A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1085: The real war "10"

?? "Oh," Cook said, then looked at Hadoshi,

Hadoshi looked at Cook and said, "Master, what I am reading is a biography. It is said that in a battle in ancient times, a trainer tamed a strange black monster. The name of this monster is not clear. , This black creature can be swallowed no matter what kind of creature it is or what kind of weapon, in the end this...,"

"I understand," Cook understood before he could hear Hardosi's words, and then Cook quickly searched for the natural ring.

In a moment of effort, several magic books appeared in Cook's hands, and then Cook looked through them one by one, and finally Cook found relevant records in a magic book.

"Corpse worms, social creatures, a kind of rare magical creatures that live in a dark environment, the body fluids secreted are highly corrosive and paralysing, and strong viscosity can swallow most of the things. The biggest weakness of corpse worms is Can’t move fast, usually appear in the tombs of some powerful creatures,” Cook slowly read the record on the magic book.

Hadoshi looked at Cook and firmly remembered what Cook said, but apparently Cook had not said something.Of course, Hadoshi didn't know that the magic books that Cook had obtained were left by the dragon wizard. This is a book on the domestication of poisonous insects. This corpse insect is listed as one of the most dangerous creatures.

After Cook finished watching, he knew how to deal with these corpses. Cook said to Hadoshi: "Hadoshi, go find some creatures that need to live,"

"Yes," Hadoshi immediately took his servant to hunt.

And Cook began to prepare. Cook first finds a suitable place, and finally Cook finds a large stone tens of meters high not far from the black lake. Cook takes out some tools. Climb up the stone, and then nail a bracket and pulley on the top of the stone near the side of the corpse insect.The pulley is fixed, and then a metal rope is put on the pulley, and then the stone tens of meters high is dropped.

After Cook came down, he saw that Hadosi had returned with his servants. A dozen gophers of various sizes were caught by Hadosi. Obviously, this group of gophers was unlucky.

Hardosi gave Cook the gophers in his hand. Cook tied the two big gophers to a wire rope and then hung them up. These gophers had been knocked out by Cook, and these two gophers were stunned. Hanging on the top of the stone, the remaining gophers were killed by Cook one by one, and the blood and corpses were thrown by Cook along the big rock to the side of the corpse insects.

"This is...," Hadoshi looked like a trap that couldn't be easier.

"Wait," Cook didn't know whether the records in the magic book worked or not.

The big stone was hundreds of meters away from where the corpse insects were. Within a few minutes, these corpses began to climb onto the shore. Looking at the thick black liquid, it was hard for Cook to imagine that this was a corpse. The so-called body fluids of insects,

According to records, corpse bugs are very small bugs. These bugs are a kind of software and do not have much defense power. However, this kind of bug has a characteristic, that is, what kind of thing it swallows has what kind of attributes. Rocks have the attributes of rocks, and the engulfing of metals has the attributes of metals.

But these attributes will be consumed, that is to say, if the corpse worm swallows a metal, then if it is attacked, the corpse worm will have the defensive performance of the metal, but once the defensive consumption is related to swallowing The amount of metal is proportional, which means that the amount of defense is the amount of swallowed metal.

These attributes are not completed by the corpse worm itself, but are formed by the body fluid secreted by the corpse worm, and the corpse worm is a social creature. In the corpse worm, there is a leader, and this leader is generally in this group of corpses. The safest place for insects,

In fact, this group of corpse worms was split by this king. This king controls all corpse worms. When there is really nothing to eat, the king of corpse worms will also swallow his subordinates, so the corpse worms are very powerful. Rare, because the speed of movement is slow, these corpse worms often have to eat their own subordinates in the end, and in the face of natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, floods, and such natural disasters, corpse worms have no strong power to resist.

When Cook saw that he was back on the shore, it was actually a group of black liquid constantly twisting, giving people a creepy feeling. Cook looked at his heart relaxed a lot, because everything was in accordance with Plan to proceed,

At a distance of hundreds of meters, it became a black viscous liquid that was constantly squirming, and it soon reached under the stone. Cook shouted from the side: "Hadosi, do it,"

When Hardosi heard Cook's words, he slowly put down the metal rope. The two gophers were hung by the rope, and finally stayed one meter close to the ground. The corpse below may know that there is something on it. Things are piled up one after another,

"Keep a distance of half a meter," Cook shouted loudly, standing at a distance of 100 meters. Cook's eyes were fixed on the liquid of the corpse insect. Although the liquid was dark, Cook knew that the corpse The king of insects is very conspicuous,

Haduo looked at the distance between the hanging gopher and the corpse worm below, slowly pulling the rope in his hand, the corpse worm underneath was stacked higher and higher, the corpse worm liquid had no skeleton support, so these corpse worms Like mud, the higher the stack height, the more quantity needed, but it is more than one meter high, and the distance below it occupies more than ten square meters.

As time went by, more and more corpse insects came up, occupying more and more areas, and Cook was very vigilant, after all, this corpse insect group is really too big.

When the height of the stack of corpse insects was more than ten meters, Cook shouted again: "Throw a gopher down,"

Hadoshi stood on the rock, a gopher was thrown down, and then was swallowed by the corpse worm below.At this time, the black lake formed by the corpse worm was smaller, and Cook became more nervous. Holding two auspicious bones,

When the corpse worms are stacked 20 meters high, the size of the bottom is close to one square kilometer, without the support of the skeleton. If these corpse worms want to eat the food above, they need more corpse worms to participate.

"It's finally out," Cook saw that in the lake formed by the black corpse worm liquid, a large group of pitch-black body fluid was constantly squirming. Cook's heart became more nervous and sweat came out.

The lake formed by the black liquid is tens of meters away from the food near the big rock. At this distance of tens of meters, a continuous stream of corpses and insects rushed to the food with body fluids.

A huge black liquid appeared at a distance of tens of meters.Looking at the big bump, Cook activated the bone in his hand.

"Puffpuffpuffpuff," the bones in Cook's hand sprayed out two huge water jets. The water jets directly hit the black bulge, making a puffpuff sound.

After the water column was sprayed with the corpse worm, it was immediately swallowed by the corpse worm, but everyone knew that the water had no attributes. After the water column was washed for less than two seconds, the black raised color became a little lighter.

Ten seconds later, although the black bumps were several times larger in volume, the color was almost transparent.

Within this transparent bulge, Cook saw a maggot-like guy with some black lines. The largest of them had the thickness of an arm and was about thirty centimeters long.

"That's it," Cook felt even more nervous after seeing this guy. This is the king of corpses.

"Thunderstorm," Cook tore open the scroll that had already been prepared.

"Rumble," remembered a violent popping sound, a flash of lightning struck the place where the corpse insect king was.

The lightning was also swallowed by the corpse worm, but these corpse worms did not expect that the lightning itself contained paralysis properties, and the corpse worm itself did not have any properties, so the entire raised almost transparent water ball collapsed all at once.

When Cook saw this, his body disappeared with an afterimage. When Cook appeared again, Cook had one more thing in his hand, the leader of the corpse bug, like a larger maggot. ,

Cook took a closer look, and it turned out that this is not a maggot at all. This guy still has hairs all over his body. These hairs are so tiny. The body fluids of the corpse worms are filled between the hairs. It looks like a mass of liquid. It is the long hair of the whole body that drives the direction of body fluid movement, and the remaining corpse worms are the size of rice grains, the size of mung beans, and the number is not clear.

This is the corpse worm. Cook looked at the corpse worm in his hand. The corpse worm was like a silkworm, but it was covered with hair. Cook looked at the corpse worm leader. To absorb the nutrients of the swallowed things in body fluids,

So what the corpse worm relies on is body fluid, and the water that Cook just sprayed diluted the body fluid of this part of the corpse worm, and the swallowing effect of the corpse worm is greatly reduced. Of course, the most important thing is to lead the corpse worm out. The worm leader has a strong sense of crisis, so he will approach more and more corpses, and he will be caught by Cook.

After catching the corpse worms, this has not been completed, because the corpse worms do not have much powerful fighting methods at all. Cook looked at the corpse worms and smiled, knowing that the most rare thing to cultivate corpse worms is to split more corpses. Individuals, and the corpse leader that Cook is facing now, how many individuals are divided, it is almost a lake, which saves Cook's biggest trouble, Cook looked at the corpse leader,

The color of the body fluid around the head of the corpse worm quickly deepened.Obviously, the leader of the corpse worm wanted to get rid of Cook's control. Cook sneered, then took out a large bucket and directly threw the corpse leader into the big bucket.

"Wow," Cook continued to add water to the bucket. The bucket was nearly two meters high, almost as high as Cook. The huge water flow from the magic water generator that Cook carried was actually simple. The energy in the water magic crystal is extracted and then converted into pure water. This water can all be converted into magic elements and is called magic water.

The corpse worm’s swallowing instinct continues to swallow the water, but more and more water is swallowed and converted into body fluids. More and more body fluids eventually exceed the control of the corpse leader.

It's like bleaching. After only ten minutes, the body fluid secreted by the corpse worm leader is not sticky, but also very transparent, just like water, and even the body of the corpse worm leader has gradually become transparent, Cook sees At this result, I smiled in my heart,

Cook took out the head of the corpse worm, which is like a long-haired silkworm, motionless, because it takes energy to absorb water to transform the body fluid. He picked up this guy, and then shook it with his hand. There was no body fluid. Cook looked at the slightly transparent body of the corpse worm, and then a green light appeared on the index finger of his right hand.

Then the index finger continued to outline in the air, and a strange rune appeared suspended in the air.When the rune was over, Cooke pointed his index finger and directly printed the rune on the gray crystal in the body of the corpse worm. The gray crystal still wants to hide, but the leader of the corpse worm who has been exhausted and paralyzed has no room to hide.

"Alright," Cook saw a faint green light leaking from the gray crystal. Cook knew it was done. Then Cook threw the corpse worm leader back into the corpse worm community.

"Hadosi, come down," Cook realized that he was completely successful this time, and Cook greeted Hadosi,

"Master," Hadosi had long wanted to approach Cook, but without Cook's call, Hadosi did not dare to move.

"Well, you guys take out some blood," Cook told Hadoshi.

Without hesitation, Hadoshi cut on his arm. The blood flowed out like running water. Hadoshi saw that his servants hadn't moved yet, and immediately shouted: "Damn it, come on. point,"

The rest of the Goat Head Demon and the Bull Head Demon also cut open their arms one after another. Cook looked at it and said irritably, "A little is enough,"

Cook wrapped the blood spirit power of Hadoshi and other demons, and then threw it into the corpse swarm. Cook then turned to Hadoshi and said, "Hadoshi, if you pass by here again, don’t be afraid. These black things are gone,"

Just now Cook painted a enslavement rune on the soul core of the corpse worm. This is a special rune used by wizards to tame poisonous worms in ancient times. It is similar to a magic contract.

In other words, a group of corpse worms were conquered by Cook, and Cook did not immediately take these corpse worms, because this is a natural barrier of the newly built base. The blood of Hadosi and others just asked by Cook is to let This corpse leader remembers that he can't swallow these people,

"Master...," Hadosi was shocked when he heard Cooke's words, and he couldn't explain it clearly.

"Hehe, it's okay," Cook smiled and walked onto the black lake. The corpses that had been attracted just now were already returning to the lake. Cook's feet stepped on the black lake as if they were on the ground. The same as above, there is no abnormal situation at all,

The few guys behind Haduosi even opened their mouths. You must know that these guys can't mix in the black market. There are no less hunting around here. The horror of this black lake has spread throughout the black market. Those demons are willing to go. Hunting creatures in the desert on the ground are unwilling to come here because of this terrifying black lake,

"Hadosi, come here," Cook stood on the black lake, and then called to Hadosi.

"Master, or I will detour," Hadoshi didn't want to walk around here. Haduoxi had seen the danger of this thing. Molten ants could be swallowed, let alone himself.

When Cook saw Hadoshi like this, he couldn't help but feel depressed. You must know that demons are very fierce, but Cook always feels that the demons he has seen are relatively timid.

"Help, Master, touch," Cook walked towards Hadosi, and threw Hadosi directly to the black lake. Hadosi had just reflected from the shock, and immediately ran out crying for help.

The jaws of the servants behind Hadosi were about to fall, because these guys saw Hadosi being thrown into the black lake for tens of meters, and then Hadosi ran back. This is simply impossible. Not,

"Uh...," Haduosi reflected as soon as he ran up, looking at the black lake in astonishment.

"Okay, you can all pass by here in the future, Hadosi, I will take care of the things handed to you,” Cook told Hadosi lightly.

"Yes, Master," Hadosi hurriedly bent over to answer Cook, and then Hadosi again cautiously stepped onto the lake. This time there was no fluctuation at all, and Hadosi stood calmly on the black lake. on,

"There will be no problems with the road in the future," Cook asked, thinking that there is a dangerous gorge.

"No, master, we have a secret passage over there, don't worry, master," Hadoshi quickly replied.

When Cook heard this, he waved his hand and said, "Well, don't hurry up. Only you can enter this place. The rest will be like this no matter who enters."

Cook threw a few unused gophers on the black lake. These gophers were swallowed by the black lake in just a few seconds, and there was no residue left. Hadosi saw this The situation, the eyeballs have been constantly turning, obviously Hadoshi knew how to use the black lake without Cook reminding him.

"Master, do you think this is a disguise, if we can't solve anything in the black market, this place is a very good solution," Hadoshi said to Cook as he turned his eyes.

"Okay," Cook thought for a while, and that's right, so he gave an order to the head of the corpse.

The entire black lake surface changed. Some rocks were exposed. Some sand particles were also seen on the ground. If you don't look carefully, you can't see the black liquid under the sand particles.

"Well, Hadoshi, but every time you pass by in the future, you will have the bodies of some creatures," Cook said to Hadoshi, then said to Hadoshi.

"No problem, hehe, there are a lot of creatures in the black market," Hadosi also knew that the things in the black lake were conquered by Cook. Although Hadosi also knew Cook's method of conquering, Hadosi still couldn't To follow suit, first of all, Hadoshi is afraid of water, which can be said to be fear. The second is that Hadoshi is not as advanced as Cook's rune attainments, not to mention the use of powerful mental power and magic to volley outline runes, and the third is Hadoshi didn't dare to do that, because Hadoshi was only Cook's slave.

Cook watched Hadosi take the servant out of his sight, and then Cook did not look back, but walked towards the black underground space on the other side, because in the memory of the head of the corpse, Cook knew about the corpse. The place where the worm was born, there are some things that the corpse worm can't swallow. Cook is going to see what it is.

The leader of the corpse worm is also the strength of the first level of the sanctuary, but the combat power of the corpse worm community is very strong, so Cook does not worry at all, otherwise the corpse worm group can exist to this day.

Soon Cook arrived at the place in the memory of the head of the corpse worm, but what Cook saw was a gorge that was thousands of meters wide. As for the depth of the gorge, Cook does not know.

"This place...," Cook dropped a stone casually, and there was no echo for a long time. Cook was a little speechless.

After watching for a while, Cook looked back. This place can only be explored later. What Cook needs to do now is to establish a stable base first. As for exploring the surrounding situation, there will be time in the future.

After converging with Bagru, Cook returned to the base. It was said that it was a base. In fact, it was a huge city. A steady stream of material was transported from the plane teleportation array, and then transformed into equipment and weapons that the base can use.

Cook did not continue to wait for Hadosi and Varuman, because according to Cook's guess, Hadosi and Varuman would not come back for a while, and there are some people such as Sia here, so Cook decided to return to Saint. Domain planes look at the situation at home,

It's very simple for Cook to go back. Go directly across the carry plane teleportation array. When Cook crosses the carry plane teleportation array, he sees a weird scene. Cook finds himself in a tunnel full of various light spots. The same, before Cook observes carefully, Cook returns to the Sanctuary plane with a flower in front of him.

"Master," seeing Cook come out, the two Titan giants responsible for guarding the teleportation array paid a military salute to Cook together.

"Thanks for your hard work," Cook waved and left, because the huge material was about to pass through the plane teleportation array. After Cook walked out, he discovered that the place where the plane teleportation array was established was behind his mansion.

However, behind this mansion is heavily guarded, there is a meteor cannon on the surrounding high wall, and there are patrols around here, not to mention the numerous guard magic patterns, and the transportation of materials is also used for space equipment. So it won't attract the attention of others at all,

"Stop, who are you?" Just when Cook stepped into a courtyard gate, a voice rang in Cook's ear.

"Stop, say you, who are you, dare to break in here without permission," Cook didn't pay attention at all, but the next moment, a young human stood in front of Cook and pointed to Cook's nose.

"I," Cook was completely puzzled, who is this, why are there strangers in his mansion, but Cook has perceived the law of wind from the actions of this young man just now, and he is obviously also a master at the sanctuary level.

"I'm too courageous, I stole things here, go," the young man drew out a weapon, then pointed at Cook and shouted at Cook.

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