such a small circuit is at least the energy of a full blow from the peak of the sanctuary, so it consumes a lot of precious magic metal.

This is not a big head. When a bunch of fist-sized magic crystals appeared in front of Cook. There are other more precious magic metals. After the magic gems, Hadoshi almost couldn't help grabbing it. But fortunately, Hadoshi's rationality accounted for Got the upper hand.

"Lord...Lord...Master. What are you doing." Hadoshi stuttered. Hadoshi really didn't understand what Cook was doing. Because Hadoshi had never seen anything that required so much consumption. The magic metal and even the magic gems. These wealth are in Hadoshi's eyes. Even the monarch level may not have such good things.

"Establish a plane teleportation array." Cook replied without looking back.

"Plane... Plane Teleportation Array." Hadoshi almost fainted. His master was already so powerful. It was possible to build a Plane Teleportation Array. This. Hadoshi couldn't help but slam into it fiercely. Click on the wall.

"Boom." But unfortunately. The wall was painted with magic patterns by Cook. Hadoshi was suddenly wrapped in lightning. Then he twitched and fell to the ground.

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