A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 80: Flicker

boom! With a bang, Cook's figure flashed, grabbing Hami's tail, and then Cook flicked hard, and the two diamond dragons rolled together.

"Haha, the two are too anxious. They actually became affectionate in front of me, an outsider." Cook said with a smile, and then his energy was fully energized. The huge gem mountain was like being swallowed by some kind of monster. Generally, it disappears violently.

"My money, you despicable human being, I want to fight with you." Seeing his treasure disappear so violently, Hami rushed towards Cook with a roar.

Cook kicked the Hami back with a kick, and Cook said angrily: "You robbers, you stole my things. You dare to be so arrogant. Don't think you are a dragon. Don't dare to do it."

Hami wailed, the eyes of the female dragon next to him turned dripping, obviously there was something shameful notice. Cook ignored the tragic wailing of Hami, and continued to search with a smile. This time Cook searched. My hands are cramping.

"Okay, I have more than this, so what else is there?" Cook asked very shamelessly after searching.

You must know that Cook now values ​​these materials extremely, because in Cook’s view, what is the battle with the demons is the battle of equipment, medicine, and logistics. As long as there are enough fighters equipped with powerful equipment, then Victory is yours.

Although Cook has the support of the Liberty Alliance, the Liberty Alliance is not in the hands of Cook alone. If Cook really wants to do that, the word freedom in the Liberty Alliance will lose its meaning, and the future direction of the Liberty Alliance. There will be big problems, and it is not impossible to fall apart.

This is like an argument. I would rather let a businessman rule or let a politician rule. There are actually two ways of saying this.  The first one is that the businessman wants to cultivate the market, so the businessman will pay attention to the situation of other people, but the politician It's not the same, politicians are only for their own political purposes, as for the life and death of others, ha ha.

Of course, there is another way of saying that businessmen are profit-seeking, that is, every action made by businessmen is to squeeze more profits and wealth, while politicians are not.

So everything has its positives and negatives. It’s not that the kind of good, each has its own advantages. The free alliance established by Cook is in the form of business as a link, just like the low-priced magicweave equipment sold by Cook. Others seem to be cheap enough, but in Cook's internal view, it is super profiteering.

How many gems are contained in the Blackrock Wilderness is certainly a huge astronomical figure, but obviously the two diamond dragons do not want to tell Cook where the other diamond dragons live. Of course, Cook has a way.

"Hami, don't you want to get your wealth back? I have a chance here!" Cook said with a smile, but the smile looked to the two diamond dragons, that was the smile of the devil.

"Hami, don't be fooled." The mother dragon had a bad feeling.

"Hami, as long as you lead the way, then I will give you 1% of what I have harvested, how about it?" Cook didn't care about that much, and directly stated his own conditions.

"Hami, you **** fellow, if you dare to do this, my old lady can't spare you." After hearing Cook's condition, the dragon turned and stared at Hami.

Cook sighed and sighed on the side: "Hami, your male creature was actually suppressed by a female creature. This is a shame to our male creatures. Besides, Hami, if you cooperate well, you can still follow me. Let’s take an adventure together. I promise that you will participate in... the action will be divided into 1% of you. You have also seen my abilities. Of course, if you contribute more, I will consider dividing you more. As for the mother dragon, I know the three-headed golden dragon, the frost dragon, the black dragon, the red dragon, the green dragon, and the silver dragon. As long as you have enough wealth, these beautiful dragons are not your choice."

As Cooke said, he released a magical image. These dragons are very beautiful. Hami's eyes are straight. The dragon next to him roars loudly: "Hami, do you believe this despicable human if?"

"I guarantee it with the contract spirit of the **** of contract." Cook said quickly when he saw this.

Of course Cook would do this. Just kidding, the Diamond Dragon’s combat effectiveness is extremely powerful. There is one more free fighter. As for the trophies, hum, whoever has seen the boss take it himself, Ma Tsai will naturally confess to the boss after he takes it. Yes, of course Hami would not understand Cook's thinking.

"Okay, I promise you, but I still want 1% more." Hami nodded and agreed.

"No problem." Cook agreed directly, not to mention 2%, even 10% Cook also has to agree. After all, if Cook goes to find the diamond dragon's lair, he may not know how long it will take, and there is also a powerful one. Fighter, this is Cook's other gold medal horse, the first is of course the foodie Jin Guangzhan.

"Hami, you are crazy, you will be driven out of the dragon clan like this." The female dragon's sharp voice sounded.

"Hami, I can let any dragon race accept you, and I can let the three golden dragons receive you personally." Cook said with a shrug.

"Liya, let's go together. The 1% that was added just now is for you. This human being is very powerful. You think if we robbed the wealth of those elders, we can also get a lot back. This human strength So tough, I think there will be a lot of opportunities for robbery in the future, and we can still grab it directly under the guise of this human being. Liya, the outside world is my Hami’s world. I don’t want to be in this cave. Sleeping inside is moldy." Hami and Liya communicated mentally.

"Hami, this, this is true, but the elders are very powerful." Liya replied worriedly.

"Hey, if this human being is defeated, we will be persecuted, and we will take this human to the snare." Hami's thoughts are very sinister, but Hami didn't know that he would encounter someone more sinister than himself, and faceless. Very thick guys, as the saying goes, thick faces are invincible in the world.

When Cook saw the eyes of the two giant dragons twirling, it was obvious that they were discussing something in private. Cook smiled and said: "If this beautiful lady is willing to be together, I can also give out 2% more."

"Really." Hami was excited when he heard it, but Hami knew the details of the other diamond dragons.

"Of course, I use the personality guarantee of the **** of contract." Cook opened his mouth and said nonsense.

Hami was relieved when he heard this. Hami didn't understand what it was. Of course, as for the personality of the God of Contract, get rid of it. The God of Contract is like that, there is no personality, whoever is strong will be biased.

"It's done." Hami agreed in one bite.

Cook smiled and said, "Welcome to join us, Kanter, come down."

Kanter was shocked. Nima did not count as robbing others, but also fooling others as thugs. Kanter didn't know whether the minds of these two dragons were the souls of idiots, and they would actually agree that this was obviously a trap.

"Hello everyone." Kanter was picked up crying, because Kanter was a thousand meters away from the cliff below, Kanter greeted the two diamond dragons.

"Can the pet speak?" Hami was puzzled when he saw Kanter's look.

"No, I am a druid." Kanter immediately changed back to the druid.

"Well, gentlemen, are we planning a plan?" Liya said anxiously.

"What else is there to plan, let's go over secretly, I knocked those guys out, and then we started grabbing...get my things back." Cook said with a fist.

"Humans, humans, our Diamond Dragon clan have a lot of people, and those elders are very powerful." Hami said quickly.

"Elder, Leah, you first report the letter, and you say that someone is coming to rob your wealth, and then you lead those elders to other places..." As soon as Cook's eyes turned around, a trick came out, ha When Mi and Liya heard Cook's strategy, their eyes lit up.

Kanter looked at the excited Hami and Liya, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: "Nima, is this really a giant dragon? There are such two giant dragons?"

After Hami’s explanation, Cook knew that this was a tribe with 30 adult diamond dragons. This number shocked Cook, and then Cook learned that the diamond dragon can travel between stars. , And it is said that the wealth of those elders is extremely huge, compared with Hami's wealth, it can only be regarded as a fraction of a fraction.

"What to do, what to do, so many things will take a long time to pack." After listening, Cook said with a smile.

"Just kidding~www.wuxiaspot.com~ let's go." Cook said with a wave of his hand.

As expected by Cook, the Blackrock Wilderness has been hollowed out by these gold-eating ants, and the gems left behind are also numerous. After all, this is the wealth of a plane and has been concentrated.

"Humans, there is a diamond dragon's nest." Hami took Cook to a place. Not to mention, this underground passage is like a maze. If no one leads the way, I am afraid to find these diamond dragon's nests. It takes some time.

"You wait." Cook reduced the breath from his body, then took the invisibility potion, which disappeared directly in front of Hami and Liya.

Both Hami and Liya were taken aback, and they became more and more frightened by Cook.

"Kant, what is hanging on your neck? Is it a necklace, but the shape of this necklace is also a failure. Look at this..." Hami asked when seeing the necklace on Kanter's neck.

Kanter said, because this necklace was for these two sluggish dragons. Kanter replied according to the script set by Cook in advance: "I don’t see it, I don’t see it. These are space rings, you know. Space ring?"

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