A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 97: Preparation before the war (2)

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Maade is also extremely shocked. The dragons are powerful no matter what plane they are in. Even in the God Realm, the dragons are very unfriendly to the so-called Council of Gods. Of course, the establishment of the Council of Gods It is to fight against the dragons and the angels.

As for other scattered races, Titans, Giants, although these are not members of the Council of Gods, these races still want to buy the face of the Council of Gods.

"Yes, this is the dragon. It seems that the destruction of Black Dragon City is real." Maade nodded and replied affirmatively.

"Father, why did the Black Dragon Clan be driven out of the Dragon Clan by the Giant Dragon Clan?" Desen continued to ask.

Madder glanced at Desen and said: "Some things are at a certain level, and someone will tell you naturally, so don't ask if you shouldn't. If you don't know, you will get trouble."

Hearing what his father said, Desen understood. Obviously, there are some secrets in the dragon clan that cannot be promoted. Thousands of powerhouses shock Desen and Maade far more than this. Although Moon Demon is One of the major forces on the Demon Plane, but the only one that can be used in the entire Moon Demon City is Maad. There are less than five demigods in the Moon Demon City, and there are less than a hundred Sanctuary Peaks, but look at these strong ones. Who, the Sanctuary Pinnacle took out any one that was stronger than the demigod of the Moon City, why, equipment.

The equipment on these thousands of powerhouses can be seen to be excellent. Of course, there is no need to care about the equipment of the giant dragon. These guys like the giant dragon are all awesome, for fear that others don’t know they are giants. The dragon is the same, but the dragon itself has great capital.

Connie saw so many powerhouses appearing, gearing up, ready to do a big fight. Although Connie is already a demigod, Connie still likes war. The pleasure of calculating others and yin others' success is beyond words. , Of course, war itself is a deceitful thing, the winner is king, the loser is the bandit.

Thousands of powerful men looked at Moon Demon City with their eyes. The Moon Demon's appearance was very beautiful, and the demon's face was gloomy, so his skin was extraordinarily fair.

But Connie spoke at this time: "The Moon City is now owned by our Liberty City, so you don't have any ideas."

"There, there, but this moon demon is somewhat similar to the elves." A giant dragon said quickly, joking. This time, the Dragon God personally issued the oracle, but this time I must have received a lot of rewards. It was ruined, and the black dragon was arrested a lot, and the others scattered and fled.

Connie said irritably: "People are originally elves, OK, they used to be called moon elves."

"Traitor, coward, coward." A strong elf said with disdain.

When Maade heard this, he opened his eyes and asked, "Who do you say is a coward? Who do you say is a coward? You sun elves, the star elves are the cowards and cowards."

"Sun elves, star elves." All the strong men are puzzled, yes, there are so many differences between elves.

Connie said quickly: "Shut up."

Then Connie said to Maad: "Now there are only natural elves on the sanctuary plane, no sun elves, star elves."

"Nature elves, inferior elves, then elves, star elves." Maade asked in astonishment when he heard such a thing for the first time.

Connie shook her head and replied, "I don't know."

"Natural elves are inferior elves." The strong elves looked at Maad angrily and asked harshly.

"Of course, the three high-level elves of that era were the sun elves, the star elves, and our moon elves. Our three high-level elves were also called elven royal families. In addition to us, there were also grass elves, wood elves, natural elves, flower elves, etc. Elf races, our three major races are not only the strongest, but also the largest number..." Maade explained.

But at this time, someone said impatiently: "I said we are here to do what, you elves want to relive the old, then go aside, we are here to make a fortune."

"That is, we don't have time to listen to your nonsense." Other strong people have spare time to listen to these history, what is most important now, and making a fortune is the most important.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, we will assign the task immediately." Connie saw this scene, a little regretful, because the elves were still very powerful in history. Once upon a time, the elves even ruled the entire plane and established a powerful In the elven empire, elves can only hide in deep forests to avoid human persecution.

This time, not only the 100,000 troops of Moon Devil City, but also the 20,000 elite fighters led by Baglu, and thousands of powerful mercenaries, the mercenaries are the first time they have seen an elven army of tens of thousands. Only in the legend.

Ten mana spaceships were parked on the wall of Moon Demon City. The most orderly one was the army led by Bagru. It only took less than an hour to board the ship, and one hundred thousand Moon Demon soldiers spent a total of three. In a few hours, a mana spaceship can carry 20,000 people. Even if each mana spaceship has 20,000 people, the moon demon took more than three hours. Some of the ten mana spaceships are transported. Used, as for guards, hehe, these magical spaceships have powerful magical weapons.

Connie sat on the flagship and looked at the dozens of bosses and bosses below. There were Liberty City officers led by Bagru, the commander of the Moon City Legion led by Made and Desen, and representatives elected by mercenaries. .

"First of all, I want to tell you the current situation of the Balrog clan. The Balrog clan lives somewhere in the middle of the Searing Grand Canyon. The Searing Grand Canyon is the largest canyon on the Demon Plane. There is no one. According to our survey, this Grand Canyon is almost Surrounding the entire demon plane, everyone, please see this is the place where the Balrog clan lives. It is almost surrounded by lava. Only approaching this direction is the road leading to the outside world. That’s not to say, the Balrog is a high-level fire creature, so We must beware of the Balrog hiding in..." Connie turned on the magic projection, which clearly showed the situation of the entire Balrog territory, of course from a high altitude.

Maade and Desen looked at each other. Through this magic projection, you could also see countless Balrog’s shaking shadows on the ground, and there were countless Balrogs gathered. Before Maade and Desen asked, Bagru He asked, "It looks like these Balrogs are prepared."

"Yes, according to our inference, these Balrogs want to isolate this place with magma." Connie nodded and replied.

"Then how do we get in?" Desen asked with a look of astonishment.

"Don't forget, we can go in from another direction, because we are going down from the air, and then we will choose the weak area to land directly, and then listen to my orders." Connie said immediately.

"Wow." Baglu and the others immediately stood up, and Mader and Desen quickly stood up as soon as they saw it. Then came the officers of the Moon Demon clan, and there was a bang.

"Bagru, you lead your troops to push me here." Connie said, pointing to the map.

"Yes." Baglu replied very loudly. Everyone looked at it and it was the area with the most Balrogs.

"The dragon clan listened to the order, you, as the air force, there are flaming demons gathered there, please disperse them for me." Connie continued to order.

"Quack, don't worry, we promise to complete the task." The representative of the dragon clan quack smiled strangely.

"The other mercenaries fight separately, but keep a certain distance between each other and pay attention to respond at any time." Connie then ordered again.

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Several representatives of the mercenaries immediately expressed their views.

"The soldiers of the Moon Demon City followed. As for those stubborn Balrogs to be handed over to you, we need a word to quickly and quickly dissolve the Balrogs. We must drive the Balrogs off the magma." Connie said one last word.

"Mrs. Connie, it's improper to drive the Balrog into the magma," Maade asked quickly.

"Do you still want to kill millions of Balrogs? Don't worry, these Balrogs will definitely run away after entering the lava." Connie replied confidently.

When Maade heard this answer, he couldn't say anything for a while. After all, Connie did everything. Connie then smiled and said, "Well, everyone can rest for a while. We still need some time. Arrived at the destination."

Everyone went to rest. Connie sat there alone, holding the wine, thinking quietly about something. The guards looked around vigilantly. For a while, Connie asked, "Is the stuff ready?"

"Madam, you are ready," the captain of the guard replied.

"Well, you can speed up." Connie ordered.

Desen looked at his father, and then asked suspiciously: "Father, drive the Balrog into the magma, don't you let these guys hide in the magma and attack us."

"You must be prepared, and what Mrs. Connie said is very clear. We can't kill millions of Balrogs~www.wuxiaspot.com~." Maade was helpless when he heard the numbers of Balrogs. The powerful attack and powerful defense of the Balrog make millions of Balrogs a huge collection of combat power.

"But I don't think there is any way to freeze the magma." Desen shook his head and said.

"Idiot." Baglu heard this and did not hesitate to put a hat on Desen.

"Captain Baglu, is there any other way?" Madd asked.

"It's very simple. Balrogs are not creatures. They are not pure fire elemental creatures. They can't cool down. I will just increase the temperature and put some magic crystal powder down. I don't believe those Balrogs can withstand such high temperatures. "Baglu knew that the magic crystal powder was warming up or Cook said casually.

Madd and Desen opened their mouths. Yes, how could they not understand the simple truth. Desen saw Bagru's indifferent appearance and couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Captain Bagru, you Don't you be afraid of the hundreds of thousands of Balrogs you will face."-5408++3984102-->

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