A Unique Hunter

Chapter 116: Tianyan "9000 words to make up for yesterday"

"I am the eye of the sky!" Cook didn't expect at all, another voice came out from the identity card. In fact, when Cook opened the door, he realized that there might be some unknown intelligent life managing this place. Everything, but at that time it only performed the same as some magical array simulations, because at that time it was just these few sentences. As far as Cook knows, these simple sounds only need a phonograph crystal plus A simple control of the magic circle can be done. At first, Cook still suspected, but now it has been determined, because this unknown intelligent life can actually answer the question.

"Sky Eye? Where are you?" Cook looked around, but didn't see anything with life fluctuations at all.

"I'm at an altitude of 30,000 kilometers from the ground!" When Cook heard this answer, he almost landed on the ground. Isn't it a satellite? The satellite is not so high.

Cook was shocked, and then asked unbelievingly: "Then how did you know my existence?"

"There is a detection magic circle on the identity card, which can collect all the activities of the owner of the identity card, and I will determine whether it violates the law and give a certain punishment." Tianyan said something that surprised Cook.

Cook was puzzled and asked, "Then who made the law here?"

"The Supreme Council!" Tianyan said an organization.

"So is there anyone on this committee?" Cook asked with a sense of anxiety.

"The forty-five members of the Supreme Council have responded without mental fluctuations for 350,000 years. Tianyan is calling these 45 members uninterrupted." Tianyan's answer made Cook a sigh of relief.

Cook also murmured in his heart: "It's been three hundred and fifty thousand years, and there are still **** people, even gods may not be able to live so long!"

Cook finally asked hopefully: "Then there is no one on the Supreme Council, what should I do?"

"According to the Supplementary Regulations of the Supreme Council, in this case, the person with the highest status and authority will accept the Supreme Council." Tianyan replied bluntly.

Cook asked with bright eyes: "Then am I the person with the highest authority?"

"Yes!" Tianyan's answer was extremely concise.

"Then I can replace the Supreme Council?" Cook asked excitedly.

"Yes!" Tianyan's answer made Cook vomit blood in excitement.

"Then what should I do?" Cook asked excitedly. This thing is just a satellite. Cook can't imagine the benefits of controlling a satellite.

"Just issue the order, because you are the owner of the highest authority, so you can issue the order!" Tianyan's answer was as rigid as ever.

"Then I order the abolition of the Supreme Council, and I will have the final say in the future!" Cook ordered emotionally with excitement.

"Accepted, please confirm, and Cook alone will issue the order in the future!" Tianyan quickly replied.

"Confirm, in addition, can you cancel all the identity cards that have been generated except me, Zagot, and Mickey." Cook asked at the request.

"There are a total of 150,000 generated cards, please confirm to log out." Tianyan is as simple as ever.


"Damn!" After more than an hour of mental communication, Cook finally cancelled the identity cards used by him, Mickey, and Zagot, and the rest, which means that in the future Even if someone comes here with an identity card, they will not be sensed by the magic circle, and Cook also despicably used the highest identity authority to modify all the rules. In short, Cook has mastered the eye of the sky by himself, even Neither Mickey nor Zagot knew about the existence of Sky Eye, because Cook was the person with the highest authority here.

And this kind of glasses-like thing is necessary for adventure. There are magic arrays and memory crystals in it, and the sky eye stores hundreds of thousands of beasts and tens of thousands of magic plants. The glasses detect magic fluctuations and pass The memory crystal is then transformed into magical power fluctuations through the magic circle and passed to the sky eye. The sky eye can instantly distinguish the type and level of beasts, or the role of magic plants, and when encountering unknown beasts, the sky eye can also pass through the magic circle arranged on the sky eye. And the photo-taking crystal focuses on detecting life bodies on the ground that are not less than one centimeter in size, which makes Cook feel that this is even better than satellites.

"The memory crystal is then transformed into magical fluctuations through the magic circle. Why is this transformation related to other magical fluctuations?" Cook asked very curiously in his mind.

"Space magic fluctuations!" Unlike the lightning fluctuations that Cook imagined, they are simply higher-level spatial magic fluctuations.

"Can you give me a copy of the building materials!" Cook puts on the glasses, of course, other glasses do not have these functions, because Cook has set permissions, only Cook can open it for others, and Cook wants to give Turn on whoever turns it on, turn it off if you want to turn it off.

"Transmitting!" Tianyan replied, but within a few seconds, Cook saw the underground building on his glasses.

This underground building is based on a high mountain building in the west of the plain. In addition to dozens of spaces on both sides of the passage that the three Cooks have explored, and the space where this one is now, there is another space in this space. There is a large space, and there are some things that Cook can't understand. Anyway, the underground building is huge, covering more than ten square kilometers.

"What do these colors represent?" Cook asked in surprise, because many colors were used in the building.

"These are areas divided according to identity and authority, the highest is golden, the lowest is black!" Tianyan replied.

"Well, in the future, only I can enter the area above the red. Without new authorization, no one else is allowed to enter." Cook looked around and found that the space he was in was not yet red. It is orange. Obviously, the authority of the orange is still lower, and the blue one is in the previously entered area.

"Received! Will the defensive system be turned on in case of forcible intrusion?" Sky Eye asked afterwards.

"The defense system, there are weapons in this building?" Cook asked in surprise.

"Yes, there are fifteen meteor cannons in total, but 14 have been damaged in 350,000 years, and one can barely be used. One hundred and thirty-six A-level magic crystal cannons are all damaged. All five hundred and twenty-eight B-level magic crystal cannons were damaged. There were 1,000 C-level magic crystal cannons, and only ten were intact and usable. The rest were some foundation defense magic crystal cannons, 500. All were intact. ! What kind of weapon to open?" Skyeye's answer surprised Cook, there are magic weapons in this place.

"How is the attack power of the meteor cannon?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Meteor cannon can smash a one-kilometer-diameter meteorite at a distance of 100,000 kilometers from the ground. But this requires Skyeye to lock in!" Skyeye answered formulaically.

"Damn! A one-thousand-meter-diameter meteorite!" Cook jumped up. Fortunately, Mickey and Zagot went to check other places. You must know that the hardness of the meteorite is almost no less than that of fine iron, because the meteorite is in the universe. Constant collisions, the rest are extremely hard parts.

"Well, the meteor cannon is here, so let me ask what kind of attack power the lowest level foundation weapon is?" Cook asked helplessly.

"Foundation weapons are magical energy bombs. One foundation weapon is equivalent to the attack power of level 6 magic, and a volley of 100 foundation weapons is equivalent to the power of level 10 forbidden curse. However, the rate of fire of foundation weapons is extremely high, almost One second is very energy bomb." Tianyan still answered very formulaically.

"I rely on! Turn on the ground-based weapons!" Cook didn't take it after hearing it first. The sixth-level magic attack power is not very high, but ten energy bombs per second. This power should not be too strong. Cook quickly ordered to turn on.

"Magic energy is not enough to turn on, it is recommended to add energy!" But the answer to Cook was a series of suggestions.

"What kind of magic energy is needed?" Cook thought that such a huge magic array system needs to operate. If magic crystals or magic cores are needed, it is estimated that Cook will not be the master here at death.

"Anything, water, wind, light, fire!" Sky Eye said.

"So what energy was used here before?" Cook asked.

"Three hundred and fifty thousand years ago, the main energy was provided by a volcano, but a meteorite with a diameter exceeding 500 kilometers before hit the ground at a time. Although more than three thousand meteorite cannons participated in destroying the meteorite, it was still There was a meteorite of more than 20 kilometers left that hit the sea, causing huge tsunamis, earthquakes, the last more than two hundred celestial eyes and more than two hundred empires, and only one celestial eye and one where you were left. The rest of the underground buildings were either squeezed into powder by the earthquake or washed away by hundreds of meters of sea water. The huge dust brought by the meteorite impact obscured the entire sky for several thousands of years. , The whole planet was covered by dust. It was only 200,000 years ago that the planet slowly came back to life. The magic system only absorbed energy and gradually repaired it, but the volcano has been extinguished." Sky Eye said a lot.

"Wait, then what is the base more than a thousand kilometers west of here?" Cook suddenly asked, feeling his brain swelling.

"That's just a teleportation hub!" Tianyan explained.

Cook almost understands it. To put it bluntly, it is like an airport on the earth, but it is transmitted through space. The distance is probably for safety reasons. After all, this is a magical world. If the lunatic ninth-level powerhouse comes out The Teleportation Array is given to the Imperial Capital, because the Sky Eye is said to be more than 200 Sky Eyes and 200 Empires. Obviously an empire has one Sky Eye. Then I am afraid that only the Emperor Capital controls the Sky Eye, because the core position of this underground ruin is the Sky Eye. The control center is more than 2,000 meters away from Cook's current location. Remember, it is more than 2,000 meters deep.

"Okay, then what is the easiest way to obtain energy?" Cook had to ask for help from Skyeye, even though Cook didn't understand what kind of existence Skyeye was, maybe it was a very complicated magic array?

"Open a canal directly from a place five kilometers away from here, and introduce the water directly into the drainage system, and the drainage system will directly send the water into the energy furnace." Tianyan explained, while showing a schematic diagram on the glasses.

"It's that simple? Just water is enough?" Cook thought he needed a lot of magic crystals or magic cores, but he didn't expect to need water as simple as that.

"The simpler one is to directly use a large amount of magic cores to open the space energy absorption furnace, so that the system will never be disturbed by energy exhaustion, and it can also get one kilogram of space energy crystals from the space energy furnace every year!" The words directly shook Cooke dizzy.

"Is the space energy crystal space magic crystal?" Cook asked excitedly. Cook didn't know how many times he was excited today.

"Yes, and this kind of spatial crystallization is very stable." Tianyan explained.

"Then how to absorb and transform the space energy?" Cook asked very excitedly. The space magic crystals are sold by the gram, and nothing else, the space magic ring made by one gram of space magic crystal is called an artifact.

"The main hole-breaking magic array shatters the space into small space cracks, and the space energy will automatically diffuse and overflow, and then pass...!" Tianyan explained sternly.

"Stop! Stop! Needless to say." Cook can't stand it anymore. It's a mental communication. Cook feels his head is about to explode if he talks too much.

"How many magic crystals or nuclei are needed?" The Sky Eye stopped, and Cook asked bluntly.

"One ninth-level magic core or ten eighth-level magic nuclei, one hundred seventh-level magic nuclei, one thousand sixth-level magic nuclei, 10,000 fifth-level magic nuclei, and those below level 5 have no effect." Tianyan gave The answer drove Cook mad.

"Well, I need time, how long can the energy last?" Cook replied helplessly.

"The energy is sufficient for three days now, but some defense weapons can be activated, and these monsters can also increase energy storage." Skyeye's answer made Cook uneasy, and then Skyeye displayed the number on the ruins on Cook's glasses. There are ten monsters, of which the monster at the center surprised Cook. At the center of the ruins is a group of dark magic spiders, nearly a hundred large and small.

"Why are these dark magic spiders in the middle of the ruins?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"There is the treasure house of the imperial royal family. It is estimated that the breath of some magical item inside has leaked out. Those magic spiders have been breeding here for more than three hundred years." Tianyan explained.

"Damn, you mean the treasure vault of the imperial royal family has not been destroyed?" Cook asked incredulously.

"No, a part of it should be damaged. The magic item has a 90% chance of being damaged, the magic metal has a 10% chance of damage, and the damage rate of the magic crystal and magic core is more than 99%. This is just speculated from the time. I don't know what the damage rate is?" Tianyan gave an inference.

"Ah! I want a level 9 magic core! Sky Eye, give me a detailed map of the monsters and terrain on the ruins, and I have magic crystals here. See how long it can last?" Cook took out a large amount of wood Type, fire type magic core, inferior magic crystal, and a large number of crystal coins.

"One month, without opening the defensive weapons!" Tianyan replied after detecting it.

"Okay, don't turn on the defense weapons, how do you use these magic crystals?" Cook gritted his teeth.

"Discard it directly in the trash can in the corner of the room, which leads directly to the energy furnace." Skyeye showed a white iron bucket with a diameter of fifty centimeters in the corner of the wall.

Cook walked over and threw all the magic crystals, magic nuclei, and crystal coins in, then closed the lid, and then Cook opened it again after dozens of seconds, but it was gone. Obviously there is a magic circle under the barrel. Controlling agency.

"Cook! Good thing, look. These are all necklaces made of magic metal. The blue one is wind copper. This gram wind copper is worth tens of millions of gold coins. This is a constant wind magic material. But here is actually used as an ordinary decoration material, and this, look, this must be the eyeball of the light system monster, look, this shining light, and this blue one is actually ice crystal, my God, We are developed! Hey, what are you doing with these broken glasses? The magician guild gnomes make a lot of them. The more transparent the lenses of friends glasses, the better. Your purple is not good." Zagot was excited. Embracing a large armful of ornaments made of magic metal.

"Good stuff, Zagot, is there any more?" Cook feels distressed, this should be his own thing, Cook asked hopefully.

"Yes, at the top, there are several rooms like this, and they are filled with such things." Zagot said excitedly.

"Okay! Okay! Zagot, we made a lot of money this time." Cook said in tears, and in his head he was issuing orders to Sky Eye: "Sky Eye, close the doors of all shops in this area."

Cook already knows that the first half of this underground ruin was indeed opened up as an underground bazaar. Only the back half is used as the core area. But what makes Cook depressed is that this core area is actually filled with all the magic. The knowledge of civilization, there are more than five hundred rooms, which are all recorded magic civilization things, magic spells, magic item making, map of warcraft, experimental equipment, civilizations of various intelligent races, etc. Cooke does not have Looking at those things in the mood, what Cook didn’t expect was that he ignored Zagot and Mickey, and Mitch ignored him. Anyway, it was the family. These things in Zagot’s hands were worth at least hundreds of millions, although Ku Ke knew that even the space magic crystals could be produced artificially in this civilization, so these magic metals were definitely not valuable in that era, but they were the most valuable in this era.

"Please make sure there are no creatures in the shop!" Tianyan said mechanically.

"Mickey, Ka Ka, Big Mouth, Xiao Huihui, Windsor, come here!" Cook hurriedly stood in the huge hall and shouted loudly.

"Come here!" Mickey didn't know what Cook called, and she poked her head in the corridor on the third floor, and quickly got down, and the others also got down. What annoyed Cook the most was that Xiao Lei actually hugged him. A fist-sized pearl-like thing was licking and drooling, and Windsor's mouth couldn't close with a smile. Obviously this little thing had a lot of good things in his pocket, and Cook's face was green.

"Confirm to close! Sky Eye!" Cook replied in his mind, and then directly picked up Xiao Lei.

"Can this food be eaten? Look at your little flower face!" Cook wiped Xiao Lei's face in an angry manner.

"Cook, what's the matter?" Mickey asked nervously.

"Hehe, nothing. I have just obtained control of the outer magic circle of this underground ruin. Through the detection magic circle and magic imaging system arranged on the ruins, I have mastered the terrain of the ruins and the situation of the Warcraft divisions. "Cook smiled and raised his finger. The thing on the finger was the space ring of the owner of the magic detection glasses shop just now. It was 20 cubic meters in size. According to the sky's eye, when a meteorite hits the planet, The turbulence brought by the earth and the violent magic wave made the magic system useless. It has been more than ten years by the time the system recovers, so these people are dead, because the main energy volcano of the entire system has been extinguished in the earthquake. As for the sky eye, when the dust in the sky is all falling, the system has absorbed some energy, and the sky eye is intermittently controlling the underground ruins.

"Really?" Zagot looked at the rose-colored ring in Cook's hand in surprise.

"Hehe, the energy of the system is about to run out. If we don’t want to be locked here just like this, we must act immediately. I have closed all the magic systems in all shops to save energy. When we go out, I will close the whole The ruins, we have to go back and find enough energy crystals to activate the core of the system." Cook said with a smile, pointing to the surrounding shops.

"Ah!" Zagot and Mitch exclaimed at the same time, Mitch was delighted, and Zagot was lost.

"Close the ruins!" The three of Cooke stood at the entrance of the underground ruins. Cook commanded loudly. Of course, the eyes of the sky couldn't understand it, but Cook passed the mental fluctuations through his identity card.

"Kakakakakaka!" A piercing metal sound rang, and a step of stepped up stepped up, and within a few seconds the entrance of the entire ruin was sealed.

"God!" Zagot believed it now, watching Cook scream, Zagot understood that the ruins belonged to Cook alone.

"Haha, let's go! Let's go back and hand in the task!" Cook laughed, checked the surrounding monsters with his glasses, and then chose the safest path.

"Cook, what kind of energy core is needed to restore the core system?" Zagot tentatively asked me.

"Comprehensive recovery requires ten ninth-level magic cores, and one needs to be consumed every year." Cook put the identity card into the space ring a long time ago. Cook dare not say anything in front of the eyes of the sky, who knows if it is a kind of intelligent life ?

"Damn it, it's not a good deal. The value inside is indeed very high, but the value of the ninth-level magic core is incalculable." Zagot shook his head and said.

"Who said no, so I am going to form a mercenary group to station here. This is an excellent station. There are almost no people on this whole continent. It is all warcraft and magic herbs. This continent is in the sea. It is about 80,000 kilometers long and 60,000 kilometers wide, and there are countless marine monsters in the sea. The sea is 300 kilometers away from this ruin. As long as a mercenary group is formed, it should be able to cope with daily expenses. Even if it is a peripheral magic system, a level 5 magic core is needed a day." Cook explained with a wry smile. In fact, Cook instinctively counts the ruins as his own private property. Cook knows that if the big powers know about 500 The house’s knowledge of advanced civilizations, even the wizard’s union, can hardly protect itself.

"Haha, count me!" Zagot deeply doubted the authenticity of what Cook said, but now the control of this ruin is in Cook's hands, and Zagot has no other way.

Cook did not take away the extra things, because the more things in the ruins now brought, the greater the possibility of leakage. Cook is not a teenager’s thinking logic, but a thirty-year-old adult’s. Mature thinking, knowing that some things can't be exposed until the time, what Cook wants now is strength, powerful strength.

The three of Cooke returned smoothly to the observation post established by the captain. The observation post has changed its appearance. The camouflage cloth has been stretched over the open space enclosed by the wall. This is a gray-brown tent fabric. It is not only waterproof, but also able to isolate most of the magic fluctuations, and can be ignored in the field of vision. It is woven from an extremely expensive magic plant fiber.

"You are going back, now in a few days?" The captain asked incredulously, knowing that the captain has a secret mission.

The commander of the fortress is not as greedy as Cook thought. The biggest role of the captain on the crew is to monitor the three of Cooke. You must know that the three unearthed ruins on this plane have brought a lot to everyone. The surprise, even the fragments of a magical item, and the magic metal occasionally obtained have made everyone a big profit, so the high level of the fortress and the forces behind it will not let the three of Cooke explore the ruins, because According to the rules of the expedition, what one finds belongs to whoever, of course, if the value is too high, these big forces will kill people and win treasures.

"Haha, I have a flying demon, with high intelligence. We have measured the topographic map of the ruins and the distribution map of the monsters, and we are ready to return to the task." Cook said with a smile, of course the three of them had reached a good discussion. .

"Did you find anything in the underground palace?" the captain asked nervously.

"This is something we have discovered, cough, captain, we decided to set off immediately and go back!" Cook pretended to wake up after half talking.

"Haha! Okay, I'm going to the fortress too!" The captain's eyebrows were all curved.

When I went back, there were only the captain, two warriors, one magician, and the three of Cooke. When I went back, Luo Luo, the captain of the large group who was riding together, had to say that the earth dragon was indeed a Yalong Beast, and it was seven With this aura, Cooke and his team quickly returned to the fortress.

"Your Excellency Commander, this is the most core area. Inside is a group of Dark Demon Spiders. The number is about a hundred. Adults occupies at least half of the number. And here is an Abyss Demon Wolf with four adult Demon Wolf. Two young abyssal demon wolves, and here is a demon snake, here is a group of water buffaloes, there are hundreds of them, and there are a group of wind sculptures on the cliff near the mountains..., there are also ten meters in diameter in the ruins. There are more than 60 damaged pillars, the height of which is about 150 meters, the low of about..., and the ruins are covered with large pits extending tens of meters and hundreds of meters wide. One is clearly marked on this." Cook took out the topographic map that had been rushed out. It can be said to be relatively rough. In some places Cook deliberately ignored, such as the more than sixty pillars, of which six are. There is a detection magic array. The situation of the entire ruins is understood by this detection. The detection area covers almost the entire small plain, but Cook has closed those detection magic arrays. After all, advanced magic array masters can feel the operation of the magic array. The time fluctuates.

"Well! We will confirm the authenticity of the map as soon as possible. This will take about one to three weeks. During this period, you can return to the Magic City or wait here! Do you have anything else to say?" The officer nodded and asked.

"Hehe, no more, but I hope to return to Magic City once, and hope that the vice-president can approve." Not only the commander, but also the vice-president of the academy, who led the team this time, and more than one vice-president. Chief, but six deputy deans.

"Yes! Cook's team can go back. This is a voucher for the free-travel plane magic circle, but you have to give it to me when you come back." A deputy chief said formulaically.

The three of Cooke quickly returned to the Magic City, and then the three of Cooke did not take the contents of the ruins as their own, but took out a small part of the jewelry made of magic metal that was seriously damaged. Of course, the rest All were assigned by the three of them.

"Zagot, you'd better return these magic metals to the furnace as soon as possible, otherwise there will be trouble, and Mickey, you better throw away the clothes you bring, and return the useful magic metals to the furnace again, otherwise I’m afraid we won’t keep our secrets.” Cook packs the more seriously damaged accessories. Because it is a collective venture, the allocation is that the captain takes 10% more and the rest is evenly divided, and then Cook carefully warned.


"Hey, Cook, don't you say that I will do it too, I will bring these magic metals back to the furnace, I am not that stupid!" Zagot said with a smile.

"What about you, Cook?" Mickey asked with his eyes wide open.

"Hehe, I'm going to find someone, I still have some news to sell." Cook left with a smile.

In Doctor's study, Doctor stood up in surprise, and then asked seriously: "Cook, are you sure there is a treasure in the center of that ruin?"

"I'm sure, because my pet's big mouth feels a powerful magical aura. In addition to those dark spiders, another one of my pets, KaKa, has gone in and checked. There is a downward channel. , And inside this passage is the lair of the Dark Demon Spider." Cook is to find a backing for the imperial treasure. Although Cook knows that there are good things in it, Cook does not know how many years will it take to destroy a group of Dark Demon Spiders. Those things, you must know that the Dark Demon Spider is a seven-level beast, and it is a group of beasts.

"Well, the dark magic spiders, a group, there must be some treasure in it, otherwise these dark magic spiders will not gather there, and according to the map, the density of the monsters here is too large. Look at the middle square kilometers. Within, there are more than five types of high-level monsters. In addition to the dark magic spiders, there are nearly ten high-level monsters, which indicates that it is unusual.” Doctor himself studied the map drawn by Cook, and then Said affirmatively.

"Yes, these things were brought back by Ka Ka, and they were brought out from a cracked metal wall. According to the Ka Ka sense, there are many such things." Cook did not lie, the imperial royal family hides There are a lot of magic metal in the treasure house, which is said by the sky.

"Hehe, okay, Cook, write an application right away, saying that you have found the treasure ruins and commissioned the wizards to excavate it. But what do you want if you don't think about it?" Doctor said with a smile. It’s just an excuse. According to the rules of the expedition, the treasure house was discovered by Cook, so the ownership is Cook’s. The rest of the people must get Cook’s consent. This is the excuse needed by the Wizards’ Guild. Only with this As an excuse, the Wizards’ Guild would do things very well.

"Master Doktor, I hope to get this place. To be precise, I want to get the underground structure of the treasure house." Cook said his request.

"Why?" Doctor asked in surprise. Doctor thought that Cook would give priority to the right to choose items, but he did not expect Cook to want such a thing.

"Hehe, I went there this time and found that the magic medicinal materials there are over a hundred years old, and there are a lot of monsters. You always know that I established a mercenary group, so I want to use that place as a mercenary group. Resident." Cook had already thought of an excuse.

"Okay! Your kid is promising. I'm still worried that you want the items in this treasure house. To be honest, even if there are artifacts in it, you can't sleep peacefully after getting it. It is a good idea to build a mercenary group. Do it one step at a time. I promise you such a condition. If you get a huge harvest~www.wuxiaspot.com~, our old guys will not treat you badly!" Doctor did not guarantee too much.

"Thank you, my lord." Cook received Doctor's promise and immediately wrote the application.

"Well, someone will look for you tomorrow. By the way, you can take these magic metals back. In addition, I will give you a hundred coins, which is my reward." Doctor picked up Cook's application and started to rush. People are gone, apparently Doctor still needs someone to discuss.

"My lord, thank you." Cook is worrying about money now. Although Cook has hundreds of centuries-old magic herbs in his space bag, those things are valuable things. One hundred crystal coins can also buy many. Something, and the formation of a mercenary group.

"Hehe, I heard that your mercenary group is buying orcs, and also buying orc virgins. Although I don't know what your kid thinks, I support you. Take this thing to the Supervision Department. What do you want to do? Just do it, but don't involve other things." Doctor groaned and said, in fact, everyone in the Magic City reported everything about Cook.

"Really, I bought those orc virgins to activate them with the magic circle that activates their talents, and see if those orc virgins can awaken the sacrificial talents." Cook did not hide anything.

"Difficult!" Zagot just said such a sentence, and then let someone send Cook away.

"Sky Eye! Are you there?" Cook went to the street, concealed his ID card out of the space ring with one hand, and tentatively called out with mental strength.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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