A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1132: Quirky Tok City

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"I'm Fei Leqi Ge Fei Monta Ka Ka...," Before Cook said, the crow that Becook looked at opened his mouth and roared loudly.

When Cook heard that there was no five hundred characters, there was a name of three hundred characters. Cook was completely stunned.Although Cook knew that certain races had extremely long names, he did not expect it to be so long.

"The guardian is back," Cook saw clearly the figures that appeared. It wasn't what the Winged Man was. The Winged Man was similar to a human, but a little more petite than a human. It was about 1.67 meters tall, with a pair behind him. The wings, the wings are white, and the wings of a wing man cannot accumulate energy like an angel, but even so, the wing man was called a godly race in ancient times.

Just because of one point, the wingman can fly, so the wingman can quickly maneuver whether it is a soldier or a professional, and the advantage of the wingman in the sky is also very obvious.On the ground, just like Cook throwing weapons at most More than ten kilometers away, of course, the farther Cook can definitely do it, but the visual distance, the accuracy is not good, but the wingman can be at an altitude of several thousand meters, and then directly drop a gun or a weapon, just smash it. It will also damage the enemy,

"These are wingmen," Windsor asked, looking at the wingmen.

"Yes," Cook nodded. There are also winged tribes in the sanctuary plane, but the winged race is very exclusive, but the winged temper is also very strange. How can I say that the winged people are very Haughty, look down on humans, let alone dwarves, dwarfs, so on the plane of Sanctuary, winged people are almost isolated from the world, just like dragons are also very arrogant, so they are almost isolated from humans.

"My lord Guardian, you are back," these winged men came to the crow, then fell to the ground, saluting respectfully.

"Yes, I'm back," the crow nodded very arrogantly, making Cook very funny.

As for Cook's worry about these winged men and crows, hey, Cook won't worry. On the road, Cook spent a few pieces of the energy of the best magic crystals and activated Thunder Fang's attack, thousands of meters. The huge space of diameter collapsed directly in, and the crow was trembling with fright.

Of course, Cook does not want to do that. Cook pays attention to win-win things or things that are beneficial to himself. Cook is not a person who kills innocent people. In Cook's view, everyone is equal. Of course, this premise Don't provoke yourself, just like a crow. When Cook saw it for the first time, why didn't he do it and just ran. On the one hand, Cook was frightened. On the other hand, it was no good. Why should Cook take the risk, but in the end This crow is the only clue, so Cook had to do it, just like these wingmen and crows are not too threatening to Cook now, and these wingmen did not offend themselves.

"Master Guardian, this humble human being is your prisoner... Bang," a winged man looked at Cook and asked, almost ignoring him, but the winged guy hadn't finished speaking, he just went straight Flew hundreds of meters away, and then hit the ground heavily,

"Huhuhu," dozens of wingmen flew up, and pointed their guns at Cook.

"The next time you speak, it’s better to be careful, or you won’t have such good luck next time, and I really don’t like being pointed at with a weapon," Cook; said with a sneer. Cook looked down on and hated the most. It's just the humble, ant-like race. When Cook started, he was quite good with the dragon clan, but the high-level mentality of the dragon. When Cook did not have the slightest affection for the dragon clan,

"Boom," Just after Cook's words, the crow opened its mouth and spewed a flame, instantly melting the weapons in the hands of the wingmen around.

"Puff," these winged men dropped half of their weapons on the ground, making a puff sound and a burnt smell.

"This is my...friend, if anyone talks nonsense again in the future, hum," the crow said, but the words that came out surprised the surrounding wingmen.

Cook is a little proud, but what Cook doesn't know is that the crow has already attributed Cook to a lunatic and mentally ill, because from the position of the crow, Cook is indeed a mentally ill. First of all, it is nothing to attack the crow regardless. Enmity, of course, the most unforgettable thing about the crow is that in the few days when Cooke was hit and fainted, he didn't ask anything at all, only a little awake, then hit it hard. Nima is not what mental illness is, mental illness is not terrible, I am afraid that this mental illness holds a big killer, such as Thunder Tooth or something, it is very terrible,

The hands of the wingmen around were burnt black. This was burned by the high temperature of the weapon. Even so, Cook still admires the crow, uh, Phoenix’s fire control ability.

Then it’s easier. As a friend of Phoenix, he was treated with a very high standard and was watched by countless races. There are dwarves, dwarfs, humans, wingmen and other races in Tok City, but they can live here. All of them are tough,

"Huh," when Cook stepped into the city, he suddenly discovered that the gravity in the city was similar to that of the Sanctuary Plane. The entire city was built by countless trees. The entire city has dozens of square kilometers and the surrounding city walls. It was built with some obsidian. This kind of stone has not been seen by Cook on this plane. The ground in the city seems to be a layer; like glass, Cook knows that it has been burned by fire magic, and the soil has already Melted into liquid and then condensed,

The buildings on this ground are all wood produced in this plane. To be honest, the hardness of these woods is not worse than the ordinary metal of the sanctuary plane. The surrounding buildings are more messy, except for a street.

There is a huge building thousands of meters high in the center of the city.Compared with the surrounding buildings, this building is the difference between the palace and the thatched house. The appearance of the entire hall is beautiful, all kinds of precious metals, gold, gems, large A window made of a block of premium crystals, a door made of the trunk of the tree of life, etc.,

"Magic pattern," Cook approached this huge palace covering several square kilometers. He was shocked when he saw the strange patterns on the palace. It was a thousand meters high and occupies several square meters. The buildings of kilometer all use magic patterns.

"Defensive magic lines, detect magic lines...," Cook carefully looked at the magic lines on the palace, which is like a magic line fortress.

"This is the place where the managers of this city used to live, but those guys have disappeared. Anyway, I woke up again after I fell asleep and disappeared," Phoenix said.

"Then what's inside," Cook asked.

"I don't know, no one can enter this palace," Phoenix looked at Cook, then replied.

"Can't get in," Cook was completely puzzled, who on earth is living and capable of such a big hand.

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