A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1095: Spatial overlap

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Copy this address Browse 62% 78% 73% 2e% 63% 63 Cook has taken two bottles of mental power recovery potions. There are more than ten ancient blood-sucking fleas that have been solved. And this Gobi is almost finished. You can see from a distance To the stretch of mountains, but this ancient blood-sucking fleas colony Cook has never been found.

Cook looked at the mountain hundreds of kilometers away from the desert. To be honest, Cook didn't know where he was. Although Hadosi gave Cook a map. Plus Cook himself bought a map. It seems that this is an unknown place that has not been discovered.

Cook estimated it. He had walked at least tens of thousands of kilometers in the Gobi. This is already a long distance. Cook put the map in his hand into the natural ring. Then he moved on towards the distant mountain. What Cook thought was very simple. It was to first check if there were any natives on the Demon Plane. Even if they didn't, Cook could instantly teleport back to the direction where Lina was. So Cook didn't worry at all.

Hundreds of kilometers. Cook arrived in no time. Cook's current speed can be said to be faster than that of a car on the earth. In a short time, Cook's speed can reach a limit. What is this limit. Break open space.

In other words, it must exceed the speed of light. Can you imagine the speed at this moment? This is also the ability of some strong men to smash the space with a volley. This is almost equivalent to some super naval guns in science fiction. Attacked.

The rolling mountains make Cook feel very weird. These mountains seem to have been pulled up by some powerful force. How high the mountains are. Cook cannot see. Because the upper half of the mountain is hidden in the clouds. middle.

The mountain range is almost straight. Cook walked along the mountain range for a while. No trace of any creature was found. Occasionally, there was an ancient blood-sucking flea. It was also directly torn by Cook's machete.

"It looks like I'm going to turn over." Cook glanced at the length of the mountain range beyond the edge. Then he looked up at the top of the mountain range.

The scimitar was still in Cook's hand. Beware of blood-sucking fleas at all times. Cook is holding Thunder Fang in the other hand. This is Cook's tool for climbing the mountains.

The Thunder tooth of Cook's left hand pierced into the rock wall. Then Cook's arm was hardened, and the whole person ejected. Then Cook's Thunder tooth was inserted into the rock wall again. One ejection. Cook increased the distance by hundreds of meters. It can be seen that the strength on Cook's arm is not small.

During the climb, Cook just rested where he could stay. Regain some strength. Then he climbed again. About 20,000 meters in height. Cook approached the clouds. Inside the clouds of the Demon Plane. But Crisis is everywhere. Cook has magic eyes. He can find the target first. This time Cook took a full half an hour to pass through the clouds. Cook was surprised that the discoverer was a thousand meters thick. And Cook could feel it There are a lot of living things in this cloud layer, and the cloud layer is also moving slowly.

After passing through the clouds, Cook finally saw the sun. And for the first time Cook saw plants. At the moment Cook passed through the clouds, Cook found that there was a green shrub a few meters in front of him. It's an extremely ordinary shrub, but Cook felt that his mood improved a lot in an instant.

Looking around. Cook saw the green shrubs on the cliff above. Grass. Clusters dotted on the cliff. The sunlight above his head made Cook’s temperament very pleasant. To be honest. The gloomy weather on the plane of the devil. People feel a little teased in their hearts, trying to find a way to vent fiercely.

"Huh." Cook climbed hundreds of meters again. Cook immediately clung to the cliff. Then he held a scimitar vigilantly. Then Cook saw a surprising scene. An ancient blood-sucking flea was in the distance. A few hundred meters away fell into the gray cloud layer, and the cloud layer in that place rolled for a while.

Cook has long changed his magic eyes to observe. Although the cloud is a non-colorful fog in Cook's eyes, Cook still discovered the life fluctuations of the ancient blood-sucking fleas and disappeared in the cloud. Obviously this cloud The creature inside is a nightmare for the ancient blood-sucking fleas.

Cook hesitated a bit. The ancient blood-sucking fleas obviously fell from above. This is actually not to blame the blood-sucking fleas. Because this guy only jumps. There is no way to go. If it is not good, it will fall under the cliff. Then It's a tragedy. Cook hesitates about what is on the cliff. You must know that there are almost no demons to pass through this gray cloud. Some dangerous creatures inside are that Cook has to evade three times. Cook estimated that it is correct. Only the monarch level The strong. That is, the god-level may be able to pass through this gray cloud layer. The rest depends on luck. And this cliff is so steep. Ordinary demons must not be able to come up. This may be a place where the demon plane has not yet been discovered. .

Originally this was a good thing. But after the ancient blood-sucking fleas appeared, it became a bad thing. Cook is 80% sure that the ancient blood-sucking flea's nest is on the cliff. But in the end, Cook squeezed the machete tightly, and then continued upward.

Ten minutes later. When Cook climbed thousands of meters high again, Cook was shocked. Because above Cook's head, there were huge hills. But these hills were suspended in the air. The elements are even more chaotic. Cook's mental power perception can't perceive anything. This proves that this is a magic chaotic area. According to the earth, it is a magnetic field chaotic area.

The hill above Cook's head is hundreds of meters in size. There are lush trees and vines on it. But there is no creature. Cook saw the hills within the realization. There are hundreds of them. Densely suspended. Within Cook's vision.

"Uh." Cook immediately found that something was wrong. I didn't find it just now. How could I find it all at once? Cook slowly retreated from the cliff. Ten meters later. The floating mountain in Cook's field of vision Yau disappeared again.

"Weird thing." Cook couldn't help saying after being surprised. Then Cook moved up again. Those floating hills appeared in Cook's field of vision again.

"Space overlap." After repeated several times, Cook was shocked. Cook knew what kind of situation this was. This is an extremely rare situation. Space overlap. That is, another space overlaps with this space. So Caused what Cook sees now.

Cook also understands what those floating hills are about. The magnetic fields in these two spaces are different. But the magnetic fields in these two spaces are superimposed on each other. Then the hills are suspended. The phenomenon of gravity chaos appears. .

Then Cook observed it carefully for a period of time. Cook finally had to believe that this spatial overlap has been here for countless years. This situation only happens occasionally in other places. Then it disappears in a short time. That situation is very Danger, because it might be taken away by another dimension.

Cook also instantly understood how these cliffs were formed. Magnetic chaos will cause this part of the demon plane to produce magnetic anomalies. Just like a vacuum. Then the crust of this part of the area will move. Finally, the cliffs will grow.

Cook understands a lot of things that he doesn't understand. Cook also knows that the blood-sucking fleas come from another dimension. But after Cook understands it, he is more confident. Because in the overlapping area of ​​this space, there is no magic or anything. Use. Only his own power is useful. Cook is confident about this.

Cook nailed a few metal nails under the cliff. Then he pulled a thin metal wire. This metal wire was made by Cook using alchemy. Cook continued to climb. A distance of hundreds of meters. It was up again. At a distance of kilometers, Cook reached the top of the cliff. Cook's mouth opened wide.

In Cook’s field of vision. It’s a huge planet. That’s right. It’s the planet. This planet seems to be reachable by Cook’s hands. But this distance is at least hundreds of kilometers away. Hundreds of kilometers for an ordinary human It is not very far away, let alone between two planets.

Cook turned around and fix the metal wire in a place where the reference object is placed. Because in the overlapping area of ​​this space, the sense of direction will change. This is mainly caused by the magnetic field. As for Cook's coil of metal wire, it is priceless .Toughness and strength are the best in Cook's hands.

Cook looked up at the distant planet again. Cook could clearly see the mountains, rivers, clouds and mists on this planet, and the creatures moving in the distance. Cook was really shocked. That is Cook like this The vision of the strong can be so far.

"These plants have undergone abnormal changes." Cook saw the plants at his feet. He found that these plants were abnormal. Cook picked a plant and wanted to put it in the natural ring. As a result, Cook discovered that the natural ring is actually Can't open. Cook almost wanted to turn around and leave. But then Cook touched the scimitar. There was Thunder Fang, and he walked forward again.

The area of ​​the top of the mountain is not small. It is hundreds of kilometers long and dozens of kilometers wide. On the top of the mountain, there are mountains of different sizes. The scene of the backflow of water appears here and it is strange. There are also reverse growth. The trees, vines, etc. are even more amazing.

Cook found that there was no way to use magical energy here. And the mental power was released in time. It was like nothing. He couldn't perceive anything at all. Cook experimented with the magic eye. Inside the magic eye, all around is Chaotic colors. Colorful. It's like mixing various paints and splashing on a white wall. It's hard to tell what it is.

"Fortunately, this thing is outside." Cook put on his glasses. This is what Cook wore when he was fighting the sand scorpion. It is made of high-quality magic crystal. It has the advantages of high strength and corrosion resistance.

"Boom." At this moment, Cook heard a violent sound. Cook looked up. The two huge hills hit each other fiercely. The space was shattered. The two collided. The hills are close together. Cook wiped a sweat. Because if it is in an ordinary place. If such a huge hill hits, the shock wave generated is enough to blow people out. But here is the magnetic force. Space. All are a bit distorted. So Cook only hears some sounds. If it is a little bit smaller, Cook can't hear it at all. In such an overlapping space, what you see and hear are not necessarily accurate. Because of the distorted magnetic field, space will produce some sounds and even illusions.

The gravity here is also a bit abnormal. In some places, gravity is several times higher than in other places. In other places, it seems that there is no gravity. This is the pull of gravity in two spaces. The repulsion produces distortion. This is also the ability of those mountains to float. One of the reasons.

Cook has a thunder tooth in one hand and a machete in one hand. He walked forward very vigilantly. Cook also looks back from time to time. Because in this place, everything can happen. But this place is also a place where treasures are very easy to get out. .

"Hey." Cook put a piece of gray crystal on the ground into his backpack. This is what Cook used to pretend when he went out of the black market. But he didn't expect it to work. This is a low-quality spatial magic crystal .

Yes. In the area where the space overlaps, it is very easy to form a space magic crystal. Because the space here is two spaces squeezed and distorted. So the probability of forming a space magic crystal is much greater than that of other places. Many times. And this place It can be said to be the tomb of the space mage. Because the space teleportation may be cut by the distorted space here. It means that the body will be teleported into several pieces, and then appear in several places.

Cook's scimitar also cuts these shrubs like a sickle. Because the shrubs that grow in such abnormal areas are harder than white iron. A leaf is equivalent to being made of white iron. If ordinary people fall here, Inside the bushes. Hey. I'm afraid it will be pierced into holes in an instant.

"Tsk tsk. This is already the fifth piece. No one has come to this place." After walking less than one kilometer, Cook has collected five space magic crystals. Cook can't help but sigh. This space magic Jing is a hard currency everywhere, and it is also something more valuable than Shen Jing in that place in the God Realm.

The machete's tearing property has also been weakened a lot. However, the material of the machete is very good. So it is not difficult to chop the bushes. After these bushes are chopped by the machete, they become a pile of debris.

"Ding." When Cook's scimitar slashed at a bush again, Cook heard a clear sound.

"Huh." Cook looked at an emerald-like thing on the ground. He couldn't help being surprised. What kind of thing it was. It could withstand the cutting of the scimitar. Cook picked it up and took a closer look. He found this It was about the size of a thumb. It was round and full of greenery. But Cook identified it. No other abnormalities were found. So Cook put the emerald away. What Cook didn't know was that Cook just chopped it. When it was cutting, something like a bird's nest was hidden in the bush, but it was torn apart by Cook's scimitar.

Fortunately, the bushes here are relatively sparse. Cook finds space magic crystals without any effort. In less than two hours, Cook has harvested dozens of space magic crystals. But without exception, they are inferior spaces. Magic crystal. Even so. I was crying with excitement. Cook returned to the edge of the cliff. Then he dropped several kilometers. After being able to open the natural ring normally, Cook put all these spatial magic crystals into the natural ring. At the same time, Cook Prepared a big backpack, and then continued to look up.

Cook decided to take a closer look. Because the space magic crystals in this outer area are of inferior quality. No one knows whether this spatial overlap will disappear. Since the harvest must first be harvested with good quality. Cook's current image is very good. It’s weird. A scimitar in one hand. Thunder teeth in one hand. There is also a stick on his back. This is the magic pillar. It can’t fit in the natural ring. But Cook can double it. In addition, there is a big backpack.

Sure enough, as Cook continues to deepen, the quality of the space magic crystal is getting higher and higher. And the density of appearance is also increasing. Cook is almost straight forward. During this period, the kind of strange emerald-like thing Cook Another one was found. Cook couldn't help but muttered to himself: "I was too rushed just now. I didn't expect to identify what it was. If it's useless, then..."

But Cook still brought it. After all, it can resist the damage of this scimitar. Even if it is of no use, it is still possible in front of ordinary gems.

Cook's travel speed is not fast. But Cook is straight. And is moving at a constant speed. If Cook can look over tens of kilometers in the sky, you will find that on the other end of the mountain, there are seven or eight shadows. If If you look closely, these seven or eight shadows are all demons.

A flame demon tens of meters high. This flame demon is full of muscles. But it looks like an extremely ordinary. But when such an ordinary flame demon walks in the bushes, he appears very careful.

Behind this Balrog is a guy with double wings on his back. He has six arms. The feet are like a pair of eagle claws. This guy walks in a weird posture. And his head is like a chicken head. This guy is obviously not used to walking. But this Local flying is to find death by yourself.

Behind the wings is a succubus. This succubus is tall and tall. Its skin is not as disgusting as a normal succubus. It looks like a human. But it can still be seen as a succubus. Because there is a team behind the succubus. wing.

The fourth one is a guy with a wand. If Cook is there, you might find that it is the Moon Demon. This Moon Demon is like an elf. But there is something abnormal. But this month the magician's face is a little abnormal.

The next few are all demons. Double-horned demon. The first born with double horns. The body is up to five meters. A pair of dark claws shines with metal-like luster. At the end is a handsome, indistinguishable depravity. Angel. And this angel has twelve pairs of golden wings behind him. At the waist is a crystal-like long sword. On the scabbard are golden runes.

Walking in front of this angel was a woman with a fiery figure. She was dressed in black leather armor. But this black leather armor was like a one-piece swimsuit on the earth. Fortunately, if she had a pair of long boots, she thought she was swimming.

There are eight demon races in this team. The most eye-catching one is the fallen angel. The twelve-winged fallen angel is already a god-level existence. The golden wings even show that this is a god-king level powerhouse. Such a strong man is almost a part of the top of the demon plane. According to speculation, the strength of this team of demons can also be inferred.

"Damn it. I hate these bushes." The lead Balrog looked at the bushes around him, cursing loudly.

"Let's go back." The chicken-headed demon looked at the dense bushes around him. Then said.

So this group of demons turned their heads again. Then they walked over from another place where shrubs were scarce. Is there any danger in these shrubs? Even the fallen angel obediently detoured.

Cook didn't know that he might have made a big mistake. Cook was now staring dumbfounded. On a ground of tens of square kilometers, there stood a building. The building itself was dark. .But nothing is broken. It looks like a huge temple. But the height of this temple is only a dozen meters high. Compared with those temples that are often 100 meters high, it is already very small.

Cook just hesitated. Then he walked towards the temple. When Cook just stepped into the temple steps, Cook noticed that the surrounding scenery had changed. The surrounding temples suddenly became thousands of meters high. It was as high as Ku To the point where Kedu can't see it.

"This..." Cook looked at the bushes in the distance. It was hundreds of meters high. It covered the sky. Cook was stunned by this scene. Then Cook knew that this was a kind of space. The law, or the result of space distortion.

"If this is the law of space. Then it shows that the people who built this temple have very strong strength. How high is the strength. Cook can't imagine. If the space is distorted, this building has not been damaged. That also proves that the building of this temple People are very strong. They are so strong that Cook can't even imagine them." Cook thought of this immediately.

The steps in front of him that were easy to lift their feet. In Cook's eyes, they are tens of meters high. They are like cliffs. You must know that a 30-story building is only tens of meters high. Cook saw This level of huge steps is full of wry smiles. This is going to be climbed again.

Cook took a look. Finally he set his eyes on both sides of the steps. On both sides was a huge slope. Cook ran quickly. The steps that were originally several meters long are now very long.

Cook climbed to both sides of the steps very easily. But when Cook was about to climb, a huge head appeared on top of Cook's head. Cook looked at the huge head and quickly clung to the steps. This It was a huge lizard-like thing. But in the eyes of Cook, it was several times larger than the largest earth travel dragon that Cook had ever seen.

"Don't see me." Cook secretly prayed. The atmosphere didn't dare to come out.

But Cook’s prayers seemed to have no effect. The giant lizard head above actually looked at Cook. Cook’s eyes widened. He didn’t dare to move. Then Cook jumped up because the lizard sticked out a big tongue. Suddenly rolled over to himself. Apparently the big lizard thought Cook was a fly or something.

"Boom." Cook quickly jumped away. Then he quickly pulled away to a safe distance of hundreds of meters. Then Cook saw the lizard actually climb up. But what made Cook crazy is that the lizard did not. Getting smaller. Cook felt as if he was stepped on by tens of thousands of horses. Then Cook quickly took out a smoke bomb and threw it in the past. Then he ran away quickly.

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