A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 56: God of War

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After the dumbfounded, there was the anger of the God of War, why, because Huang Jin Bimeng is actually under the command of the God of War, and the God of War is still the servant of the God of War. Then the God of War roared: "Damn bastard, you belong to that Servant?"

"Hey, it looks like my brain is beaten up, I haven't even turned my head. =top=dot=small-say.X.o." Of course, Cook didn’t know the origin of Golden Beamon and the God of War. Cook saw the God of War like this. Cook always feels that this is not God of War at all. Does God of War have such a 2? I can't see the form clearly, I don't know that the form is better than people now.

"Boom." So simply, Cook started.

"Don't blame me for not giving you orcs face, but this guy is simply a pretending God of War, look at this guy, is he like a God of War." Cook beaten the mental power of the God of War while he was fat, and he faced several The orc explained.

The God of War was beaten by Cook's powerful divine power. He couldn't hear what Cook was talking about, but after hearing a few key words, the God of War immediately shouted: "I am the God of War, I am the God of War."

Cook stopped. Of course, Cook was 80% sure that this was the God of War. Then Cook smiled and asked, "Are you the God of War?"

"Yes, I am the God of War. Who are you who dare to violate the regulations of the Council of Gods and demolish other people's temples. This violates the regulations of the Council of Gods." The body of the God of War is even smaller, only a dozen meters tall. Now, Cook's huge body did not bring oppressive feeling to the God of War, and the God of War still roared plausibly.

Everyone wants to say that this God of War is not a fool, is it useful to say this now? Let me tell you that these words of the God of War are extremely insidious. This is to put a big hat on Cook. Once Cook responds improperly, it is a violation of the rules of the Council of Gods, and then things in the future must be extremely troublesome. .

"Council of Gods, sorry, I'm not a **** yet, so what are the rules of the Council of Gods?" Of course, Cook also knows the abnormal organization of the Council of Gods. What kind of organization is this organization actually? It’s just a disguised way of saying that the higher gods divide resources. It’s just like the U.S. Congress, which on the surface serves the people, but behind the scenes it controls national policies and then serves the big businessmen behind the scenes, just like the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. The institution that issues US dollars is actually not owned by the United States, but by a group of businessmen. Even last year, for some reason, the Fed was unwilling to give money to O. Heizi, so the government shut down. Haha, this has to be said to be a huge Ironically, the leader who advertised freedom and democratic election was threatened by a group of businessmen, and the government shut down.

Therefore, the Council of Gods is also such an organization. This is also to suppress the newly promoted gods. Take Shenjing for example. The newly promoted gods will desperately condense the Gods for a long time, and then trade things under the control of the Gods Council. , What is such a god? It's just coolie!

The God of War is dumbfounded, why is the God of War dumbfounded again, because the rules of the Council of Gods are only known by the powers of the gods. Since this guy is not a god, he definitely doesn't know, and the God of War cannot tell Cook about the rules of the Council of Gods. , Because Cook is not a god-level and has no right to know, so if the **** of war tells Cook, then hehe, the pit that the **** of war dug buried the **** of war himself.

The God of War did not look at Cook as if he was lying. The God of War was really suspicious and couldn't help asking: "Then you are in this form?"

"Hehe, I want to know." Cook asked with a smile. Of course Cook knew the rules of the Council of Gods, and Anna had said everything to Cook.

When the God of War heard Cook say this, he said confidently: "Of course, if I don't know, then what am I doing here?"

"Hey, this is a secret, how could I tell you, but I can tell you, let the **** of the sun **** come down to apologize for me, dare to release the soul attack on me, if the sun **** does not come down, I will not only tear it down This temple of the sun, I want those believers to blaspheme.” Cook smiled, then said with a cold face, and the Demon Sealing Pillar in his hand was shaking constantly. The meaning is obvious. If your **** of war is ignorant, The stick in Lao Tzu's hand does not recognize people.

The **** of war almost vomited blood. The **** of war didn't expect this guy to be so difficult to deal with, fight and fight, and dig a hole to frame him, and he almost got into the pit by others, but the **** of war also wanted face, so the **** of war insisted. The neck said: "Boy, you are a threat to me?"

"Threat, tsk tsk, this is considered a threat, then if I say that I even tear down your God of War Temple, what is this?" Cook looked at the God of War as if watching a tease, and then said casually.

The God of War widened his eyes and roared: "You are so loud, you know how many temples there are under my God of War, how many powerhouses, and how many servants..."

"I'm pooh, you won't be able to beat me even if you came down as a clone. You said your **** servant, why don't we take a gamble?" Cook spit out, almost spraying God of War on his face.

When the God of War heard Cook say this, his neck turned red, and he said with a sneer: "Then you better not advance to the **** level, otherwise it depends on how I clean up you."

"Haha, I finished tearing down your temple, so without the support of the power of faith, how long can you maintain your position?" Cook seemed to hear a funny joke, and then asked with a smile.

The God of War was stunned, and then the God of War felt the pressure on his face from Cook. Yes, Cook’s threat was very effective. According to the God of War’s estimation, this servant is on the plane below, which can be said to be almost The existence of invincibility, if this guy really destroys the Temple of the Gods of War, there may be other gods falling into the pit, once he loses his huge power of faith, then such a god, even if it has a high rank, is nothing. Because the power of faith supports battle, without the power of faith, there is no ability to continue fighting.

The God of War regretted it now, and in his heart he scolded the God of Contract and the Sun God. He didn't expect to be embarrassed this time and was threatened by a low-level guy.

Cook saw that the face of the God of War turned black, and asked with a smile: "Your Lord of War, you came here for no reason to fight the injustice for the Sun God, so now you see if you want to make up for my wounded soul, I think How about a three-piece five-piece artifact, otherwise I can’t guarantee that something bad will happen to the God of War Temple..."

"Threat, this is definitely a threat!" All the creatures within hundreds of kilometers around have such an idea in their minds, and most of the druid elders have fainted, and those who dare to beat the sun **** dare not show up. The God of War was even threatened to surrender the artifact, is Nima still a human being?

"Huh, three and five artifacts, this is a threat to you, this is a threat to Chi Guoguo." The God of War jumped up all at once.

"Hehe, this is a threat, then I will let you know what a threat is." Cook smiled, and then drew the scimitar.

The scimitar was directly on the neck of the **** of war, and Cook said with a smile: "Take five artifacts out, otherwise I can't guarantee that it will cause any harm to your mental power clone."

The God of War widened his eyes. The God of War regrets it, ya ya ah, where did this **** pop up, holding the upper artifact in his hand, he came out to rob his clone, and the stick just now seemed to be of higher rank 2 Artifact.

"I don't have an artifact, and you said, I'm just a clone." The God of War clone replied angrily.

"The IOU is fine. You write a date to return it. If you don't return it by then, hehe, there must be some treasures in the Temple of the God of War." Cook very generously allowed the God of War to use the IOU.

At the beginning, God of War thought that Cook was fooling, but what was behind Cook was that it was a threat. God of War gritted his teeth and looked at Cook and said: "Okay, I will write. I will give you five artifacts."

"What five pieces, don’t you want interest? At least ten pieces, and if you don’t give them, if I go to the God of War Temple to collect them, I won’t waste much time. I don’t know how to refine two pieces of time. This is an artifact." Cook shouted with a scimitar pointing at the nose of God of War.

Hearing Cooke say this, God of War flashed in his mind, then looked at Cooke in surprise and asked: "Refining the artifact, are you the one Anna said?"

"Who, don't have friendship with me, I don't know anything from Anna, ten artifacts." Cook said without buying it.

The God of War thought of which possible person it was, gritted his teeth and said, "Actually, I am also helping friends this time. I don't even know the sun god. Wait for two minutes. I will call the **** up there and let us trouble him. ."

After speaking, the God of War simply sat on the ground and waited. In the realm of God, the God of War took a deep breath and said to the God of Contract: "Willow. Come down with me. I found something amazing. What's wrong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What's the matter?" Willie asked casually, but seeing the sun **** looking at him with a puzzled look, Willie stood on the door of projection, and the clone was also projected. Go down.

The **** of contract just showed up, a shadow rushed over, the clone of the **** of contract was smashed to the ground, the **** of contract had not reacted, it was a storm like a blow, and the **** of war was beside him. Seeing the body of the God of Contract shrinking, and seeing the Sealed Demon Pillar that Cook was waving with one hand, I felt frightened, but the God of War still said loudly: "Beat him, this **** asked me to help the Sun God, this The guy is the last thing, so this guy has to produce at least eight artifacts."

"Shut up, I first let this guy know how good I am, the bastard, the sun **** attacked my soul, this girl actually dare to come over and help me, I don't want to kill this evil spirit today, I think I am This person is so bully." Cook shouted at the God of War.

When the God of War heard Cook’s words, his heart was already full of tears: "It’s you who bullied us, isn't we bullying you? Have you ever seen someone beaten and bullied?"

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