A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 71: Arrive in the Blackrock Wilderness

"Puff!" With a sound, half of the monster's claws were directly torn apart by a scimitar, turning into a **** mist, and Cook's whole body directly hit this strange monster.

"Boom." Cook knocked the monster directly to the ground with a loud bang.

The monster was knocked to the ground directly, but Cook's body flew out diagonally in an instant, and then landed on the ground far away. Fortunately, Cook stabilized his figure. Cook looked at the monster in surprise: "Power rebound!"

Yes, this monster can actually bounce back with power. This power bounce is a very rare attribute. It is also the first time Cook encountered this attribute. Just like when Cook hit this monster just now, the huge power bounced back. Flying out of Cook's bullet, this is still on the premise that Cook has absolute perverted power. If he has other slightly lower power attributes, he will be directly stunned by the rebounding force, or the shocked bone will be shattered.

"Roar!" The monster roared, but instead of roaring at Cook, it roared in pain, constantly rolling on the ground.

A puff of blood was sprayed out directly. As soon as the blood fell into the water, the surface of the water immediately turned upside down. A black eel-like creature surged up, opening its mouth full of sharp teeth, and swallowing it with a big mouth. The spray of blood.

"Roar, roar, roar." After the monster rolled into the water, it roared with great pain, and Cook looked dumbfounded at the shore.

"Guck, there are too many ants to kill the elephant." Cook saw tens of millions of eel-like monsters immediately enveloping the huge monster, even completely submerged, Cook can watch When this monster's vitality continued to decline, it was obviously swallowed by countless creatures.

However, within a few minutes, a demigod-level monster lost its signs of life, and the surface of the water returned to calm again. It was impossible to see that there was such a huge danger under the water.

"Okay." Cook breathed a sigh of relief, put the metal boat into the water again, and released the orcs and druids. After the druids and the orcs came out, they saw that the boat was still on the water, and There was a piece of silence around, as if nothing had happened.

These people are not idiots, knowing that the disappearance of the monster must have something to do with Cook. Even Kanter did not ask, but these people have a clearer understanding of Cook’s strength. Although Cook has defeated the gods, the gods’ Strength is not always visible, so for these people, the gods are a bit too high-end, and the shadow dragon is a truly terrifying existence, which makes countless creatures fear the existence. This is more realistic, so for Cook More and more afraid.

"His Royal Highness, these water flows will directly flow out of the dark passage, as long as they follow the water flow." Constantine said.

"Yeah." Cook nodded and agreed. Although Cook wondered where the water in this dark passage would eventually go, Cook didn't ask either. Cook increased his vigilance, because whoever saw the horrible scene just now was here. When sailing on the water, I feel uncomfortable. It's like rowing a boat in a river where I know there are piranhas. I feel a little numb in my heart.

Fortunately, those eel-like guys didn't seem to have a cold with metal, so Cook increased the speed of the boat, and Kanter exclaimed, "It's windy!"

Everyone's spirits were shaken. Wind means air flow, and air flow means exit. This is a very simple truth. As expected, in less than ten minutes, Cook saw a very beautiful scene, a huge water flow. It rushes directly to the universe, but under the gravity of this panel, these water flows become like waterfalls, but these waterfalls are not downward, but upward. The dazzling sunlight is constantly refracting on this huge water curtain. Just like another huge sun.

"This is the dark passage." Seeing this gorgeous scene, the druids and the orcs were stunned, because there are countless such sights in both races, but there are very few people who have seen it with their own eyes, so Fortunately to see this scene, it is no less than witnessing a legend. There is a feeling of shock from your heart, like a person who has not looked down on the cliff before it is difficult to imagine the shock when looking down on a huge cliff. This kind of mood is difficult to describe.

"His Royal Highness, this is one of the most dangerous areas. In this environment, the evil races living in them are very powerful. They have occupied the dark passages for a long time." Constantine opened his mouth to Cook.

"Hehe, I don’t think we need to meet those guys anymore. Be careful, everyone." Cook laughed, because Cook had already seen the starry sky, Cook said loudly, and then, the silver-white ship began to deform and change. As a sealed circular object, both the druid and the orcs watched the changes around them in surprise.

"Sit down." Cook sat on the bridge and exhorted. Then the silver-white ship began to accelerate and slowly floated up. Here is a ship sailing on the water, but The mana spacecraft sailing in the starry sky, the surface of the mana spacecraft shone with a little bit of light, and then the mana spacecraft began to accelerate, and then the front of the spaceship lit up with a white aperture, and the entire mana spacecraft disappeared in the aperture. .

Yes, this is space teleportation. This is also an invention of Cook. The space teleportation array is portrayed on the front of the magic spacecraft, and then the teleportation array is activated, and a space channel will be broken, and the spaceship will appear in the predetermined area. .

"That is the Blackrock Wilderness, and over there is the plane where the druid is. We are in the endless starry sky." Cook pointed outside, through the huge porthole, two huge asteroids could be seen Passed by each other, but this speed was a bit slow, it looked like two asteroids close together.

When the druids and the orcs saw this situation, they immediately crawled on the ground. In the eyes of these people, where is the starry sky? That is the place where the gods live. Human beings are always full of illusions about unknown places. Just like in the past, human illusions live in the sky, but in fact, the climate in the sky is extremely harsh. The illusion also lives on the top of the huge snow-capped mountains. But in fact, there are no creatures on the huge snow-capped mountains. Some only Enough of endless cold and wind.

So these orcs and druids thought the starry sky was the place where the gods lived, thinking that these people could not reach the starry sky at all.

"Haha." Cook smiled, then controlled the mana spacecraft to approach the two planes.

"The green one is the territory of the druids, you see, under that is the sun temple of the druids." From the starry sky, the statue of the huge sun temple was clearly visible, and the druids were stunned.

"Look, I've been there. It's the largest mountain range." Kanter exclaimed and pointed to a huge mountain. The mountain is not white snow, but a desert, because the atmosphere here is not thick enough.

"Yes, the floating piece of land below is the plane you are on, and in the endless starry sky, every bright spot is a sun, so there are no gods in the endless starry sky, and there are only countless creatures. , Now we are going to the Blackrock Wilderness." Cook said with a smile.

The reason why Cook wants to do this is to subvert these people's cognition, otherwise Cook's energy is useless, and he takes these people around.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, that's right, it's the Black Rock Wilderness." Constantine looked at the ground of countless black rocks below. Yes, the largest number in the Black Rock Wilderness is the huge black rocks. The lowest of these rocks is hundreds of meters. The tall ones are thousands of meters high. In the gaps between these black stones are grasslands, bushes, and occasionally camps, obviously camps of orcs.

"Detection." Cook activated the detection device, which can roughly detect what is on the ground, and of course it consumes a lot of energy.

But the results of the detection surprised Cook. Yes, these black stones do not have any metal reaction. They are pure stones. This phenomenon is very strange. Yes, ordinary rocks contain a small amount of metal elements, but There are almost none here.

What kind of feeling does this give to Cook? It is a waste product, a waste product that has been refined, but who can leave these refined waste products, Cook does not know.

"That is the temple of the **** of war for your orcs?" Cook asked when he looked at a huge square among several huge black stones like mountains. There were dozens of statues on one side of the square.

"Yes, Your Highness, that is the God of War and the Twelve Heroes." Constantine replied extremely religiously.

"Twelve heroes?" It was the first time that Cook heard about the deeds of the twelve heroes, but Cook is no stranger to the story of the gods, but Cook still knows the story of God of War~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What twelve heroes are there.

"His Royal Highness, these twelve heroes are the heroes who fought against the evil camp." Constantine replied more euphemistically, meaning that we did it ourselves.

"Oh. Let's go then." Cook controlled the mana spacecraft and fell towards the hero's square.

"Boom, boom, boom." The magic spaceship landed suddenly, causing the warning bells to ring in the entire Heroes Square, making a booming sound, which was transmitted to a place dozens of kilometers away.

Constantine saw the chaotic sight of Heroes’ Square and was a little at a loss, but Cook stopped the magic spaceship regardless, and then the whole magic spaceship began to deform and turned into something like a huge house. To be precise, the palace.

"Constantine, you go. I'll be here waiting for your good news. People who want food can come over, but you have to bring over what I need." Cook took Constantine to the gate and said After that, he walked in. Constantine looked at the huge palace, still stunned, because Constantine didn't expect to return like this.

"Ah!" Then Constantine realized something, screamed and rushed out.

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