A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 120: The frightened president

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"Let go of me, let me go, boss, save me." Cook was taken away by several dragons, and Cook's voice was very miserable and he seemed helpless. -..-

Kenny squinted at Roda and said, "You kid, forget it this time, but next time you dare to be disrespectful to me, I let your base stay here for ten years before repairing."

"Yes, yes." Roda was also extremely depressed, because Kenny actually secretly moved his hands and feet to make the repair of the base moved a few months later, knowing that the base stays on the plane of chaos. Here, that's money. Many people have to consume it. This is a big expense.

So Roda and others had to seek out Kenny, and Cook naturally became Kenny’s target to deal with. It’s not like that just after Cook came back, Roda sent someone to report to Cook, and Roda watched Kenny's arrogant back sighed secretly.

"Boom. Alas!" Kenny slammed a stick on Cook's back, and Cook yelled in pain. Of course, this was all pretend, and this little force was scratching Cook's abnormal physique. Itching doesn't count.

"Arrogant, arrogant, boy, I will show you better later." Kenny heard Cook's screaming voice ←,., his heart was very comfortable, and the stick in his hand fell again fiercely , And several dragon people around grabbed Cook tightly.

The joy in Cook’s heart, I just didn’t know how to check the details of this Association of Alchemists. No one would lead the way. If Kenny knew Cook’s details, I’m afraid he wouldn’t dare to do it if Kenny had the courage to do so. Ke saw that he was taken into a huge building complex. He just looked at the equipment of different races coming in and out here, and he knew that this place was not from ordinary people, and the structure here gave Cook a familiar feeling.

"Mage Tower, goodbye Mage Tower." When Cook went a little deeper, he walked in from a mountain'hole' on a cliff. After walking for more than a thousand meters, Cook saw an amazing scene. , There is a huge sky in front of Cook. Yes, this is a huge almost vertical pit, like a tiankeng, but Cook is at the bottom and in front of Cook’s eyes, it’s that sharp There are hundreds of mage towers, and what makes Cook's eyes shrink is that there are'holes' on the stone walls around the tiankeng. Cook boldly guessed that the tiankeng is around There are no other similar sinkholes.

"Quack, kid, your good day is here. This is the secret of our Alchemist Association." Kenny said when he saw Cook's astonishment.

Kenny led Cook to the middle of the sinkhole. Cook carefully observed that there was no guard here, and no one was seen. But Cook discovered from the surrounding railings and other places, this place is a warning. Strictly, there are detecting magic lines everywhere, as well as attacking magic lines. As long as the person behind the "control" or monitor is willing, then this place can become **** in a blink of an eye.

"It seems that I have come right this time." Cook slumped his head, his heart was irritated.

I don't know why, facing the huge demons, Cook is not afraid, but a little excited.

"Kenny, where did you go?" Cook was led by Kenny and his party to a mage tower, and a man dressed as a human wizard asked Kenny.

"Master Quinn, I'm going to catch the culprit who caused this ‘sorry’ and ‘chaos’, I’m going to report it to the chairman now." Kenny quickly replied, with a somewhat flattering tone.

"It's this guy with good physique. Take it to me first, and I'll interrogate it first." Quinn heard Kenny say this and said.

"Master Quinn, this is an order from the president." Kenny replied uncompromisingly.

Cook secretly observed and discovered that the arrangement of these mage towers actually had a certain order, as if it were a huge array of sealed magic, but without specific observations, Cook was still ‘not sure’.

"Kenny, don't what I said didn't work?" Quinn looked at Kenny with a sneer.

"I listen to the chairman." Kenny replied, not to be outdone, which would definitely not give you face.

"Okay, Kenny, you remembered it for me." Quinn dropped a word and left.

When Kenny saw Quinn leaving, he whispered: "Unlucky, I will run into this guy."

"Bang, what to see, and quickly bring it in." After seeing Cook, Kenny kicked Cook fiercely, and then shouted to the dragon.

Cook easily entered this mage tower. Unlike the ones seen outside, the inside of the mage tower is very busy and people come and go. Cook has the illusion that he has come to the mission hall of the Adventurer's Guild.

"The magical civilization here is so developed!" Cook saw these people coming out of an elevator-like room, and then someone went in. If Cook didn't have magic eyes, he might think it was a room, but it was actually there. The space teleportation array is just a short distance.

The layout here is different from that of the demons, but it is the same as the layout of the ancient magician’s mage tower. Cook pretended to be in a coma, and was then taken into a teleportation formation by Kenny. There was a flash in front of him. Cook waited. The person appeared in another hall.

"Kenny, what are you doing here?" someone asked Kenny.

"I brought important prisoners, which is the culprit that caused the city of chaos this time." Kenny spoke with confidence this time. Obviously the questioner is not high in status, but Kenny must answer. .

"I'll ask the master." The interrogator heard this and said.

Ten seconds later, the man waved his hand and said: "The master said, take it down and put it in custody. Now the master is busy."

"Yes, yes." Kenny heard this and was about to take Cook away.

"Hehe, since I'm here, why are you leaving now? Isn't it too polite to be the host?" Cook's voice sounded slowly.

"You... bang, bang, bang, bang." Kenny looked at Cook in surprise, but before he finished speaking, he was kicked into the teleportation formation, which was deformed, obviously It was no longer usable, and the rest of the dragons were kicked out by Cook a few times, and then they were motionless.

"Hehe, take me to see your master." Cook looked at a warrior wrapped in armor, and this warrior actually had magic-weave weapons.

"Kill!" The soldier finally reacted, and rushed towards Cook after taking away the blazing magic light.

"Bang. Such waste can also serve as a guard." But the soldier was kicked out by Cook the next moment. After Cook took a closer look, he walked forward.

In front of a big'door' full of powerful protection, Cook said with a smile: "Open the'door', I know you are inside, don't think that there are two complex magic patterns you can hide inside. ."

"Damn it, what kind of person Kenny brought, come here, come here." A person in the room saw Cook's magic projection outside the big'door' and took a breath of air-conditioning, just for a short time. Cook’s methods are extremely powerful. On the way from the teleportation formation, there were several attacking magic lines. Creatures passing there without their permission would be bombarded by magic lines, but the bunny just now was just Just wave your hand, all the control magic lines are invalid. A short wave of your hand even the guild leader can’t understand, but if the attacking magic pattern does not work, you know that the wave just now is not easy. The guild leader has a kind of fear , Immediately pressed a switch, and then shouted.

"Hello." The next moment the chairman took two steps back, and the big ‘door’ with the best defense in the entire building opened automatically. Then a bunny man came in and said with a smile.

"Kang Dang!" The bunny man then closed the room's door. As the president, he wouldn't be able to open the two big doors until the dragon, let alone a bunny man.

"Tsk tusk, good stuff." The first thing Cook saw was the furnishings in the room. As for this human being, Cook didn't care about it. Of course, the five-fold superimposition of madness must be turned on, and Cook has a big piece The best black gemstone.

Full of the size of a head, and extremely pure, these gems are actually agglomerated from some rare elements, so these gems have a very special'sexuality' in terms of smelting. Under the horrified gaze of the president, black The gem disappeared. Although the president was a little bit painful, he didn't dare to say anything.

"Tsk, here is a room, it is a prison, but a luxurious prison. The whole room uses thirty-four magic pattern arrays. I have to say that it is already very powerful, but these magic pattern arrays are too connected. It's rough ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in my eyes, it looks like the works of the apprentice of the Mageweaver." Cook sighed, rubbing his hands over the things in the room, the finest gems for decoration, and The best magic crystal and some other precious magic materials, but the things that Cooke rubbed all disappeared.

"Are you a "trait" from the Demon Race?" Cook was considering how to ask, his momentum has overwhelmed this guy, so what should I do next, but at this moment, Cook heard a strange sentence .

"The'traitor' sent by the Demon Race, is this a joke?" Cook took a moment to stop, walked to the opposite of the president with a smile, and asked coldly.

"Only the Demon Race has such a high level of magic patterns, but your status in the Demon Race is certainly not low, at least at the level of the Demon King. Although your Excellency successfully entered here today, your wish to leave is probably not that simple." The chairman's voice became more and more determined. ', "I have never heard of the devil. I came here to ask one thing. The slaves you bought went there. If you don't give me an answer, then everything here will...boom." Cook Countless thoughts turned in his mind, and finally asked seriously. ;--28936+dsuaahhh+27033937-->

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