A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1104: Crystal silkworm

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. For more latest chapters visit:. Soon the mine owned by Cook arrived. This is a branch above the main mine. The demon guard saw the place. He tremblingly said, "Master. That's it. I'm leaving now."

Then, under Cook's suspicious gaze, he left directly. It seemed that there was some fierce monster here. Cook also walked in suspiciously. When he walked hundreds of meters, a wall blocked with stones Appeared in front of Cook.

"There really is something." Cook is a little wary. The mine is ten meters high and ten meters wide. The deep traces of the ground show the former prosperity of this mine.

With a bang, Cook directly blasted the wall through a hole. After entering the hole, a cold breath came to his face. Cook frowned. Cook held a machete. Then he marched into the mine.

"Kacha." A piece of ore was screwed down directly by Cook's mental power. This ore was constantly peeled off under Cook's strong mental power. In a blink of an eye, a top-quality golden gem appeared in front of Cook.

"Magic gem." Cook was also surprised. This is an earth-based magic gem. Although the quality is not high, it is so easy to find such a magic gem. Obviously the minerals contained here are very rich.

"It seems that there is a problem." As Cook continued to advance, Cook found a bone on the ground.

Cook squatted down. Looked carefully. First of all, Cook saw that the skeleton was intact. There was no obvious loss. This is the skeleton of a kobold. The whole body is intact. Obviously this skeleton has not received any external trauma. .

Cook took out some more solution and sprinkled it on the bone. The bone did not change color. Obviously, it was not poisoned. Of course, compared to the toxin detection magic, this liquid test is more accurate.

"There is no internal injury. No external injury. No poisoning. The bones are tough. The vitality has not been lost. Then the only possibility is that the spirit has been severely injured." Cook checked and came to a conclusion.

Cook touched the protective necklace with seven soul crystals on his neck. He sneered and moved on. Mental trauma is difficult to prevent. And it is silent. But as long as there is defense, it is still easy to deal with. Especially A guy with a strong mental power like Cook.

The mine is several thousand meters deep. But it hasn't reached the end. Cook is more pleased. Because this vein is obviously a rich ore. There are not only magic gems in this ore. There are also some magic crystals. It is also accompanied by. Ordinary metal. Magic metal is richer. The value of such a vein is almost inestimable on the Sanctuary plane.

"Huh." Cook discovered that his mental power had been affected. Cook was surprised. He was more vigilant. The scimitar in his hand was also pulled out.

Cook observed more carefully. Cook did not let go of an inch of the biological rock wall around the mine. But what made Cook faintly excited was that the magic eye saw that the magic net here was actually distorted. See here The magic net of the Sanctuary is completely different. Cook can see three-dimensional images on the plane of Sanctuary. More detailed is that Cook can see the magical movement lines in the organism. But here is only a fuzzy three-dimensional map.

Cook touched his nose. Then he touched the twisted badge with his hand. Cook's figure disappeared suddenly. And Cook was like in another space. Looking at the scene in the mine, he was from the perspective of God.

Cook walked through the mine very quickly. Finally Cook found something unusual. There are also the most bones here. There are some tiny holes in the surrounding stone walls. These holes are only the size of chopsticks. But they are extremely smooth.

After Cook saw these holes, the expression on his face was a little cautious. When Cook saw a crystal exuding colorful fist-size from the distorted space, Cook was really shocked.

"Phantom magic gem." Cook looked at this magic gem. This is an extremely rare magic gem of the phantom system. The phantom system is a variant of the spirit system. And from the size of this fist, it exudes colorful colors and extremely pure Cook knows .This is the ultimate magic gem.

The biggest use of magic gems is that they can be transformed into other magic systems. This effect can refine some things to change their own breath. It is a very rare auxiliary gem.

But Cook did not act rashly. Because the hole in the rock wall of the mine just now made Cook guess what was going on. Cook smiled. He came out of the twisted space. When Cook came out. The guardian necklace on his body. A soft light burst out to envelop Cook, unaffected by this magic gem.

Cook took out some iron doors from the natural ring. Then, under the action of Cook's mental power, he was hollowed out by a wooden barrel half a meter high in the city. A hole was directly broken in the ground by Cook's mental power. This iron wooden barrel It was placed in this hole by Cook.

Then a superb super magic crystal wand was placed on the barrel by Cook. Cook took out a super natural magic crystal and fixed it on the magic crystal wand. Then Cook entered again with a smile Inside the distorted space.

Cook stared at the surroundings of the mine in the distorted space. There was no rush. Half an hour. An hour passed. Cook still stared at the surroundings of the mine so leisurely.

"Finally came out." Just when Cook was puzzled. A silkworm-like head emerged from the holes around the mine. An eye smaller than a sesame was watching the surroundings vigilantly. It took another half an hour. This guy finally came out.

This is no different from a silkworm. However, this guy has two crystal clear horns on his head. After Cook saw this guy coming out, the expression on his face became even more excited. But this guy's speed is extremely fast. Almost. In an instant, I arrived next to the wooden barrel that Cook was buried at the bottom of the mine. It seemed to be a bit annoying for the barrel. He turned his head and hesitated. Finally, he crawled along the super magic crystal rod.

If anyone is here, seeing that the extremely hard Demon Crystal is bitten off by this little thing bit by bit, and then swallowed into a small belly, I am afraid that his head will fall in surprise.

A piece of the best magic crystal was wiped out by this guy in less than five minutes. However, this guy's size did not change at all. But at this time, Cook showed a meaningful smile.  Sure enough, this silkworm-like guy turned around and bit the best magic The crystal rod comes.

"Kang Dang." The best magic crystal rod was bitten off. It fell into the barrel. Cook jumped out of the distorted space. He saw the silkworm-like guy gnawing on the barrel. But after taking a bite, this guy quickly spit out the wood chips that had been gnawed down.

"Hey. Crystal Silkworm. I didn't expect to see the legendary guy." Cook smiled. Looking at the guy in the barrel.

The crystal silkworm sees Cook. It is like rushing out of a wooden barrel. However, the crystal silkworm cannot jump out of the half-meter-high wooden barrel. A small eye looks at Cook, and then keeps backing away.

Cook ignored this guy's retreating in the barrel. Instead, he drew magic patterns in the air. After tens of seconds, a contract magic pattern was formed.

At the moment when the contract magic pattern was formed, Cook put a bottle of potion that had been prepared a long time ago into the barrel with his other hand. The crystal silkworm rolled in the potion for two times, and it was suspended on the potion straightly.

The magic pattern drawn by Cook volleyed into the body of the straight crystal silkworm. It seemed that countless magic pattern circuits appeared on the crystal silkworm body, just like blood vessels.

Cook picked up the crystal silkworm. Then he put it into the opened magic furnace. As the temperature of the magic furnace continued to rise, the crystal silkworm began to live. When the crystal silkworm woke up, he looked around blankly. But the high temperature around it makes the crystal silkworm feel very comfortable.

Seeing this crystal silkworm actually curled up to sleep in the magic furnace. Cook couldn't smile. Crystal silkworm is a very rare and strange creature. The rank of this creature is not very high. At most, it is a seventh or eighth level creature. But this This kind of creature is classified as a strange thing. The main reason is that this crystal silkworm relies on various crystals for its livelihood. Crystals, gems, magic crystals, magic gems and so on are all its food. So the crystal silkworm is a great tool for finding mineral veins. Good hand.

However, the weakness of this crystal silkworm is also obvious. It is afraid of water. It is afraid of wood. And it does not like low temperature. It likes high temperature and dry environment. Cook checked the memory of this crystal silkworm. The memory of this crystal silkworm is extremely vague. This crystal silkworm They are still relatively young. Crystal silkworms are strange things. But Cook has no specific information about crystal silkworms. The weaknesses of these crystal silkworms are still known to Cook from Lina.

Cook began to dig the rock wall of the mine. After digging for hundreds of meters, Cook finally found a top-grade fire magic crystal. The magic crystal was hollowed out, and some small white powder was scattered. .

"That's it." Cook packed up the white powder. This is the vomit of the crystal silkworm. The crystal silkworm has only one mouth. So eating and excretion are all carried out from this mouth. The crystal silkworm can swallow other kinds of different lines. Magic crystal. It is because of the strangeness of the crystal silkworm itself. And the role of these vomits is to neutralize the magic conflicts of various lines.

The biggest use of these vomits is to refining medicines. There are such things. The quality of the medicines will increase by a step. Cook looked at the white powder collected. His heart was very excited. When placed in the crystal silkworm, Cook and the magic furnace will tidy up The wisdom of the crystal silkworm is not high. Otherwise, it will not be said that it will eat the best magic crystal rod on the barrel. At the beginning, the attractiveness of the best magic crystal is great. In the end, there is no best magic crystal. This superb magic crystal rod shows how stupid this crystal silkworm is.

Cook put away the magic gemstone. After applying the seal, Cook looked around with his magic eyes again. He found that the magic net was still distorted. Cook couldn't help but be surprised. Cook went directly into the distorted space. Then Cook was twisting Moving forward continuously in the space. When Cook traveled hundreds of kilometers, Cook was able to see the surging magma. Inside the magma, an extremely large creature was sleeping in the magma.

This huge creature is several kilometers long. The head is hundreds of meters in size. There is also a bright unicorn on the head. This is a black dragon. And an extremely powerful black dragon. Cook dared to conclude that this black dragon is at least a god-level powerhouse. .

Cook hesitated for a moment. He didn't rush out. In such an extreme environment, even if Cook rushed out, he was not the opponent of this black dragon. Unless it was a sneak attack.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. the following.

"Damn it. Who is spying on my old lady?" The rumbling voice rang above the lava.

Cook continued to lurch under the magma. Cook saw many magic gems tumbling in the flaming lava from time to time. But Cook didn't dare to move at all. Because the temperature here is not something Cook can bear. Cook wants Get the gem. You must get out. But even if Cook just reaches out his hand, he can't withstand such a high temperature.

"It's a pity." Cook said with great regret.

Seeing the light of the badge dimmed, Cook hurried back. When Cook appeared in the mine again, Cook let out a long sigh. Then Cook took out two pieces in pain. Space magic crystal. The two space magic crystals just touched the rune on the emblem. They disappeared. The light on the emblem was restored again. That's right. This emblem is to consume the space magic crystal.

"It's a big loss. Damn it. What is under the volcano. The black dragon looks like it is guarding there. It actually wants a god-level black dragon to guard Nima." Cook is extremely annoyed. You must know here. The Demon Plane. It can distort the existence of the magic net. Even this badge can only distort a small space. And the magic net. The things under the volcano distorted the magic net in a large area.

"Could this be the reason why this area is extremely barren." Then Cook thought that this area is very barren. Chaos. It may also be caused by the magic net. We can see that the magic net is the law of the plane. A function of the law of the plane It is to balance the entire plane. It will not make the elements of this plane unbalanced. But now that the magic web is twisted, the elements here are out of balance, causing a very barren phenomenon.

Cook checked. Then he exited. After seeing Cook came out, the guard asked, "Master. Is there anything in it."

"I don't know. It doesn't feel very good to me anyway." Cook didn't plan to mine ore. Because Cook wanted to see what the black dragon guarded the ground is like. Hearing Cook said so, the Tauren Guard was surprised. 'S mouth opened wide.

"I want to ask. If this mineral vein is not mined, will the city lord take it back?" Cook asked suspiciously afterwards.

"No. As long as it’s yours, it’s always yours." The Tauren guard quickly replied. In fact, Aragorn has already given the guard several answers. Once Cook solves the trouble in the mine, then God Tribute will charge management fees and other costs. If it is not resolved, then it does not matter.

Cook's looks a little better. In fact, Cook also left some small tricks in the mine. As for whether he can stop the detection of interested people, Cook is not sure.

"That guy left." Aragorn asked while looking at his subordinates.

"Yes. I left." Aragorn's subordinates were a little embarrassed. Because Cook left almost silently. No one noticed how he left.

Aragorn closed his eyes and said in a long time: "Just leave. In addition, the mine is also reserved for him. I always feel that guy is not easy."


Cook left the City of Fire. The City of Fire was nothing more than a resting place on Cook's journey. Cook went straight to the Burial Ground for the rest of the time. With a more accurate map, Cook did not need to add anything. Food or something. So Cook traveled very fast. But it also took more than 20 days in the middle. Although Cook is strong. But Cook is not willing to go to the wilderness. Cook almost walks It's a big road. It is said that it is a big road. In fact, here is the road that the caravan has walked.

When Cook saw the Burial Place again, Cook was also stunned. In Cook’s imagination, the Burial Place should be full of undead. But what Cook saw was different. Yes. Buried. The Bone Land also has bone frames. But these bone frames are full of lights of various colors. The Green Treasure City has been deserted. Many demons here have disappeared. Replaced by a team of sturdy undead knights. .

"Boom boom boom." Perceiving Cook's arrival, a leading undead knight who was wrapped in crystal armor rushed towards Cook.

"Hello." The huge mental power directly aroused the air, forming a voice.

"Hello." Cook replied stupidly. Cook never thought that the breath of the undead knight could be comparable to a demigod.

"Follow me." The voice of the undead knight was extremely blunt. Cook didn't care. Because Cook didn't feel the hostility of these undead knights. On the contrary, he felt a touch of intimacy.

When Cook followed the undead knight to a large room in the Green Treasure City, Cook saw that each skull was filled with crystal beads of various colors. Cook opened his mouth wide.

"Exchange." Another word interrupted Cook's thoughts.

"Um... uh." Cook nodded dumbfounded.

You don’t need Cook’s orders. The undead knight puts all the skulls in front of Cook. Cook takes a closer look. Each skull contains the essence. The amount of each skull is just exchanged for a bottle of life. water.

Cook waved his big hand and took out the water of life. After seeing Cook took out the water of life, the undead knight waved his hand and disappeared. Cook opened his mouth. This undead knight can actually use space. equipment.

After Cook packed the crystalline marrow, the undead knights have disappeared. Cook watched the undead knights gather together. Cook was surprised. Then the group of undead knights rushed out.

"What are these guys going to do?" Cook was surprised. It didn't take long. Several undead knights came back. These undead knights also clutched a dark mutant skeleton.

"Nima." Cook did not expect that these undead knights would actually make companions. After three bottles of life water were poured on a mutant skeleton, a new undead knight was born.

"Roar." The undead knights burst into cheers. Then Cook witnessed the birth of seven or eight undead knights. Now the total number of undead knights has reached 30.

Cook hesitated for a moment. He did not go to the strange place in the depths of the Burial Ground, which was filled with all kinds of crystals. Because Cook is still far away from the Green Treasure City, and Cook can see those. After leaving that strange place, the mutated skeleton has become very powerful.

It's like the original place where the golden skeleton would soar to a height of 20 meters on the ground. And it can release some attack power and its powerful fire magic. That's not counting. This fire magic is still vaguely carried The power of law. More importantly, there are too many. There are almost too many mutated skeletons to count.

Even the powerful undead knights had to be forced to retreat to Green Treasure City. Flame mutant skeletons, frost mutant skeletons and other colors. Various levels of mutant skeletons occupy an area of ​​thousands of kilometers.

"Forget it. I'm still honestly a businessman." After Cook saw this result, he dispelled the idea of ​​getting the crystal. It was too dangerous.

After Cook came out of the distorted space, he left. The center of the Burial Ground. Cook's existing distorted space can't move in at all. As for the undead knights, Cook didn't say anything. These guys' current combat effectiveness It is very high. Wisdom is still not high.

What Cook didn't know was that in the black market, some subtle changes have taken place. Recently, two small groups have come to the black market. A small group is gathered together by various lone travelers in the black market. These lone travelers are all Cruel and cruel. Getting together now. It is even more daunting. But this small group does not seem to challenge the leadership of several large teams. Instead, it has started a business. This makes other guys in the black market puzzled.

As for the other team, it is a Moon Demon team. There are old and young in this Moon Demon team. It seems like a troubled family. But on the first day of this month, the Moon Demon team has more than one hundred members. The more famous guys in the black market have disappeared inexplicably. This month the Moon Demon team did not do anything at all. They did not go out to take risks. They did not do business. It seemed as if they were waiting for something.

"It's been two months. Why there is no news yet." It was inside a cave in the black market. The outside seemed ordinary. But the inside of the cave was very luxurious. I can't see the original appearance of the cave anymore. It's been a month secretly. Demon. Middle-aged.

"Father. What are we waiting for? The auction jointly held by the five major cities is about to begin. We are still here..." Another month old man asked anxiously.

"Shut up." The middle-aged Moon Demon immediately roared and stared when he heard his son ask.

The entire cave immediately calmed down, but beneath the calm surface was a kind of depressive storm.

Haduosi looked at the two-month demon guards. He swallowed his mouth. The demon guards for the past two months were not known to others. But Hadoshi clearly saw that the moon demon guards were actually the highest guards of the moon demon clan. Recalling the task that his master gave him. Hadoshi swallowed his saliva. Then he bit his head and walked towards the two guards.

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