A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 49: Cook's skill

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"This is the secret of our Druids." Kanter's answer made Cook a little crazy, almost as if he immediately caught the **** guy and handed it to the intelligence personnel for interrogation, but Cook was not an idiot. Now in the druid's territory, although Cook has enough confidence, he doesn't know what kind of strength the druid hides.

"Then I have some magical materials for more powerful creatures. I don't know if you need it or not." Cook asked with a smile. Of course, if Sia and others saw Cook's smile, they knew that some people would suffer.

"Sir, what do you mean." But what made Cook mad is that Kanter looked at himself warily and then asked.

Who is Cook? There was an idea immediately in his mind. Cook smiled and said, "Actually, I just want to help you."

"It's impossible, you humans..." Kanter looked at Cook suspiciously, and then said.

"In fact, we humans are not what you think, just like every race has bad people and good people, I am a good person in human beings." Cook said.

How could I know that Kanter immediately replied: "We druids have no bad people."

"Haha, Kanter, what do you think a bad person is, or what kind of person is defined as a bad person." When Cook heard Kanter say this, he smiled in his heart. When it comes to academic issues, Cook is not afraid of anyone.

Kanter thought for a while, and then said, "Bad people do things they shouldn't do."

"So what should be done, what should not be done, what is this standard, or does your Druid race have this standard?" Cook asked.

"Yes, our elders will make it." Kanter replied very proudly.

This is what Cook waited for. Cook sighed and said: "Kant, you are still young, you don't know the sinister world."

Then Cook asked Kanter in a low voice: "Kant, since it is stipulated by the Presbyterian Church, who made the rules of the Presbyterian Church, and how did the Presbyterian Church come into being."

"The Presbyterian Church is the most respected person in the family, and the rules they made are definitely not wrong." Kanter immediately replied.

"Hey, Kanter, still remember what I told you before, strength is the standard for everything, and I don’t need you to say that I know that the elders of your Druid Presbyterian Church are definitely the strongest. You know what this means. It means that as long as your strength is strong enough, then what you say is a rule, a rule that everyone needs to follow." Cook said with a smile.

After Cook finished talking and saw Kanter's stunned look, Cook knew that Kanter's mind was now in chaos, so Cook didn't bother Kanter, took out the little hamster, and fed the little thing yogurt , I don’t know if it’s a race issue, or the yogurt is nutritious. This little hamster is a big circle in two days. It is no longer like a gopher, but like a rabbit, but fortunately it has a long tail.

"Sir, you are." Kanter asked suspiciously when he saw the gopher in Cook's hand.

"Hehe, in the process of coming from the underground world, I didn't know that this little thing was alone, so I took it." Cook said with a smile.

Cook didn't look at Kanter, and then asked, "Kant, do you want to understand."

"Sir, I..." Kanter replied hesitantly.

Cook interrupted Kanter and asked, "Kant, in your eyes, is there peace in this forest?"

"Yes." Kanter replied affirmatively.

"Haha, but in my eyes, this forest is full of danger, murder, traps, and ubiquitous plunder." Cook said with a smile that shocked Kanter.

Without waiting for Kanter's question, Cook said: "The first is danger. In this forest, those weaker animals are always in danger, because they will be hunted by other powerful creatures at any time, those small saplings. The needed water and nutrients are absorbed by the roots of the big tree. This is plunder. A powerful male lion can drive away other male lions and occupy all females alone. Even the male deer will compete with each other for mates and tigers. , Will have its own territory, is this the nature that you druids advocate."

"This..." Cook's words had a great impact on Kanter. Yes, Kanter did not expect such a cruel reality to be hidden under such a peaceful forest.

"Accept it, Kanter, this is reality. Reality has the strength to specify rules for everyone to follow. The whole nature is not peaceful and quiet. It is just a superficial phenomenon. In nature, the weak eat the strong, and the weak can only be slaughtered. The destiny of the strong one dominates the destiny of others, Kanter, do you want to be a weak one to let your goddess in others’ arms, or to be a strong one to drive out any unsuspecting people who dare to approach your goddess "Cook continued, adding fuel to the fire.

The shock in Kanter’s heart is beyond repetitive. The education he received in Kanter’s past ten years has been successfully subverted by Cook in just a dozen hours. Cook has not stopped yet. Cook has He said in an uncomfortable tone: "Why does the elders make rules? Because they are strong enough, think about whether the guys in the elders have the best equipment and can enjoy exquisite food without having to work? ...."

Cook said so much to Kanter, and Kanter was wondering why the elders would do this.

Obviously Cook did not tell Kanter that while the elders have such rights, they also have obligations.

After Cook left, Kanter also returned to the forest. Druid’s offspring were raised together. Kanter knew his parents, but Kanter didn’t live with them at all. In the Yi race, all adult druids have the obligation to teach and take care of the minor druids.

So these young druids are taken by adult druids in turn. Kanter has more than a dozen friends. In fact, Kanter’s current camp is just an outpost camp for the druids. It is not the main camp of the druid. The main camp of the druid is the place where the young druid can go to adulthood. The young druid has to spend a long childhood in the forest, young.

"Dumb, you're back." Kanter has a dumb nickname because he is relatively introverted and unwilling to communicate with other partners.

Kanter didn’t even look at the guy named himself. The druid boy named Kanter was obviously much stronger. The ability of the druid to transform has a lot to do with his physical fitness. Although the druid advocates nature, it’s in Druid There is still a level within Yi that is not so obvious. The root of this level is physical fitness. The higher the physical quality, the more attention it receives.

The druid who called Kanter Dumb was named Luke. He was a head taller than Kanter, and his power was even stronger than Dumb. It is said that Luke is about to have the power to transform into the second form. The second form is a combat creature. , Leopards, tigers, etc., and dumb is still the first form.

"Hey, look at Ah-Dai, are you really a fool, haha, haha." Luke saw that Ah-Dai ignored him, so he laughed loudly at Kanter.

"Haha, haha."

"It was stupid." The surrounding druid boys all laughed.

Kanter's face flushed, because Kanter saw that the goddess in his dream was laughing at herself haha, Kanter shouted loudly: "Who is it, who gives you rights can laugh at others, who gives you rights So that you can insult others like this."

"Haha." When the surrounding druid boys heard Kanter's words, they were taken aback for a moment, and then they continued to laugh.

"Okay, what are you all doing." The adult druid who took care of the druid boy shouted coldly.

The young druids scattered and left, and Kanter’s eyes were full of disappointment, because in Kanter’s eyes, his friends laughed at themselves and insulted themselves. As the adult druids who took care of them, they didn’t say a word. words.

"It seems that what the human said is reasonable, and strength is everything." Kanter completely believed Cook's words. As an adult druid in charge, what happened just now was nothing but a farce in his opinion. , But this adult druid didn't know that it was the farce he thought this time that eventually split the entire druid race, which no one expected.

"Kant, you are waiting for me." Cook saw Kanter standing there from a distance, then walked to Kanter and asked.

"Sir, I want to become stronger." Kanter said what he was saying directly.

"Becoming strong, it's very simple, but I want to know why." Cook didn't expect Kanter to communicate so quickly, so he asked curiously.

"I don't want to be laughed at by others~www.wuxiaspot.com~ From now on, I will hit the people who laugh at me to the ground and kick them fiercely." Kanter gritted his teeth.

"Well, but becoming stronger is not so easy as it is said, and then again, why should I help you become stronger." Cook is about to play a tricky trick at this time.

Kanter didn't expect Cook to say that. Looking at Cook in surprise, Cook said with a smile: "Kant, don't you think I came here because of the druid."

As Cooke said, Cook took the mallet around Kanter's waist, and then the mallet was gently wiped with Cook's hand, and the mallet turned into countless powder.

Kanter's eyes widened, knowing that this is the weapon of the Druids, made of a very hard wood that is harder than metal. It can easily knock the skulls of those beasts, and it's gone.

"Kant, come to me after thinking about it, we need an equal deal." Cook patted Kanter on the shoulder for the first time, then left a sentence and left. The book was first published from 17k Novel. Time to see the genuine content!

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