A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 90: Prelude

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The black market closest to the base was the first to suffer. The peak of the sanctuary here was already a top powerhouse, but suddenly a large number of demigods emerged, and they were human demigods, as well as some other races, dwarves, and giants. , Titans, mountain giants, and even sacred beasts. Of course, these sacred beasts are Jin Guangxian's subordinates. Although some of them were not when they came in, I didn't see Jin Guangxian. In front of the teleportation'door', as long as these holy beasts'show up' their faces, they will immediately face a bunch of holy beasts. How to choose? -

The black market is so big that it was looted and cleaned by these coalition forces in a moment. That's not to say, some people forced the original guys in the black market to lead the way, and then began to looting other places, tens of thousands of coalition forces began to vigorously again.'' Dang' the road of looting.

Just like this, there are still strong people emerging in the base. After receiving the information given by Lina, these strong people rushed out immediately, while Anna looked at the strong people who appeared, and was inexplicably'excited. 'Move, why, because Anna knows that this time the income must be indispensable.

For a temple, what is the greatest dependence? Wealth, only wealth is the most reliable, wealth is always the most useful thing, as long as there is enough wealth, more believers can be attracted, and more can be armed Believers occupy a larger territory, and then attract more believers. Belief is always a castle in the sky without the support of wealth.

Lina was a little worried about how it would end up in the future, because there are too many strong people who came over. Lina sighed and said, "If we want to charge tolls, will those strong people return to the Sanctuary plane? We are disadvantaged in Liberty City."

"Little fools, tolls are what we should be. Those strong guys are grateful to us. It’s too late. The chances of making a fortune like this are very few, and it’s not good for Liberty City. I think after this time, Cook will be on the Sanctuary Plane. You can go sideways. If anyone is not satisfied with Cook, some people will stand up." Anna shook her head.

"Really." Lina asked in disbelief.

"Those guys are not stupid, you think, the teleportation'gate' is controlled by Liberty City, those guys will also worry, if we show dissatisfaction, will we teleport certain people to unknown space when teleporting? , Or we simply close the teleportation'gate' like this, and then we return to the sanctuary plane." Anna said with a smile.

Lina heard Anna's words and realized that in Anna's heart, there were ways to deal with those guys, yes, but these methods were too vicious. Of course, Lina also knew that Anna's words were also giving herself some new ideas.

"Well, if anyone is disobedient, I will teleport those guys to an unknown space." Lina's eyebrows were curled and smiled.

Anna’s heart also burst, and in her heart she can’t sin against this Lina. After all, the teleportation'gate' is in the hands of this Nizi. If she teleports herself into an unknown space, it will not be dangerous, it is enough. Just toss people, and if it is teleported into the violent alien space'chaotic' flow, even the gods have no good way.

The relationship between Lina and Anna is getting better and better. The two of them are in the base, while Jin Guangxian is still staring at the teleportation'gate', every one who comes from the sanctuary plane is'force' to coax The strong, seeing dozens of sacred beasts and sacred beasts, powerful super-order beasts, the'legs' and abdomen were a little trembling, and after entering the base, they were a lot more polite, without any arrogant appearance.

"Haha, here comes another one, young ones, tie me up." Jin Guangyan laughed from time to time in the entire base, and Jin Guangyan's depression of being chased by Yan Kun seemed to have disappeared completely.

Cook looked at the magical shield of the Moon Demon City that had already shaken the'wish'. Cook was ready. As long as the opportunity was right, he would attack himself. Of course, it would be best to kill the'chicken' and sway the monkey. Quickly kill and keep Cook ready for Thunder Fang. Thunder Fang is already full of energy. Cook wants to use Thunder Fang under five times madness. This is also the first time Cook uses Thunder Fang under five times madness. , Thunder Ya’s attack power is too strong, Thunder Ya seems to exist purely for attack.

"Yan Kun, you are looking for death." Ma De, standing on the wall, shouted loudly.

"Mad, you old guy finally came out, haha, I thought you were a gopher." Yan Kun laughed haha.

Maade's whole person suddenly passed through the magic shield, and his hands suddenly lit up, like a small sun, and countless dazzling white lights ‘shot’ towards the flame demon army like arrows.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom." An extremely shocking scene happened. All the Balrogs within a few kilometers in front of Maade were continuously hit by white light, and then burst into pieces, far away. Looking at the dust and rubble rising from several thousand meters high.

"God-level." Cook was also stunned. Yes, for the first time Cook saw such a casual blow from a god-level powerhouse, which caused such a consequence. Although Cook has long known that a god-level powerhouse is powerful, it is true. I know how powerful it is after seeing it.

"Made, you old fellow, I want to wash the Moon City with blood." Yan Kun also roared, but Yan Kun did not immediately do it because there was still a group of people behind Yan Kun.

"Haha, Yan Kun, this is your personal grievance, our Black Dragon City will not intervene, haha, you continue, continue." Black Dragon City City Lord laughed loudly.

All the surrounding creatures rolled their eyes in their hearts. The black dragon was the least trustworthy race, so the black dragon was rejected by the giant dragon family and driven away. Yan Kun snorted coldly. The figure that was a few meters tall soared to a kilometer high. It's like a huge mountain.

Yan Kun roared at Ma De: "Ma De, you **** old thing, I Yan Kun wants to learn from your Moon Devil City."

"Hmph, Yan Kun, I didn't plan to go back alive today when I came out of Ma De. Even if I die, I will make you uncomfortable." Ma De is determined to die, so he has no fear of the powerful aura from Yan Kun.

"Boom." And after Maade finished speaking, dazzling rays of light broke out in his hand again, and these rays of light broke out in the strong demigod led by Yan Kun. After all, the demigod was not a god. Just this blow, Yan The demigod powerhouse led by Kun suffered heavy losses.

"Looking for death, boom." Yan Kun saw that Ma De dared to do it, and was also angry. With a wave of his hand, a red flame rushed towards the Moon Demon City. This flame was a kilometer long with a front end. Hundreds of meters in size, it looked like a shooting star, hitting the Moon Demon City, Ma De saw this situation, his face was dignified, and the whole body burst out with a thick white light, followed by this white light. It hit the flame fired by the Balrog and made a loud noise.

The huge shock'wave' produced by the loud noise directly flattened several mountains near the explosion, and the most unexpected scene was that the violent shock'wave' directly defeated the magic shield of Moon Devil City.

"Haha, come on, ransacked the entire Moon Demon City for me, and I want to bake all the Moon Demon into dry meat." Yan Kun laughed loudly after the accident.

"Yan Kun." Ma De saw countless flame demon rushing towards Moon Demon City, and his anger could not dissipate. Two one-handed swords appeared in Ma De's hand, and the two one-handed swords exuded bright green light. A golden'color' light also appeared on his body, and the whole person disappeared in place in a flash.

"Haha, just relying on your tattered...damn it is the magic pattern equipment." Yan Kun's sneered words were not over yet, when he saw half of his arm spraying out red blood, Yan Kun realized this The equipment on Maad is magicweave equipment.

"Boom." But Yan Kun's reaction speed was not overwhelming. His kilometer-high body appeared very flexible, and his huge fist with flames slammed directly at Mad, and Mad’s body glowed with a dazzling golden light. The golden'color' light and the red'color' flame erupting from Yan Kun's fist were very pleasing to the eye, but then there was a boom, and Ma De's whole body was smashed out.

"For the Moon Demon City." Hundreds of Moon Demon launched a countercharge against tens of thousands of Flame Demon.

"Find death, guys, kill those moon demons." A flame demon leader shouted loudly.

"Boom, boom." But in fact, these hundreds of moon demons burst out with magic lights of different colors and colors, and the weapons in their hands are even five flowers and eight doors, but these weapons burst out The powerful might let everyone know what is called magic pattern equipment. Hundreds of moon demons are like hundreds of sharp blades, cut into the army of Balrogs, and one head of Balrog is directly exploded into a pile of fragments. , The eruption of the wind shock'wave' caused huge smoke and dust to erupt around.

"The **** old thing is equipped with so many magic pattern equipment." The'chicken' head demon cursed at this scene.

"Or let's go, these hundreds of sets of magic pattern equipment are not a small fortune." The Black Dragon City City Lord said with a smile.

"Hmph, I'm going to you, you don't want to think about who can take out so many magic patterns and equipment, and only a guy with developed muscles like Yan Kun will be jealous." The'chicken' demon is not angry. Said.

"Hmph, then what are you doing here?" The fallen angel snorted angrily.

"Hehe, I'm here to save the Moon Demon Clan. Of course, this requires that all the senior members of the Moon Demon Clan were killed by the Flame Demon Clan." The'chicken' said with a discouraged smile.

"I think you are here to pick up the bargain. Who doesn't know that your clan has a territorial dispute with the Flame Demon clan. I don't think Yan Kun can keep the Scorching Gorge anymore." The Black Dragon City Lord replied in an angry voice.

The fallen angel frowned and said, "I always feel that something is wrong. I have a bad feeling."

"What are you afraid of, if those **** level powerhouses arrive here, we will perceive it." Black Dragon said angrily.

Of course these guys can’t expect that tens of thousands of strong men are looting the entire demon plane. In a mountain range, a demon city is being looted by a group of humans, and countless gems~www.wuxiaspot.com~ores are being looted, and yet One by one demons were slaughtered, and a few succubus and the like became captives. Then these demons were directly decomposed by these humans and turned into piles of magic materials. Finally, the demon city was burned by a fire.

And in a huge canyon, there is a huge castle, a huge city of thousands of square kilometers, this is the Black Dragon City, and at a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers from the Black Dragon City, another group of huge dragons is Coming quickly.

And the city of angels on the cloud, under the shining of the sun, looks unusually beautiful, but now the city of angels is ringing a hurried bell, and the rush of the bell makes countless fallen angels almost at a loss.

When the first Balrog rushed on the wall of Moon Demon City, the grinning face was shocked. Then a dazzling beam of light directly exploded the guy’s head, but more Balrogs followed. , And more dazzling beams of light shining on the city wall, this is the huge energy released by the magic crystal cannon.

The whole world of demons has fallen into a huge ‘chaos’, --28936+dsuaahhh+25859838-->

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