A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1123: Self-inflicted

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Diamonds are not a valuable thing for Cook at all, but when the quantity of something is large to a certain extent, then the value is inestimable, and the largest diamond that Cook has seen is just the size of his head. Yes, and any piece here is hundreds of times the largest that Cook has seen before.

"High temperature, high pressure, um, it really is the conditions for the formation of diamonds, and the density of the wood here is very high under such an abnormal gravity environment," Cook moved slowly, not daring to make the slightest noise, even if there is Invisible potion, Cook dare not care,

This formed a weird scene. Inside the huge dark-brown pit, the sparkling diamonds were constantly decreasing, but soon Cook discovered something wrong, and the diamonds on the opposite side of the pit were also disappearing.

"Seeing that there are still people like me," Cook increased his vigilance, but Cook's speed was even faster, and Cook also specially selected large diamonds, a dozen square kilometers of large pits, and the scattered diamonds were at least It is tens of thousands of tons, even if Cook speeds up, it will take a long time.

"Quak," at this moment, a nasty voice came over.

As soon as Cook saw that this Kesi fell directly on his shoulder, Cook's face turned green: "Damn it, go away."

"Phoenix, Phoenix, Cook, you know what, I saw a phoenix, **** it, how can there be a phoenix here," Kesi shrank his head and shouted in Cook's ears.

"I said you **** it, go away... uh, you can see me," Cook yelled at X. This X was so supernatural, but Cook suddenly realized that X could see himself clearly, could it be The invisible potion has expired,

"Of course I can see you, what is this shiny thing," Kesi asked with a weird look at Cook.

"Diamond," Cook didn't know what was going on. Maybe it was the law left after the Phoenix attack that affected the effect of the potion. Cook said, then he took out a fist-sized thing from the natural ring, and kicked it. He kicked to the opposite side of the big hole,

This fist-sized object was silvery white, kicked by Cook for thousands of meters, and landed directly on the other side of the big pit.

With a "boom," the silver-white metal ball burst open.

"Hey, I want me to be in the dark and try my latest project...," Cook sneered in his heart. Cook couldn't see the sneaky guy on the other side, so he used the engineering bomb. It's just that my heart is not balanced, because Cook's invisibility potion has failed,

But when the engineering bomb exploded, Cook regretted it. As soon as the engineering bomb exploded, Cook saw a flaming crow-like guy, but this guy was more than a meter tall and his feathers were red. This crow He was pecking at diamonds piece by piece, and was exploded by the engineering bomb.

"Puff," then a series of fist-sized fireballs spouted from the crow's mouth.

"Lianzhu fireball," Cook dodged his feet when he moved. A series of fireballs fell on the place where Cook just stood. The brown ground was directly burned into deep pits by the fireballs. The ground burned by Phoenix's fire magic is very hard.

"Puff puff,"

"Puff puff,"

This flaming crow's mouth is like a machine gun, a series of fireballs chasing Cook's figure, constantly bombarding the ground, the ground is like water, and the fireball falling on it is like sinking in water, but it is not. , These fireballs directly smashed holes on the ground that are bigger than the fireballs, I don’t know how deep they are.

"Stop, bastard, stop," Cook felt a little regretful in his heart. He knew that he shouldn't throw engineering bombs. Nima thought he was a thief, but he didn't expect to be a powerful existence.

"Karma," the crow let out a strange cry, and then the body began to swell, and there was a faint red light flowing around the body,

"Boom boom boom boom," the flaming crow's eyes were red, as if there was a flame burning, and a flame was sprayed out of the mouth, but the distance of the flame spray was several thousand meters, and it moved as Cook continued to move. ,

"Asshole, don't think I'm afraid of you," Cook yelled loudly. Cook could feel that the flame could cause serious damage to himself. This is actually inevitable. The gravity here is more than ten times that of the outside. The strength of the elements here must be more than ten times that of the outside, but the power of the magic attack composed of elements is not as simple as ten times.

With a sound of "Zi," the flames of the magic pattern equipment on Cook's body touched, and immediately screamed, leaving a scorched black mark on the magic pattern equipment.

"Go to hell," Cook didn't care about diamonds anymore, and threw magic bombs one by one.

"Boom, boom, boom," taking advantage of the bomb exploding, Cook quickly drove away. The monster is not big, but the power of magical attacks is very good.

After Cook escaped from the big pit, the smoke disappeared without a trace, and when the flaming crow saw Cook escape, he immediately paused, looked at the diamonds in the big pit, fluttered and stirred his wings. It landed on the largest diamond, and then kept pecking. This extremely hard diamond was on the crow's big mouth, like tofu. As the diamonds continue to decrease, the spirit of the crow has improved a lot. ,

After an hour, the diamonds were no longer visible in the big pit. The surface of the fiery red crow became darker, almost purple. The crow looked at his body, and then looked at the direction of Cook's escape. Chased in the direction of Cook's escape,

"The harvest is not bad," Cook looked at at least hundreds of tons of diamonds in his hand. Although these things are not very useful, they are the best as jewelry. The quality of these diamonds has almost reached perfect quality. It is said to be very rare, and the size is large enough, it is like a thumb-sized grape is nothing, but there are grapes the size of a head, it must be valuable, (of course, I am definitely afraid to eat it, so big I don’t know What radiated it, hehe,)

"That guy was terrible just now," Kesi shrank his head, like a scared little girl.

When Cook saw this, he couldn't help asking: "Hey, are you male or female,"

"You're a male, I'm a female," Kesi glared at Cook grumpily, then roared.

"Mother, hehe, it happened to be a pair with my big mouth, and then...," Cook said with a smirk, but before he finished speaking, this Kesi pecked at Cook's nose.

After a while, Cook pinched X's mouth with one hand, and X couldn't get away no matter how hard he struggled, he could only stare at Cook with angry eyes, but Cook had already noticed this and turned on the protection. Necklace, this dark crow is an underworld creature of the soul system,

With a puff of sound, Cook hurriedly hid under the big tree, because Cook saw the crow above from the gap in the bushes, but the color of the crow's body surface became deeper.

"Puff," Cook saw the flaming crow hovering in the sky, Cook rushed into a tree hole in a flash,

But just as Cook rushed into the tree hole, he saw a hairy head. Cook didn't hesitate to smash the shrugged head with a punch, and then Cook looked at the tree hole and he was quite up. Hundreds of square meters, of course, this is also normal for large trees tens of meters thick.

"Bear," Cook looked at the guy who was knocked out by himself, a giant bear five or six meters high.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu and the sound of threatening sound of threatening sound made the two bears rushing towards him and then they ripped them apart on their own trouser legs.

Cook didn't care about this bear, but the bear's fur was purple, which made Cook think that the bear has the value of life. Cook didn't care about the two bears. The bear is only tens of centimeters long, and it is obviously a small milk. Baby, Cook opened the magic eye, and then stared at the sky. Although Cook can't see through the thick trees above the tree hole, in Cook's magic eye, the magic wave shining from the fiery crow is so conspicuous ,

"Asshole, it's been on it for half an hour," Cook looked up, and the magic eye clearly reported that the crow in the sky was still hovering on it.

"Kacha, khacha," and the two little bears stopped biting Cook's pants. Instead, they hugged two fruits and were happily chucking. As for the parents of these two little bears, Cook had long been thrown into nature. Ring, let Windsor go to the headache,

X said grumpily, "I think you took that guy's diamonds,"

"Bah," Cook heard Kes say so, and snorted angrily. Although Cook knew that the fiery red crow was mostly for diamonds, Cook would take out the stuff that went into Cook's pocket.

"Could it be that we are hiding here," Kesi also ate a fruit, threw the core to the little bear, and then tilted his head to ask Cook.

"Then what to do, I can't fight, but if it's melee, I'm definitely not afraid of this bastard," Cook also threw the pit in his hand to the two little bears, and said.

"I'm pooh, melee, if that guy has flames on his body, how can you get close," Kss said without giving Cooke any face, spitting at Cook.

"Damn, I want to die, hey, the main reason is that I don't have good materials. Otherwise, I will make a bow and shoot this guy down," Cook patted Kess on the head and wiped his face. Shangx's saliva said,

Kers hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I will give you what materials you want, but I want to see what the big mouth is like."

"Shrimp," Cook just took out a piece of fruit. He was surprised when he heard Kesi say that. The fruit in his hand was slapped on the ground by a little bear, and then by another little bear. I grabbed it, and the two little bears started vying for it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s just here to watch commercial novels without pop-ups [Aishang Novels]

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