A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 136: monster


With a sound, the scene around Cook has undergone a fundamental change. Originally, it looked like a very primitive monument, but now it is surrounded by a world of metal. The floor is made of metal, the ceiling is made of metal, and the walls are made of metal. Cook found himself It's in a passage, but one side is a wall and the other is an exit, which means that Cook can only move in one direction.

"It was teleported over just now, but I didn't see the teleportation magic pattern or teleportation array, so how could it be teleported away." Cook did not move, because just now Cook discovered that the surrounding scenery changed because he was teleported away. I went to the place just now, but there is a suspicious point, that is, Cook did not find the teleportation magic pattern or the teleportation array. To know the current spatial teleportation, you need an excitation device, the magic pattern or the teleportation array or teleportation formed by the magic array Door, none of the other Cook has heard of it.

"Dang." Cook tapped the floor with his hand and found that it was really metal.

The surrounding walls are also metal, and the metal wall is not made of metal. There is no trace of magic circle or magic pattern on the metal wall.

"Boom, zizizi, zizizi." Cook still hit the metal wall hard. Of course he didn't use a lot of force, just a little hit, but with this, countless flashes appeared on the surrounding walls. When the thunder and lightning occurred, Cook was constantly trembling in place.

"It's weird." For five seconds, the walls, floors, and ceilings continuously released powerful electric currents. Although the paralyzing effect of this electric current would not cause Cook to lose consciousness, the discomfort is certain. It took only five seconds, and then Cook moved slowly.

Someone asked Cook why he didn’t use a five-fold mad attack. This was because Cook had concerns. There was no magic circle, no magic pattern, and he was attacked by magic inexplicably. No one dared to try it easily. It’s too weird. The natural ring could not be used.

Cook was going to take a look first, but after Cook walked a hundred meters, he saw a huge metal hall with a height of about five meters, all made of metal, and how big the whole hall is, anyway, he saw it at a glance. Except for the metal pillars, there was nothing else, and a thick layer of ash fell on the ground.

"Where is this Nima?" Cook caught his blindness and went out.

"Huh." Then Cook saw that there were several passages beside the passage where he had just come out, and there were several large cuneiform characters above these passages.

"Accommodation area, living area, trade area, training area." After a careful discrimination, Cook found that these were the meanings, and Cook was puzzled.

"Training area." Cook walked towards the passage of the training area. There was still nothing at the end of the passage, except for the smooth floor, walls, and ceiling.

Cook cautiously walked towards the end of the passage. Suddenly the scenery in front of Cook flashed, and Cook was teleported to an unfamiliar area again. The buildings around Cook were still monuments, but they were different from what Cook saw just now. Yes, the surroundings of this monument are also built with stones, but these stones are like lapis lazuli, and they look very heavy.

"This place is weird." Cook did not impulsively, but planned to see what is weird in this place. What made Cook depressed was that the natural ring still could not be opened, so Cook only had Thunder's teeth, Feng Feng Magic Pillar, as for the machete, Cook has long been thrown into the Ring of Nature, but there are some medicine Cooke. Cook is to prevent this from happening, so there are some medicines on the body, but the number is not very large.

When Cook searched this weird place, the demon **** was furious: "Damn it, have you located the position of the tower of power."

"Your Majesty, we have roughly located the location of the Tower of Power, which is somewhere in a different space. Due to the influence of spatial turbulence, our positioning is not very accurate in a short time." A man dressed as a magician was crawling. Earth, trembling report.

"Different space, **** it, it's all the **** human beings. What is the origin of that human being." The devil thought it was the Tower of Power that escaped. You must know that the Tower of Power itself was fixed somewhere, but for some reason. The Tower of Power broke free and escaped. Of course, the Mozu also left something on the Tower of Power, so it was able to locate the position.

"The escaped human has found a trace, but this person blew himself up. We are collecting his soul fragments and restoring the memory." The following demons reported tremblingly.

"Speed ​​up, as long as we have the tower of power, we can re-rule all planes." The demon **** commanded with a gloomy face.

"Report to your Majesty, we have successfully located the location of the Tower of Strength." At this moment, a magical image in the hall suddenly opened, and a demon inside said excitedly.

"Okay, ready to teleport. This time we must gain control of the Tower of Power and bring the secret weapon we cultivated. The only thing that can be used in the Tower of Power is power." The Demon God stood up suddenly and commanded.

The Demon God, together with thousands of Demon Races, and the secret weapons cultivated by the Demon Race, were transmitted into the Tower of Power. The Demon God looked at the maze-like passage around him, sighed and said, "Finally came in again."

However, the demon **** looked around and there were only a few demons around, and issued an order: "Call other people first. The most important thing is to find the secret weapon we cultivated. That is the key to obtaining the tower of power."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The surrounding demons skillfully took out a small hammer, and then began to beat them rhythmically. While moving, there was a stethoscope-like thing. Obviously these demons knew that they would encounter this situation.

A white light flashed in front of Cook's eyes suddenly, and then a monster appeared in front of Cook. The reason why he said it was a monster was not to say that this guy had an abominable face, but that this guy had a strange body shape.

He is eight feet tall and has a waist circumference of eight feet. Cook still remembers Wei Xiaobao's words in Lu Ding Ji. Now the monster in front of Cook is three meters in height, not to mention three meters in waist, at least 2.5 meters, and looks like a pillar. , As for the arms are as thick as Cook's body, and the guy's skin is a little dark, and there are thick hairs on it.

When Cook saw this guy, he stepped back two steps immediately, and then looked at the big guy with vigilance. You must know that Cook is only two meters, two and three. The big guy in front of him is compared with Cook. One is a barrel. Edible oil is the same as bottled mineral water, visually.

One minute later, this big guy looked at Cook, motionless, his mouth was still drooling, Cook looked at the guy's eyes, and he muttered in his heart: "Nima won't be a fool."

"Ding Ding, Ding Ding." Suddenly Cook heard the sound of Ding Ding, and the Sealing Demon Pillar in Cook's hand was pulled out.

Then Cook looked at the big guy vigilantly, and then rushed towards the place where the noise was heard. Finally, there was a little movement, and Cook would let it go.

"Devil." When Cook saw the clinking sound, it was three demon tribes. One of the three demon tribes was holding a small hammer and constantly beating the stone wall, making a tinkling sound, and there was a very loud sound in the passage. far.

Cook retracted his head, but when he retracted it, Cook was shocked. There was a one-meter-diameter big head behind him. When Cook Dingqing took a look, he realized that it was the monster he saw, this monster. Leaning on Cook’s body, yes, although this monster has a human-like body, it crawls on the ground, like a livestock, but Cook still sees fear in the monster’s eyes, of course the goal of fear is The demons in the distance are not Cook himself.

"Could it be that this guy was abused by the demons." Cook was puzzled and thought to himself.

"Kill." Cook looked at the three demons sluggishly, and then saw that there were no other demons around, so he carried the Sealed Demon Pillar, roared in his heart, and then rushed out with an afterimage.

"Bang." Just for a moment, the three demons were directly blown up by Feng Mozhu, but the heads flew out. Feng Mozhu itself is extremely heavy, plus Cook's perverted power, even if it is. A giant dragon will also be blown up, not to mention three demons. Of course, the demons don't even know that the killer Cook is here.

"Woo, khacha, khacha." Just after Cook finished the fight, he felt a flower in front of him, and then the heads of the three demons disappeared, and the monsters behind him screamed and chewed. what.

"Your sister, I just want the memory fragments of these guys." Cook jumped his feet. The reason why Cook didn't blow the head of the demons was because he wanted to know what this place was from the memory fragments of these demons. But obviously there is no way now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because three heads were eaten by this monster.

"Huh." What made Cook even more surprised was that the blood of the Demon Race was absorbed by the surrounding walls. You must know that the blood of the Demon Race would gather together and then fled instantly.

"Does it have something to do with this special environment?" Cook thought about it afterwards, but was not sure.

Cook then looked at the monster. The look in Cook's eyes was somewhat dependent. Of course, Cook didn't know that the monster was the secret weapon cultivated by the demons. Of course, he was tortured in the process of being cultivated. Moreover, in order to better control this monster, the intelligence of this monster is extremely low. It can be said that the intelligence of this monster is not as high as that of ordinary cats and dogs. It is only equivalent to the intelligence of a puppy. Therefore, this monster is very good to the demon and its Fear, and after seeing Cook kill the demons, the monster's attitude towards Cook can be imagined.

"Ding Ding." Cook walked in front, the monster followed Cook's ass, and this monster was crawling a little higher than Cook, but when the monster buried its head on the ground, let Cook's body cover In his own vision, Cook was dumbfounded when he saw this situation. Cook thought of shooting rabbits in the past. In the wheat field, the rabbit would lie on the ground after seeing a person, so he thought that the person would not be able to detect it, but the rabbit had to stand upright. Hearing with ears, so... Just as Cook thought of this, he heard a ding-ding sound again.

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