A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 133: Messenger

Lal heard Cook say so and quickly followed. What Cook didn’t know was that he was leaving the farm and welcomed hundreds of elite knights. These knights rushed into the farm and saw the dead and wounded inside. After people, yelled in anger.

After half an hour, everyone in the farm was driven out, more and more knights flocked to it, and some speeding cars continued to arrive.

"How about, what's the gain?" A man in a silver-white robe looked at the slaves who had been driven together in disgust, and asked.

"Report to Lord Deacon that the civilians and guards here are dead, and the deaths are extremely tragic." A knight in silver armor reported respectfully.

"Who did it?" the middle-aged man in the silver robe asked.

"It should be done by a group of outsiders recently." The silver armored knight replied.

"Should this word not appear in your mouth, I want to confirm the news, and how can outsiders come here, you must know that this place is hundreds of kilometers away from the incident, and what do you **** guys do? What is the use for you, is it just to waste food?" The silver-robed middle-aged man questioned the silver-armored knight without any anger.

"Puzzling." The silver-armored knight crawled to the ground, and the surrounding knights also crawled to the ground closely. The slaves in the distance were already crawling to the ground.

"My deacon, the outsiders are very cunning this time. We have already lost a speeding car, one priest, two temple warriors, and one priest who is still unclear." The silver armored knight shivered quickly. Replied.

The silver-robed middle-aged man said with a cold snort: "Forget it this time, but these two guys must be caught alive and sacrificed to the devil."

"Yes." When the silver armor knight heard this, he immediately knocked his head.

Countless knights emerged from underground farms in all directions. Inside the green crops, knights walked side by side. What was left was the trampled farmland. The countless beasts in the forest flee from the wind. After flying by, a blockade of thousands of kilometers has been formed.

Countless tight checkpoints are waiting, and countless speeding vehicles are constantly patrolling the air.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh weather day by day by day by day).

"Cook, are these **** **** locked on us?" Lal asked nervously.

"Nothing, but we must have already discovered it. Looking at the previous levels, I guess we're going to do it this time." Cook also saw this situation, and he had the worst plan in his heart.

"But if you do it, we can't escape according to the marching degrees of these guys." Lal didn't know that Cook had a natural ring of artifact level, a machete of artifact level, and a thunder that was more advanced than the artifact. Ya, sealing the magic pillar, of course, I don’t know that as long as Cook is willing, countless knights will appear here immediately. Cook is only unwilling to act rashly without knowing the enemy’s situation, but if he Cook is anxious. In Cook's eyes, these people are nothing more than tofu on the chopping board.

"Huh, not necessarily." Cook is not very relieved of Lal. After all, he is facing the demons, so Cook's methods are not going to be exposed, and there are spies of the demons and humans on the **** fortress. Traitor, there is no guarantee that this Ral is not such a guy.

"Well, I wanted to do it a long time ago, and the man is about to live vigorously." When Lal heard Cook's words, he thought Cook was not sure, after all, Cook's answer was ambiguous.

After a careful discussion between Cook and Lal, the figure appeared from a distance. Less than five minutes after Cook and Lal were revealed, the beeping alarm sounded.

"Kill." Cook holds a two-handed sword in his hand. This is a sword that Cook hasn't used for a long time, but it is a single-edged sword, that is, something like a saber. It is six meters long. The blade.

Cook's speed was extremely fast. As soon as the alarm was issued for the level consisting of hundreds of knights in the distance, Cook rushed to the front of the level, and the huge single-edged sword slashed towards the level with a bright red. It is made of ordinary logs.

"Boom." Cook cracked a huge hole in the several-meter-high level. The several knights on it were bombarded to the point that there was no trace left, only the occasional falling cloth fell on the ground, and then blown away by the wind. open.

"Meteor rain." The rest of the knights rushed towards Cook desperately. These guys didn't know what fear was or what fear was. Instead, they shouted and rushed over, but the next moment, blossoming The huge fireballs fell down like rain. Each fireball was half a meter in diameter. These fireballs fell on the ground and burst open instantly. Within a radius of tens of meters, they immediately became a sea of ​​fire. .


"Come on."

"Kill these **** bastards." Even in the midst of the fire, these knights still shouted charging horns, and their eyes were frantic.

However, within a few seconds, this level was broken. The hundreds of knights left less than double digits, and the rest almost disappeared, whether it was Cook’s violent single-edged sword or Lal’s meteor fire rain magic. Nothing left the knights.

Five minutes later, when the silver-armored knight saw the level in front of him, he took a breath. The silver-robed middle-aged man was not angry, but said with a smile: "Okay, you don't need to chase these two guys, Temple Knight. The regiment will deal with them."

"My lord, we need to dispatch the Temple Knights." The silver armored knight asked in surprise.

"Meteor fire rain, forbidden curse-level magic, and this forbidden curse magic is easy to cast, and it is released without sensing the fluctuation of magic power. It is estimated that it is a sanctuary-level powerhouse. This is not something you can deal with." The middle-aged man in the robe said lightly.

"No, sir, but..." The silver-armored knight shouted immediately when he heard this.

When the silver-robed middle-aged man heard this, his face also changed. The silver-robed middle-aged man then spouted a mouthful of blood. After the blood was sprayed out, he immediately rushed towards the silver-clad knight as if he was alive. In the past, the silver-armored knight was wrapped in an instant. In less than two seconds, the silver-armored knight disappeared, and then the blood swept over the surrounding thousands of knights like a squirming blood-red mist, but it took only a minute. , The silver-robed middle-aged man was left with himself and the two servants behind him.

"Zizizi." Then the blood burned, and a voice came out coldly in the burning red flame.

"Report your lord, I am on the o32 plane. We have outsiders here, and the level is above the sanctuary level. Now these two outsiders have seriously threatened the grain storage base on the o32 plane and requested support." Middle-aged Yinpao Report with a pale face.

"Sure it is Sanctuary, what race it is." The voice sounded again, as if there was no emotion at all.

"Two human beings are sure to be in the sanctuary, one warrior and one magician." The middle-aged man in silver robe squatted on the ground, reporting loudly.

"Get up." The next moment, a light gate suddenly appeared, two people dressed as magicians came out of the light gate, and one of the magicians with a silver badge on his chest said.

"Silver Divine Envoy." When the middle-aged man in Yinpao looked up, he cried out in surprise.

"Get up." The magician next to the silver robe **** envoy who thought he was wearing a bronze eye badge shouted coldly.

"Yes, yes, two divine envoys." The middle-aged man in Yinpao quickly got up, but his waist was almost ninety degrees.

"Where is the enemy?" The silver robe **** envoy asked.

"Before, less than fifteen minutes have passed." The middle-aged man in Yinpao pointed his finger and said.

When the silver-robed middle-aged man finished speaking, the silver-robed divine envoy and the bronze divine envoy flew into the distance with two streams of light. The speed of relief made the silver-robed middle-aged man open his mouth in shock.

"Cook, we really want to enter the city. There are a lot of people here." Looking at the 100-meter city wall in front of you, there are countless knights on it, among them there are magic crystal cannons with waves of terrifying magic. Ral asked with a guilty conscience.

"Hehe, hidden in the city." Cook said with a smile, and then walked towards the city gate swaggering in a suit of armor.

"Greatly hidden in the city." Lal smacked Cook's words, and Lal found that Cook was actually a poet, and he would say such a very philosophical sentence.

Lal also bravely followed behind Cook, but Lal's mental power is tense, ready to use his best magic at any time.

"Stop~www.wuxiaspot.com~ where did you come from." Cook and Lal were stopped and asked loudly.

"Haha, we are... Boom." Cook haha ​​and replied to the knight who questioned him, but then a red light flashed, and the 100-meter-high city wall flew suddenly, and a thousand-meter-high flame directly Rushing into the sky, a huge hole appeared at the gate of the city.

"Cook, aren't we going to get in." Lar was surprised. Lar thought that Cook was going to get into the city. Knowing that Cook actually did it directly, and he was obviously using a high-end Sanctuary scroll. The power of a fire magic is dozens of times more powerful than the best one.

Cook walked into the city without looking back, and then said: "Who said that, I just want to dress up like this for us to get closer to the city gate."

Lal followed Cook and rushed into the city. There was chaos in the city. Cook and Lal disappeared in the city, but when Lal and Cook disappeared in the city, the silver-robed **** and the bronze **** envoy watched Looking at the destroyed city wall, he took a breath of air.

"Call for support, this is at least a high-level sanctuary strong, preparing to block the entire o32 plane." The silver-robed divine envoy shouted loudly.

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