A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 118: Ivor threat

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Cook screamed, and rushed towards this man embarrassedly. This is an authentic human, but this human's eyes give people a cold feeling, as if everything is not in the eyes.

"Fuck." The figure saw that Cook didn't listen to his words, and a magical light burst out of his body. Then Cook was stunned. This person was actually equipped with a set of magic pattern equipment, yes, it was magic pattern equipment. For the first time, Cook saw a set of magicweave equipment appearing elsewhere.

"Boom." A huge sword in the hands of this volleyed human, with a dazzling red light on the sword, slashed towards Cook, it looked like he was about to kill Cook. .

Cook was surprised and surprised, but he rushed over and shouted as he rushed, "Good people, good people, thank you."

"Huh." Seeing Cook's embarrassment, the person on the opposite side gave a cold snort, and the big sword in his hand slashed towards Cook with a hot flame.

"Ah,..." With a sound, Cook rushed past with a raging flame all over his body, and then ran behind the human.

This human was also stunned. Yes, this human did not know how Cook escaped just now, but before this human could react, Ricky rushed over, blinking his eyes, and a lightning bolt Shot at this human.

At the same time several arms swept towards this human.

"It's just a rubbish, I dare to come to us to make trouble." The human snorted when he saw the monster, and the big sword in his hand suddenly shot at the monster.

"Keng, Keng." There was a close contact between Ricky's claws and this human great sword, and there was a clear collision.

The size of the two is extremely different, but Ricky’s movements are no slower than this human being. The big sword in this human’s hand carries a trail of shadows, but Ricky’s eight arms guards it seamlessly and brilliantly. The sound, the sound actually shook everyone around him very sad.

"It turns out that the claws of this monster have the effect of disturbing mental power, abnormal." Cook hid on the side, hearing this voice, he understood that the claws of this monster must have some special effect.

"Damn scumbag, get out of the way." The human holding the big sword was also exasperated and roared loudly.

"Haha, haha, you are the cheap stuff, you are all bastards, you are all damned, I am like this today because of you." Ricky laughed loudly, all over his body. With palpitations, the dragon-like body started to glow with purple thunder and lightning, and the scales turned deep purple.

"Damn bastard, get out, or don't blame me for being polite." The human figure flashed away and said coldly, staring at the monster.

"I want my body, **** crap, it actually damaged my body." Ricky roared loudly with purple light jumping in his eyes.

"Your body has something to do with us." The human replied without emotion.

"Haha, haha, it doesn’t matter. Your chamber of commerce buys so many slaves. I already know what they are used for. The slaves you buy are all experimental products. You are doing the same things as mine. In these hundreds of years, At least tens of millions of people have been bought by your chamber of commerce, but as long as they are slaves in your chamber of commerce, they never appear again, and you need slaves with strong physiques. I also need such slaves for my experiments. You are just like me. , Are used to do some shameful experiments, you treacherous, cunning, despicable human beings." Ricky roared again and again.

"It's our own business how to use the slaves we bought, if you don't leave again, don't blame me for being merciless." A cold light flashed in the eyes of this human, and said in a cold voice, the threat of the tone was already obvious.

"Haha, come on, come on." Ricky laughed.

"Go away, go away." Just after Ricky finished laughing, a loud noise rang from far to near.

"Come on, level this human place for me. I want to find the **** bunny man." Ricky yelled. It turned out that at least thousands of strange orcs appeared, followed by more. The strange orcs, obviously this is the big army back.

"Humph, you guys who are watching the fun should do it too. Our magician offered a reward. The head of a dark orc is worth ten points." The human opposite saw this scene and said with a cold snort.



People watching the lively around heard this sentence, immediately waved their weapons and started to move their hands, shouting and killing.

"Mage Guild, **** it, are these demons hiding among humans, yes, yes, the demons themselves and humans are undoubtedly, so in the human world, hiding more secretly, but what is the point? Use it." Cook glanced around and found that Roda and others were also fighting, and Cook slowly touched it.

"Boss, boss, what are you doing?" Cook touched Luoda and asked.

"Tuba... Brother Tuba, you are all right." Roda looked at Cook in astonishment.

"It's okay, this monster is really amazing, but who is that human being, the Mage Guild, is it a human mage?" Cook asked suspiciously.

Roda was about to answer, but she was wrong. She was tens of meters away from Cook immediately. Cook was stunned. Originally Cook had many ways to get out, but in order not to expose himself, Cook just reluctantly Moved a bit.

"Boom." Cook was directly hit by a huge force and flew out, hitting the rock wall severely.

"Damn bastard, I'm going to eat you alive, dare to destroy my body." Ricky's voice sounded afterwards.

"Don't run." The several powerful magicians behind Ricky immediately shouted loudly when they saw Ricky leave.

"Ahem." Cook was hit by this force, of course it was fine, but Cook managed to force out two mouthfuls of blood.

Then Cook fled in Ricky’s angry eyes, apparently fleeing to the exit, Ricky roared: "Roar."

Ricky lowered his body, and swiftly chased him in the direction of Cook's escape like a big lizard.

"Stop, stop." Several magicians behind Ricky also chased them. These magicians have at least one magicweave weapon, and their clothes are similar. They are obviously members of an organization or a force.

In the eyes of others, Cook's speed is very fast, but in Cook's own opinion, it is very slow. If Cook really wanted to run, he would have disappeared long ago.

"Hey, I'm not afraid that you monster will be rampant, you will look good when there is no one." Cook smiled in his heart, he was hit hard just now, Cook did not suffer any harm at all.

Cook looked back and his mouth broke open with a smile. Yes, that rampant human also came after the monster: "Ha, luck is here, it's a pot."

"Damn it, I must make that bunny man look good, **** bastard, you two rubbish, rubbish." Kenny kicked the two dragon guards from time to time. Kenny was insulted after being insulted by Cook. , But because of a job, Kenny couldn't find Cook's trouble for a while. It wasn't just that two groups of pirates fought at the entrance. Now Kenny went back to report and ask Cook for trouble.

"Master, look, that guy is here." A dragon man asked loudly with very useful eyes.

"Go, go, catch me this **** bunny man." Kenny shouted angrily after seeing Cook.

"Boom, boom, boom." But instead of rushing up, the two dragon men ran back quickly, because behind Cook, a monster tens of meters high and hundreds of meters long was right behind them.

"Ah, where did this **** provoke this perversion? We don't have such an ugly monster in the plane of chaos." Kenny was also taken aback, and ran back quickly while shouting loudly.

"Damn bastard, dare to say I'm ugly, bastard, bastard." A roar rang from behind.

Kenny and the two dragon men ran happily, but there was something faster than these three. After seeing Kenny and the two dragon men, Cook said with contempt: No, you are just a waste, you are suitable to be a snack for the big guy behind, bye."

"Asshole, asshole, stop for me." Kenny roared with red eyes when he was ridiculed by Cook.

Boom, the three guys were slapped by Ricky and flew out, and then a bolt of lightning in his eyes hit the three of Kenny, and the three of them smelled of burnt smell.

"It's Kenny, **** bastard." After seeing Kenny, the other magicians roared angrily. Two of the magicians took Kenny back and the other three continued to chase Ricky~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook quickly rushed out of the underground world, and then Cook appeared in the jungle thousands of meters away from the entrance of the cave with a flash, and Cook also shouted loudly: "Come on, come on. , You are a silt monster."

"Tweet." A tweeted cry attracted Cook. Cook saw a green bird on the branch and stared at him with bright eyes.

"Haha, it turned out to be a green bird, good fellow, I can finally get rid of it." Cook said with a smile when he saw that it was a green bird, and then a huge one-meter-high green bird appeared.

"Tweet." This green bird is the baby bird that Cook brought out in the overlapping space. This guy is not very strong, but his body is extremely strong, and he is the king in the circle of nature. Just listen to Cook alone. Windsor did not listen.

"Tweet, twee, twee, twee." In an instant, one after another tweeted, and within ten seconds, hundreds of green birds appeared around Cook's body. Cook was dumbfounded, --9004+ d8z1w+1879386-->

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