A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 101: War begins

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Madd and Desen were shocked. Yes, the dazzling beams of light were dense like rain, constantly bombarding the ground, and the team led by Bagru, the ogre, was actually so close to the beam of light. The place rushed past, but the beam of light was always in front of these teams.

"Moon Demon Clan, what do you do to eat? You still don't act. If you don't want to act, then quit the battle." Connie's voice rang in all the moon demon's ears.

"Chong." Desen saw this scene and roared loudly.

"Boom boom boom." Just as Desen rushed out, he saw Cook's army completely changed. The original sparse skirmish line has now become a mount under every soldier, although these mounts are also holy. It's only a beginner level, but Nima is a mount of tens of thousands, and tens of thousands of sanctuary beginners travel together.

"This is the real war, go ahead." Desen felt his blood boiled, waving the weapon in his hand and shouting loudly.

Tens of thousands of moon demons followed Desen. These moon demons had never seen such a war. The huge mana spaceships were clearly visible above their heads. These mana spaceships kept stimulating beams of light. It fell on the ground like rain, hundreds of meters away were the places where beams of light bombarded.

"Slow down, slow down." Connie roared loudly when she saw the moon demons rush too fast.

But these moon demons didn't seem to know that Connie was talking about them, and Connie shouted: "Bagru, take people to the moon demons, damn, those **** don't understand war at all."

"Yes." As soon as Bagru heard this, he left with a few knights.

After seeing Bagrul gone, the ogres immediately began to discuss: "Damn it, the boss has finally left, or we will let him."

"That is, I hope the boss will not come back this time." And the ogre also said.

"You bastards, wait for me." I didn't know that Bagru's roar came from the ears of these ogres.

"It's over, it's over, why is this boss still in our band." An ogre screamed when he heard this.

"Damn, bastard, bastard, you idiot moon demons, can't you listen to orders." Baglu rushed to Desen, blocked Desen's way, and shouted loudly.

Desen looked at Bagglu questioningly and asked: "Why don't I know."

"Idiot, what's in your ears, that's an order." Baglu shouted loudly.

"I thought it was someone else." Desen Khan said, then explained.

"Shit, how can you hear other people's orders? Others can't hear the orders given to you and follow in my footsteps. I let you rush." ​​Bagru was speechless, said contemptuously, and cursed in his heart. Soil buns.

The flame demon clan was stunned. Yes, the realm was actually blown up by the attack from the sky, and a huge ferocious monster could be seen above its head.

"Charge." A command rang in the ears of all Moon Demon soldiers.

"Fight." Baglu roared, and then rushed out.

The Moon Demon behind him also rushed out. The fighting has continued until now, and the Moon Demon clan finally saw the Flame Demon, and the densely packed Flame Demon in front were running wildly.

"Hi." A voice rang out loudly, only to see two four-meter-long mace appearing in Bagrul’s hand. One mace slammed directly at a Balrog, and the mace was approaching the Balrog’s body. When it comes, it shines brightly.

"Bang." What surprised all the moon demons behind was that this flame demon was directly blown up, and the flame demon burst into a mass of pieces of meat.

"Bagru, you want to live, you bastard." Connie's voice immediately rang in the ears of all the moon demons.

Desen also yelled: "To live."

Desen paid great attention to the items that can be exchanged for points, and Maade's order had been conveyed long ago to catch Balrog alive.

The flame demon of the flame demon clan just breathed a sigh of relief, and the sky full of attacks finally stopped, but when the sky full of smoke and dust had not dissipated, countless enemies rushed over.

"Kill these invaders." A fire demon warrior roared loudly, and at the same time a raging flame burst out of his body and rushed towards the coalition forces.

"Haha, this Balrog Warrior has five hundred points, it belongs to me." A voice rang.

"Boom boom boom." Before the fire demon warrior could react, he felt the world spin, and then his whole body came into close contact with the ground several times, and then he fainted.

"Asshole, asshole, that's mine." Bagru finally saw that a more pleasing target appeared and was snatched away.

"Haha." A person laughed, and then the Balrog warrior was picked up by a dwarf, and then thrown into the air. A silver-white metal object dangled in the air, and the Balrog warrior was caught by this. Things are directly accepted and left.

Bagru was very angry. He turned his head to look, and yelled angrily: "You hopeless fellows, what do these ordinary Balrogs have their heads?"

The battle of the moon demon clan is still very well organized, seven or eight moon demon is a fat beating against a flame demon, and after a half death, it is dragged down by the people behind.

Bagru hated iron but not steel, but Bagru also knew that as a combat team, if he acted alone, the consequences would be very serious.

"Boom, boom." Bagru was very annoyed, and the mace in his hand slammed the flame demon fiercely, whether it was alive or dead.

"Bagru, you bastard, don't you know how to disperse those Balrogs first, and then capture the prisoners." Connie's voice rang in Bagl's ears.

Baglu said irritably, "It's not my fault. Look at these **** of the Moon Demon clan, it's like you haven't seen the Moon Demon."

"Desen, follow the order and charge." Connie ordered loudly.

But how can Desen take care of Connie’s orders now, and continue to capture prisoners, Connie is out of anger, and ordered Bagru: "Bagel, you lead people to continue the charge, I will give you fire support ."

"Okay." Baglu immediately became very excited when he heard the fire support, and rushed towards the Flame Demon clan with a few subordinates.

At the top, Cook pointed and said: "Mad, you Moon Demon clan actually don't obey orders."

"My lord, I." Madder was also ashamed. From high altitude, he could clearly see Cook's subordinates attacking, interspersing, encircling, and the fire support from the magic spacecraft from time to time. They have advanced for dozens of kilometers. In contrast, looking at the Moon Demon Clan, the Moon Demon Clan is actually capturing prisoners. This is nothing, and a few kilometers away from the Moon Demon Clan’s battle, some flame demons began to gather.

"War is very profound. Only the commander can see the overall situation. Look there, once the Flame Demon Clan organizes a defense, then we need to pay much. You Moon Demon Clan wait for the battle to be punished." Ke lightly ordered.

As soon as Maade heard this, his face flushed, and he whispered, "My lord, I will go now."

Mader's figure disappeared in a flash, Mader appeared in front of Desen in an instant.

"Haha, it's another one. These Balrogs are not... bang." Desen smashed a Balrog directly to the ground and laughed, but before he could finish his words, he was knocked out.

"Asshole, follow the order, follow the order, look at the team you lead, what it looks like, Mrs. Connie gave several orders, but you didn't even listen, what do you want and do." Madder roared again and again.

The officers of the Moon Demon clan and Desen were stunned by Maade's roar. Maade said in a cold voice, "If any of you dare not obey the order, then I will expel someone from the Moon Demon. One clan, can never come within a hundred kilometers of the territory of the Moon Demon clan, otherwise I will see one kill the other."

Maade's murderous words made all the moon demons shiver. Maade saw that these moon demons were still stunned, and shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze? Follow the order, rush, and look at the one with you just now. , Where did others go."

"Chong." The officer of the Demon Clan quickly shouted loudly when hearing this for a few months.

The moon demon clan finally rushed up, but in front of the moon demon clan, the flame demon also formed a defense, and tens of thousands of flame demon were waiting there.

"Fire support, a distance of one thousand meters, five kilometers horizontally, and two kilometers in depth." Baglu exclaimed excitedly when he saw the densely packed flames.

"Received, the attack will begin in two seconds, and it is expected to extend in five seconds, one hundred and fifty." A female voice replied.

"Yeah." Bagglu yelled excitedly when he heard this answer, and all the moon demons also heard this voice in their ears, and these moon demons still didn't quite understand.

"Boom, boom, boom." Sure enough, two seconds later, a ball of light rained down from the sky, and the entire Balrog defense line was immediately enveloped by countless smoke.

"This is fire support." Desen was dumbfounded. He thought it would cost a huge price, but he knew it would be solved so quickly.

Five seconds later, the spot of light began to extend, and Baglu shouted loudly: "Keep one hundred and five degrees, that dare, I will break his legs."

The one-hundred-five moon demon didn't know how fast it was, but these moon demon depended on Baghru's degree, so Baghru realized that there was a wall of people extending on both sides, like a line.

Madd returned to Cook, and Cook said, "It seems that the Moon Demon clan needs more training. Once you become proficient, you don’t need to command at all. Naturally, you know what to do. Fire support will be given, not only in the sky, but if there is enough time, there will be fire support on the ground, and the soldiers also carry heavy firepower, but there is no need here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing today’s war, I just know what a real war is. With such a huge attack and such close coordination, I think that only those above the demigod level can fight it." Maade was really shocked.

"Half god, what is a half god, look at this busy line, there are slightly more advanced flame demon there." Cook asked with a smile.

"Now we have captured more than 2,000 high-level sanctuary, more than 500 sanctuary peaks, and six demigods." Cook said a set of numbers.

After Cook saw this battle, his confidence in defeating the demons has increased a lot. A more complete tactic against the demons has been formed in Cook's mind. Ku looks at this Madd. He asked, "Mad, don't you do it."

"I thought I was not allowed to participate, I'll go right away." Madd replied after a daze, and then Madd disappeared all of a sudden, and Cook was dumbfounded. Nima, you are a god-level and not participating in the battle. I thought you were reserved, --9004+d8z1w+1843525-->

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