A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 59: Dig a hole

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"Oh, who is this?" Cook looked at the sun **** with disdain, and then said. . The update is fast.

"Bang!" Seeing Cook's expression, the God of War did not speak, and slammed a fist on the face of the Sun God, and with a bang, the Sun God was directly smashed into the air.

After the battle of the God of War, it was like nothing happened, as if nothing had happened at all, and the same was true of the **** of contract Willie. Willie also smiled and asked Cook: "Cook, I have a few questions to ask, no Know whether it is convenient or not?"

"Haha, ask, but I don't necessarily have to answer you." Cook answered domineeringly, yes, I know some questions, if I don't answer, what can you do.

To be honest, Willie is a bit embarrassed, but the current situation is a bit subtle. In terms of overall strength, Willie’s strength is at least the stronger of the gods, so if you directly face Cook, it will be crushing, but now The environment is in a lower plane, so this Weilie can only be projected by the'jing' divine power, and the strength of the'jing' divine power projection is also the deeper application of the law. But it has no effect on the brute force type of Cook. To use an analogy, the power of the law is ingenuity, but Cook is directly brute force. With one force, Cook is in this state. No matter you What is the projection of the avatar in the'jing' god, directly five times madness, and then'stimulating' the living beast soul, and lifting the sealing magic pillar is a fat beating, and your laws are useless.

So as long as Cook does this, then Cook is almost invincible in this lower plane. Of course, this is also related to the huge power behind Cook, just like a migrant worker who blocks the road to ask for a salary. Get beaten up by a fat meal, then pulled up and locked up for a few days, but there will be dozens or hundreds of them together, let alone blocking the road, just go to the government to sit in, and the government has to solve it quickly. This is the same reason, Cook This is also the same. Cook is also in a weak position in front of these god-level powerhouses, but Cook is not alone behind Cook. After all, some gods in this huge power of Cook also benefit from it.

Just like the previous group of migrant workers asking for salaries and doing the political fu, then it is the achievement. You can also brag about your political achievements in the media. Actually, these are just matters of your own accord. This is also part of the benefits, but only fame. .

Of course, even if there is a **** who takes risks, it is not necessarily Cook's opponent. After all, it is not so easy to come down, so no one dares to take this kind of risk. After all, the longer you live, the more afraid of death.

"I wanted to ask Cook how you wrote a 100,000-word contract in your mind." Willie asked.

"Hundred thousand words, haha, this is long. I can also use ancient cuneiform to write a million-word contract, and the same word in cuneiform has different meanings in different sentences. Let me give you an analogy. I wear as much as I wear in summer and how I wear in winter. It’s just that the prefix has changed, but the actual meaning is quite the opposite. The previous sentence means wearing as little as possible in summer. Just wear as much as you can in winter. This is where the charm of cuneiform writing lies.” Cook’s big mouth flickered, and he didn’t know the cuneiform writing himself. What Cook wrote was Chinese characters. That’s right. , Square characters. It is said that some foreigners are very obsessed with square characters. The structure of this square character is very strange. Foreign characters are basically letters, even if it is the most of the characters with a few names, look at the words on the money. Just know.

Because of this, Korean was created, which is also a square character. Of course, it is said that Korean itself is prepared to integrate with the West, but Nima found it too difficult, because the letter combination in many Western languages ​​is basically no longer possible. There is more room to play, so there is a circle of square characters. As for Japanese, cough, it is said that as long as you know Chinese characters, in Japanese police, you only need to write down the name of the place you are going to and use Chinese characters, then the police will surely be able to send you. When it comes to the place, as for the radicals and pronunciation, this is what I want...

Wiley, the **** of contract, looked at the words written by Cook and heard Cook’s explanation. He was immediately shocked. His mouth was wide open. In fact, in the entire language world, Chinese is the most attractive, and It's worth studying. I don't want foreign languages, every grammar is already fixed.

"The creator of this kind of writing is simply a genius, a genius." Wiley said in admiration after a while, and kept repeating Cook's words. The more I read this sentence, the more Wiley felt the charm of this type of writing. .

"Oh, that's of course." Cook laughed, laughing very happy.

"Cook, how many cuneiform characters do you know?" Willie asked excitedly.

Cook glanced at Willie, then raised his hand, Willie's eyes widened and his ears pricked up to listen. As a result, Cook waved his hand and said, "This is a secret!"

Willie almost vomited blood, and the sun **** bends over and bowed his head, looking like a pupil making a mistake. Cook saw the sun **** like this and pointed at the sun **** and asked: "Why are you attacking me? Soul attack?"

"No, sir, it is not attacking you, but a kind of detection device in the temple, mainly to detect those guys from the evil forces, because there are some guys in there who behave very strangely. There used to be the same person who was exactly the same. But it is from the evil forces, so on this plane, every temple has this kind of detection device, not against you." The sun **** quickly explained.

"Humph, then you just admit to attacking me?" Cook snorted coldly.

"Your Excellency, I was wrong. You can punish me whatever you want, but this temple is still my lifeblood." The sun **** has a bitter expression on his face. There is no way for the sun **** not to be bitter, Nima. It's something that everyone can use, but it's unlucky to know that you are.

"Punishment, I won't punish you, but I know that there is a Council of Gods, so what does the Council of Gods have on this?" Cook replied with awe-inspiring expression.

Willie and the God of War looked at each other. In the Council of the Gods, the gods are not allowed to act on the low-level professionals of the lower planes. This is like not allowing the city officials to beat people, civilized law enforcement, but in fact it is , Urban management beats people almost every day. What kind of regulation is this kind of regulation? The regulation of redemption and fooling people is to make yourself look taller. If it is true, there will be no God’s punishment. Up.

God of War and Willie absolutely did not speak at this time, because these two guys did not understand what Cook meant, because these two guys were afraid of Cook digging holes, because these two guys also attacked Cook No, if Nima said it, wouldn't it be that I dug a hole and buried myself?

Cook looked at the appearance of these two guys, without cursing in his heart: "'treacherous' fraud!"

Yes, Cook wants to dig a hole to bury these two together, and then Cook wants to see what the expressions of these two guys are, of course it’s absolutely just like this, although Cook already knows some regulations of the Council of Gods, But Cook can’t say it, because the channels that Cook knows are not “exposed” at all, and this God of War and the God of Contract were obviously not “confused” by Cook, or being wary of “sex”. Gao said.

"Isn't there such a rule?" Cook dug the hole again without giving up.

"Ahem. There are rules, but Cook, you are not a member of the Council of the Gods, so you can't know." God of War and Willie looked at each other, there was a tacit understanding, they were very sure that Cook must be digging. So the God of War made Cook dig pits in vain.

"Oh, how good is that? If there is no basis for this, how to deal with this matter?" Cook said, looking very embarrassed, and then said.

The sun **** had a bitter face, looking at the **** of war and Willie, with an imploring look. He obviously wanted these two guys to help them say good things. The **** of war and Willie were blind. The sun **** just kept bowing his head, and the **** of war and might All lieutenant ignores Cook’s threats, as if nothing matters to them.

When Cook saw this, he just muttered to himself: "Nima is impossible, this time the digging failed again?"

Yes, Cook is digging a hole again. Once these two guys intercede, then Cook will be able to make these two guys fall into the hole again. When the time comes, it will look at your face, or something, isn’t it? Let these two guys owe two favors, but Cook did not expect these two guys to turn a blind eye.

"Well, since you don’t have any opinions, I’ll just say it." Cook was digging a hole at last, yes, what Cook wanted was to'force' the sun **** to express his attitude, as long as the sun **** asks the **** of war and the **** of contract, Then Cook can still sell two favors, and then if you should trouble the Sun God, you have to continue to trouble.

However, several gods’ divine power projection clones were indifferent at all, so Cook had no choice but to continue: "First of all, I am compensated for my loss, the best soul crystal, and then I was shocked by your attack. I need some compensation, but the sun god, What do you have?"

"Your Excellency, I'm very poor, I don't have any artifacts, and we can't give you anything from the God Realm..." the sun **** said.

However, he was interrupted by Cook before he finished speaking: "You said that because you want to make a mistake, but you don't want to compensate?"

"No, no, sir, I really don't have any good things, after all, I'm just a little god." The sun **** replied bitterly.

Cook looked at the God of War and Willie, the meaning was obvious, just to signal to the Sun God, these two guys have them, look for them, I don’t know that the Sun God doesn’t look at God of War and Willie at all, where does Cook know In the realm of the gods, the **** of war and mighty stared at the sun **** ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you oh no matter what Cook said, pretend to be poor, and then let him kill. "Willow said threateningly, "Huh, you don't know. Just now, the three of us almost fell. Cook said the rules of the Council of the Gods. Don't forget, we also attacked Cook by then, so we have never Speak up, don't say anything'messy' about you. "The God of War stared at the Sun God even more closely, as if he had to do something if he didn't, then he explained.

"Not only that, Cook did not imply that you are looking for us just now, it is also a trap, who knows what kind of compensation Cook wants, when you come to us, this girl will say it depends on our face, and then Turning my head, what or what should I ask you for, the friendship between the two of us is no use." Willie thought more.

"This, this, this is too treacherous." The Sun God didn't expect the guy below to be so treacherous.

"'True' deceit, people even'female' gods...cough cough!" The God of War said angrily, but he knew it was wrong before he finished speaking, and the Sun God had almost fallen to the ground in horror. --28936+dsuaahhh+25233067-->

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