A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 99: Preparation before the war (4)

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"It's okay." Connie waved her hand without expecting that her captain would do this.

Who is the captain of the guard next to Connie? It is a Titan, a powerful Titan that can contend with the gods, and the equipment is even better than Bagru’s equipment, not to mention the captain of the guard inside, although it is not Defeat the god-level powerhouse, but may be able to resist the attack of the god-level powerhouse. Of course, Connie’s guards are not just one. When in danger, Lina will immediately show up with her own guard. In terms of safety, Cook is very willing to spend money and consume energy.

Connie said so, but the guards around him still looked eagerly. Although Bagru did not act, his vigilant eyes were full of bloodthirsty rays. Obviously, as long as Madder and others acted, Bagru would definitely pounce. Up.

"Well, it's really okay, it's a misunderstanding." Connie saw that the atmosphere was still very tense, waved again and said, then sat down.

Mader dared to see Desen at this time. What surprised Mader was that Desen was stunned by a kick. Who is Desen? Anyway, he is also a strong man in the Moon Demon clan. Kicked his feet and passed out into a coma.

At this time Baglu came over and said angrily: "It's light to be in a coma by being kicked by those guys."

"Don't be impulsive in doing things in the future." The captain of the guard kneaded Desen's body twice under Connie's instruction, and Desen slowly woke up unexpectedly.

"What's the matter?" After Desen woke up, he looked around and asked in confusion.

"Okay, it's all scattered." Connie waved her hand quickly when she saw Mad's expression a little bad.

After Desen knew what had happened, he was surprised, because he was knocked into a coma. Connie explained with a smile: "These guards of mine are all special equipment used, plus they are Titans themselves, so they have strength. It’s a bit bigger."

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm not good." Desen's eyes straightened. It's not that Desen, the female guard next to Connie, has never seen it. She has such a strong strength, and she didn't even react.

Connie was also helpless in her heart. The equipment on these Titans had spatial attributes, which meant that their actions were countless times faster than what they saw. This was also a new equipment from the Alchemy Lab in West Asia, with very little output.

"Then let's go on to say that first of all, Yan Kun has the absolute right to speak in the entire Yan Demon clan, but it is precisely because of this that it is appropriate for us to transfer these responsibilities to Yan Kun." Connie had no choice but to continue to explain.

Maade and Desen heard Connie say this. Although they were puzzled, neither of them spoke. Connie continued: "Yan Kun must have trusted people. These trusted people will use Yan Kun's prestige to make some influence. Of course, no one dared to say bad things when Yan Kun was there, and no one dared to say it. But as long as we collect these things, don’t look at them as small things. In fact, ordinary people care about it. Little things, then once the number of these little things reaches a peak, it will arouse other people’s suspicion whether Yan Kun is improperly employing people, yes, these things can only be done bit by bit, and we have to sit down. Yan Kun employs improperly, and we just get rid of Yan Kun's subordinates directly. Of course, we will find a few timid and afraid of death among them. In this war, Yan Kun will do his own way, causing the flame demon. Yan Kun was successfully discredited because of the huge loss of the family. Of course, our Moon Demon clan had to show a lot of energy at this time, such as returning some of the corpses of the Balrog. Stand up and continue to transfer the responsibility of the war to Yan Kun, and then your Moon Demon City is said to be Yan Kun's responsibility. You are not targeting the Flame Demon clan, so those ordinary Flame Demon will put you on the Moon Demon clan. The humiliation inflicted is all blamed on Yan Kun, and the patriarch of the Flame Demon clan will be the one who favors our side. This is a political game."

Maade and Desen were dumbfounded, there was actually such a way, and then Maade felt scared, yes, with such a powerful strength, and such secret tricks, and against such a force, Maade is very It's hard to imagine that if I face such an enemy, I'm afraid I can't sleep even when I sleep, the calculation is really too good.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect to be able to do this." Desen said in awe.

"This is a softer method, and a more tough one. We will continue to fight the Balrog clan directly, but we will find a Balrog to confront us, and this Balrog will achieve some small results, and then the Balrog will continue to fight. To absorb other Balrogs under the banner of opposing us, of course we will act with this Balrog so that this Balrog will eventually become the leader of the Balrog clan, but this Balrog will always be ours. Of course, if we do this, we must Strictly control this Balrog and sign an extremely harsh slave contract." Connie said with a smile.

Madd's cold sweat fell, and Desen looked at Connie with admiring eyes. Yes, it was too abnormal. There is actually such a method.

"Well, I won't bother you to rest." Connie stood up and left after speaking.

Mader and Desen quickly stood up. After everyone had gone, Bagru returned. Seeing Mad and Desen's expressions were very bad, they smiled and said, "Mrs. Connie's plan is very It works, you all know that she is great, Mrs. Connie can treat war as an art, but I can't, so I'm just a legionnaire."

"It's terrible, Mrs. Connie's enemies have suffered." Made also agreed.

"That is, but Mrs. Connie is actually not very perverted. Anna Fu is perverted, but my favorite is Mrs. Ume." Baglu said.

"Does your master have many ladies?" Desen asked curiously.

"Hey, that is, who makes my master very attractive, but when it comes to women, I have many women in Baglu." Baglu said triumphantly.

"Come on, just your group of female ogres." A very discordant voice sounded.

"Master, why are you here? Please sit down." When Baglu heard this voice, he stood up very dogmatically, and stooped to make a gesture of inviting him. That would be more flattering and flattering.

After Cook sat down, he said to Baglu: "Baglu, when Anna arrives, I will say you speak ill of her behind your back."

"Master, what you said is correct." Baglu said with a flattering smile.

"Okay, look at your legs trembling, is Anna that terrible?" Cook saw Bagru's pretending to be calm and cursed with an angry smile.

"Master, Mrs. Anna is the most beautiful..." Baglu's praise came out without money.

Mader and Desen were dumbfounded. Yes, an ogre actually has such sharp teeth. This Nima's skill in flattering is so high that most people can't keep up.

"Well, are you all ready? Don't lose face to me then." Cook asked seriously afterwards.

"The report master, we are all ready. Are you a Balrog who is going to live, or a Balrog who is going to die, or whether you are alive or not." Bagru's momentum suddenly changed, becoming very fierce.

"Alive, I have great use for the Flame Demon clan." Cook came here specifically for this matter.

"Understood." Baglu answered two words directly.

"This time the live points are doubled." Cook saw Baglu's expression a little unhappy. He didn't know that this guy wanted to fight, so he said with a smile.

"Master is the best." Baglu got excited all at once, and his points doubled. This is the best time to accumulate points.

"Master, I'm going to prepare too, this time I must not let those **** steal my limelight." Baglu said flatteringly.

"Go." Cook waved his hand, and Baglu wriggled his big **** and left.

Cook then said to Mad and Desen: "I came this time because the flame demon clan is still useful to me, so this time your moon demon clan may have returned without success."

"There, we will do what the lord says," Madd hurriedly said, although he felt a little disappointed.

Cook then smiled and said: "In this way, in order to compensate you Moon Demon Clan, I now have several compensation plans. The first is to allow you Moon Demon Clan to go to the Sanctuary Plane. Of course, God level cannot go, and I will Let me give you a few trees of life in Moon Demon City. Second, this time you open up the Lost Plane, you don’t have your Moon Demon clan. The number of people, this will be discussed later, and third, I am responsible for the safety of your Moon City."

"My lord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this, this is true." Madder was incoherent in excitement, the tree of life, this is something that countless moon demons dream about. I didn't expect it to be realized so easily. .

"I will still lie. I will plant the tree of life for you after I go back." Cook nodded. The tree of life is mostly in the natural ring, and that guy's reproduction speed in it is khaka.

Madder said worriedly, "But the tree of life is not easy to feed."

"What is not easy to feed, the least I give you are trees of life with a lifespan of thousands of years, not small saplings." Cook said irritably.

Mader and Desen almost fainted, the tree of life with a lifespan of thousands of years, this, how is this possible, did not dream of dreaming to this day.

"Okay, don't get excited, I will act with you this time, go, and hold a pre-war meeting." Cook patted Mad on the shoulder, and then said, Mad was beaten by Cook, the whole person It feels light and fluttering, unconsciously following behind Cook, and bending over slightly, just like a little follower.

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