A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 83: Connected Principal Plane

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When Cook was reminded by Kanter, he immediately reacted, yeah, why should I bother with renting the land there? Blackrock City has a huge ready-made soldiers, but also a huge consumer group, which can also solve the beasts by the way. People's food problem.

As for confidentiality, as long as all these orcs are developed into their own, everything will be over. So at the beginning, Cook's thinking entered a misunderstanding, thinking that it would be better to have an independent camp. With such a reminder, Cook understood.

"Kante, good job." Cook praised Kante again.

Kanter is also very excited, but Hami and Liya are a little jealous. Yes,  It is a rare thing to be praised by Cook. Besides, does good performance mean that the chances of getting good impressions are greatly increased, and good impressions represent What, that is wealth, power.

When Cook’s magical spacecraft landed in Blackrock City, the orcs were stunned. Yes, there were flying knights, but they were all flying creatures and man-made things to fly. These orcs were the first I have seen that Cook directly handed over the communication with the orcs to Kanter, of course Hami and Liya assisted.

What is Cooke going to do? What Cooke is going to do is to set up teleportation coordinates to allow the following large forces to come. Although there is no trace of the demons, Cook is sure that the demons are hidden somewhere in this lost plane. .

So Cook doesn’t have to shy away from anything, and the half-year-long night in the Blackstone Wilderness, as well as the winter, is just time for Cook to establish a forward base. When Cook is busy, the sky outside the Blackstone Wilderness keeps flying by. These diamond dragons are looking for traces of robbers.

The Black Rock Wilderness is just a few orcs with low strength, and there is not a single creature in the vast ice world, let alone a trace of a creature.

"Damn, damn, bastard, bastard, it's too rampant, it doesn't put us in the eye." The diamond dragon elder roared again and again, and the entire underground nest of the gold eater was turned upside down by the diamond dragon. No suspicious things were found at all.

In fact, this also brought huge difficulties to the diamond dragon search. After all, there are too many channels in the underground nests of the gold-eating ants, and there are dozens of diamond dragons that can't be found.

"Elder, what can we do? Our entire tribe has been robbed. If we don't figure it out, what if that despicable robber comes back hundreds of years later?" The other diamond dragon was also angry, but even more. Most of them are scared, because they were knocked out, and there is no resistance. If the robbers fancy the material on the dragon, they don't know how to die.

"Damn bastard." The Diamond Dragon was angry.

"Let’s act collectively. This time the robber seems to be very powerful, but this robber is damned. He actually took something he shouldn’t have." The elder Diamond Dragon was about to vomit blood because there was no treasure left. Almost killed the dragon.

"Elder, Hami and Liya are missing, have they been taken away, and there are traces of fighting in Hami's lair, I think Hami should have found the enemy, but it seems that the enemy is stronger." Another diamond dragon spoke.

"I know that from the scene, the bandit's strength is still very high, but he has never used magic. He is obviously a strong man in the physics department. Besides, Hami can hold on for so long. I don't think his strength is too strong. Obviously We have also been caught in this robber's trick." Diamond Dragon Elder analyzed, but if Cook heard it, I was afraid to laugh.

"The Physics Department, is it a guy from the Wild Plane?" another diamond dragon asked suspiciously.

"No, the guys on the Wild Plane are all upright, I suspect they are the **** on the Bloodthirsty Plane." Diamond Dragon Elder said.

"Monsters of the bloodthirsty plane?" The diamond dragons' faces were very ugly.

"Well, I accidentally found these items, which should have been left by the blood mage on the bloodthirsty plane, these **** bastards." The diamond dragon elder's face was also not good.

The monsters driven by the blood mage are very powerful, and these monsters can also fuse the enemy's corpses to become more powerful, so the blood mage on the bloodthirsty plane is very difficult, and no one wants to provoke them.

But if Cook heard the words Blood Mage, he would be sure it was the Demon Race. The Diamond Dragon discussed and decided to expand the search area. As for Black Rock City, those diamond dragons have never been there because the Diamond Dragon knows those Orcs can't have such a strong strength, of course, even if these diamond dragons find Cook, hehe, then Cook will spend some time and work, and then beat these guys again.

The diamond dragon rushed out and began searching on several nearby planes. The druids of the Druid plane had already issued a seal. All news about Cook is not allowed. This was ordered by the sun **** himself. , So there is no news that the druid dared to say about Cook, so the diamond dragon invisibly didn't know that such a powerful human had arrived in the Blackrock Wilderness, otherwise he would suspect Cook in the first place.

Kanter’s negotiation went smoothly. It’s not so much a negotiation as Kanter directly stated Cook’s terms, and then the orcs just did so, but Kanter is also working hard now, but Kantor often has a uninvited guest.

"Kante, sister came to see you." Liya walked into Kante's room with a smile.

"Sister Liya." Seeing Liya's appearance, Kanter quickly lowered his head.

Liya is dressed in beautiful clothes, showing a beautiful figure, and sprayed with fragrant perfume. Liya’s eyes looked at the space ring on Kanter’s neck, and stars appeared in her eyes. Liya had been in contact with the orcs in Black Rock City. In the future, I will know the price of space equipment. Liya feels that her entire wealth is not as much as Kanter’s neck, so in the face of a giant dragon financial fan, even if she does not dare to grab it, she will look at it so much and play more. It's also good.

"Haha, Kanter, how is your practice?" Liya asked Kanter with a smile.

"It's okay, the master has given enough training materials. Sister Liya doesn't practice?" Kanter also knows Liya's purpose, but Kantor dare not pass this spatial ring to Liya, but Liya herself It was the Diamond Dragon, and Kanter didn't dare to say anything, so things went on like this.

"No, we just need to sleep, Kanter, do you know how much wealth the master has?" Liya sat down next to Kanter and asked with a smile.

"I don't know, but according to the master, it is estimated that it rules several planes, and the other is the high lord of two main planes." Kanter also heard Cook talk about something.

"The main plane, the immense main plane, the master came from the main plane?" Liya suddenly got excited and asked.

"Yes." Kanter didn't understand why Liya was excited.

Liya quickly explained to Kanter: "Kant, the main plane is very huge, almost hundreds of thousands of times the size of our current plane. What's even more incredible is that the main plane has extremely huge wealth. And it is said that the strength of the people there is very low..."

Liya talked a lot, but Kanter didn't care much about the treasure. Kantor just wanted to practice, and Kantor spent the days when Liya was constantly disturbing.

Cook painted the magic pattern that activates the space coordinates in the basement, but for safety reasons, Cook first painted the entire basement with the magic pattern not only for defense, but also for attacking magic patterns. These things are done. It's been a month.

Because the larger the magic pattern, the more time it takes. This is like installing a circuit. The more electrical appliances used on the circuit, the more aspects to think about, such as the load, wiring, and other things. , The need for a systematic design does not mean that if you think of designing one by one, then in the end the entire magic pattern complex array will only fail.

After these arrangements were completed and activated, Cook began to activate the space coordinates, and the space coordinates shone on the activation magic pattern.

A few minutes passed, and Cook saw that the Supreme Magic Crystal had been consumed. Cook immediately replaced the Supreme Magic Crystal, activated the spatial coordinates, and was searched and connected by the other party. This is a series of complicated processes. First of all, Cook also Make sure that others are searching for spatial coordinates, and then the fluctuations in their own spatial coordinates can be captured by the other party.

Ten minutes later, Cook had replaced the magic core inlaid twice, and Cook gradually became a little worried.

"Nothing will happen, right?" Cook was very worried.

However, when Cook was preparing to replace the magic crystal for the third time, abnormal fluctuations appeared in the entire basement, and the protective magic patterns around the basement suddenly lit up, emitting a soft light.

"Boom!" A huge pressure burst out of the space. Fortunately, Cook had prepared in advance, otherwise the impact would be enough to open the entire basement.

"Cook, are you okay?" Lina's voice rang immediately.

"It's okay, it's okay, how's the family okay?" Cook quickly asked.

"All good, all good, we are worried to death at home." Lina hugged Cook tightly. In fact, Lina didn't say. During the period of Cook's departure, everyone was preparing frantically. If Kezai does not come back, then Lina will forcibly open the portal and prepare a lot of manpower.

"Hehe, I didn't just find a place to stay." Cook explained with a smile.

"Oh, this is all carried." A sour voice sounded, not who La Milan was.

"Then I will hug you too." Cook also hugged Ramanan quickly.

"It seems that Cook has to prepare more chapters and hands." Xia appeared again, and Xia's belly was huge.

"I told you, you come back like this." Cook quickly took Xia's hand and said angrily.

‘"Okay, okay. There are supplies behind. The distance is far enough. It takes a few minutes to travel, but if you are not afraid of the energy consumed, Cook, you continue." Murphy's voice also sounded.

"Okay, hurry up." When Cook heard this, he quickly opened the basement.

"Kant, Hami, Leah, come and move things." Cook shouted.

"My God~www.wuxiaspot.com~Master, what is this place, there is still such a thick snow." Baglu said, shaking his heads.

The appearance of Baghru made Hami, Leah, and Kanter open their mouths. Baghru is an ogre, but what equipment is on the ogre Nima? There are two magic-weave weapons. Two sunglasses are on his forehead, and the golden plate armor makes Baghru very powerful, not to mention the magic hand crossbow, portable magic crystal cannon and so on hanging around his waist, as for the claws on each finger up to two The ring of space attracted the attention of Kanter and others.

"Bagru, how long have you been here, just right, these three are also my followers, Druid Kanter, Diamond Dragon Hami, Leah, this is my first warrior, Bagru , And is the commander of the First Army, with millions of powerful troops under it." Cook explained to both sides.

"Haha, it is your honor to be able to follow the master." Bagrul laughed loudly.

"What's the matter. What's the matter?" The orc elder of Blackrock City who heard the news looked at the various things that were constantly being moved out of the basement and asked in surprise. --3661+xs316616-->

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