A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 21: Shock

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Cook does not know the properties of the decomposition ray, but Cook already knows that the decomposition ray is powerful. The decomposition ray in the decomposition chamber of the dungeon is extremely powerful. Now Cook sees the ray hit by this ray. In the scene of the rock wall, Cook knew that it was a decomposition ray. Only after the decomposition ray attacked, there was no gravel or melted liquid crystal.

"Boom!" The ground shook violently, and a cyan beam of light once again hit the place where Cook was standing just now, and a pit hundreds of meters in size appeared, and the rocks around the pit continued to collapse. `Top`Point``.2.Co

"Damn, what's the matter with Nima?" Cook was anxious. The defense range of the mage tower is only about two kilometers, but now Cook is tens of thousands of meters away from the mage tower.

Tens of thousands of Minimas will still be attacked. Cook can't figure it out. Unexpectedly, Cook is depressed and entangled, but Cook who is the most anxious.

The decomposition ray released by the mage tower was almost instantaneous, and the indirect time was only one-tenth of a second. Fortunately, Cook was fast enough, but even so, Cook was forced to jump up and down.

"Idiot, you don't want to think about why you were attacked, and quickly throw away the magic book." Barry yelled loudly. Barry is actually very anxious. Don't look at Barry and Cook who are not in harmony, but Barry and Cook It is one. Once Cook is damaged or falls, Barry will never escape. So the moment Cook was attacked, Barry began to think about it.

The bystander cleared that this was correct. Cook hadn't thought of it yet, but Barry thought about it. Barry also kept reminiscing and comparing, and finally locked in and caused this mage tower to attack wildly.

"Is this stuff?" Cook quickly threw away the magic book.

"Boom, boom, boom." Cook opened a kilometer away in an instant, and then Cook was stunned. The blue beam of light suddenly bombarded Cook's discarded magic book, and a soft light flashed on the magic book. The green ray, the decomposing ray hit the magic book with the green ray, and the magic book was hardly damaged.

"Damn." Then the magic book rushed towards Cook with a green light, and Cook ran quickly.

"Nima, this, is this automatically tracked?" Cook cried out as he watched the magic book behind him follow him inseparably.

"Idiot, this Mozu's top equipment, doesn't this feature have it?" Barry said angrily.

The whole space formed a strange scene. Cook ran ahead, and the magic book was continuously hit by cyan rays behind it, but the magic book was hardly damaged at all, but it would be knocked out after being hit.

"Mage Tower, Mage Tower." Barry cried.

"I know." Cook had this plan long ago. Now there is a distance of hundreds of meters between the Magic Book and Cook, which means that Cook has about a tenth of a second, and Cook not only did not face the Mage Tower Going forward, on the contrary, it means that the distance from the mage tower is getting farther and farther, until Cook is 20,000 meters away from the mage tower, and Cook's mental energy moves.

Cook activated the flash ring, and it disappeared all at once. When Cook appeared again, he was already at a distance of two kilometers from the Mage Tower. It was not that Cook didn't want to teleport directly to the Mage Tower, but the warning distance of the Mage Tower was two. Kilometers, Cook didn’t know what other defensive magic lines were within these two kilometers.

The magic book itself is only a few hundred meters away from Cook, but now after Cook uses the flash ring, the magic book is a full 18 kilometers away from Cook. After Cook appeared, Cook did not stop at all. Cook calculated. Cook has two seconds.

After two seconds, the magic book will catch up with Cook, and maybe in less than two seconds, after Cook appeared, his figure rushed towards the mage tower with an afterimage, and Cook still had one in his hand. A bone of the ten-meter-high Bone Dragon Lord.

"Puff." A cyan ray shot towards Cook, but this time the cyan ray only left a hole in the bone of the bone dragon lord.

"Damn it." Cook quickly put away the bones of the bone dragon lord, and then Cook took out the bones harvested in the sea of ​​blood.

"Puff puff puff." The ray shot at Cook as if he didn’t need money, but the bones in this sea of ​​blood actually had a higher endurance than the bone dragon lord’s. This ray was obtained in this sea of ​​blood. There were shallow pits on the bones, but there was not much damage.

"Haha." When Cook saw this situation, he laughed and rushed up quickly.

In fact, it’s a long story. It takes only one second to replace the bones. It’s not that Cook didn’t want to rush over quickly, but Cook was uncertain that the bones in his hand could resist the decomposition rays, and Cook didn’t know. This decomposes the intensity of the rays, and now it seems that the magic book has attracted most of the power of the wizard tower.

"It's great." Cook shrank inside the gate of the mage tower. It was a doorway-like space, and the decomposition rays couldn't hit Cook at all.

"Five times madness." Cook looked at the door of the heavy mage tower, and instantly became five times mad, and Cook's muscles bulged.

"Thunder tooth, burst." Cook drew out Thunder tooth. Thunder tooth was already full of power. Thunder tooth shining purple light of destruction hit the gate of Mage Tower severely.

"Boom!" Then Cook opened his mouth wide and was shocked.

Because of the entire mage tower, the mage tower tens of meters high was directly knocked out by Thunder Fang, and then it was deeply embedded into the rock wall.

"Puff puff." The mage tower shot a blue ray, and Cook quickly touched the bones in the sea of ​​blood. The rays hit the bones in the sea of ​​blood.

"Nima, what is this thing, was actually knocked out?" Cook was depressed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thunder Ya actually knocked the mage tower out, what energy should Nima be.

But at this moment, the magic book caught up with Cook with a swish, and Cook jumped away in shock, and a dazzling cyan beam hit the place where Cook was standing just now.

"Nima, isn't this created by the demons?" Cook was puzzled as he ran.

"Haha, haha, you only know it now. It stands to reason that your mind should have been thought of for a long time. The magic book is a symbol of the demon race. Didn't you think about this mage tower's crazy attack just now?" Barry said badly .

"What should I do now?" Cook asked depressedly.

"You ask me, who am I asking, do you want to go?" Barry left a sentence and there was no voice.

Cook was very depressed. Lei Ya's energy was exhausted now. Cook rolled his eyes, and then he came up with a solution that was not a solution, and then he smiled.

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