A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 69: Fighter plane

"Tsk tusk." Not only was Cook not afraid, but he sighed. These people didn't know that Cook had a strong preference for some species with strange abilities. It is not that there is no stealth type of warcraft, but the stealth type of warcraft is still It's hard to meet, and now that we met, Cook can still let this guy slip away.

Cook then smiled and asked: "So how is this guy's combat effectiveness?"

"No one can tell how powerful the Shadow Dragon is, because too few people have seen this guy." Constantine replied.

Cook touched his nose and looked at the huge Yalong in the distance. The longan looked like two huge light bulbs under the light, staring at the boat that Cook and the others were riding, and the people around became vigilant. Although everyone knows Cook's strength, he is still a little worried about this legendary creature.

The bottom of the canyon is not all that wide. Some places are thousands of meters wide, and some are only 100 meters wide, so even if you want to avoid it, there is no place to hide. As the ship continues to advance, the Shadow Dragon once again Make a roar.

"Roar, roar." The Shadow Dragon has already turned around, staring at Cook and others closely.

"Hehe, pay attention, I think this big guy must be impatient." Cook laughed. The difference between Yalong and the giant dragon is not only the difference in bloodline, but also the difference in wisdom. How do you say, Yalong Be dull, and the dragon should be smart. If you are willing, Cook is willing to face a dragon. With Cook’s advantage, there is no problem in fooling a dragon, but to tame the dragon, all you need is fists. So Cook knew that this battle was inevitable.

Cook knows that this sub-dragon has entered a fighting stance, and reptiles have a common feature. Once they enter the fighting stance, they will have the same posture, that is, their heads are facing the target, and then their tails are wagging. This is the fighting stance.

Once the reptiles enter the fighting stance, these reptiles represent that they can attack at any time. The shadow dragon has clearly entered the fighting stance. Cook has also increased his vigilance, and he has activated the double superimposed frenzy. With the machete, the combat power is comparable to a demigod.

"It's gone, it's gone." Kanter exclaimed, and Cook saw it too. A behemoth was missing like this. Yes, it was gone in full view. This invisibility made Cook the first time to see it.

"Magic Eye!" Cook activated the Magic Eye without hesitation.

"Boom!" As soon as Cook started the magic eye, he saw a black shadow directly hit the transparent shield, and the entire hull sank suddenly.

"Master, that guy is on it." Kanter exclaimed, because it was a huge boulder that hit the shield just now. Yes, the shadow dragon didn't attack directly, but hit the rock directly on the canyon. I had to say , This shadow dragon is still very smart.

"Haha, don't care about it." Cook laughed, not to mention, Cook hasn't really put the shadow dragon in his eyes. To others, the shadow dragon is very smart, but for Cook Said, this shadow dragon is very stupid, what is the biggest advantage of the shadow dragon, that is the sneak attack, what is it when sneaking, it is a storm-like attack, to let the enemy fall into the wind at the beginning, not this temptation Sexual attack, this kind of attack only makes the target more vigilant, and wastes the superior power in vain.

So everyone’s perspective is different, and they look at things differently. Kanter thinks it’s smart, but Cook thinks it’s stupid. This is also the result of different standing positions.

Although Cook didn’t care about it on the surface, Cook used his magic eyes. Cook had already seen the shadow dragon, which was on the rock hundreds of meters away from the ship. Yes, this guy is like hiding in the darkness. The thieves inside are so common that people can't figure it out.

Cook looked at the shadow dragon. If it weren’t for Cook to see what kind of strength this guy has, a distance of hundreds of meters would be enough for Cook to deal with the shadow dragon, but the environment here is not for Cook. It is very advantageous. First of all, the smooth, wet rock is very unsuitable for Cook's fight. The fight is not just a fight.

A smart warrior will choose the terrain that is beneficial to him, so Cook does not plan to fight the shadow dragon here. After all, this place is the territory of the shadow dragon, and Cook has not seen more tricks of the shadow dragon, and does not know The shadow dragon lives alone or in groups, so the chances of rash action being successful are not very high.

The speed of the ship is extremely fast, and Cook is also paying attention to the Shadow Dragon. Yes, Cook looks at the location of the Shadow Dragon. The Shadow Dragon may be aware of Cook’s gaze and move the location quietly, but no matter what the Shadow Dragon is. Wherever he moved,  Cook's gaze was not detached, which made the Shadow Dragon's speed continue to accelerate, and the Shadow Dragon's eyes looked at Cook with vigilance.

"Boom." Just as Cook and the Shadow Dragon silently confronted, Kanter suddenly made a move. A stone hit the Shadow Dragon directly, making a thump, and it was clear that the stone did not hit the rock. , It's like hitting it in the air.

Cook turned his head and looked at Kanter in surprise, and Kanter said embarrassedly: "I also saw the master that your eyes were locked in that place, so I tried it."

Cook is speechless, and the Shadow Dragon is already hiding in the deeper darkness. Obviously this guy is waiting. Cook shook his head and said nothing. The speed of the ship is not slow, but it is not very fast. The entire surface of the water is covered by a huge beam of light. Attracting a lot of creatures, the druids and the orcs are very nervous. After all, Cook is strong and powerful. They have no chance of winning against the Shadow Dragon. Constantine has already regretted it. This dark passage should not be suggested.

"Everyone pay attention, I think we are in trouble." Cook suddenly reminded him loudly, because under Cook's magic eyes, Cook actually saw five big and small shadow dragons. These shadow dragons hide in very different places. Ingenious, it was the huge rock gaps on the stone walls, but the majestic vitality of these Yalong betrayed these guys.

Hearing Cooke's words, the druids and the orcs became nervous and looked at Cook nervously. Kanter also asked, "Master?"

"A group of shadow dragons, five." Cook replied faintly, but after this sentence came out, the surrounding druids and orcs all took a breath.

Kanter exclaimed: "I said why there are no evil races in this dark passage. Only the five shadow dragons, even the evil races that come to a legion, can only enter but not exit."

"Kant, in fact, the seemingly dangerous creatures are not very dangerous. The dangerous ones are the seemingly harmless creatures, like the shadow dragon. We will be vigilant as long as we see it, but some creatures look There is no danger, but once it is found that something is wrong, it will be too late." Cook said to Kanter.

"Yes, sir." Kanter replied gratefully.

While watching the terrain around the canyon, Cook carefully observed the movements of the five shadow dragons. These guys actually followed the ship, and from time to time from this crack to another, the whole body was hidden in these cracks and came out. Sometimes they use boulders to hide their figure.

Cook sneered. Now Cook is looking for suitable fighters. Cook keeps looking around. The speed of the ships is getting faster and faster. Cook also knows that these creatures must also be looking for fighters, although Cook does not know about these shadow dragons. What fighters are waiting, but Cook will never let these shadow dragons take the lead.

"Not good." Cook cried out bad, because Cook saw strong magical fluctuations and strong life fluctuations ahead. Obviously there were strong creatures ahead. Cook knew that this was the opportunity that the Shadow Dragon was waiting for.

"Boom!" Cook waved his hand directly, and a huge black shadow appeared on the hull. The hull sank suddenly, sinking more than one meter.

"Go in." With a move of Cook's mental power, a circular hole with a diameter of two meters appeared on the calf of the magic puppet, and Cook shouted coldly. ‘

Kanter and others were stunned by the sudden change. After Cook had spoken, Kanter also shouted: "Quick, get in."

And Kanter was the first to go in. Kanter did this not to escape, but to give the people behind him at ease. After seeing Kanter in, other people rushed over, and Cook showed a hint of his mouth. Sneer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The whole ship went backwards. Yes, Cook did not advance and retreated. This was beyond everyone's expectation. Even the shadow dragon who followed didn't know what to do for a while.

Cook secretly calculated the time, the powerful existence exuding the horrible vitality fluctuations in front may feel Cook's retreat, and the magic fluctuations gradually dimmed. Obviously the magic fluctuations just now were a warning to Cook, and Cook knew the front It is a demigod-level existence, such a guy Cook will not go rashly, even if Cook wants to go, then Cook has to clean up these shadow dragons.

"Get up." After all the druids and orcs had entered the magic puppet, Cook jumped up and got into the magic puppet's head. The magic puppet has been repaired. Cook just now Entering the magic puppet, the entire magic puppet was suspended, and then the ship disappeared, apparently taken back by Cook.

"Boom." Cook flew to the place where the Shadow Dragon was in suspension, but before the Cook people said, two dazzling beams of light hit the shadow dragon's hiding place, a huge rock gap suddenly It collapsed and made a loud rumbling noise.

"Roar!" The Shadow Dragon didn't expect that Cook would actually do it first. He awkwardly shot out of the rock, roared at Cook, and then a black light shot towards Cook's magic puppet. It was actually Very rare shadow system.

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