A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1243: Giant portal

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After Cook changed all the control magic patterns in the mage tower, Cook was tired and limp to the ground.

"There are more than one hundred and thirty control magic lines, half of which are composite magic lines. This is simply abnormal." Cook is extremely tired, knowing that changing the magic lines is more difficult than re-drawing them.

Because the distance between the magic lines is very small, it is necessary to change these magic circuits when changing, and the joints need to be careful and careful. The requirements for the control of mental power are quite high.

So Cook’s mental energy was consumed extremely seriously, but Cook didn’t take the mental medicine this time, because there was no danger at all. Cook lay on the ground and rested for several hours, when Cook woke up again From now on, the mental power is basically restored.

"Look at how powerful this mage tower is." Cook quickly got up and thought to himself while eating the magic fruit.

Cook’s mental power penetrated into the control core, and then he looked at it carefully. At this check, Cook’s mouth was smiling crookedly, and the harvest was so rich that Cook was excited, more than 60 giant magic abilities. Crystals are the energy core of this mage tower. This is a huge asset. Of course, now that Cook has gained control of the mage tower, these giant magic crystals Cook will not move.

Afterwards, Cook even now found that the entire forest was monitored by the Mage Tower. Cook roughly estimated that the forest is at least tens of millions of square kilometers in size. Cook also knows that this forest is the place for trials after becoming a brave. There are countless creatures inside, and the complex environment is the best place for the brave to try.

As soon as Cook’s mental power moved, the whole person disappeared, and then Cook appeared in a sealed space. The space was more than 100 meters high and thousands of meters wide, like a cylindrical shape, in this sealed space. , A huge portal with a height of 100 meters and a width of 100 meters. Cook looked up at the portal with a height of thirty stories, his eyes widened. You must know that Cook built a 20-meter-high portal on the Demon Plane. The portal is almost exhausted. Cook doesn't know how many things are needed for this huge portal of 100 meters high.

The greater the difficulty of the establishment of a portal, the higher the difficulty factor, and the more things that need to be involved. If the difficulty of a 20-meter-high portal is 1o, then the difficulty of a 100-meter-high portal is at least 10,000, because the portal is The larger and farther the transmission channel is formed, the energy required by the portal and the energy pressure it needs to bear will increase geometrically. It does not mean that it can be refined to 20 meters high, and it can be refined to 100 meters high. Just as being able to make a one-meter long rocket does not mean that one can make a ten-meter long missile. This is not a concept at all.

"My dear." Cook saw this giant portal and took a breath.

Then Cook became busy again, and Cook secretly rejoiced, because the control core of this portal, Cook has not yet obtained it, but when Cook found the control core of this portal, he was dumbfounded, because this control core is very Simple, it is the kind of blood control core, which means that this portal needs the blood of the demon to be activated and used.

"Damn it, **** it, that **** designed it." Cook jumped and scolded, and then quickly studied the portal.

To study this portal, we first need to figure out the structure of this portal. The magic pattern used by this 100-meter-high portal is more subtle and more delicate. Even if Cook has magic eyes, he still looks at it. Dizzy.

"Hey." Cook looked at the portal that was hundreds of meters high, then looked at the several memory crystal **** in his hand, and then looked at the progress. The several memory crystal **** recorded several compound magic patterns. The largest one is a combination of more than one hundred and sixty magic patterns, almost blinding Kukuk’s eyes, and this magic pattern combination is also a composite magic pattern of more than fifty magic patterns. Intertwined with each other. As mentioned earlier, the magic pattern circuit is a three-dimensional structure, which is basically a maze. Cook has only studied a distance of ten centimeters high by rote now, because the portal is two meters thick.

"God." Cook looked at this progress. He didn't know how many days it would take. It was just Cook taking pictures of cats and tigers, and didn't understand the principles and effects.

"Barry, Barry." Cook called Barry.

"Damn it, don't bother me." Barry's voice passed directly into Cook's mind.

"You, you, you bastard, get me out of my body, immediately." Cook himself was a little depressed, and Barry said so and immediately jumped and scolded.

"Huh, you have the ability to chase me." Barry's voice; it was full of disdain.

"You..." Cook became even more depressed.

Then Cook gritted his teeth and threatened: "Barry, you remembered it for me. If there will be a demon horn in the future, I will not give it to you if I lose it."

"If you don't give it, don't give it. I'll see who we ask for." Barry looked like a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, but his voice was much lower.

Cook originally planned to ask Barry to see if he could do anything about it, but he didn't expect to have a fight with Barry, so Cook didn't ask Barry. Cook now feels that there is a problem with the starting line of thought.

Cook walked out of the mage tower. Cook was ready to clear his mind, but he was startled as soon as he came out. Dwarves, elves, gnomes, wingmen, and humans all gathered around the mage tower. After seeing himself coming out, There was silence around the entire mage tower.

"Your Excellency." Vigorously saw Cook come out and opened his mouth wide, because according to the patriarch, the sacrificed creatures never returned.

"Well, what are you doing." Cook asked suspiciously.

Vigorously replied: "Your Excellency, we are here to accept the master's punishment. This sacrifice has not been completed..."

"Okay, okay, it's all gone." Cook said irritably. The so-called sacrifices are just the experimental products used by the demons for experiments. They are just white mice. The so-called sacrifices are just a cover. That's it.

The people around quickly disappeared. Dali was still with Cook. Cook looked at so many humans and sighed in his heart. Although humans have lived here for countless years, few people can get out of the city. , Cook also knows that the gravity of Tok City is offset by the Mage Tower, so the human condition is the worst, unlike the wingmen, elves, dwarves, and gnomes that can withstand the external gravity more.

After thinking about it for a while, Cook decided that all the people should be taken out. But how to arrange them out is also a headache for Cook. The news of the demons is not going to be made public for the time being. Although this is a crisis, it is also an opportunity.

As for where these people are placed, Cook needs to study carefully. Now Cook is worried about how to control the portal, because only by controlling the portal can he leave here.

"Dali, there is some food in it." Cook threw a space ring to Dali. There were dozens of cubic space rings with some food inside.

Dali held the space ring and his hands were trembling. The magic of this space equipment was something Dali had never seen before, so I was surprised. Dali saw that Cook had nothing to say, so he whispered: "Your Excellency, Then I'm leaving."

"Yeah." Cook nodded, your name is Cooke let Dali say so, but Dali obviously hesitated.

"Is there anything troublesome? Could it be that those wingmen are asking for trouble again?" Cook asked when seeing Dali look like this.

When Dali heard Cook ask this, he immediately squatted on the ground and said quickly: "No, your excellency, those dwarfs, and those dwarfs have no food. We have a better relationship with dwarfs."

"It's also food, you can take care of it." Cook took out two more spatial rings, which are filled with some magic fruits. There should not be too many magic fruits in the natural ring, and the quality of the magic fruit growing in the natural ring It is excellent.

"Okay, don't do this. Humans should look like humans. When you go out, you will know that the outside world is human beings." Cook said irritably when he saw Vigorously crawling on the ground.

Dali hurriedly left with Vinono, making Cook look a little angry, but Cook also knew that this was caused for a long time. It is hard to imagine that tens of thousands of people will rely on Dali to leave the city, and there are less than ten people in total. This is no wonder It was the first time that Cook saw that humans were eating those things, but under the environment of more than ten times the gravity, even the leaves could not chew, and it took a long time to cook.

And because the gravity environment inside and outside changes, creatures outside can only be brought into the city if they are killed, because the difference in gravity between inside and outside will cause these creatures to burst directly.

Cook wandered around in Tok City, wherever Cook went, other races in Tok City hid one after another. There is no shop in this city, and there is no market or anything. Between each race It's hard to imagine that they basically don't interact with each other. After all, the Demon Race has been missing for countless years, but Tok City is still operating according to the previous rules.

"Controlling the magic lines ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or you can directly control the energy supply, but this is not a simple magic circle. The space portal needs to locate the spatial coordinates. Without controlling the magic lines, it simply won't work."

"Or continue to study, but it will take too long."

"Hey." All kinds of thoughts flashed in Cook's mind, but without exception, they did not meet Cook's requirements now, because this space portal can be said to be the pinnacle of the magic pattern work.

"Barry, Barry, what can I do?" Cook had no choice but to ask Barry.

"There is a way, it is to find a demon to pull it, master the control core, and then change the control core." Barry's voice passed.

"But now go there to find the demons." Cook sighed, this portal is not controlled, it is a time bomb, who knows who will be transmitted from the portal, you must know that the portal can be with other portals Of course, this is because the portal is not under control, just like Cook is now, the book is from xs, and the original content is the first time!

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