A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 104: Bagru's actions

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"Nonsense, I didn't see you greet you." Maade would have taught Desen a lesson if it hadn't had a dragon here.

"Damn..." Desen was now in a cold sweat behind his back. Looking at the Balrog's defense line that he had crossed just now, Desen almost fell to the ground.

Madder didn't wait for Desen to finish and shouted, "Go back, it's just a shame to come here with your strength."

"Yes, it's father... but father, how can I go back?" Desen asked with a sad face. Now if Desen crosses the defense line of the Balrog clan, Desen doesn't have the guts at all. You must know that this is tens of thousands of Balrogs. .

Madder almost wanted to slap and slap him, cursing secretly in his heart. You **** can come here but can't go back, and the golden dragon eye beads next to him turned around and said with a smile: "It's okay, let one of our people send Desen. Just go back."

"How embarrassed then." Madd said embarrassedly.

"What's the matter? Come here, send Desen back." The Golden Dragon immediately issued the order, and Madd was grateful because Desen was the best son he had cultivated after all.

But if Mader knew the idea of ​​the golden dragon, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be so grateful. What the golden dragon thought was that Desen brought it together. When the time comes to distribute the spoils, he will have to divide more, plus Mader. The level itself is high enough. If you get more points, people like you won't be embarrassed to say anything, so Golden Dragon is so enthusiastic.

"Thank you, sir." Desen was grateful when he heard that a dragon had sent him home. At the same time, he looked at a silver dragon that landed and was very happy. After all, not everyone is qualified to ride a dragon.

However, as soon as Desen's thoughts settled, he felt a burst of power picking up himself, and then Desen saw the ground that kept moving away from him: "Ah..."

Seeing Desen behaved like this, Madder felt the hatred in his heart. He wanted to catch up and block Desen’s mouth. Now that he was an adult, he was still shocked. Madder and the dragon, giant, and dwarves continued to move forward. A kilometer away, Baglu was depressed.

"Damn, these **** big reptiles are actually here to join in the fun at this time, hum, your uncle Bagru, I also want to see, and grab your trophies at that time." Bagru bypassed the magma gushing area. After crossing the magma lake, what appeared in front of Baglu was a huge crater, hundreds of meters deep.

"That's it, but this place seems a bit dangerous. I have to find a good place." Baglu looked around and looked at a place thousands of meters away. There is a mountain higher than this side. Baglu didn't hesitate to turn around and rushed to the mountain.

Cook was also on the crater. Cook's face was extremely flat, but after a flash of green light in Cook's eyes, he murmured angrily: "This **** Bagru is getting more and more disobedient."

"Baglu, you **** hide, don't die until after death your wife is someone else's wife." A voice sounded in Bagl's ear.

"Hey, sir, are you hiding too." Baglu looked around, but he didn't find Cook and asked suspiciously.

"Go away." Cook gave Baglu a word in angrily.

Baglu was relaxed a lot when he was said by Cooke. Baglu didn't know what was going on. He seemed to feel safe when he heard Cook's voice.

"Mad, your Moon Demon clan actually took the lead in breaking the agreement, and the god-level powerhouse would act on ordinary clansmen, and you will be chased by the entire demon plane." A voice came out of the volcano, resounding across the sky.

"Haha, who am I? It turns out that it is you old fellow, Hei Yan. I thought you had fallen. I didn't expect you to be alive. As for the god-level powerhouse to do something to ordinary people, I will do it. , What can you do." Maade is now full of confidence, not only is there a large number of strong behind him, but also Cook is staring in front of him, so Maade feels that what he said just now is very refreshing.

"Then your Moon Demon clan wait to be exterminated." Hei Yan's voice was full of anger.

Maddhaha said with a smile: "Exterminate the clan, Black Flame, you don't know, the City of Angels has been destroyed, and the Black Dragon King is hiding in the world, and countless dragons are chasing her. As for the succubus family, Now I still have the courage to come out, at least with thousands of super-order beasts on the entire plane to catch the succubus, Black Flame, I advise you to come out and surrender."

"What, this, how is this possible?" Hei Yan asked incredulously.

"Boom." At this moment, a huge rocket with a length of more than two meters and a thickness of more than ten centimeters appeared in Cook's hand, and then Cook threw it down. The surrounding dragons saw Cook shot. Quickly retreat, the rocket dropped by Cook flashed a light and disappeared the moment it touched the magma, and then a dull sound was heard from the ground.

"Not good." Cook heard the voice and flew back.

"Boom." Seeing Cook retreating, the other giant dragons and giants fled in a panic, and Baglu, thousands of meters away, saw this scene, stunned, and then Baglu saw it. A few shocked scenes, the mountain range where the crater is located is also very thick, but the mountain shook all of a sudden, and then, the huge roar suddenly exploded the entire mountain, as if this is not a mountain, and It's just a group of grains of sand.

Thousand-meters of smoke rose into the air. Inside the smoke, a voice roared: "Damn you guys, you actually attacked."

"Roar." A huge roar caused the black smoke to disperse all at once. In the air, a black Balrog was suspended in the air. The black Balrog was shining with black flames. The black flame seemed to be It can burn all the space, and the space around this black Balrog's body is slightly distorted.

"Humans, dragons, dwarves, dwarfs, Titans, could it be said that the main plane has begun to invade our demon plane." Seeing the people around, Hei Yan's eyes widened.

Bagru saw the black flame in the air, and he was only more than a thousand meters away. Bagru was very excited, and quickly took out the rocket from the space equipment. The rocket was much smaller than the one that Cook had just lost. , Only fifty centimeters long and ten centimeters thick rockets, there is also a purple lightning bolt on the rocket.

"Baby, it's up to you." Baglu took out three rockets at once. The first one was marked with a lightning bolt, there was a ring on the outside of the lightning sign, and the second was a ring on top. Inside the circle is a blue logo, and the third one is a golden shield with a black arrow inserted on it.

"Nigger, look over here." Baglu roared loudly, and at the same time fired a rocket with a lightning bolt.

And in the metal fortress built by the soldiers of the Freedom League, a human soldier was facing a very beautiful woman of the Moon Demon tribe and said with great enthusiasm: "This album contains graphic explanations of various battle signs. Take a look here. Rings. There are many kinds of rings. The general hollow ring represents that this weapon is a weapon with spatial attributes, while the semicircle mostly represents a protective cover, one color represents a different type of protective cover, and another Special equipment, like the blue and red signs in the hollow circle, means that such weapons can travel through space and explode directly at the heart of the enemy, while the blue and red represent the water and fire burst bombs."

"Oh, this weapon is really that useful." The female Moon Demon asked charmingly with a very nice voice.

The human warrior’s bones were restored, and he whispered: “This is a special equipment for God Slaughter. It is said that only high-ranking officers have equipment. Come, I will take you to my residence to see the magic pattern suit on my body. The latest model has many incredible features, and I still have some points. If you want, I can redeem some equipment for you."

Seeing the young moon demon being taken away by humans, the giant clan pouted and said, "What is good about the moon demon, it's just that it has a nicer face, is so short, and doesn't have a chest. It's better for a succubus. I will bring one this time. The succubus goes back, but first signs a master-servant contract, lest these succubuses go back and mess around.

Hei Yan didn’t respond to Bagglu’s words at all, and of course Hei Yan felt the magical fluctuations of the rockets. For Hei Yan, he didn’t care about the magical fluctuations at all, too, just like rockets. It is the power of explosion.

"Who are you?" Hei Yan looked at Cook and asked vigilantly.

Cook was speechless, Nima, the black flame, actually ignored the rockets refined by West Asia, and Cook had already seen the second rocket being launched.

"Hey~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don’t like talking to dead people." Cook sighed, even he dared not face the rocket. Cook clearly saw the logo on the rocket, Cook Secretly scolded Baglu for wasting things.

"Haha, dead, dead, I've lived in Hei Yan for hundreds of thousands of years. I was said to be dead or... bang." Hei Yan laughed, feeling the rocket behind him, and a black flame in Hei Yan's hand The rocket was released, and the flame successfully hit the rocket with a bang.

"Sizzling." But the next moment, the black inflammation was stunned, and the sound of lightning raging burst out from all over the black inflammation.

"Puff." The second rocket struck again. The rocket hit Hei Yan's protective cover under the eyes of everyone, and disappeared suddenly. Then Hei Yan's body surface became darker, and from his nostrils and mouth There was also a jet of blue water coming out of it.

"What's going on." Madder was stunned. Although the Balrog is also a creature, it is a fire creature. The Balrog clan hates water the most. Why do they spray water in their mouth and nose? -5408++ 4003575-->

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