A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 51: Hit and pull

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When the elder druid heard Cook’s words, his cold sweat came down. This was just a warm-up. Although the elder druid was a little skeptical, he didn’t dare to speak out. Look at the miserable situation within a few kilometers. , You know how tough this human being is.

When Elder Druid heard Cook’s words, he quickly replied: "Your Excellency, please say, I will definitely answer."

"Kant is my follower, and you seem to have very opinions about it." Cook squinted at the elder Druid, who looked like a ruffian.

The appearance of Cook made the elder druid sweat again. It seemed that if it was a bad word, maybe Cook would violently start the hand in the next moment, the elder druid replied solemnly: "As long as Kanter is willing , Then we druids don’t have any rules for followers, so our elders will definitely have no objection."

"Well, then if someone breaks the rules of your Druid Presbyterian Church, what should you do?" Cook asked again.

The elder druid scolded his mother in his heart. Yes, the elder druid is the first time he has figured out the minds of others, and he is still a human. The druid replied carefully, "It depends on what regulations are violated. The elders will do it. A corresponding ruling."

"That bastard, I am not allowed to accept Kanter as my follower. This is ignoring the rules of your Presbyterian Church. It is a contempt for the Druid Presbyterian Church. What should your Presbyterian Church do with such a guy who ignores the Presbyterian Church? "Cook asked angrily, as if he was also a member of the Druid Presbyterian Church.

The elder Druid was dumbfounded. Yes, the elder Druid was not scolding his mother anymore. Instead, he was scolding Cook’s grandparents. If Cook was not strong enough, or if he was not strong enough, Druid The elder really wanted to rush up, kicked hard, and then picked up Cook and asked: "You **** human, the affairs of our druids are your shit."

I don’t know that Cook said faintly, “I think this should be dealt with seriously, because if it is not dealt with seriously, wouldn’t the rules of your Presbyterian Church be decorations? In case other races see the results of your treatment, they may have to Come to violate the rules of your Presbyterian Church."

The elder Druid looked at Cook directly. Yes, the elder Druid couldn’t figure out the meaning of Cook’s words, but in the heart of the elder Druid, Cook was a threat, a threat from Hong Guoguo. Talking about other races here does not mean who you are.

"Our elders will take it seriously." Elder Druid gritted his teeth and said, Elder Druid has decided that he must make Cook's arrogance pay the price.

"That's right, I am a leader, I am also a lord, so the most annoying is the person who violates the rules. By the way, I haven't asked your name yet." Cook smiled at this time, as if the people around me were miserable. The situation is not the same as caused by yourself.

However, the surrounding situation seems miserable, but no one was killed in this incident. At the level of Cook, it is important. Of course, the elder druid does not know it. The elder druid smiled when he saw Cook. Appearance, increased vigilance, but the elder Druid still breathed a sigh of relief: "My name is Mann."

"Good name, good name, Elder Maine, I have a request here, I don't know..." Cook looked straight at Maine and asked after finishing speaking.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say." Now Mann just wants to leave here quickly. In Mann's view, Cook is simply a moody person.

"Yes, Kanter likes a druid girl. Of course, I don’t want your elders to make any rules. This girl is not allowed to marry other people. You must marry Kanter, but I think we can do it privately. Some things are beneficial to each other..., such as certain things on the dragon." Cook said quietly to Mann.

When Maine heard the first half of Cook’s sentence, he was ready to refuse directly. After all, Maine was an elder and could not give such an order. No, but when he heard the next sentence from Cook, Maine jumped up. Looked at Cook with confidence.

"I think as a guest, in accordance with human etiquette, I want to give gifts to my master. I have related magic materials from the dragon, as well as magic materials from the dragons and even various creatures." Cook appeared in his hand. People who didn’t know watched Cook take out just a bottle of blood, pieces of strange fur, frozen meat, and bones half a meter thick. But Mann's saliva was about to flow down.

Just now Mann wanted to say something, Cook said again: "Elder Mann, I want to go and see on the battlefield against the evil forces. We need a guide... and I can still trade with you."

"Okay... OK, I'll report to the Presbyterian Church right away." Although Mann couldn't put his foot down, Mann knew that this was a great opportunity. At the level of Mann, he knew that strength was the root of everything. Here, the dragon and other high-end creatures have almost disappeared, and as a druid who can advance to the fifth form of the dragon form, face is nothing.

"Well, everything is arranged by Elder Maine, Kanter, Kanter, you bastard, come out for me." Then Cook shouted loudly.

"My lord." Kanter didn't go far at all. Kanter wanted to leave Cook. In Kanter's view, Cook is too abnormal, but Kanter also knows that there are countless virtues farther away. Rui, if caught by these druids, the consequences would be hard to imagine.

"Call Master, you know, you look at your strength, tsk tsk, it's shameful to me, you know, the worst follower under my hand can vomit blood from the Lord of the Flame Demon, and the hand is even more upright. Millions of elite fighters, I now give you some rights. As long as you can recruit enough manpower, it will be under your jurisdiction. Everything you equip is counted as mine. Look at you like this. If you go out, you will lose me. What do we humans want, face, face, do you know." Cook first taught Kanter a bit, and then said loudly.

"My lord, no, sir, I don't think anyone wants to come." Kanter dared not look at Mann at all, and replied in a low voice.

"Forget it, let me equip you first, but you are now the lowest-level follower and can only equip ordinary equipment. This is a space ring, each with 100 cubic meters of space. Give you two first. This is a pet space. Bag, you can hold your favorite pets, small animals, but remember to feed on time, you like to use a hammer, this is a magic six-sided hammer, each edge has a different magic attack effect, this is a magic hand crossbow, magic Liannu..., as a melee like you, you can equip a portable magic crystal cannon, which can be placed in the ring of space, and there is a battle potion. I think what you need as a druid is a healing potion, a potion for energy recovery. , Stamina recovery potions, agility potions, first come ten of each.” Cook explained to Kanter as he digs out things.

Maine sneered at first, but when the space ring was given two, Maine's eyes widened. When he saw the magic hand crossbow and magic crossbow, Maine almost drooled. After seeing the portable magic crystal cannon, Maien almost jumped up. You have to know that Druid’s life is not easy, because Druid is close to nature, most of the magic equipment is useless. Imagine you are a bear. When the form changes to the adult form, the Nima equipment will be deformed, but the potion is different. Listen, the energy recovery potion, and the physical strength recovery potion. This Nima is what the druid needs most.

"By the way, this medicine is of top quality, and we know the top quality; the quality is not." Cook exhorted, and then asked.

"I don't know, sir." Kanter didn't even know what a battle potion was.

"Ahem, Kanter, I'll explain to you what a battle potion is..." Mann took the initiative to explain to Kanter. By the way, he touched the battle potions that Cook gave. Nyima's battle potions are actually all It was packaged in a special package, and Mai En looked at the top-quality potion in his hand, and his hands trembled. Nima's potion was nothing but combat effectiveness.

When Cook saw Mann like this, he smiled in his heart. Cook said it was true, but Cook's heart definitely didn’t just want Kanter to be a druid. What is the role of a druid? What Ke needs is an example. Cook will often send Kanter back to the druid’s camp to let other druids see what kind of life Kanter is living and what life he is living without suffering from poverty. Suffering from unevenness, naturally there will be druids to join the big family of the Freedom League.

"By the way, Kanter, although I am a hunter, I am still a pharmacist master and a sixth-level magic pattern master. I don't know what knowledge you want to learn." Cook began to ask afterwards.

Maen turned his head to look at Cooke, and his heart was upset, Zongjiang, which is the professional title second only to the master craftsman. As for the sixth-level Mageweave Master, although Maen didn’t understand, he knew that he was in other races. A junior Mageweave Master walked to other places, and that was the existence of an emperor.

"I don't know..." Kanter replied weakly without knowing what the sect master and the sixth-level magic pattern master are.

"Your Excellency, we druids are born apothecaries, and our knowledge of plants is far better than that of other races." Maine immediately interrupted Kanter and said eagerly.

"Uh, I don't know yet. This is a perfect-level stamina recovery potion, which can last nine hours of high-intensity combat. It is considered a meeting gift for Your Excellency Maine." Cook snorted and gave it enthusiastically. Mai En a bottle of potion.

"Thank you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mann originally wanted to refuse, but with the perfect quality potion, and nine hours of intense fighting, Mann held the potion in his hand tightly and couldn't bear to let it go.

"I don't know what your Excellency's name is. I welcome your Excellency to our druid's camp to participate in the annual birth celebration of the goddess of nature in our druid camp." Maien put the potion on his waist because Maien did not Space equipment, Mai En then solemnly invited.

"This is not good, after all, just now..." Cook pointed around.

"Haha, this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding." When Mann heard Cook did not refuse, he immediately said with a smile, and what Mann was thinking about now was how to deal with the druids who caused the incident seriously.

"Well, in fact, I am also of the Goddess of Nature. I am a wood magician." Cook immediately agreed.

"Magic." Both Maien and Kanter looked at Cook in amazement and screamed. The first publication of this book is from 17k Novel. The first time you read the genuine content!

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