A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 115: Strange orc

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"You old guy actually eavesdropped...uuuuu." When Cook saw an old man, he yelled. What Cook wanted was arrogance, but he was covered by Luoda and others before he finished speaking. mouth. . The update is fast.

"Little baby, he has a big temper." This old man has a white beard, white hair, white eyebrows and hairy. The novel is human, not very tall, if it is of other races, and has no characteristics of other races, Ku K finally judged that this was a human being.

"Master Ivor, hello." Rodda greeted him respectfully after pulling Cooke away.

"Okay, I heard about the fruit of strength, is it because you have such a good thing?" Ivor nodded and said, then asked.

Rocky hurriedly approached Master Ivor and said with a smile: "No, it's our brother who had eaten the fruit of power when he was a child, so his power is very abnormal now. Just now, Kenny's two dragon guards were guarded by the Touba brothers. The hit directly fell to the ground."

"Really, the fruit of strength requires a special environment and special picking techniques. I have only heard of this kind of thing, and I have never seen it." Ivor sighed and explained ⊥ha. .

"That is, that is, we have only heard of many things, and we have not seen them either." Roda said immediately in agreement.

"I haven't seen anything, look. This is the stone that the fruit of power has turned into. Have you seen it?" Cook said in a very uncomfortable tone. As for the true **** of the fruit of power, that is For sure.

"Let me see..." Ivor leaned forward, but Cook took it back again.

As soon as Roda saw this scene, he immediately squinted, and then he and Love put Kukla aside and said to Ivor: "Master Ivor, I persuade this brother."

However, not far from turning around is not the same thing, Roda said to Cook very seriously: "Brother Tuba, this time we can all rely on you."

"What do you rely on me?" Cook asked in a daze. In fact, Cook felt like a mirror in his heart.

"This Master Ivor is a rare beast trainer in this'chaotic' and'chaotic' plane." However, Loda's answer still left Cook stunned.

Cook asked suspiciously: "The trainer is the sheep herder in our tribe. Once we whistle, all the sheep are coming, but we whistle those sheep will not come."

"Puff..." Love's saliva spurted out, and he secretly despised Cook's buns.

"No, animal trainers are a very rare profession. Didn’t I say that it is dangerous on the ground of this “chaotic” plane. Only animal trainers like Ivor can come and go freely, and this plane ground Some things are very valuable." Luoda said, there is a strange feeling in Luoda's heart, that is, the orcs' brains are not so good?

"Oh, such people are useless in our tribe, so they went to herding sheep. This old guy has no strength at first sight..." Cook said with contempt.

Roda and Love were speechless, Roda took a deep breath, and then said, "Brother Tuba, I ask you to do me a favor, don't you think it?"

"It depends on what you are doing. You shouldn't have to go back the'woman' who gave me, this I..." Cook didn't immediately agree, and then his eyes widened and his big ears moved.

"God, boss, you said to yourself, I can't stand it anymore, this logic is too..." Love heard Cook say this, patted his forehead and left a sentence.

"Brother Touba, if you want to help, I will give you as much as the'girl' wants, and I will grab me and grab it for you." What Luoda could do, she only agreed.

Cook said with a smile on his face: "That's good, but there are too many'women' and they still need to feed. I don't have much money now."

"Give me the stone that the fruit of strength turned into, and I will cover your future life." Luoda was depressed and wanted to vomit blood. As a robber, he was afraid that he had nothing to eat and how much he could eat.

"You originally wanted a stone. What's the use of this thing? I just keep it. If it's useful, I'll give it to you." Cook gave Roda the stone in his hand.

Roda could hardly believe her eyes, and asked, "You just gave it to me?"

"This thing is useless, besides, you are our boss. If you ask for something I won't give it to you, wouldn't you lose face?" Cook replied very readily.

"Thank you." Luoda took the stone and left happily.

Cook also walked over slowly. Ivor was holding the stone, and Cook pricked his ears up, only to hear Ivor say: "This stone is a bit special and has a mysterious energy. The specifics need to be studied. "

"That is, that is, but Master Ivor, our request?" Roda asked afterwards.

"It depends on luck. If you have a good tone, I'll just "get" a little bit for you, but I haven't found the shadow of that thing for more than ten years." Ivor replied.

Luoda quickly said: "It's okay, it's okay, as long as Master Ivor has the heart, it's good to have the heart."

"Well, I will go back to study now." Ivor left a word and left. "This Ivor is so powerful, but it's just an animal trainer?" Cook wondered, what can an animal trainer do.

"That's not the case, we mainly need some materials, magic materials, when we find Master Ivor." Rocky said.

"What kind of magic material?" Cook asked suspiciously.

Luoda waved his hand and said, "It's some materials for refining'medicine' agents. We need this kind of'medicine' agents, but the'medicine' agent master here does not have the kind of'medicine' agents we need. So we need to collect magic materials by ourselves, and then ask the master of "medicine" to refine them."

"Magic'medicine' grass, I said it earlier, I think there is magic'medicine' grass on the gravel plane." Cook, you are all fools, don't know how you told me earlier.

Luoda and others are used to it, yes, they are all used to knowing everything like Cook, Rocky sighed and said: "What we need is a special magic'medicine', not the one you see. Kind."

"Oh." Cook heard such an answer and said nothing.

But what surprised Cook was that Roda and others actually have a stronghold in this ‘chaos’ plane. Cook said in amazement: “You are really rich and powerful, there is such a big place here.”

"In the "Chaos" plane, safety is the first, and the place here is very large, so we occupy a relatively large area, but you'd better not go to that area over there, see if it is our subsidiary There is our banner on the thing, and not far from there is another group of interstellar bandits. These are the places of'private' people. As long as you enter, you will bear the consequences yourself." Rocky warned Cook.

"Do I like this place too much? I like places that are unconstrained, so I'll go and take a look first?" Cook said the way I like it and said eagerly.

Luoda and the others were speechless, and Love said with a sneer: "Go, go, if there is anything, we are not responsible."

"That's good." Seeing Cook looked like he was anxious, he immediately moved forward.

"Brother Touba, come, let's take a look at the place where you live. This time we need to stay for a long time. You have to do other things, and there is time." Luoda said.

When Cook heard Roda say this, he said, "Okay, then."

When Roda and the others heard Cook's answer, they were finally relieved. Roda and the others took Cook into their residence.

"Oh, isn't this the giant's hammer? Why did you come back? Could it be that your tatters are broken again?" But a voice rang in the street.

"Haha, Giant's Hammer, could it be the big guy between the two'legs" of these guys." There was also a laugh.

Cook turned his head and took a look. The scene he saw made Cook feel a little weird. Orcs, a group of orcs, to be precise, these orcs were different from the orcs that Cook had seen, and these orcs looked even more hideous.

"Tsk tusk, there is actually a rabbit, Roda, do you like to play with rabbits now?" The guy with one arm is a big tongs, like a crab tongs guy seeing Cook’s big ears, he immediately sighed. Tao.

"Big crab, your mother called you to go home for dinner." Cook shouted when he saw these weird orcs.

After Cook finished shouting, the rest of the people looked at Cook suspiciously, because these people didn’t know what this sentence meant, but the other person was obviously provoking just now, so no matter what Cook said, these guys will Looking for trouble.

"Giant's Hammer, I'm pooh, a third-rate guy who dares to take such a name, and you humble guy, roll over to Lao Tzu." The guy with half of his arm is a crab claw said arrogantly.

"You beasts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ look at you, maybe you don’t even know your mother, and you still have the face to walk. Don’t you know how many people will be scared to death if you walk outside like this? How many children are scared to cry, even those plants won't bloom when they see you." Cook's mouth was turned in a mess, and a lot of curses came out.

"Boy, you are looking for death." The guy with half of his arm was a crab claw, and when he heard Cook scold himself like this, he rushed towards Cook angrily.

"Pop!" Cook also flashed his figure, and then people on both sides heard a pop.

"Boom!" Then a figure flew out backwards.

The guy who flew out smashed a wall far away, and then was buried by rubble. Cook waved half of the crab tongs in his hands very arrogantly: "So your mother can recognize you, it's nothing to pretend Crab, it's simply a brain disease."

"Damn it, give it to me." The strange orcs on the opposite side immediately woke up in a daze, and started to attack Cook. ;--28936+dsuaahhh+26780043-->

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